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Should your Doctor be Studying Astrology?

The ancient Greek doctor Hippocrates said, a physician without knowledge of astrology has no right to call himself a physician ! "elie#ers in astrology ha#e, for thousands of years, looked to the position of the sun and planets to understand our health, our personalities, and to make predictions about the future Today you will still find horoscopes gi#ing ad#ice on romance and finance in newspapers across the $ S , but most people %ust read it for entertainment &ess than '() of people in the $ S belie#e in astrology, which is less than the number of people who belie#e in $*+s ,t seems cra-y to think that the day we were born has any effect on who we are, but recent research is starting to say differently .ore than a few research studies ha#e shown a connection between your birthday and higher risks of '/ medical disorders These include schizophrenia, diabetes, and allergies 0eople born in the Northern Hemisphere during the months of +ctober, 1o#ember, and December ha#e a higher risk of de#eloping schi-ophrenia ,nterestingly, these risks are re#ersed if you were born in the Southern Hemisphere, where people born in the months of April, .ay, and 2une ha#e a higher risk of de#eloping schi-ophrenia Scientists are not sure why this is, but they are guessing that it could be connected to the decreased hours of sunlight during the winter season The amount of sunlight we get each day affects our production of 3itamin D and our circadian clock The circadian clock is our inner timer that tells us when to wake and sleep ,t also affects our metabolism and our neurochemicals ,t4s possible that the way in which our circadian clock is first set at the time of our birth has long reaching effects on our health throughout our life 5esearchers ha#e also found links between our total lifespan and times of birth 6entenarians 7 people who ha#e li#ed for more than 899 years 7 are more likely to ha#e been born in autumn 1o one is sure why this is either, but some people are guessing that it may be connected to nutrition 0eople today are able to get enough nutrients year round, but this wasn4t always true Today4s centenarians were born in the early '9th century, a time when the a#ailability of a wide #ariety of nutritious foods was directly connected to the seasons Astrology might not be the best guide for the modern world, but it4s interesting to think that the time and space of our entry into the world does play a part in who we are &et us know what you think in the comments

physician 7 doctor horoscope 7 a prediction of the future based on astrology schizophrenia 7 a type of mental disorder Northern Hemisphere 7 the part of the earth north of the e:uator Southern Hemisphere 7 the part of the earth south of the e:uator

metabolism 7 all chemical processes in the body neurochemicals 7 chemicals in the brain such as serotonin and dopamine

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