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Directors Commentary'

Dust Clears Task 4 - Script Hello Im Greg Im Oli And Im Seb Seb: At the very beginning of our entire research, we as a group were fascinated by the niche style of music videos that is conforms to the indie genre of music !his then lead for us to loo"up music videos on #outube $a video sharing platform% based towards a niche mar"et such as the song About #ou & ''##'', being directed by (eff )ash !his video started our inspiration of wanting to produce a creative and uni*ue video, however not all songs would suit this style of video, therefore the genre of our song choice was selected carefully by researching bands such as +idnap +id, ,orgon City, -e #outh etc from listening to these bands on i!unes, browsing their websites, watching their music videos etc Video Starts Greg: !he stages of production within our music video were vital in order to produce a professional *uality loo"ing video, however this involved using different media technologies .or e/ample, during the production of our music video we filmed with a 0ony .0122, a professional industry camera that allowed us to create shots providing a greater depth of field allowing the image to loo" more cinematic to therefore aid us to create a professional *uality product !his camera is compatible with different lens types 3e used a Carl 4eiss series of lenses, obtaining the best optics which therefore allows them to be very high *uality 3e used the 4eiss prime lens 15mm for wide shots, a 67mm for medium shots and 72 mm for close8up and e/treme close ups .or e/ample, the changing of lenses occurred when filming in different locations, such as in the Hospital 9ntrance 0cene where we changed to a wide angled lens Oli: In our opening scene we have attempted to set the scene by revealing shots of a Hospital by using the 0ony :9'87 camera by panning across the ;oyal 0urrey Hospital located in ,uildford, this is then conformed by the surgeon outfits the band are wearing in specific scenes !his supports the overall narrative of our video but also supporting the bands )A-0 $life saviours% and this was done from the use camera wor" 3e then used a variety of shots within the car crash scene to show the importance of our lead singers by using close ups and giving them more camera time in editing to show there features consistently so the audience can identify there importance, although this was also done to clearly indicate to our audience who is the protagonist Greg: 0pecifically, in the post production process, we used .inal Cut <ro $.C<% being a no linear editing software, on an Apple =ac 0ystem to edit our video together but before we had to upload all of our footage from the memory cards >eing fully prepared and e*uipped to use this piece of technology, it allowed us to e/periment with shot orders and identify what would go well with what !his therefore enabled us to create a more individual, uni*ue and professional loo"ing video However, convergence can be identified as we had to upload the music to accompany the video as well in order for us to obtain an effective lip sync and match certain aspects of the video to the beat, this being regular conventions in music videos

Oli: In .C< we used tools such as label logging to navigate through our mar"ed footage to ma"e the editing process much more organised and efficient way Also, the ra?or tool became very beneficial as this enabled us to manipulate the shots within this program to ma"e them the e/act length we wanted them to be It enabled us to crop our video to specific times, such as beats in the songs, of which is a convention in music videos, therefore it is e/pected and admired by audience members Seb@ Another "ey aspect that is associated within the post8production stage involves the lip sync and visual footage with the match to the audio trac" behind it !hrough doing this we create a fluid and coherent media te/t where the actors actually appear to be performing the song which is essential for the bands credibility !his then can be associated with the occurring motif $i e the death of the lead singer and saviours of the band% within the video which we have attempted to identify to our audience though the editing and flow of the video Greg: Also, aspects of convergence can be identified as we are able to combine the wav file $=usic .ile% with the mov file but mute the sound from that !his is one of the many e/amples of how digital technologies enabled us to be more creative in the production of our product Scott: Aur video overall as a finished product is a very moving yet effective video as we have attempted to use hidden morals and meanings within the video by using props, actresses, lighting, mise en scene etc 3e relied heavily on lighting in our video, therefore shutter speeds $being at 1BC2 varying to 1B122% and e/posure levels $being decreased to 81db and varying to 2Ddb% were important as having these aspects set too high would eliminate the purpose of the original set lighting However, slight changes in contrast and brightness setting in .C< were tampered with to add a further form of depth and cinematic aspect to it Seb: Ane of the main scenes that too" most time in the production process was the Crash !est Dummy 0cene where we had a hanging crash test dummy from the ceiling as well as a smo"e machine pumping smo"e from underneath it !his was filmed on the 0ony .0122 and a dolly trac"ing system was used to circle these props Greg: !his scene was very cinematic and we had ta"en a lot of care into ma"ing this scene near perfect It was very difficult to time and to get the right angle as we would tilt up and down the crash test dummy to actorBactress However, the reason why we had done so much wor" on this scene was because this conformed to the indie image of our band and this scene formed the aspects of the band image as well as showing the meanings and morals more clearly

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