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Abortion is one of the most worst cases among teenagers nowadays.

It happens not only in Malaysia but also all over the world. I have read and researched a journal by Lisa B. Haddad and Nawal M. Nour about abortion with the title !nsafe Abortion" !nnecessary Maternal Mortality#. In this article$ the writers had rised a lot of issues about abortion and e%plained lot of facts. &he main issue discussed in this article is the safety and ris's of doing an abortion. &he writers had given some statistics about the number of abortions and how many of failures worldwide. (eading about this issue$ I as a women felt scared and worried. &his is because it is frightening to 'now how many women$ especially unmarried lose their lives because of abortion. I thin' that if this trend continues$ there will be death issues in lots of countries all around the world. According to Amy )obie *+,-+. from LifeNews.com$ abortion increases a woman/s death ris' 012. )o$ I personally thin' that ris' of abortion should be educated to every female starting from primary school. &his is because they will easily understand more about the effects of abortion when they grow up. &his can reduce the ris' of death by abortion. &he writers also discussed about the methods used in performing an abortion. &hey stated that even safe abortion in developing nations carries ris's. But the sad issue is the methods used for unsafe abortions. I was shoc'ed to 'now that women would do things such as drin'ing to%ic fluids and inflicting direct injury to themselves just to do abortion. &he 3orld Health 4rganisation estimates that unsafe abortions cause the deaths of at least +,, women each day$ over 5,$,,, women each year$ yet it is one of the most easily preventable and treatable causes of maternal mortality. I seriously feel that If the government did not ta'e pecautionary steps$ the type of abortion called bac'street abortion will be practiced widely. &his could lead to the increase in crime rate indirectly. &he ne%t point highlighted by the writers is the effects caused by abortion. &he writers had discussed about the complications from abortion. I support with the writers/ point because abortion has already caused a lots of effects not only among women but also for the nation. 6ven though the writer stated about a lot of physical complications$ I also thin' there are emotional effects. &he negative effects are li'e regret and depression. Apart from negative effects$ from my research$ I also found out there are positive effects. According to American 7regnancy Association some

women report a sense of relief after having an abortion. 6ven though surprised$ I thin' it is common reaction because they will be happy for not getting caught. (elationship with the abortion law is also another topic discussed by the writers in this journal. According to the writers$ abortion laws have a spectrum of restrictiveness where nations may allow abortions based on several factors. Here$ there are two types of countries which allows abortion and countries with restrictive abortion laws. I have found out that most of the abortion death cases occurs in countries with strict laws. 6ven so$ I don/t thin' abortion should be legal in every country. But it should be made illegal and more strict laws be introduced. &his is because teens won/t lose their morality and have pre8marital se%. &hey wll also learn to have safe se% with their partners. According to Linda Lowen$ a former radio9 &: broadcast journalist who has won national awards for her coverage of women;s issues$ most women commit abortion because they don;t want others to 'now about their pregnancy or that she is having se%. 4ne of the ideas of the writers is liberali<ing abortion laws to allow services to be openly provided can reduce the rate of abortion8related morbidity and mortality. 4f course this act can reduce unsafe abortions. But what will happen to the =uestion of morality. &heodore (oosevelt$ a former 7resident of &he !nited )tates has =uoted that &o educate a person in the mind but not in morals is to educate a menace to society.# )o$ I thin' morality should be first on anything we do. After reading so much about abortion$ now I clearly thin' that morality and abortion cannot be togather.&his is because both are li'e enemies. )o I thin' that this idea is not relevant for the abortion issue. Lastly$ one of the facts by the writers that touched me is abortion8related deaths leave ++,$,,, children motherless. It is really sad to thin' about this because life without mother will be a complicated one. >an you imagine a child growing up without proper care? &his will cause the child to become a socially abused child. @irst of all$ can these children survive and grow up. )o$ I feel this could lead to other social issue. &he reason is because these children will face psychological phenomena. According to Aoel M. >haron$ a professor emeritus of sociology at Minnesota )tate !niversity had stated in his research that social problems caused

by biological$ physical$ or psychological phenomena. )o$ abortion should be prevented at any cost. As a conclusion$ lot of information about abortion could be learned from this journal. &he writers have done a lot of research to produce this journal. It is very informative and full of =uality. My overall opinion is young teens and older people should be taught what an abortion really is. &hey should 'now that abortions ma'e things worse$ this ma'es it harder and it;s not a good choice. It is a big controversy today and it always will be. &herefore$ abortion is not the right choice and there are other options then to get an abortion. *B1C words.

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