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District v. Rodriguez Case Brief

Supreme Court of the United States Argued October 12, 1972 Decided March 21, 1973 u!! case name San Antonio "ndependent Schoo! District, et a!# $# Demetrio %# &odrigue', et a!# Citations (11 U#S# 1 )more* 93 S# Ct# 127+, 3- .# /d# 2d 1-, 1973 U#S# ./0"S 91 %rior histor1 2udgment for p!aintiffs, 337 # Supp# 2+3 )4#D# 5e6as )1971* Subse7uent histor1 &ehearing denied, (11 U#S# 989 )1973* 9o!ding &e!iance on propert1 ta6es to fund pub!ic schoo!s does not $io!ate the /7ua! %rotection C!ause e$en if it causes inter:district e6penditure disparities# Abso!ute e7ua!it1 of education funding is not re7uired and a state s1stem that encourages !oca! contro! o$er schoo!s bears a rationa! re!ationship to a !egitimate state interest# District Court of 5e6as re$ersed# Court membership Chief 2ustice 4arren /# ;urger Associate 2ustices 4i!!iam O# Doug!as < 4i!!iam 2# ;rennan, 2r# %otter Ste=art < ;1ron 4hite 5hurgood Marsha!! < 9arr1 ;!ac>mun .e=is # %o=e!!, 2r# < 4i!!iam &ehn7uist Case opinions Ma?orit1 %o=e!!, ?oined b1 ;urger, Ste=art, &ehn7uist, ;!ac>mun Dissent 4hite, ?oined b1 Doug!as, ;rennan Dissent Marsha!!, ?oined b1 Doug!as Dissent ;rennan .a=s app!ied U#S# Const# amend# 0"@

5his !a=suit =as brought b1 members of the /dge=ood Concerned %arent Association representing their chi!dren and simi!ar!1 situated students# 5he suit =as fi!ed on 2une 33, 19-+ in the federa! district court for the 4estern District of 5e6as# "n the initia! comp!aint, the parents sued San Antonio "SD, A!amo 9eights "SD and fi$e other schoo! districts, the ;e6ar Count1 Schoo! 5rustees and the State of 5e6as

contending the 5e6as method of schoo! financing $io!ated the e7ua! protection c!ause of the ourteenth Amendment to the U# S# Constitution# 5he !a=suit a!!eged that education =as a fundamenta! right and that =ea!th:based discrimination in the pro$ision of education )e#g#, a fundamenta! right*, created in the poor, or those of !esser =ea!th, a constitutiona!!1 suspect c!ass, =ho =ere to be protected from the discrimination# /$entua!!1, the schoo! districts =ere dropped from the case !ea$ing on!1 the State of 5e6as as the defendant# 5he case ad$anced through the courts s1stem, pro$iding $ictor1 to the /dge=ood parents unti! it reached the Supreme Court in 1972# 5he schoo! districts in the San Antonio area, and genera!!1 in 5e6as, had a !ong histor1 of financia! ine7uit1# &odrigue' presented e$idence that schoo! districts in the =ea!th1, and primari!1 =hite, areas of to=n, most notab!1 the north: side A!amo 9eights "ndependent Schoo! District, =ere ab!e to contribute a much higher amount per chi!d than /dge=ood, =hich =as a poor minorit1 area# rom the tria! brief, Dr# 2ose Cardenas, Superintendent of Schoo!s, /dge=ood "ndependent Schoo! District testified to the prob!em in his affida$it, the fo!!o=ing informationA /dge=ood is a poor district =ith a !o= ta6 base# As a resu!t, its ad $a!orem ta6 re$enue fa!!s far short of the monies a$ai!ab!e in other ;e6ar Count1 schoo! districts# 4ith this ine7uitab!e financing of its schoo!s, /dge=ood cannot hire sufficient 7ua!ified personne!, nor pro$ide the ph1sica! faci!ities, !ibrar1 boo>s, e7uipment and supp!ies afforded b1 other ;e6ar Count1 Districts# 5o i!!ustrate, the /dge=ood residents are ma>ing a high ta6 effort, ha$e burdened themse!$es =ith one of the highest proportion of bonded indebtedness in the count1 to pa1 for capita! impro$ements and, ne$er, in the histor1 of the district ha$e the1 fai!ed to appro$e a bond issue# Cardenas cites a stud1, BA 5a!e of 5=o Districts that ma>es the fo!!o=ing comparisons in 19-7:-+ bet=een /dge=ood and the Corth /ast "ndependent Schoo! DistrictA C!assroom spaceA Corth /ast had 73#3- s7uare feet )-#837 m2* per student, /dge=ood had 83#( s7uare feet )(#-+ m2* per student .ibrar1 boo>sA Corth /ast had 9#(2 boo>s per student, /dge=ood had 3#9 boo>s per student 5eacherD%upi! &atioA Corth /astEs ratio =as 1D19, /dge=oodEs =as 1D2+ Counse!orD%upi! &atioA Corth /astEs =as 1D1,883 chi!dren, /dge=oodEs =as 1D8,-72 )the nearb1 A!amo 9eights district had a 1D1,319 ratio* Dropout rate, secondar1 studentsA Corth /astEs rate =as +F, /dge=oodEs =as 32F

"n fact, the financia! disparit1 bet=een /dge=ood and A!amo 9eights increased in the four 1ears it too> for &odrigue' to =or> its =a1 through the court s1stem, from a G313 tota! per:pupi! disparit1 in 19-+ in state and !oca! support bet=een the districts to a G3+9 disparit1 in 1972#

"n the Supreme Court, a ne= group of ?ustices had been appointed since the fi!ing of the case# 5he most significant ne= member =as 2ustice .e=is %o=e!!, =ho pro$ed to be the s=ing $ote in the &odrigue' case# %o=e!! !ed the 8:( ma?orit1 in deciding that education =as neither e6p!icit!1 or imp!icit!1 protected in the Constitution# 9e a!so found that 5e6as had not created a suspect c!ass re!ated to po$ert1# 5hese t=o findings a!!o=ed the state to continue its schoo! financing p!an as !ong so it =as rationa!!1 re!ated to a !egitimate state interest# 5he Court in its ana!1sis forec!osed for itse!f a 7uasi:constitutiona! amendment proposa! H ratification process in =hich the Court =ou!d post:hoc appro$e a !ong: estab!ished !egis!ati$e decision as creating a fundamenta! right sub?ect to the ourteenth Amendment Due %rocess C!ause# Citation# (11 U#S# 1, 93 S# Ct# 127+, 3- .# /d# 2d 1-, 1973 U#S# 91# ;rief act Summar1# "n 5e6as, pub!ic schoo!s =ere financed primari!1 through a s1stem =hereb1 propert1 ta6es =ere imposed b1 !oca! schoo! districts# ;ecause propert1 $a!ues =ere higher in some districts, than in others, substantia! disparities across districts in per pupi! spending arose# 5he disparities in spending among pub!ic schoo! chi!dren triggered a ourteenth Amendment /7ua! %rotection cha!!enge to the constitutiona!it1 of the s1stem# S1nopsis of &u!e of .a=# A State pub!ic schoo! ta6ing s1stem that resu!ts in interdistrict spending disparities among !oca! schoo! districts is consistent =ith the ourteenth Amendment /7ua! %rotection C!ause as !ong as the s1stem satisfies the rationa! basis standard of re$ie= and is, thus, rationa!!1 re!ated to a !egitimate go$ernmenta! interest#

"n 5e6as, pub!ic schoo!s =ere financed primari!1 b1 means of propert1 ta6es imposed b1 !oca! schoo! districts# ;ecause propert1 $a!ues =ere higher in some districts, than in others, substantia! disparities across districts in per pupi! spending arose# or e6amp!e, one district raised G2- per pupi!, using a 1#38F ta6 rate, =hi!e another district raised as much as G333 per pupi! on the basis of a mere #+8F rate# 5he stated purpose for the s1stem =as to assure schoo! districts of !oca! fisca! contro!# At tria!, a edera! District Court, app!1ing the strict scrutin1 standard of re$ie=, in$a!idated the schoo! financing s1stem on e7ua! protection grounds# "ssue# Did the federa! District Court, in app!1ing strict scrutin1, re$ie= the case under the correct standard of re$ie=I 4as the funding s1stem rationa!!1 re!ated to a !egitimate go$ernmenta! interestI

DecisionA 8 $otes for San Antonio "ndependent Schoo! Dis#, ( $ote)s* against .ega! pro$isionA /7ua! %rotection Co# 5he Court refused to e6amine the s1stem =ith strict scrutin1 since there is no fundamenta! right to education in the Constitution and since the s1stem did not s1stematica!!1 discriminate against a!! poor peop!e in 5e6as# Ji$en the simi!arities bet=een 5e6asE s1stem and those in other states, it =as c!ear to the Court that the funding scheme =as not Bso irrationa! as to be in$idious!1 discriminator1#B 2ustice %o=e!! argued that on the 7uestion of =ea!th and education, Bthe /7ua! %rotection C!ause does not re7uire abso!ute e7ua!it1 or precise!1 e7ua! ad$antages#B

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