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Fig 1: Flat Slab Design.


A flat slab floor with a total area of 12500 sq. ft. is divided into 25 panels with a
panel size of 25’ x 20’.

fc′ = 4000 psi

fy = 60000 psi
Service Live Load = 120 psf
Slab Thickness = 7.5”
Storey Height = 10’


1. Calculation of Factored Load

Slab Thickness = 7.5”

Neglecting the weight of the drop panel, the service dead load is,
DL = (7.5/12) x 150 = 94 psf
LL = 120 psf
Total factored load, W = 1.4 DL + 1.7 LL
= (1.4 x 94) + (1.7 x 120)
= 336 psf
= 0.336 ksf

2. Total Factored Static Moment in Equivalent Rigid Frame

Total factored moment for flat slab, Mo=18Wl2l12(1- 2c3l1) 2

Where, c = diameter of the column capita.

a. In long direction:

c/c distance in short direction, l2 = 20’

c/c distance in short direction, l1 = 25’

Mo.long=18×0.336×20×252[1-2×53×25]2=395 k.ft.

b. In short direction:

c/c distance in short direction, l1= 20’

c/c distance in short direction, l2= 25’

Mo.short=18×0.336×25×202[1-2×53×20]2=292 k.ft.

c. Check:

Fig 2: Equivalent Square Column.

Area of column capita= π c24= π ×524=19.63 sq.ft.

Equivalent square = √ (19.63) = 4.43’ = 53”

Mo.long=18×0.336×20×[25-4.43]2=356 k.ft.<395 k.ft.

Mo.short=18×0.336×25×[20-4.43]2=255 k.ft.<292 k.ft.

Mo.long = 395 k.ft and Mo.short = 292 k.ft

3. Relative Stiffness, α

Since there is no edge beam,

α = 0 for all.

4. Check for Slab Thickness

ACI – Table 9.5(c)

Without Drop Panels With Drop Panels

Exterior Panels Interior Exterior Panels Interior
(ksi) α=0 α ≥ 0.8 Panels α=0 α ≥ 0.8 Panels
40 ln/33 ln/36 ln/36 ln/36 ln/40 ln/40
60 ln/30 ln/33 ln/33 ln/33 ln/36 ln/36
75 ln/28 ln/31 ln/31 ln/31 ln/34 ln/34

a. For interior panel:

For α = 0 and fy = 60 ksi and clear span, ln = (25-4.43) = 20.57’

tmin = ln/36 = (20.57*12)/36 = 6.86” < 7.5”

b. For exterior panel:

For α = 0 and fy = 60 ksi and clear span, ln = (25-4.43) = 20.57’

tmin = ln/33 = (20.57*12)/33 = 7.48” < 7.5”

So, given thickness of slab =7.5” (OK)

c. Thickness of drop panel:

Thickness of drop panel = thickness of slab + ¼ the projection of the drop

panel beyond the column capital
= 7.5 + ¼(18) = 12”

5. Check for Limitation of DDM

1. There shall be a minimum of three continuous spans in each

In this problem, there are five continuous spans in each direction.
2. Panels shall be rectangular, with a ratio of longer to shorter span
center-to-center of supports within a panel not greater than 2.
Here panels are rectangular and the ratio of longer (25’) to shorter (20’)
span c/c of supports is (25/20)=1.25<2.0

3. Successive span lengths center-to-center of supports in each

direction shall not differ by more than one-third the longer span.
One-third of longer span is (1/3 x 25) =8.33’
In both directions, span lengths are equal.

4. Offset of columns by a maximum of 10 percent of the span (in

direction of offset) from either axis between centerlines of
successive columns shall be permitted.
In longitudinal direction, 10% of the longer span is (25x12) x 10% = 30”
and column width in this direction is 18”, which is less than 30”.

In transverse direction, 10% of the shorter span is (20x12) x 10% = 24”

and column width in this direction is 18”, which is less than 24”.

5. All loads shall be due to gravity only and uniformly distributed

over an entire panel. Live load shall not exceed two times dead
Service LL = 120 psf and service DL = 94 psf
LL/DL = (120/94) = 1.277<2.0

6. The relative stiffness ratio of (l12/α1) to (l22/α2) must lie between

0.2 and 5.0 where α is the ratio of the flexural stiffness of the
included beam to that of the slab.
Since, there is no beam used, this limitation is not required for this

This problem satisfies all the limitations imposed by ACI 13.6.1 for using DDM.

6. Longitudinal Distribution of Moment

Fig 3: Longitudinal Moment diagram for exterior span.

Fig 4: Longitudinal moment diagram for interior span.

Fig 5: Equivalent rigid frames.

Total factored static moment for equivalent rigid frame A, B, C and D are,

Mo.A (frame A) = 395 kip.ft Mo.B (frame B) = ½ Mo.A = ½ x 395 = 198


Mo.C (frame C) = 292 kip.ft Mo.D (frame D) = ½ Mo.C = ½ x 292 = 146

From fig 3 (case 3) and fig 4,
Fig 6: Longitudinal moment distribution.
7. Torsional Constant

Torsional constant, C=∑1-0.63xyx3y3

x = Smaller dimension
y = Larger dimension

Use larger value of C.

Fig 7: Determination of Torsional Constant.

Distance from the outer edge of exterior column to the inner edge of equivalent
square = 53” / 2 + ½ x 18” = 35.5”

Fig 8: Imaginary Beam.

For both long and short direction,

C=1-0.637.535.57.53×35.53=4330 in4
8. Transverse Distribution of Longitudinal Moment

a. Aspect Ratio (l2/l1):

For frame A and B: l2/l1 = 20/25 = 0.80

For frame C and D: l2/l1 = 25/20 = 1.25

b. Calculation of βt:


For frame A and B:

Is=(20×12)7.5312=8438 in4

Torsional Constant, C = 4330 in4


For frame C and D:


Torsional Constant, C = 4330 in4


c. Calculation of Percentage of Moment in Column Strip:

Frame A B C D
C 4330 4330 4330 4330
Is 8438 8438 10550 10550
β t=C/2Is 0.26 0.26 0.21 0.21
α 0 0 0 0
l2/l1 0.80 0.80 1.25 1.25
α (l2/l1) 0 0 0 0

Column Strip Moment, Percent of Total Moment at Critical Section

0.5 1.0 2.0
Interior Negative Moment
α (l2/l1) = 0 75 75 75
α (l2/l1) ≥ 1.0 90 75 45
Exterior Negative
Moment β t= 0 100 100 100
α (l2/l1) = 0 β t ≥ 2.5 75 75 75
α (l2/l1) ≥ 1.0
β t= 0 100 100 100
β t ≥ 2.5 90 75 45
Positive Moment
α (l2/l1) = 0 60 60 60
α (l2/l1) ≥ 1.0 90 75 45

i. Percentage of Exterior Negative Moment

Frame A
α (l2/l1) β t (l2/l1)
0.5 0.80 1
0 100 100 100
0.26 97.4
2.5 75 75 75

Frame B
α (l2/l1) β t (l2/l1)
0.5 0.80 1
0 100 100 100
0.26 97.4
2.5 75 75 75

Frame C
α (l2/l1) β t (l2/l1)
1 1.25 2
0 100 100 100
0.21 97.9
2.5 75 75 75

Frame D
α (l2/l1) β t (l2/l1)
0 1 1.25 2
0 100 100 100
0.21 97.9
2.5 75 75 75

ii. Percentage of Positive Moment

Frame A
(l2/l1) 0.5 0.80 1
α (l2/l1) = 0 60 60 60

Frame B
(l2/l1) 0.5 0.80 1
α (l2/l1) = 0 60 60 60

Frame C
(l2/l1) 1 1.25 2
α (l2/l1) = 0 60 60 60

Frame D
(l2/l1) 1 1.25 2
α (l2/l1) = 0 60 60 60

iii. Percentage of Interior Negative Moment

Frame A
(l2/l1) 0.5 0.80 1
α (l2/l1) = 0 75 75 75

Frame B
(l2/l1) 0.5 0.80 1
α (l2/l1) = 0 75 75 75

Frame C
(l2/l1) 1 1.25 2
α (l2/l1) = 0 75 75 75

Frame D
(l2/l1) 1 1.25 2
α (l2/l1) = 0 75 75 75

d. Transverse Distribution of Longitudinal Moment

Fig 9: Middle strip and column strip diagram for frame A & B

For frame A &B:

0.25 l1 = 0.25(25 x 12) = 75”

0.25 l2 = 0.25(20 x 12) = 60”

y = 60”

For frame A:
Column strip = 2 x 60” = 120”
Half middle strip = 2@ [(20 x 12)-120]/2 = 2@60”

For frame B:
Column strip = 60”
Half middle strip = 60”
Fig 10: Middle strip and column strip diagram for frame C & D

For frame C & D:

0.25 l1 = 0.25(20 x 12) = 60”

0.25 l2 = 0.25(25 x 12) = 75”

y = 60”

For frame C:
Column strip = 2 x 60” = 120”
Half middle strip = 2@ [(25 x 12)-120]/2 = 2@90”

For frame D:
Column strip = 60”
Half middle strip = 90”

e. Summary of Calculation
Equivalent Rigid
Total Transverse Width
240 120 300 150
Column Strip Width (in) 120 60 120 60
Half Middle Strip (in) 2@60 60 2@90 90
Torsional Constant C (in) 4330 4330 4330 4330
Is (in4) in β t 8438 8438 10550 10550
β t = C/2Is 0.26 0.26 0.21 0.21
α 0 0 0 0
(l2/l1) 0.80 0.80 1.25 1.25
α (l2/l1) 0 0 0 0

External (-ve) Moment, %

97.4 97.4 97.9 97.9
to Column Strip

Positive Moment, % to
60 60 60 60
Column Strip

Internal (-ve) Moment, %

75 75 75 75
to Column Strip

9. Distribution of Factored Moment in Column Strip and Middle Strip

All the moments are divided into three parts, percentage to column strip (of
which 85% goes to the beam and 15% to the slab) and rest to the middle strip

Equivalent Rigid Frame A

Total Width =
240” Column Strip = 120” Middle Strip = 120”

Moments at Exterior Span Interior Span

Vertical Section -ve +ve -ve -ve +ve -ve
(kip.ft) Momen Momen Moment Moment Momen Momen
t t t t
Total Moment in -103 206 -277 -257 139 -257
Frame A
% to Column Strip 97.4 60 75 75 60 75
Moment in Beam -86 105 -177 -164 71 -164
Moment in -15 19 -32 -29 13 -29
Column Strip Slab
Moment in Mid -3 83 -70 -65 56 -65
Strip Slab
Equivalent Rigid Frame B
Total Width = 120” Column Strip = 60” Middle Strip = 60”

Moments at Vertical Exterior Span Interior Span

Section (kip.ft) -ve +ve -ve -ve +ve -ve
Momen Momen Momen Momen Momen Momen
t t t t t t
Total Moment in -52 103 -139 -129 70 -129
Frame B
% to Column Strip 97.4 60 75 75 60 75
Moment in Beam -43 53 -89 -83 36 -83
Moment in Column -8 10 -16 -15 7 -15
Strip Slab
Moment in Mid Strip -2 42 -35 -33 28 -33

Equivalent Rigid Frame C

Total Width = 300” Column Strip = 120” Middle Strip = 180”

Moments at Vertical Exterior Span Interior Span

Section (kip.ft) -ve +ve -ve -ve +ve -ve
Momen Momen Momen Momen Momen Momen
t t t t t t
Total Moment in -76 152 -205 -190 103 -190
Frame C
% to Column Strip 97.9 60 75 75 60 75
Moment in Beam -64 78 -131 -122 53 -122
Moment in Column -12 14 -23 -22 10 -22
Strip Slab
Moment in Mid Strip -2 61 -52 -48 42 -48
Equivalent Rigid Frame D
Total Width = 150” Column Strip = 60” Middle Strip = 90”

Moments at Vertical Exterior Span Interior Span

Section (kip.ft) -ve +ve -ve -ve +ve -ve
Momen Momen Momen Momen Momen Momen
t t t t t t
Total Moment in -38 76 -103 -95 52 -95
Frame D
% to Column Strip 97.9 60 75 75 60 75
Moment in Beam -32 39 -66 -61 27 -61
Moment in Column -6 7 -12 -11 5 -11
Strip Slab
Moment in Mid Strip -1 31 -26 -24 21 -24

Fig: Moment Distribution.

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