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The following activities can be used in a variety of ways. They can be used for beginning of the year activities, energizers for breaks during standardized tests, team building activities, etc. They work for almost any age group--try some at the next faculty meeting. Some of them will guarantee a good laugh!

Icebreakers and Ener !"ers #en$%

Pe&'(e B!n & )a*a Pr&cess!n Na,e Ta #a*c- #aker #$rder Kn&*s &+ Pe&'(e An!,a( Scra,b(e S!*es 0!*- Ga,es1 Icebreakers1 and Ener !"ers S!*es 0!*- Icebreaker I*e,s +&r Sa(e

.-& a, I/

Venn )!a ra, &+ S*$den*s Cr!,!na( )ea(!n s

Pe&'(e B!n &

ake a ! x ! grid, like a bingo grid. "rite #$%&&# in the center space. 'n all the other spaces, write things such as #(orn in another state,# #'s the youngest child in family,# or #&lvis fan.# $ill in all the grids with items of interest to the students, which probably leaves &lvis out. 'f you do this with adults, you can use the &lvis idea. )Sorry, can you tell '*m a fan+, %un a copy for each person. The students are to get the signature of a person who meets the criteria for each section. -ou might want to implement a rule that a person can only sign another person*s paper in two spots. The first person with a completed card wins. .on*t forget to include the teacher. /ut in something to which only -01 can answer yes. $or example, for mine ' put #married to a detective.# y teammate put #adopted two children from 2azikstan# for hers. Student Search -- 3ere*s a printable example of /eople (ingo found at Teaching is a "ork of 3eart Scavenger 3unt -- 3ere*s another printable example, but its not in the bingo format. This one is from Teacher*s 4loset. Scavenger atch -- 3ere*s another one from Teacher*s 4loset. This time the students have to find matches for their own answers.

Venn )!a ra, &+ S*$den*s

.ivide students into groups of three or four. 5ive each group a large sheet of butcher paper and a different color marker for each person. 3ave them draw a 6enn diagram with an oval for each student. The students in each group are to discuss what their similarities and differences are. 7fter the discussion, they are to fill in the diagram showing their similarities and differences. 'f a group has a hard time getting started, give them some guidance by asking 8uestions such as, #"hat is your favorite music+#, #"hen is your birthday+#, #"hat sports do you like+, or #"here were you born+#

)a*a Pr&cess!n
.ivide the students into groups of 9: to ;:, depending on the difficulty level you want. The more students in a group, the higher the level of difficulty. 5ive directions for the #data# groups are to use to #process# themselves. The more creative the #data# the more fun the #processing.# 5ive prizes to the group who is the first to correctly processes their data. Several rounds can be played in a short amount of time, depending on the size of the groups. 3ere*s a list of my favorite #data# for this activity< 7lphabetical by best friend*s first name 7lphabetical according to favorite food =ength of hair Shoe size (irthdays >umber of letters in last name =ength of thumb $or teachers, number of years taught

Cr!,!na( )ea(!n s
Some of my 9??@-9??A students taught me this one. 7t first, ' was reluctant to play because of the name )which ' have changed., 3owever, once ' saw how harmless it was, and more importantly how much fun the players were having, ' couldn*t resist. )' love teaching Bth grade!, .esign a system for secretly identifying the #criminal# and the #cop.# "e used a deck of cards. -ou only need enough cards so each player may have one card. 0ne card needs to be a Cack--the criminal, and one needs to be an ace--the cop. 7ll of the other cards should be below ten in rank.

=et each person draw and keep a card, without showing it to anyone. The criminal needs to recruit other criminals by winking at them, but without getting caught by the cop. 7ny person who sees a wink is to wait a few seconds, so as not to be obvious, and then say, #' committed a crime.# That person then turns in his card and is out of the game. /lay continues until the criminal recruits all players without being caught by the cop, or the cop identifies the criminal. 'f the cop misidentifies the criminal, he loses the game.

This is a variation on the 4riminal .ealings game. Same set up with a deck of cards. 4hoose the number of cards needed according to the number of players. (e certain that the Dueen of Spades is in the deck. 7ll players draw cards. The player who chooses the Dueen of Spades is the murderer. Throughout the other activities, the murderer kills victims by winking at them. "hen someone catches the eye of the killer and is winked at, they are killed and )here is the fun part, can die in any manner they want. Some die 8uietly by dropping overE others die in a dramatic finale. The obCect of all other players is to a, not get killed and b, try to identify the murderer. ' think you can make a case for using this in "riting - about the experience, about fear and anticipation and how that clouds activities, about processing fear, relaxing, then being alert again, etc. Submitted by 5wen&llyn

Na,e Ta

#a*c- #aker

&ach group member will need a !# x A# card for a name tag. Then give the following directions< 9. /ut your name in the center of your card. ;. 'n the upper left corner, write four things that you like to do. F. 'n the upper right corner, write your four favorite singers or groups. G. 'n the lower left corner, write your four favorite movies. !. 'n the lower right corner, write four adCectives that describe you. "hen everyone finishes, have them mingle with the group for a few minutes. "ithout talking, they are to read the upper left corner of the other group members* cards. "hen time is up, they are to find one or two people who are most like them and visit for a few minutes. "hen time is up, they are to mingle again reading the upper right corner of the other group members* cards. They then find the one or two people most like them and visit. %epeat with the lower left corner and lower right corner information. To make sure everyone visits with several people, you could implement a rule that no two people can be in the same group more than once.

Kn&*s &+ Pe&'(e

.ivide the group into teams of B to 9; members. 3ave each person Coin right hands with another person in the group, but it has to be someone who is >0T standing immediately to the left or right. Then have each person Coin left hands with another person in the group, but it has to be someone who is >0T standing immediately to the left or right and someone other than before. >ow the groups have to untangle themselves without letting go of hands. They may have to loosen their grips a little to allow for twisting and turning. They may have to step over or under other people. The first group to untangle their knot is the winner. S/&4'7= >0T&< There are four possible solutions to the knot.

9. 0ne large circle with people facing either direction. ;. Two interlocking circles. F. 7 figure eight. G. 7 circle within a circle.

.-& A, I/
$or this activity you will need one sticky note per person. 0n each note write the name of a celebrity, political figure, cartoon character, book character, etc. -ou can choose one category or mix them up. 1se a different person for each note. /lace a sticky note on the back )or forehead, of each participant. The participants are to figure out who they are, but can only do so in the following manner. $ind a partner and read each other*s sticky notes. -ou may ask the other person three 8uestions to which there are yes or no answers. 0nce your 8uestions have been asked and answered, make a guess as to your identity. 'f you are correct, move the sticky note to your chest and you become a #consultant# who gives clues to those still trying to figure out their identities. 'f you are not correct, find a new partner and repeat the process. S/&4'7= >0T&< (e sure to choose characters that are appropriate to the age of the participants to avoid #generation gap frustration.#

An!,a( Scra,b(e
There is some preparation for this activity. 0n a slip of paper, write the name of an animal that makes an obvious noise. 4reate five to ten slips for each animal. 5ive each participant a slip of paper, but tell them to keep their animal a secret. The participants are to find the rest of their kind, but there is no talking. So how do they find the others+ They have

to make the noise of the animal. 0nce two of the same kind have found each other, they stay together to find more. 4ontinue until all of the like animals have created one big group. 1se 7nimal Scramble, but add a hint of danger by planting a couple of danger animals who if incorrectly approached can take you out of the game ) snake, lion, tiger, etc,. The last survivor of nondangerous animals is winner )>on-dangerous animals need to gather say G of a kind to be safe in a packE they can even fake being a dangerous animal but cannot take out anyone - someone catches onto this and the fun begins!, Submitted by /hil izzi

S!*es 0!*- 2*-er Ga,es1 Icebreakers1 and Ener !"ers Warmups and Energizers
Warmups or energizers are activities the trainer uses throughout the course to encourage participant involvement and interaction. These activities may be used at the beginning of each day to bring the group together and begin work on a positive note. They may also be used during the day to recharge the group (e.g., after lunch, after a long presentation). Here are number of warmups and energizers you can use. The trainer gives the participants slips of paper, and asks them to write down at least three things they would like to learn during that day s activities. The participants attach their slips to a poster board or piece of flipchart paper, which is posted in the classroom. The trainer can then review these e!pectations with the group and tell them which topics will and will not be covered. This activity can also help the clinical trainer focus the course on individual or group learning needs and interests. Super Model Exercise Objective " #ce breaker or energizer " $reat for laughs and rela!ation. %hedding of status and roles. Time required "&"'( minutes. Space requirements " big enough for participants to form a circle. How to do it:

'. )rrange participants in a circle. *. #nstruct participants that they have to act out your instructions. When pointed to and given the following commands+ "Super Model" " ,articipant should immediately pose as a fashion model. The two participants alongside the participant acting as a super model (the one on the left and the right) take the role of photographers and mimic gestures of taking a photo. "Elep ant"" ,articipant poses as an elephant by immediately thrusting two hands held together in front to represent the elephant-s trunk. The two participants alongside form a circle with their hands and place them on the side of the participant pointed to serve as .ears. of the elephant. "!ello" " ,articipant shakes his or her body like /ello continuously. The two participants alongside hold each other-s hands and form a circle around the target participant. The idea is to form a .glass. around the /ello. ""ueen #ee" " ,articipant turns around and puts his or her hands together behind the back (/ust above the buttocks) and flutters them back and forth to mimic a bee-s tail. The two participants alongside thrust their arms away from the bee and flutter them like wings. "$on%e&" " participant and those alongside him or her should freeze and not move at all 0!pect that people will be confused and make mistakes. %uch mistakes generate laughter and fun. To make the e!ercise competitive, participants who make a mistake (both the one pointed to and the two participants alongside him or her) can be eliminated from the game. The e!ercise can be used several times in a meeting or seminar. 1ontributed by 2en 3ozare, 4H5611, 'ational (nt em ) This warmup works best when you have participants from a number of countries. To conduct this warmup, you will need a source of music (tape player or radio) and a ball. The participants should stand in a circle. The trainer puts on the source of music and participants dance and pass the ball around in the circle. Whenever the music stops, whoever has the ball in his6her hand must step into the circle and sing the first verse of his6her national anthem. #f he6she cannot remember the national anthem (which happens sometimes) he6she must sing a love song to pass. )fter this has been done satisfactorily, the trainer turns on the music again and participants again pass the ball in the circle. The game continues until many participants have had the opportunity to sing or the trainer feels that everyone has been energized. Tell ( Stor& " The participants should stand in a circle. The purpose of this activity is to build a story with each participant contributing one sentence that must+

7ake sense and at the same time add some fun to the activity, 2uild on to the last sentence, and 2e grammatically correct.

8or e!ample+ 9'+ 9*+ 9<+ 9=+ :# was walking to breakfast this morning.; :) dog came up to me.; :# said good morning to the dog.; :The dog asked me what # was going to have for breakfast.;

The activity continues until all of the participants have contributed or until the facilitator feels that the group has been energized. T e *ast +ord " The participants should stand in a circle. >ne participant moves and stands randomly in front of another. He6she makes a statement (e.g., :#t is such a lovely day;). The person spoken to will move to another person and make a statement starting with the last word in the statement he6she received (e.g., :?ay one of the course was very tiring;). 0ach participant takes turns to ensure that everybody gets a chance to participate.

T e Telep one " ,articipants should sit or stand in a circle. The facilitator @uickly whispers a message to one participant. This participant passes the message in a whisper to the ne!t person and so on. The last person shouts out the message. 1hances are the final message will be different from the original. Here is an e!ample of an initial message (note how two different activities are blended into the initial statement, a sure cause for confusion when whispered @uickly)+ :# had rice for dinner and then dressed in blue to go dancing.; + at $o ,ou Have- " ?ivide the participants into teams of ="A people. 0ach team should make a list of A"B items that they would probably have with them. 7ake one or two items less common things. The team gets points for eac person who has these items. >nly one of each item per person can be counted and the team with the most points wins. The list could include+ a photograph, a calculator, a pencil, a photograph of a family member, an unusual key chain, something red, etc. #rainstorming " ?ivide the participants into teams of five people. )sk the teams to list+ things that are s@uare, things associated with a holiday, things that are red, things they

can make out a coat hanger, etc. The teams are not allowed to discuss, /ust list itemsC The team with the most items on their list wins. #all Toss #rainstorming " )nnounce a topic (things associated with a topic, a holiday, the course content, etc.). Then, toss around a ball. When someone catches the ball, they shout out something related to the topic and then toss the ball to someone else. 1ontinue the e!ercise until everyone has had a chance to speak. .ariations+ When they catch the ball, each person tells what they thought was the most important learning concept was. 1ontinue the e!ercise until everyone has caught the ball at least once and e!plained an important concept of the material /ust covered. 0ach person tells one step of a process or concept when the ball is tossed to them. The instructor or learner, in turn, writes it on a chalkboard or flipchart. 8or e!ample, after covering .client assessment,. the trainer would start the ball toss by having everyone give one step in the client assessment process. /alm $own0 %ometimes the participants need to calm down or .come down. to reality after some intensive material is presented. )lso, to get the full benefit of new material, some .introspective time. is needed. Have the participants lay their heads on the table, lay on the floor, or get in a comfortable position. Then, have them reflect on what they have /ust learned. )fter about & minutes, say a key word or short phase and have them reflect on it for a couple of minutes. Depeat one or two more times then gather the group into a circle and have them share what they believe are the most important points of the concept and how they can best use it at their place of work. 'ote+ This may seem like a waste of time to many, but reflection is one of the most powerful learning techni@ues availableC 5se itC #oom0 " )ll participants should sit in a circle. They are instructed to count out loud around the circle. 0ach person whose number is a multiple of < (<"A"E"'*, etc.) or a number that ends with < ('<"*<"<<, etc.) must say 2>>7C instead of the number. The ne!t person continues the normal se@uence of numbers. Example+ The first person starts with 1, the ne!t one says 2, and the person who should say 3 says #OOM0 instead, and the ne!t person says 4. )nyone who fails to say #OOM0 or who makes a mistake with the number that follows #OOM0 is dis@ualified.

The numbers must be said rapidly (& seconds ma!imum)F if a participant takes too long to say her6his number, s6he is dis@ualified. The last two participants left are the winners. 'ote+ Gou can have the participants :clap; once instead of saying 2oom. 'ote+ To make this energizer more interesting, when a specific number is reached (e.g., <() have the participants count backwards towards zero. The game can be made more comple! by using multiples of bigger numbers, or by combining multiples of three with multiples of five. 5nique Sa&ings " )t the beginning of the week, form groups of three or four participants. )sk each group to record some of the sayings fre@uently used in their countries or in their region of the country. )fter & to H minutes, ask the groups to report their list of sayings. )s each group reports their list, the trainer should check that the entire group understands each saying. Ieep this list of sayings for another warmup later in the week. Write each saying on a piece of paper and place each in an envelope. >n the third or fourth day of the course or workshop, divide the participants into two groups, one group at each end of the room. >ne representative from each group comes to the center of the room to receive an envelope containing a saying. The representatives read the saying silently and return to their groups. Without speaking to her6his group, the representatives draw a picture on the flipchart to represent the saying s6he has received. The drawings cannot contain any words or parts of words. The members of each group guess the saying that their representative has drawn. The first team to guess the correct saying receives one point. )fter one group has guessed the saying, each group sends a new representative to the center to receive another envelope with a saying and the activity proceeds as described above. The activity continues for '( minutes or until all the sayings have been drawn and identified. The group with the higher number of points wins. Hot 6epper " ,articipants sit in a circle away from the tables and close their eyes. The trainer gives a small ball to one participant who is instructed to pass the ball @uickly to the ne!t person saying :Hot0; ,articipants continue to pass the ball around the group. )s the ball is passed from participant to participant, the trainer turns her6his back, closes eyes and calls out :6epper0; The person who is holding the ball when :6epper0; is called is removed from the circle. The ball continues to be passed until only one person is left.

+ords " ?ivide the participants into three or four small groups. Write the word 7'TE8(/T7.E on the flipchart. The groups have & minutes to create as many three" letter words as possible from the word 7'TE8(/T7.E. 8or e!ample, some of the words could be+

#t Dat Detain

)fter the their time is gone, the group with the most words wins. Jote+ ?epending on the topic, other words can be used in this way, such as :demonstration,; :counseling,; etc. Spider +eb " The participants should stand in a circle. ) ball of yarn is given to one participant who tells the group something about her6himself, such as name, where s6he is from, her6his type of work, why s6he is attending the course, etc. (The information to include will depend on the size of the group and the time allotted for the activity.) The participant with the ball of yarn holds onto the end of the yarn and throws the ball to another participant in the circle, who in turn must introduce her6himself in the same way. ,articipants continue introducing themselves by tossing the ball around the circle until all participants form part of this spider web. )s soon as everyone has introduced her6himself, the person holding the ball returns it to the person who threw it to her6him, as s6he repeats the information about that person. That person then returns the ball to the person who threw it to her6him, repeating her6his information. This continues around the circle, with the ball following its previous path in reverse order until it reaches the participant who first introduced her6himself. 'ote+ Warn the participants beforehand of the importance of paying attention to each introduction, since they will not know who will be throwing the ball at them. T e 6ost O99ice " The participants should sit in a circle, each having her6his own chair. The facilitator takes one chair away and the participant who is left standing stands in the center of the circle and begins the activity. The participant in the center of the circle says something like+ :# bring a letter for all of my colleagues who have brown hair.; )ll of the participants who have the characteristic stated (e.g., brown hair) and the person in the center of the circle change places. Whoever ends up without a chair to sit on,

stands in the center of the circle and again states that s6he is bringing a letter, but for people with a different characteristic, such as+ :# bring a letter for all of my colleagues who are wearing black shoes.; :# bring a letter for all of my colleagues who have never inserted a 1opper T <B() #5?.; The activity can continue as long as the group is interested and enthusiastic, but no longer than '( minutes.
11/18/03 8:56 PM

Energizers are used to get a group moving, give a break from ong periods of sitting do!n, and e"#ite a group about t$e ne"t portion of a program% &se t$em in sma doses to re'uvenate a group after un#$ or first t$ing in t$e morning% Pi#k and #$oose from t$e fo o!ing: Animal Circle: group in #ir# e, one person in midd e% Midd e person points to an(one, !$o must )make) anima !it$ peop e on bot$ sides *tota of 3 peop e+% ,f midd e person #ounts to five before anima is )made), t$en #enter person of anima #omes into midd e of #ir# e to rep a#e midd e person% -nima e"amp e: a igator, !it$ midd e person making 'a!s of t!o arms, and . side peop e make tai b( $o ding $ips of midd e person% What are you doing?: group in #ir# e% /irst person starts b( miming a#tion *e": brus$ing teet$+% Person to eft asks, )!$at are (ou doing0) and first person ans!ers !it$ anot$er a#tion/a#tivit( *e": # imbing a adder+% Person to eft must t$en a#t out # imbing adder, !$i e person to t$eir eft asks, )!$at are (ou doing0)% 1o one stops miming a#tivit( unti ever(one in #ir# e is doing some a#tivit(/a#tion% People to People: $uman t!ister, !it$ group in #ir# e *paired up+ and one person in midd e% Midd e person #a s #ommands, su#$ as )$and to $and) or )e bo! to s$ou der) to t!ist up pairs% -fter .23 t!ists, midd e person #a s )peop e to peop e), ever(one raises arms and (e s, running a#ross #ir# e% - must find ne! partner, in# uding so e midd e person, so one person !i be eft over and be ne! midd e person% 3epeat% Clothespin Samurai: group in #ir# e, one person midd e !it$ b indfo d and )s!ord) *inf atab e or foam+% Midd e person $as severa # ot$espins atta#$ed to # ot$ing *ba#k, arms, egs, s$oes, et#%+% 4roup members must remove pins !it$out getting !$a#ked b( s!ord% ,f !$a#ked t$ree times, (ou5re out% Eye Contact Samurai: group in #ir# e, one person in midd e !$o #a s )$eads do!n)% Ever(one bo!s $eads% 6$en midd e person sa(s, )$eads up), ever(one ooks up and at an(one e se in #ir# e% ,f an( pair makes dire#t e(e #onta#t, t$e( must s!ap p a#es, !it$ midd e person tr(ing to get into one of t$e p a#es% 7eftover person be#omes ne! midd e person% Partner Tag: in t!os, partners ink arms% 8ne pair starts as )it) and separates, !it$ one of t$e t!o #$asing t$e ot$er% Ever(one e se in pairs 'ust !a ks around% Person being #$ased is )safe) !$en $e/s$e ink arms !it$ an(one, but !$oever is on ot$er side of ne! ( inked person is no! so o and #an be tagged b( #$aser% 1e! person being #$ased be#omes safe b( inking !it$ an(one $e/s$e #$ooses, for#ing someone e se to un ink and be#ome #$ased% Earthquake and Eviction: one person a one to start, rest of group in t$reesomes, !it$ t!o peop e making $ouse of $ands and one person standing underneat$% 7one person #a s eit$er )evi#tion), in !$i#$ ever(one in a $ouse must eave and find ne! one, or )eart$9uake), in !$i#$ a $ouses #o apse and ever(one must form ne! t$reesomes of $ouse and resident% Eit$er !a(, one person tries to get into one of t$e t$reesomes, so person eft over be#omes ne! )#a er)% Assassin: group in #ir# e% 3u es: #$oose someone in #ir# e to be (our assassin !it$out informing t$em% - so #$oose a bod(guard !it$out informing% :o sta( a ive, must keep bod(guard bet!een (ou and (our assassin% 6$en eader (e s )freeze), #$e#k if a ive or dead%

Pulse Race: in t!o ines, $o ding $ands% Ever(one $as e(es # osed e"#ept eader of ea#$ ine% - bea#$ ba or ot$er ob'e#t is p a#ed at opposite end of ines from eaders% /a#i itator stands b( eaders and f ips a #oin% ,f tai s, do not$ing% ,f $eads, eaders start pu se ra#e b( s9ueezing $and of person ne"t to t$em, !$i#$ sets off #$ain rea#tion% 6$en ast person in ine fee s $and s9ueezed, $e/s$e ma( open e(es and grab for bea#$ ba % 6$i#$ever team gets ba first ea#$ round gets a point% -fter ea#$ round, eader goes to end of ine%

T e Top 1: 7cebrea%ers 9or Meetings and Training Seminars

1ategory+ %peaking, Writers, ,resenters, Trainers ()5*() >riginally %ubmitted on E6*&6EH. Whether it is a small gathering at your home or a large training seminar, we all want to feel that we have established some commonality with our fellow attendees. 2y creating a warm, friendly, personal learning environment, the attendees will participate more and learn moreC '. ;avorite T)s irt ) )sk attendees to bring (not wear) their favorite T"shirt to the meeting. >nce all participants have arrived, ask each person to show the shirt to the group and e!plain how the T"shirt best resembles their personality. *. 6ersonal #ingo ) The host will need to do a little homework before the meeting to find out a few tidbits about each participant (favorite hobbies, books, vacation spots, number of children, favorite foods, etc). ,repare a bingo card (duplicate the card for all attendees to have the same one) with one tid"bit for each s@uare, and instruct the participants to mingle with the group to identify the person for each s@uare. )s the information is uncovered, they ask the participant to sign their corresponding s@uare. Ieep moving among the guests until all s@uares are filled. Dules+ only open"ended @uestions may be used. 8irst person who fills card wins a prize. <. Sa& c eese< please ) )s each participant arrives, take their picture with a ,olaroid type camera and hang their photo on a piece of easel paper in the entrance area of the meeting room in groups of two or three photos (depending on size of meeting " you may have only * per group or more if the group is large). 5se your creativity and decorate the easel paper to e!tend a Warm Welcome and set the tone of the meeting. >nce all participants have arrived, ask them to find their partner(s) from the photo display on the easel and spend about & " '( minutes getting to know the person(s). Then have them introduce their partner(s) to the rest of the group and share something they discovered they have in common.

=. ;amous people=cities ) )s each participant arrives, tape a < ! & inde! card on their back with the name of a famous person or city. They must circulate in the room and ask @uestions that can >J3G be answered with a G0% or J> to identify clues that will help them find out the name of the person or city on their inde! card. 0K)7,30%+ ,aris, 7adonna, %anta 1laus, 4ohn Wayne, 1asablanca &. Sensuous Sam > 7nquiring 7da ) )sk each participant to choose an ad/ective that begins with the first letter of their first name and one that really matches their personality. Have them introduce themselves /ust as they wrote it on the card and allow time for others to ask @uestions. A. $ream .acation ) )sk participants to introduce themselves and describe details of the ideal, perfect dream vacation. H. ;avorite animal ) )s the guests arrive, and before you write their names on a name card, ask them to tell you their favorite animal and three ad/ectives to describe the animal. )s they tell you, write the three ad/ectives on a name tag 208>D0 their name (omit the name of the animal). )sk them to mingle with the crowd, sharing why these ad/ectives best describe their own personality. 0K)7,30%+ 3oyal, cuddly, playful ?an B. #irt da& 6artner ) Have participants mingle in the group and identify the person whose birthdate (not year " /ust month and date) is closest to their own. 8ind out two things they have in common. E. *ong lost relative ) )s a group, ') ask each person to turn to the person on their right and greet him6her as if they really didn-t want to be there. Geah, you know what # mean " you can-t wait to get out of thereC Then everyone (simultaneously to create lots of fun and e!citement) turn to the same person and greet him6her as if (s)he is a long lost, deeply loved relative who has /ust returned home and you-re about to see the person for the first time in yearsC #n fact, you thought you may never see this person again until this very moment. >kay, now ask everyone (again simultaneously) to turn to the same person and greet him6her as if this person /ust told you that you won the state lottery for &( million dollars and you have the >J3G winning ticketCLL '(. /ircle o9 ;riends )

This is a great greeting and departure for a large group who will be attending a seminar for more than one day together and the chances of meeting everyone in the room is almost impossible. 8orm two large circles (or simply form two lines side by side), one inside the other and have the people in the inside circle face the people in the outside circle. )sk the circles to take one step in the opposite directions, allowing them to meet each new person as the circle continues to move very slowly. #f lines are formed, they simply keep the line moving very slowly, as they introduce themselves.

(bout t e Submitter
This piece was originally submitted by 4anice 3aMore, ?irector of 1ustomer 1are for 8ortune '(( 1ompany, who can be reached at /elcoachNbellsouth.net. 4anice 3aMore wants you to know+ # have over '& years of e!perience in management, performance coaching, training, leadership developement, and customer care. # en/oy coaching individuals in these areas and also career transition and life mastery. 7y enthusiasm for life and learning is contagious and # coach from .the heart.. #f you would like a free introductory coaching session, please send an email and let-s schedule '6* hour session. The original source is+ ,ersonal e!periences as a trainer and speaker.

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