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Planetary Gearbox Effects on Induction Machine in Wind Turbine: Modeling and Analysis

Z. Daneshi-Far, H. Henao, G. A. Capolino

Abstract -- Wind energys contribution to electricity supply is significantly increasing. As a result, reliability of the wind turbine becomes crucial. Gearbox is known as one of the most critical subassemblies of the wind turbine in which failures could lead to a long-term and high cost downtime. Recently, electrical signature analysis has been considered as an alternative for vibration monitoring in order to detect both electrical and mechanical faults in a cheap, easy to install and accessible way. This paper aims to monitor the planetary gearbox effect of a wind turbine on the wound rotor induction generator using electrical signature. For that, dynamic model of a single stage planetary gearbox have been implemented. The proposed model includes essential non-linearities such as time varying mesh stiffness, transmission error and damping force. Simulation results clearly show that electromagnetic torque and stator current of generator contain mesh and rotating related frequencies of the gears in its spectra. Index Terms-- Condition monitoring, electrical signature analysis, wound rotor induction machine, machine current signature analysis, modeling, planetary gearbox, wind turbine.

IND energys contribution to electricity supply is significantly increasing in all over the world and especially in France. Europe aims for 20% renewable power generation by 2020 in order to follow the Kyoto protocol. France planned to increase renewable power generation to 23% by 2020 from which wind generation targets would be 19-GW off-shore wind turbines and 6-GW on-shore, means increasing about six times of installed wind energy capacity on 2010 [1]. Hence, the issue of reliability becomes more critical in wind power production especially in off-shore wind farms, and obviously high performances condition monitoring systems are required. Wind turbines are subjected to various sorts of failures. Some of them are more frequent than others while, some has longer downtime per failure. Recent works report that the gearbox with 19.4 percent of downtime has the longest downtime compared to the other components of the system and known as one of the most troublesome component of the wind turbine [2]-[3]. As a result, condition monitoring of gearbox is of significant importance in order to increase wind turbine reliability. Wind turbine condition monitoring systems allow collecting data from the main components of the wind turbine such as generator, gearbox, main bearing, shaft and the yaw system [3]-[4]. An ideal condition monitoring system is supposed to monitor all the components using a minimum number of sensors. The selection of suitable monitoring parameters in wind
This work has been supported by the research funds of the Regional Council of Picardie, Amiens, France. Z. Daneshi-Far, H. Henao and G. A. Capolino are with the Laboratory of Innovative Technologies Power Group, University of Picardie, 80000 Amiens, France (e-mails: Zahra.Daneshifar@ieee.org, Humberto.Henao@ieee.org, Gerard.Capolino@ieee.org )



turbines is a matter of fact in which several works have been performed [5]. Meanwhile, the main existing monitoring systems are using vibrations as indexes to detect fault in the global system. For that, several vibration sensors should be installed on the generator, gearbox and the bearings, which make the vibration-based monitoring system, costly and not convenient. Since the generator provides electromechanical coupling, the monitoring of its voltages, currents, fluxes and electromagnetic torque could lead to both electrical and mechanical fault detection. The advantages of electrical monitoring are [6]: Fewer sensors are required compared to vibration based monitoring. Electrical measurements are cheaper than mechanical measurements. Generator electrical signals can be easily accessed. Both mechanical and electrical signatures are contained in generator electrical signals. Consequently, electrical sensors installed around the generator are highly recommended [6]-[14]. Potential approaches for detecting drive-train mechanical faults in wind turbine, using generator electrical signature have been introduced in literature [6]-[7]. Likewise, mechanical fault detection using stator current signature in electromechanical system has been performed in [8]-[10]. Despite the fact, monitoring of gearbox in the wind turbine using electrical signature have not been considered in the literature, while there exist only some few works on gear based electromechanical system [10]-[13]. Here, gearbox effect on electromagnetic torque and stator current is investigated theoretically and a dynamic model of single stage planetary gearbox have been adapted to show that the rotating and mesh frequencies of the gearbox could be detected in electromagnetic torque and stator current of wound rotor induction generator. Several published works exist on planetary gearbox modeling [15][18], but they have been developed for mechanical analysis and the models deal with several non-linear phenomena such as backlash non-linearity, floating central part and tooth separation. Besides they need several parameters from gearbox. In this paper the proposed model is simple enough and deals with essential non-linearity of gearbox such as mesh stiffness, transmission error and viscose damping. Besides, this model needs a minimum number of parameters from gearbox. Lastly, a simplified dynamic model of wind turbine including single stage planetary gearbox and wound rotor induction generator is implemented in MATLAB software using proposed dynamic model of planetary gearbox. Oscillations of gearbox regarding its rotating and meshing frequencies are detected on electromagnetic torque and stator current of the generator for different load levels.

978-1-4673-0142-8/12/$26.00 2012 IEEE




Wind turbines are complex electromechanical systems, which extract kinetic power of air and convert it into electrical power. A wind turbine is composed of: the rotor, which extracts kinetic power of air to produce mechanical torque; the main bearing; the gearbox, which converts high torque-low speed rotational power to high speed-low torque rotational power; the generator, which converts the mechanical torque into electrical power and the frequency converter in case of variable speed wind turbines (Fig. 1).
Hub Main bearing Main shaft Gearbox Generator Coupling

Induction Machine Modeling The approach employed for this machine model is to describe internal equivalent circuits for every stator and rotor phases without using co-ordinate transformation and so physical characteristic of the induction machine are taken into considerations [13], [19]. Further, in wound rotor induction machine, rotor and stator terminals are accessible and so the measurement of phase parameters is possible. The model of wound rotor induction machine is shown in Fig. 3. In this model: vsa, vsb, vsc are the stator voltage of phases a, b and c ; Rra, Rrb , Rrc are the rotor winding resistances of phases a, b and c; Rsa, Rsb, Rsc are the stator winding resistances of phases a, b and c; isa, isb, isc are the stator current of phases a, b and c; ira, irb, irc are the rotor current of phases a, b and c. Mutual and self- inductances on the stator and rotor side are dened in a matricial way as:
1 1 L + L Lmj Lmj mj lj 2 2 1 1 Lj = Lmj Llj + Lmj Lmj 2 2 1 1 L L L L + mj lj mj 2 mj 2 j = r : rotor side, s : stator side


Nacelle Fig. 1. Wind turbine subassemblies.

The rotor blades are designed to extract a maximum power from the wind. Incoming wind with the power of PW and the speed of to the rotor swept area of the radius r is reduced by the wind turbine with the fraction of Cp called power efficiency coefficient. The mechanical power PM and torque TM of the wind turbine are described as follows: (1) P M = C P PW
1 r 2 3 a ir 2 TM = PM / t PW =


(2) (3)

where Lmj and Llj are the magnetizing and leakage inductances of the rotor and stator side. The stator-rotor mutual inductance is varying permanently due to the relative stator-rotor position and can be given by:
2 2 cos cos( r + ) cos( r ) r 3 3 2 2 cos r cos( r + ) [ Lsr ] = Lsr cos( r ) 3 3 2 2 cos r cos( r + ) cos( r ) 3 3

where air is the air density and t is the turbine speed. In this work, wind turbine model is simplified to a mechanical drive, single stage planetary gearbox (fixing ring gear and using planet-carrier and sun as the input and output gears of the gearbox) and wound rotor induction generator in order to show gearbox effect on the electrical signature of induction generator (Fig. 2). Wind speed is considered constant and so Cp could be replaced by its optimal value regarding wind turbine rated power. Therefore, a constant mechanical torque is applied to the planetary gearbox.


The electromotive force on the stator and rotor sides can be expressed as: d (6) [emf sabc ] = [ Lsr ][irabc ] dt d (7) [emf rabc ] = [ Lsr ]T [isabc ] dt with: T (8) f jabc = f ja f jb f jc j = r for the rotor side or s for the stator side f = emf for the electromotive force or i for the current

isa isb isc














Mechanical drive

Wound rotor induction generator







emf sc

emf ra





ira irb irc


Electrical network

emf rb






emf rc





Fig. 2. Basic presentation of wind turbine.

Fig. 3. Equivalent circuit of a wound rotor induction machine with shortcircuited rotor terminals.


The electromagnetic torque Tem is expressed as a function of the stator currents [isabc], the rotor currents [irabc] and the stator-rotor mutual inductance [Lsr] derivatives with respect to the rotor position r, which could be represent as: d [Lsr ] T em = [i sabc ]T [i ] (9) d r rabc = [isa Lsr (ira sin r + irb sin ( r + 2 / 3) +irc sin ( r 2 / 3)]P
[isb Lsr (ira sin ( r 2 / 3) + irb sin r + irc sin ( r + 2 / 3)]P [isa Lsr (ira sin ( r + 2 / 3) + irb sin ( r 2 / 3) + irc sin r ]P

described with subscripts: c for the planet-carrier; rg for the ring gear; sg for the sun gear; p1 for the first planet gear and p3 for the third planet gear (Fig.4). Accordingly, motion equations of a single stage planetary gearbox with fixed ring and three planets are expressed as: 3 3 sg + rbsg (d spi X spi (t )) + rbsg ( K spi (t ) X spi (t )) = Tsg (12) J sg
i =1

c rbc ( d spi X spi (t )) rbc ( d rpi X rpi (t )) ( J c + M r )

2 p bc 3

i =1

rbc ( K spi ( t ) X spi ( t )) rbc ( K rpi ( t ) X rpi (t )) = Tc

i =1

i =1

where P is the number of pole pairs. Electromagnetic torque and rotor speed are related with the following equation considering Tl as the load torque, J as the rotor side inertia and f as the friction coefficient: d (10) Tem Tl = J + f dt B. Planetary Gearbox Modeling In order to reduce total cost and weight in wind turbines, different kind of gearbox have been used to increase blade rotational speed and transfer it to the generator. They increase the speed of shaft to a certain level (about 10001800 rpm) that is required for producing electricity. Among different kind of gearboxes, planetary type is highly preferred in the wind turbines because of their advantages such as high torque to weight ratio, low backlash, compact size, improved efficiency, modular construction and their resistance to shock. Planetary gearboxes are comprised of arrangement of four different elements that produce a wide range of ratios in a compact layout. These components are: (a) Sun gear, an external gear located in the center of gearbox; (b) Ring gear, an internal gear, which has the same axe as sun gear; (c) Planet gears, the external gears mesh with sun and ring gears; (d) Planet-carrier, a support structure for planet gears. Fixing one of the central elements (ring, planetcarrier or sun gear) and considering two other parts as the input and the output, several configurations would be achieved. In the wind turbines generally ring gear is the fix part, planet-carrier is the input and sun gear is the output. The multiplication ratio of a single stage planetary gearbox with a fixed ring could be computed as: sg Z (11) = (1 + rg ) c Z sg where:
Zsg, Zrg Number of the sun and the ring teeth respectively. c, sg Angular velocity of the planet carrier and sun gears.

pi + rbp d spi X spi (t ) rbp d rpi X rpi (t ) J p + rbp K spi (t ) X spi (t ) rbp K rpi (t ) X rpi (t ) = 0 with : X spi ( t ) = rbsg sg rbc c + rbpi pi espi (t )

i =1

i =1

(13) (14) (15) (16)

X rpi (t ) = rbc c rbpi pi erpi (t )

where: dspi , drpi

Damping co-efficient of the contact between sun or ring and each of the planet gears. espi(t),erpi(t) Transmission error between sun or ring and each of the planet gears. Jc, Jsg, Jpi Mass moment of inertia for planet-carrier, sun and planets gears. Kspi(t), Krpi(t) Stiffness function of the contact between sun or ring and each of the planet gears. Mp Mass of the planet gear. rbsg, rbc, rbp Radius of the sun, planet-carrier and planet. Tsg, Tc Torque of sun and planet-carrier. c, sg, pi Angular displacement of the planet-carrier, sun and planet gears. a) Transmission error One of the main contributions to noise and vibration in a gearbox is the transmission error. Transmission errors for a planetary gearbox with 3 planets could be defined as [21]:
e jpi (t ) = ebpi cos( pi (t ) pi ) + ebj cos( j (t ) j ) i = 1,2,3 planets , j = rg , sg


where ebpi, ebsg and ebrg are transmission errors of planet, sun and ring gears respectively and is the phase displacement for each error.
erp3 drp3 Krp3 Planet-carrier


1) Dynamic Equations Dynamic model of single stage planetary gearbox includes time-varying mesh stiffness, transmission error and gear mesh damping. The gears are assumed to move only on a torsional direction and they have been considered to be free from eccentricities. Besides, gear bodies are assumed to be rigid. To simplify the model, any other mechanical parts of the wind turbine such as bearing and shaft have not been taken to account. With these assumptions, planetary gears models proposed in literature [15]-[18] are simplified and adapted for fault diagnosis studies in wind turbine application. Using the equation of motion of rotating masses, the gearbox dynamic is


Ksp esp2 dsp2 Krp2 erp2 drp2



Sun Ksp2

Ksp1 esp1 dsp1 Planet1


Krp1 erp1

Fig. 4. Dynamic model of planetary gearbox with 3 planets.


b) Damping factor The viscous damping force is proportional to the velocity by a certain damping factor, d, which could be represented as [20]:
d spi (t ) = 2 K spi (t ) J sg J pi 2 2 rbsg J pi + rbpi J sg

Maximum value of stiffness function could be considered two times of the minimum value when there is maximum two tooth pair in contact [23]. Minimum and maximum values of mesh stiffness for ring-planet and sunplanet connection have been considered the same. III. PLANETARY GEARBOX IMPACT ON ELECTROMAGNETIC TORQUE AND STATOR CURRENT Several works have been done on condition monitoring of electrical and mechanical faults using machine current signature analysis, while monitoring of gearbox using stator current has been rarely studied. In [8] and [9] the influence of the torque oscillation on the stator current is studied, which demonstrate phase modulation of the stator current due to mechanical faults. The effect of multi stage gearbox in an electromechanical system has been studied in [10] and [11]. As a result, rotational and mesh frequencies of the gearbox are observed in the stator current. A formulation and experimental study has been done in [12]-[13] for a single stage helical gearbox, which leads to a multicomponent phase modulation in the stator current. In this work formulation of planetary gearbox effect on stator current and electromechanical torque is done for wind turbine application and is proved with simulation results. Generally, gearbox produces oscillations due to the stiffness variation of the gear teeth contacts and the torsional vibration induced by the transmission error of the gears. Consequently, the torque produced at the sun gear by a planetary gearbox with fixed ring, could be expressed as the sum of an average torque (mechanical drive) and oscillatory torques due to torsional vibrations at mesh frequency fm and rotating frequencies of the sun fsg and planet gears fp and their related phases sg, pi and m respectively. Likewise, electromagnetic torque of the induction machine generator would have an average part and oscillatory part due to same source of vibration. In the steady state, the average value of electromagnetic torque and driven torque are equal and so their difference could be considered as an oscillatory torque, Tosc, which could be described as: (24) T T = T (t ) = T cos( n 2 f t + ) +
L em osc


K rpi (t ) J pi (19) , i = 1,2,3 planets 2 rbpi where is the damping rate and generally considered in between 3% and 17%. To simplify damping factor it is possible to replace time-varying mesh stiffness function in (18)-(19) by its average value [13]. d rpi (t ) = 2
c) Mesh stiffness function Mesh stiffness function varies as the driven gear rotates and it has significant variability in a small region between the single tooth pair in contact and the double tooth pair in contact (Fig. 5). The mesh period of gear pairs m consists of two parts: double tooth pair contact period d and single tooth pair contact period s [22]. Mesh stiffness function (Fig. 5) could be developed with Fourier series as:
K jpi ( t ) = mc jp K min + 2 K min


1 [[( sin ( k jpi ) cos ( k jpi k jpi ) cos(kmt k jpi )) k =1 k 1 + ( sin ( k jpi ) sin( k jpi k jpi )cos( kmt k jpi ))] k i = 1,2,3 planets , j = rg , sg


= mc 1
mc =
K min

(21) (22)

(23) where: rb1, rb2 Base radius of first and second gear. ra1, ra2 Addendum radius of first and second gear. c Center distance between two gear. D Pitch diameter. Pressure angle. =1 for internal gear and =-1 for external gear. E Young modulus. L length of teeth and. Poisson coefficient.

ra21 rb21 + ra22 rb22 c sin D / Z cos EL = 4(1 2 )






cos( q 2 f mt + mq ) + T pip cos( p 2 f pt + pip )

p i =1


f sg =

sg 2

, fp =

p 2

, fm =

Z sg Z rg f Z sg + Z rg sg


sp rp

d sp

s sp

It should be noted that in the planetary gearbox with three planets, the planets have the same rotating frequencies but different phases. Using dynamic mechanical equation of electrical generator (10) and considering (24), rotor speed could be expressed as [8]:

Kmin Ksp Krp

r (t ) =
m s rp d rp
t (s)

1 1 (Tem Tl )dt + C = Tosc (t )dt + r 0 J J

(26) (27)

r 0 = s (1 s ) / P

0 0

Fig. 5. Time varying mesh stiffness functions in planetary gearbox.

where s is the stator fundamental angular frequency and s is the rotor slip.


Mechanical rotor position could be derived by integration of the rotor mechanical speed: 3 Tpip (28) (t ) = (t )dt = cos( p t + )

IV. SIMULATION AND RESULTS A 4-kW, 50-Hz, 400-V, star-connected, four-pole, 1565rpm, three-phase wound rotor induction machine (Table I) is connected to a single stage planetary gearbox with three planets and a ratio of 1:3.059, (Table II). A constant load is applied to the planet-carrier of gearbox to simulate the mechanical power of wind and output of the gearbox (sun gear) is connected to the rotor of the induction generator (Fig. 2). Besides, transmission shaft length between gearbox and generator and also between gearbox and mechanical drive are considered small. Therefore, the inertia of the rotor generator is integrated into sun gear inertia and the inertia of the mechanical drive is integrated to the planet-carrier inertia. The proposed model is implemented using the MATLAB/Simulink software. The simulation is done in different load levels to show the load effect on frequency content. As the aim of this work is to show planetary gearbox effect on current signature of induction generator, wind speed is considered fixed and only Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) is applied to the electromagnetic torque and stator current of the generator. Frequency spectra are normalized to the rated value for electromagnetic torque and to the maximum value for stator current. Gearbox produces oscillations due to the stiffness variation of the gear teeth contacts and the torsional vibration induced by the transmission error in the ring, sun and planet gears. To show these effect, frequency spectrum of electromagnetic torque (Fig. 6) and stator current (Fig. 7b) of induction generator are presented. Oscillations on the electromagnetic torque mainly belong to the gears meshing and rotating frequencies given by (25) with parameters of Table II. In full-load condition, rotating frequencies are fsg=26.1-Hz and fp=24.6-Hz and mesh frequency is fm=597.3-Hz, which are observed in the electromagnetic torque (Fig. 6). The tests are performed in steady-state condition for an acquisition time of 10-s giving a frequency resolution of 0.1-Hz. Initially gearbox is loaded with rated value, 26-N.m, in which the input angular velocity of gearbox is 512-rpm, the output angular velocity is 1566.25rpm and the planet velocities are 1477.5-rpm. As it is clear from angular velocities, gearbox ratio is the value expected theoretically in (10).
TABLE I WOUND ROTOR INDUCTION GENERATOR PARAMETERS Parameters R () L (H) Lm (H) Lsr (H) J (kg.m2) Value Stator 1.27 0.1457 0.0627 0.0446 0.43 Rotor 0.17 0.0175 0.0079

( p
p i =1

)2 J



Tmq ( qm ) 2 J

cos( qmt + mq ) +

Trsn cos(nsg t + sgn ) + r 0t (nsg )2 J

Accordingly, the torque oscillations affect rotor mechanical position and consequently rotor magnetomotive force in stator frame is affected too, while it has no direct effect on stator mmf:
mmf r ( , t ) = Fr cos( P ( r (t )) ss t ) mmf s ( , t ) = Fs cos( P s t s )

(29) (30)

Hence, torque oscillation regarding torsional vibration at rotating and mesh frequencies lead to a phase modulation of the rotor magnetomotive force in the stator frame. As a result, air-gap flux density which is a product of mmf and air-gap permeance would be phase modulated [9]: B ( , t ) = Bs cos( P s t s ) + Br cos( P s t P osc ( t )) (31) with:
osc (t ) =

Tmq Tsn cos( nsg t + sgn ) + cos( qmt + mq ) 2 ( nsg ) 2 J ( q q m) J


p i =1

Tpip ( p p ) 2 J

cos( p pt + pip )


Consequently air-gap flux which is an integration of flux density could be obtained:

( t ) = s cos(s t + s ) + r cos(s t + P osc (t ))


Therefore, stator current could be calculated as in (34) (at the end of page). Equation (34) clearly shows that load torque oscillations due to rotating and mesh frequencies of the gearbox make the stator current phase modulated. To analyze frequency components of the stator current it could be expressed by its expanded Bessel series as follows:
x(t ) = A cos(2 f1t + + sin(2 f 2t + )) = A J n ( )cos(2 (nf2 + f1 )t + + n )
n = n =


where Jn() is the nth order of Bessel function. From (35) it is clear that frequency spectrum of the modulated signal contain frequencies located at carrier frequency plus and minus the modulating frequency (f1nf2). Considering the same formulation for each phase of stator current (34), it could be shown that the torsional vibrations with specific frequencies and their combinations will have sidebands across the supply line frequency fs in the induction machine current signal: (36) f = f nf pf qf
Gspm s sg p m

for, n = 0,1,2,...,

p = 0,1,2,..., q = 0,1,2,...

I I s (t ) = I s sin(s t + st ) + I rt sin(st + Posc (t )) + sn (cos((nsg + s )t + sgn + Posc (t )) cos((nsg s )t + sgn Posc (t ))) n 2 I mq (cos((qm + s )t + mn + Posc (t )) cos((qm s )t + mn Posc (t ))) + 2 q +
p i =1 3

I pip

(cos(( p p + s )t + pip + Posc (t )) cos(( p p s )t + pip Posc (t )) 2



TABLE II PLANETARY GEARBOX PARAMETERS Parameters Number of teeth rb (mm) ra D

0 -50

Sun 34 23.75 26.37 46 0.60 26.1 Hz

Planet 18 12.58 15.25 23.75 0.12

Ring 70 48.90 51.72 110 0.94

Planet-carrier ---39.55 ------5.27

(mm) (mm)

J/r2 (kg )

Amplitude ( dB )

597.3 Hz 24.6 Hz

-100 -150 -200 -250 -300 0

1792 Hz





Frequency ( Hz )







Fig. 6. Spectra of electromagnetic torque for the full-load case in the frequency range of [0Hz, 2 kHz].
15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 1 1.02 1.04 1.06 1.08 1.1 1.12 1.14 1.16 1.18 1.2

Time (s)

0 -50

Amplitude ( dB )

23.9 Hz, 25.4 Hz 74.6 Hz, 76.1 Hz 547.4 Hz 647.4 Hz

-100 -150 -200 -250

The proposed gearbox model includes essential nonlinearity of the gearbox for diagnostic purposes. In this model rotating and mesh frequencies of the gearbox is detected in the stator current due to the effect of the timevarying mesh stiffness while, a constant stiffness function lead only to the output shaft rotating frequency detection (Fig. 7c). In this work the aim is to study gearbox effect on the induction generator, hence the shaft between the gearbox and the generator is omitted in order to simplify the modeling. However, considering shaft model in the simulation might affect the generator signature by its natural frequency (shafts have a natural frequency due their weight and is depends on the shaft length and material [24]) which could increase the amplitude of rotating frequencies of the gearbox due to its stiffness or either might have some effect on the output voltage in case of power network fault which would be interesting in power network studies [25]. The effects of changing the load level on detecting mechanical effects are inspected here. Loading an induction generator makes it become stiffer and so some mechanical vibrations could be damped, means load act as a damper. Dependence of the meshing stiffness of the gear teeth respect to the loading the electromechanical system is observed [26], shown in Fig. 8. In reality it is hard to detect mesh frequency components in the stator current due to its weak amplitudes (regarding its small modulation index). The frequency content of electromagnetic torque and stator current for different load level are shown in Fig. 8 and Fig. 9 respectively. As it is clear amplitude of rotating related frequency components decrease as load increase and in contrary the mesh related frequency components increase.
Load level (rated load 26-N.m)
0% 0 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Stator current (A)

Amplitude (dB)

-300 0





Frequency ( Hz )







0 -50 Amplitude ( dB ) -100 -150 -200 -250 -300 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 Frequency ( Hz )







Fig. 8. Electromagnetic torque main frequencies observed from simulation for different load levels.
Load level (rated load 26-N.m)
0% 0 -20 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Amplitude (dB)

Fig. 7. Stator current signature for full-load (a) Time-domain, (b) Frequency-domain in the frequency range of [0, 2 kHz] (c) Frequencydomain for constant stiffness function in the frequency range of [0, 2 kHz].

-40 -60 -80 -100 -120 -140 -160 -180

Normally, the stator current of a healthy induction machine must show only supply frequency component on its frequency spectra. While in an induction generator coupled to a planetary gearbox, load torque oscillations regarding gearbox characteristics influence the stator current by producing sidebands across the supply line frequency as predicted by (34). In the stator current spectrum, the main mechanical sideband frequency components given by (36) are related to the components given by n-p-q values of 1-0-0, 0-1-0 and 0-0-1 which are observed in the stator current of proposed model (Fig. 7b).







Fig. 9. Stator current main frequencies observed from simulation for different load levels. V. CONCLUSION

Planetary gearbox effect on the electrical signature of induction generator in the wind turbine is presented. A dynamic model of a fixed speed wind turbine including planetary gearbox and wound rotor induction generator is


proposed. The proposed model of planetary gearbox is a simple model using minimum number of parameters, which includes essential non-linearities such as time-varying mesh stiffness, transmission error and gear mesh damping. The approach employed for the generator model is to describe internal equivalent circuits for every stator and rotor phases without using coordinate transformation. As a result it is shown numerically that load torque oscillations which are associated to the characteristic gearbox frequency components such as rotating and mesh frequencies make the stator current phase modulated. As a prove of its performances, the proposed wind turbine model is used to show that the torsional vibrations of torque with specific frequencies and their combinations will produce sidebands across the supply line frequency in the induction machine stator current. Finally the effects of changing the load level on detecting mechanical effects are well inspected. VI. REFERENCES
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