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Interview with Nick

Q.1 Current use of time

In an ordinary week, how do you currently spend your time? (What takes most time, how much time spent on work, family, leisure etc?) I spend most of my time at work (unfortunately), followed by family time.

Q.1a Feelings about current time use?

( ow do you feel a!out your time use now? "oes it fit with your #oals? $re there other thin#s you%d like to fit in?) I think more family time is required but the only real substantial quality time is during the weekend.

Q.2 Time use ten years on

&lease think ahead, to your life ten years from now' ow does your use of time look then? (What will your #oals !e then? Will you !e employed? What will you do when you are not workin#?) Ten years from now I expect life to be very different. e will have our own business, it!ll be seasonal work so there will be much more opportunity.

Q.2a Feelings about future time use?

"oes it fit with your #oals? "o you e(pect to have enou#h time to do what you want to do? "es that!s really the goal. #pare time is a dream.

Q.3 Volunteer work means?

)olunteer work* what does that phrase mean to you? $iving without expecting any concrete personal return

Q.4 Volunteering experience

ave you done any volunteer work? "es What did you do, and when? I did some work on conservation and wildlife. $ot roped in by a mate. ow was the e(perience? It was actually surprisingly en%oyable %ust being there with other people with similar interest& "ou felt good at the end of the day ' but that was sort of it. Would you do more in future? (aybe, I don!t really think I!ve considered it. )o spare time&


!at sorts of people "olunteer?

To me there are two types of volunteers. *irstly there are those who are able to balance their life with some form of volunteer work. I respect this and these people. I know some of these people. The other type ' well, this may not be relevant but I have little respect for the groups where volunteers groups become obsessive and cause protests, without regards to financial losses or

complication. +nd often they are more nuisance than they!re worth, %ust getting in the way ' that organi,ation has a %ob to do, if you!re volunteering you need to get down and allow yourself to be organi,ed.

Q.5a Typical volunteer worker?

+an you descri!e a typical volunteer? Typical volunteer work includes welfare, wildlife protection, conservation, old age care ' that sort of contribution. )ot people trying to take over, impose their values on regular workers. -ike green groups stopping workers from getting on with their work ' real work that they get paid for.

Q.# $ewar%s for "olunteer work

What do you think motivates volunteers? (What do they #et out of it?) ell, if they!re doing it for good purposes, they get a feeling of goodwill and the belief that they have helped contribute to a better world for them and their children. #ome people or companies do it however for external recognition and their actions are politically motivated.

Q.6a Incentives for volunteering?

What incentives should !e offered for volunteerin#? I think there should be some form of work related incentive. -ike, if you spend one day doing volunteer work in your own time, we will contribute this much per year (or similar). If you were volunteerin# your time, how would you like to !e thanked? I don!t think thanks is necessary. "o you think volunteers should !e paid for their costs? )o, but basic drinks etc should be provided (if an organi,ed event)

Q.& images of "olunteers

I!d like to show you some photos of volunteers at work. *or each, please give your thoughts about the situation and the people, what you think of their contributions and of their motivations.

Interviewer* show Ima#es of )olunteers card' Q. a !onservation in "ri #anka

,our thou#hts a!out -ouise and her volunteer work? .onservation is a world issue, and her work and time should be congratulated. /er motivation is solely to protect #ri -anka for her own generation and others. /er reward is seeing damaged areas recover.

Q. b $ousing in $on%uras
,our thou#hts a!out .oss and the work he is doin#? I don!t know enough about this situation.

Q. c Foo% program in &elbourne

,our thou#hts a!out /atie and her volunteer work? 0atie is doing this work as she likes to help people. /er volunteer work is probably very often (not %ust once or twice a year). #he feels this is necessary because the level of care is not

adequate. #he!s right, though you wonder whether it wouldn!t be better if there wasn!t a lot of 0aties there to do it.

Q.' ()out yourself

&lease fill in the followin# details* "our gender1 "our age1 "our current %ob1 6o you expect to be employed in 73 years! time1 "our highest level of education1 /ave you ever done volunteer work1 6o you currently do any volunteer work1 If you have done volunteering, what sort of organi,ation have you volunteered for1 hat sort of an organi,ation would you most like to volunteer for1 (ale 23425 IT )o Tertiary "es )o .onservation ildlife or animal protection or conservation, outdoorsy work where you get good exercise and do practical things and they don!t boss you round too much.

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