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UNIT 2 intermediate TEST FILA A





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Completa con il pronome relativo corretto who, whom, which o whose.

1. People .................................... write with their left hand are called left-handers.
2. The artist, .................................... paintings are exhibited at the Tate Modern, was introduced
to the Queen.
3. Madrid, .................................... is the capital of Spain, is now a very modern city.
4. The person to .................................... I was speaking this morning is my girlfriend.
5. This student, .................................... marks are always poor, will fail the exam.

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Collega le frasi con un pronome o un avverbio relativo tra quelli nel riquadro.
who which where whose when
1. The person answered the phone. She was very rude.

2. The hotel was in a good position. We stayed in this hotel.


3. The winner won $ 1,000,000. His name is unknown.


4. The film was a flop. It was released last month in New York.

5. March is a month. Im always very tired in March.

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Rendi le frasi pi scorrevoli omettendo il pronome relativo e/o spostando la preposizione.


3. This is the car that I would never buy. .....................................................................................................................

4. I dont understand the reason for which he hasnt come with us.



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5. The singer whom I want to see in a concert is Cline Dion.

Completa con la forma corretta del verbo need.


You ............................................. buy me a present every time you come to dinner.

What ............................................. you ............................................. to know to do your job?
............................................. you go yet? Why dont you stay a bit longer?
You ............................................. to pay. Its free.
She ............................................. to find her way.

Idee per insegnare linglese con

J. Shelly MY LIFE Zanichelli 2010

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La riproduzione di questa pagina tramite fotocopia autorizzata ai soli fini dellutilizzo

nellattivit didattica degli alunni delle classi che hanno adottato il testo.


Unit Tests and Skills Tests

0. Who is the person with whom Simon is talking? Who is the person Simon is talking with?
1. The car in which she arrived was a Rolls Royce. ............................................................................................
2. Do you know the boy with whom I was dancing?

UNIT 2 intermediate TEST FILA A


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DATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Completa il brano con una parola adatta al contesto. La prima lettera data.
A person who teaches is called a (1) t................................. if he or she works at elementary, middle or high school, but he or she is called a (2) p................................... if he or she teaches at university or (3) c.......................................... In Oxford and Cambridge he or she is called a
(4) d.................................... Tiddlywinks is a (5) g................................... played by students with small
(6) d.................................... A pub crawl is a popular way to spend the evening, going to different
pubs or bars to have a (7) d................................... in each one. A fraternity is a private and exclusive (8) c................................... for male students. You usually find them at universities in the
USA. Many students (9) l.................................. on the university campus. They usually
(10) s............................. their room with other students, who are called roommates.
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Scrivi il dialogo seguendo le indicazioni tra parentesi. Non tradurre parola per parola.


Unit Tests and Skills Tests

A: (1) ....................................................................................................................................................................................................
(Chiede a B con chi stava parlando la sera prima)
B: (2) ....................................................................................................................................................................................................
(Risponde dicendo che stava parlando con Mary)
A: (3) ............................................................................................................................ (Chiede spiegazioni su chi sia)
B: (4) ....................................................................................................................................................................................................
(Dice che la ragazza con cui studia alluniversit)
A: (5) ....................................................................................................................................................................................................
(Si ricorda che la ragazza che aveva bisogno di prendere lezioni di spagnolo)
(6) ....................................................................................................................................................................................................
(Chiede se ha finito di leggere il libro che gli/le aveva prestato la settimana prima)
B: (7) ........................................................................................................... (Dice di non averlo ancora terminato)
(8) ............................................................................................................................... (Chiede se gli/le serve subito)
A: (9) ......................................................................................................................................... (Dice che il suo professore, a cui piace molto la letteratura inglese, vuole che scriva una relazione su di esso)
B: (10) .................................................................................................................................................................................................
(Assicura che glielo far avere domani)
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Traduci le frasi.
1. il figlio della signora che abbiamo incontrato ieri.
2. Non c bisogno che comperi un altro televisore.
3. Un campus un luogo in cui gli studenti vivono durante luniversit.
4. Non capisco la ragione per cui il mio autobus sempre in ritardo.
5. Ti serve qualcosa dal supermercato?



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Idee per insegnare linglese con

J. Shelly MY LIFE Zanichelli 2010

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La riproduzione di questa pagina tramite fotocopia autorizzata ai soli fini dellutilizzo

nellattivit didattica degli alunni delle classi che hanno adottato il testo.

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