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Gmail - Save A Life Foundation, Carol Spizzirri http://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=e1a2b66204&view=pt&search=s...

Gordy Pratt <gordy.pratt@gmail.com>

7 messages

Gordy Pratt <gordy.pratt@gmail.com> Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 8:54 PM

To: LBlack@tribune.com

Lisa Black
The Chicago Tribune

Dear Ms. Black,

I was informed that you're reporting an article about the Save A Life
Foundation and about my ex-wife, Carol Spizzirri, and that you are
interested in reviewing documents about the recent legal action taken
against me by Ms. Spizzirri in Lake County Circuit Court.

Here are the court documents along with a September 11 letter from my
attorney, Richard S. Kopsick of Waukegan, that summarizes the outcome
of the case. Please feel free to contact him if you wish:

Here's a brief description of the case.

On August 3, 2009, the Daily Herald published this letter to the

editor from me: http://www.dailyherald.com/story/?id=310714&src=
To my surprise, a few days later I was served by the Milwaukee County
Sheriff's Department and ordered to appear in Lake County Court to
answer the charges. Long story short, every allegation in the
complaint is fiction and Judge Waldeck clearly agreed. I have not set
foot in the state of Illinois or seen Ms. Spizzirri since 2002 when we
attended the funeral of our eldest daughter, Carlotta.

On September 10, I appeared before Judge Waldeck with Richard

representing me. Carol Spizzirri represented herself without counsel.

The hearing opened with Richard asking Spizzirri if she had filed a
lawsuit against Peter Heimlich, Dr. Robert Baratz, and a blogger. She
replied, "Yes, but that case has already been settled." Richard
replied, "That is not true. You did not settle the case. You dropped
the case. There's a big difference between settling a case and
dropping a case altogether."

Richard then asked Spizzirri if she was aware of the four Chuck Goudie
reports about her and the Save A Life Foundation that aired on ABC7
Chicago. Spizzirri replied she knew of only one report by Chuck Goudie
and that she had never seen or known about the other three. Then
Richard pulled out a DVD containing the four reports and asked
Spizzirri if she would like him to play it in court. Spizzirri said
no, she didn't want him to play it.

Then Richard asked if she had recently appeared in a TV interview on

the Illinois Channel in which she said she was the victim of cyber
stalking. She said yes. Then Richard asked, "Then how do you know it

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wasn't this cyber stalker who broke into your home?" (One of the
charges in the complaint is that I allegedly broke into her home and
stole her computer.) Spizzirri replied, "I don't know." Then Richard
asked, "Then isn't it also possible that it was the cyber stalker who
made the hundreds of phone calls you claimed to have received?"
(Another charge in the complaint.) Spizzirri said, "I don't know."

Then Richard asked her, "Didn't you claim to be a Registered Nurse and
to have a Bachelor of Science degree?" Spizzirri then denied she had
ever made either claim. Then Richard presented her with these pages
from an April 13, 2004 grant application from the Save A Life
Foundation to the US Centers for Disease Control for $1,005,000,
signed by Spizzirri: http://iumbofiles.com/l5fetgq6ml6e

Richard pointed out that next to her name and signature were the typed
initials "RN" and "BS". Spizzirri then denied she had written those on
the funding application. She said that one of her employees must have
written them or that the CDC had written it in. At that point I saw
Judge Waldeck roll his eyes.

Spizzirri then said, "My ex-husband admitted that he has been writing
letters to newspapers and public officials since 1993, trying to make
me look like a bad person." Judge Waldeck said to her, "Your
ex-husband has the right to write letters. That is covered by the
First Amendment of the Constitution that guarantees us all freedom of
speech and it has nothing to do with this case." Then the judge
dismissed the case saying that the evidence she presented did not meet
the standard to issue a restraining order. The entire hearing lasted
about 20 minutes. I never said a word.

On the way out of the courtroom, Richard and I passed Rita Mullins. (I
recognized her from news photos.) She was sitting in the back of the
courtroom next to the exit door. When Richard passed her, Mullins said
to him in full voice, "I I"

You may already know that Carol Spizzirri has a long history of filing
specious legal actions against me and others. This was the fifth legal
action of this kind she has filed against me over the last three
decades. She lost four of the cases and won one case by default
because I was late getting to court.

I have heart trouble and I don't intend to be put through any more of
her abuse so I've prepared the following sworn affidavits in the hope
that she will discontinue this conduct against me and others.

1) September 9, 2009 affidavit regarding a 1985 court-ordered

psychological evaluation of Carol Spizzirri, who was diagnosed as a
"paranoid schizophrenic, pathological liar, and chronic child abuser":

2) September 18, 2009 affidavit regarding two shoplifting charges

against Carol Spizzirri (then Carol J. Pratt) from 1979 and 1981. She
pleaded guilty to both charges: http://iumbofiles.com/wx6yg804mzl3

Finally, as Chuck Goudie reported, the Save A Life Foundation has

promoted itself and fundraised based on false claims about the death
of my daughter, Christina Pratt, for whom I still grieve. You should
be aware that she was the victim of physical and mental abuse by her
Gmail - Save A Life Foundation, Carol Spizzirri http://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=e1a2b66204&view=pt&search=s...

mother, resulting in Chrissy filing this May 4, 1992 protective order

against her mother and taking shelter at the home of a neighbor named
Laura Haibeck, a social worker who works with young people:

Here's Laura's contact information:


As you probably know, five months later Chrissy died in the car
accident. A year after that, Carol Spizzirri twisted the facts of her
death and used those lies to start and promote the Save A Life
Foundation. If the Tribune is interested in reporting those facts,
feel free to contact me anytime.

Thank you for taking the time to review this information. If you have
any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.

I would appreciate it if you would confirm receipt of this e-mail.


Gordon T. Pratt
Milwaukee, WI

Gordy Pratt <gordy.pratt@gmail.com> Sat, Oct 3, 2009 at 11:52 AM

To: LBlack@tribune.com

Ms. Black:

Please provide me with your editor's name.

I look forward to your prompt reply.

Gordon T. Pratt
Milwaukee, WI

[Quoted text hidden]

Black, Lisa <LBlack@tribune.com> Sat, Oct 3, 2009 at 2:20 PM

To: gordy.pratt@gmail.com
Cc: "Hernon, Peter J." <PHernon@tribune.com>

My immediate supervisor is Peter Hernon.

Is there a problem I can help you with?

Lisa Black
Lisa Black
Chicago Tribune
[Quoted text hidden]

Gordy Pratt <gordy.pratt@gmail.com> Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 10:50 AM

3 of 7 10/19/2009 9:45 AM
Gmail - Save A Life Foundation, Carol Spizzirri http://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=e1a2b66204&view=pt&search=s...

To: "Black, Lisa" <LBlack@tribune.com>

Cc: PHernon@tribune.com, jlasich@tribune.com

Lisa Black
Chicago Tribune

Dear Ms. Black:

Re: your October 11, 2009 article, Save-A-Life Foundation in Limbo, I would appreciate your answers to the
following questions.

Per your story's headline, you reported that the Save-A-Life Foundation (SALF) is "in hibernation until the economy
improves" and has "suspend(ed) operations," information you attributed to SALF founder/president Carol Spizzirri.

However, according to the IL Secretary of State's Department of Business Services, the Save-A-Life Foundation
filed for voluntary dissolution on September 17, 2009, thereby ceasing operations in your state. The Secretary of
State's website freely provides that information. Here's a screenshot: http://jumbofiles.com/onxwsttgxp9v Here's a
copy of the Articles of Dissolution, signed and dated by Spizzirri on August 21, 2009: http://jumbofiles.com/

1) When you wrote your article, were you aware that the corporation had been dissolved?

From your article:

A University of Chicago doctor later examined the medical records from the 1992 crash near Waukegan.
Despite a county coroner's report to the contrary, he said Christina Spizzirri might not have died had she
received basic first aid for control of hemorrhage.

2) What's the doctor's name? On what date did you interview her/him to obtain or confirm the information you
reported? Approximately when and in what capacity did this doctor examine the medical records of my late daughter
Christina Pratt (whose last name you reported incorrectly)?

Thank you for your attention to my inquiry and I would appreciate receiving your answers in the next few days. If you
require more time, please advise.


Gordon T. Pratt
PO Box 18121
Milwaukee, WI 53218

Ph/FAX: (707)667-1746
e-mail: gordy.pratt@gmail.com


Peter Hernon, Editor

Jenna Lasich, Coordinator/Reader Help Desk
[Quoted text hidden]

Black, Lisa <LBlack@tribune.com> Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 10:59 AM

To: Gordy Pratt <gordy.pratt@gmail.com>

Dear Mr. Pratt,

4 of 7 10/19/2009 9:45 AM
Gmail - Save A Life Foundation, Carol Spizzirri http://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=e1a2b66204&view=pt&search=s...

If your ex-wife wants to describe the foundation as in hibernation, that is her right. Yes, I know about the
dissolution, but that doesn’t stop her from applying to restart the organization again, if that is what she
chooses to do. I think you already have the answer to your second question, but yes, I have written and
oral verification of Dr. Lance Becker’s conclusions. You can look that up yourself.

We are going to publish a correction concerning your daughter’s legal name. I am sorry, it appears that she
also used the name Spizzirri for other purposes, but if it is important to you, I have no problem clarifying
her name.

If you have any further problems, I suggest that you talk to my editor, Peter Hernon. He is aware of your

Lisa Black

Chicago Tribune

From: Gordy Pratt [mailto:gordy.pratt@gmail.com]

Sent: Tuesday, October 13, 2009 9:50 AM
To: Black, Lisa
Cc: Hernon, Peter J.; Lasich, Jenna
[Quoted text hidden]

[Quoted text hidden]

Gordy Pratt <gordy.pratt@gmail.com> Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 11:56 AM

To: "Black, Lisa" <LBlack@tribune.com>
Cc: jlasich@tribune.com, PHernon@tribune.com

Lisa Black
Chicago Tribune

Dear Ms. Black:

Thank you for your prompt reply to my previous e-mail. You wrote:

>I think you already have the answer to your second question, but yes, I have written and oral >verification of Dr.
Lance Becker’s conclusions. You can look that up yourself.

I've never read anything by Dr. Becker, have never communicated with him, and you have never discussed this or
any other matter with me, therefore it's unclear how you arrived at your conclusion. Also I have no idea what
documents or report by Dr. Becker you're referring to. Since you reported the information, I presume it's on the
record, so would you please send me copies? If not, what types of documents are they, what are the dates of the
documents, and where may I look them up as you suggested?

Also, you failed to answer my questions. Would you please check your notes and advise on what date you contacted
Dr. Becker to verify the information you reported and in what capacity did he examine my daughter's medical

5 of 7 10/19/2009 9:45 AM
Gmail - Save A Life Foundation, Carol Spizzirri http://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=e1a2b66204&view=pt&search=s...

>it appears that (your daughter) also used the name Spizzirri for other purposes

I am unaware of my late daughter ever using the name "Christina Spizzirri." For example, in the May 4, 1992
restraining order she filed against her mother* (to which you alluded in your article, albeit obliquely), she identified
herself as Christina J. Pratt. Therefore, please explain how you arrived at your conclusion.

Thank you again for your prompt response and I look forward to receiving your answers to the above questions.


Gordon T. Pratt
PO Box 18121
Milwaukee, WI 53218

Ph/FAX: (707)667-1746
e-mail: gordy.pratt@gmail.com

* http://jumbofiles.com/f60bz9vgra6h


Peter Hernon, Editor

Jenna Lasich, Coordinator/Reader Help Desk

[Quoted text hidden]

Black, Lisa <LBlack@tribune.com> Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 12:59 PM

To: Gordy Pratt <gordy.pratt@gmail.com>

Mr. Pratt,

My editors have instructed me to move on to other assignments. I am finished answering your questions.

Thank you.

Lisa Black

Chicago Tribune

From: Gordy Pratt [mailto:gordy.pratt@gmail.com]

Sent: Tuesday, October 13, 2009 10:56 AM
To: Black, Lisa
Cc: Lasich, Jenna; Hernon, Peter J.
[Quoted text hidden]

6 of 7 10/19/2009 9:45 AM
Gmail - reader questions re: Lisa Black's Save-A-Life Foundation article http://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=e1a2b66204&view=pt&search=s...

Gordy Pratt <gordy.pratt@gmail.com>

Gordy Pratt <gordy.pratt@gmail.com> Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 10:56 AM

To: PHernon@tribune.com

Peter Hernon
Chicago Tribune

Dear Mr. Hernon,

I copied you on my recent e-mail exchange with reporter Lisa Black in which I attempted to verify information she
reported in an October 11, 2009 Tribune article about the Save-A-Life Foundation. My questions concerned a
medical report about the death of my daughter Christina Pratt that Ms. Black referenced in her article:

A University of Chicago doctor later examined the medical records from the 1992 crash near Waukegan.
Despite a county coroner's report to the contrary, he said Christina Spizzirri (sic) might not have died had
she received basic first aid for control of hemorrhage.

After reading this, I e-mailed Ms. Black:

What's the doctor's name? On what date did you interview her/him to obtain or confirm the information you
reported? Approximately when and in what capacity did this doctor examine the medical records of my late
daughter Christina Pratt (whose last name you reported incorrectly)?

Here's Ms. Black's reply and my follow-up:

LB: I think you already have the answer to your second question, but yes, I have written and oral verification
of Dr. Lance Becker’s conclusions. You can look that up yourself.

GP: I've never read anything by Dr. Becker, have never communicated with him, and you have never
discussed this or any other matter with me, therefore it's unclear how you arrived at your conclusion. Also I
have no idea what documents or report by Dr. Becker you're referring to. Since you reported the
information, I presume it's on the record, so would you please send me copies? If not, what types of
documents are they, what are the dates of the documents, and where may I look them up as you

Here's Ms. Black's response in its entirety:

My editors have instructed me to move on to other assignments. I am finished answering your questions.
Thank you.

Ms. Black informed me that you're her supervising editor so I'd appreciate your help regarding this report about my

Would you please send me a copy of Dr. Becker's report? Also, would you please inform me in what capacity Dr.
Becker examined my daughter's medical records (as Ms. Black reported). Specifically, who hired him and for what
purpose? Finally, on what date did Ms. Black contact Dr. Becker to verify the information she reported?

Thank you for your attention to my inquiry and I would appreciate receiving your answers in the next few days. If you
require more time, please advise.

1 of 7 10/19/2009 9:52 AM
Gmail - reader questions re: Lisa Black's Save-A-Life Foundation article http://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=e1a2b66204&view=pt&search=s...


Gordon T. Pratt
PO Box 18121
Milwaukee, WI 53218

Ph/FAX: (707)667-1746
e-mail: gordy.pratt@gmail.com

On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 12:59 PM, Black, Lisa <LBlack@tribune.com> wrote:
> Mr. Pratt,
> My editors have instructed me to move on to other assignments. I am finished answering your questions.
> Thank you.
> Lisa Black
> Chicago Tribune
> From: Gordy Pratt [mailto:gordy.pratt@gmail.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, October 13, 2009 10:56 AM
> To: Black, Lisa
> Cc: Lasich, Jenna; Hernon, Peter J.
> Subject: Re: Save A Life Foundation, Carol Spizzirri
> Lisa Black
> Chicago Tribune
> Dear Ms. Black:
> Thank you for your prompt reply to my previous e-mail. You wrote:
> >I think you already have the answer to your second question, but yes, I have written and oral >verification of Dr.
Lance Becker’s conclusions. You can look that up yourself.
> I've never read anything by Dr. Becker, have never communicated with him, and you have never discussed this or
any other matter with me, therefore it's unclear how you arrived at your conclusion. Also I have no idea what
documents or report by Dr. Becker you're referring to. Since you reported the information, I presume it's on the
record, so would you please send me copies? If not, what types of documents are they, what are the dates of the
documents, and where may I look them up as you suggested?
> Also, you failed to answer my questions. Would you please check your notes and advise on what date you
contacted Dr. Becker to verify the information you reported and in what capacity did he examine my daughter's
medical records?

2 of 7 10/19/2009 9:52 AM
Gmail - reader questions re: Lisa Black's Save-A-Life Foundation article http://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=e1a2b66204&view=pt&search=s...

Gordy Pratt <gordy.pratt@gmail.com>

reader questions re: Lisa Black's Save-A-Life Foundation

Gordy Pratt <gordy.pratt@gmail.com> Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 10:29 AM
To: PHernon@tribune.com

Peter Hernon
Chicago Tribune

Mr. Hernon:

A week ago, I sent you an e-mail requesting further details regarding medical information published by the
Tribune about my late daughter, Christina J. Pratt. I have not received your reply.

Here's a review of the situation. In her October 11, 2009 article about the Save-A-Life Foundation, Lisa Black
described a medical report about my daughter's death by "a University of Chicago doctor." In an October 13
e-mail, Ms. Black informed me the report was written by Dr. Lance Becker. She also wrote, "You can look that
up yourself." In other words, Ms. Black unambiguously led me to believe that the report is publicly available.
However, when I then asked her to provide me with a copy of Dr. Becker's report and further details about the
information she reported, Ms. Black refused.

Ms. Black advised me to direct any concerns to you, her supervising editor, so on October 15 I e-mailed you
the following questions:

Would you please send me a copy of Dr. Becker's report? Would you also please inform me in what capacity
Dr. Becker examined my daughter's medical records? Specifically, who hired him and for what purpose? On
what date did Ms. Black contact Dr. Becker to verify the information she reported?

Again, I haven't received your reply. If you don't intend to fully answer my questions, please provide me with
the name of your superior.

Thank you for your continued attention to this matter and I would appreciate receiving your response within
the next few days.


Gordon T. Pratt
PO Box 18121
Milwaukee, WI 53218

Ph/FAX: (707)667-1746
e-mail: gordy.pratt@gmail.com

[Quoted text hidden]

1 of 1 10/21/2009 10:31 AM
Gmail - SAVE-A-LIFE Story http://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=e1a2b66204&view=pt&search=s...

Gordy Pratt <gordy.pratt@gmail.com>

2 messages

Hernon, Peter J. <PHernon@tribune.com> Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 1:23 PM

To: gordy.pratt@gmail.com

Gordon Pratt


Mr. Pratt:

I’m sorry I didn’t get back to you last week. I’ve discussed your requests with my supervisors and must tell
you that we are not going to provide the information you’re seeking. I would suggest you try to reach the
doctor and pose those questions to him yourself.


Peter Hernon

Bureau Chief/North

Gordy Pratt <gordy.pratt@gmail.com> Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 5:08 PM

To: "Hernon, Peter J." <PHernon@tribune.com>
Peter Hernon
Chicago Tribune
Bureau Chief/North

Dear Mr. Hernon:

Per my previous e-mail:

If you don't intend to fully answer my questions, please provide me with the name of your superior.

I would appreciate receiving your reply in the next few days.


Gordon T. Pratt
PO Box 18121
Milwaukee, WI 53218

Ph/FAX: (707)667-1746

1 of 2 10/21/2009 5:18 PM
Gmail - SAVE-A-LIFE Story Page 1 of 1

Gordy Pratt <gordy.pratt@gmail.com>

Gordy Pratt <gordy.pratt@gmail.com> Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 7:04 AM
To: "Hernon, Peter J." <PHernon@tribune.com>
Cc: jlasich@tribune.com

Peter Hernon
Chicago Tribune
Bureau Chief/North

Dear Mr. Hernon:

I haven't received your reply to my two e-mails last week requesting the name of your superior. If I don't
receive that information from you by tomorrow, my understanding will be that you refuse to provide it.


Gordon T. Pratt
PO Box 18121
Milwaukee, WI 53218

Ph/FAX: (707)667-1746
e-mail: gordy.pratt@gmail.com


Jenna Lasich
Coordinator/Reader Help Desk
[Quoted text hidden]

http://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=e1a2b66204&view=pt&search=sent&msg=12495... 10/27/2009
Gordy Pratt <gordy.pratt@gmail.com>

2ND REQUEST; PLS ADVISE - reader request

Gordy Pratt <gordy.pratt@gmail.com> Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 1:09 AM
To: jlasich@tribune.com
On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 5:08 AM, Gordy Pratt <gordy.pratt@gmail.com> wrote:

Jenna Lasich
Coordinator/Reader Help Desk
Chicago Tribune

Dear Ms. Lasich:

As you know, Peter Hernon is the Tribune's North Bureau Chief. Recently I've sent Mr. Hernon several
polite requests asking him to provide me with the name of his immediate superior (copied below).

I haven't received a reply from him, therefore would you please provide me with that individual's name and
e-mail address? I'd appreciate receiving the information in the next few days.

Thank you and I look forward to your reply.


Gordon T. Pratt
PO Box 18121
Milwaukee, WI 53218

Ph/FAX: (707)667-1746
e-mail: gordy.pratt@gmail.com

On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 7:04 AM, Gordy Pratt <gordy.pratt@gmail.com> wrote:
Peter Hernon
Chicago Tribune
Bureau Chief/North

Dear Mr. Hernon:

I haven't received your reply to my two e-mails last week requesting the name of your superior. If I don't
receive that information from you by tomorrow, my understanding will be that you refuse to provide it.


Gordon T. Pratt

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