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Graded Assignment

HST302B:U.S. History | Unit 2 | Lesson 3: The Annotated Bibliography

Works Cited Primary Sources: Hughes, Charles V. "Monroe Doctrine." Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclo edia !ritannica, n.d. We". #$ Mar. %$#&. htt :''(((."ritannica.com'his anic)heritage'article*+$,-&-& .his source dis layed an article o/ an local ne(s a er in 0hio that headlined the Monroe Doctrine. .his (as a 1ia"le source, "ecause it set a clear e2am le o/ the immediate hases the 3nited States (as going through.

"Primary Documents in 4merican History." 5i"rary o/ Congress. We". %+ 4 r. %$#%. .his (ould also ro1ide the inaugural s eech that the resident has made, and it includes the Monroe Doctrine. 6urthermore, this (ould hel me understand (here the Monroe Doctrine has de1elo ed and understand it more easily. 7 could ro1ide some analysis.

".heodore 8oose1elt9s Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine :#+$,;."Theodore Roosevelt's Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine. <. ., n.d. We". #% Mar. %$#&. .his (as 8oose1elt9s statement in his State o/ the 3nion 4ddress in #+$& a/ter the Vene=uela Crisis o/ #+$%>$-. .his states that the Monroe Doctrine is still in e//ect, and the 3nites States (ill inter1ene (ith Euro ean countries. 7 (ill "e using this to my research to oint out the rolonged e//ects the Monroe Doctrine has made.

Venezuela Political Map of 1 1!. Digital image. David Ru"sey Map Collection. <. ., n.d. We". #$ Mar. %$#&. ?htt :''(((.da1idrumsey.com'luna'ser1let'1ie('search@ ABCoda==iC4gustinC#D+-C#E,+FsortBPu")Date,Pu")5ist)<o,Series)<oG.

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Graded Assignment

HST302B:U.S. History | Unit 2 | Lesson 3: The Annotated Bibliography

.his source sho(ed 1arious olitical alterations throughout Vene=eual o1er many years. Hou could see the signi/icant changes that has ha ened surrounding the area, in the course o/ #$$ years.

Secondary Sources: "!ig Stick 7deology." Princeton #niversity. <. ., n.d. We". #% Mar. %$#&. ?htt s:''(((. rinceton.edu'Iachaney'tm1e'(iki#$$k'docs'!ig)Stick)7deology.htmlG. E2 lained 8oose1elt9s slogan a "it more and ho( it (as incor orated (ith /oreign a//airs. 7t (as

.he idea o/ negotiating eace/ully, simultaneously threatening (ith the ""ig stick.J
Edmund, Morris. "E2 anding the Monroe Doctrine." TR Center. <. ., n.d. We". ## Mar. %$#&. ?htt :''(((.theodoreroose1eltcenter.org'en'!log'%$#$'Decem"er'$K*E2 anding*the*Monroe* Doctrine.as 2G. .his article sho(ed ho( an e2 ansion to the Monroe Doctrine (as made (hen Euro ean /orces created a "lockade in Vene=uela. 3nited States acted u on it, and made some modi/ications. 7t also sho(ed a really nice olitical cartoon that 7 (ill most likely "e using /or the roLect.

"History Engine: .ools /or Colla"orati1e Education and 8esearch M E isodes."$istory En%ine& Tools for Colla'orative Education and Research ( Episodes. <. ., n.d. We". ## Mar. %$#&. .his ga1e me a "rie/ analysis o/ (hat 8oose1elt9s Corollary had to the Monroe Doctrine. 7 (ill adding these e//ects to my research, and it really has gi1en me an understanding o/ (hat 8oose1elt9s Corollary really is. )nfoplease. 7n/o lease, n.d. We". #, Mar. %$#&. ?htt :''(((.in/o lease.com'encyclo edia'history'monroe*doctrine*a lication*e2tension.htmlG. .he article goes o1er the occurrences in (hich authorities ha1e in1oked the Monroe Doctrine in many occasions. "Names Monroe !iogra hy."Bio*co". 4FE <et(orks .ele1ision, n.d. We". + Mar. %$#&. .his (e"site ga1e me an "rie/ insight o/ Monroe9s li/e rior to "eing resident and ho( he "egan his olitical career. .hey "rie/ly e2 lained the doctrine and (hen o1er o/ (hat caused it. .hey Auickly analy=ed the in/ormation, and got a cou le /acts to conclude in my res arch.

"Military."Venezuela Crisis of 1+!,. <. ., n.d. We". #$ Mar. %$#&.

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Graded Assignment

HST302B:U.S. History | Unit 2 | Lesson 3: The Annotated Bibliography

.his article has hel ed me analy=e the Vene=uela Crisis o/ #+$% easier. 7t (as result o/ a ci1il (ar in Vene=uela, and the country (as in massi1e de"t to multi le Euro ean countries. .he act o/ 8oose1elt addressing the issue sho(ed the 3.S.(as determined to re1ent Oermany /rom taking action to acAuire territory in Vene=uela.

"Monroe Doctrine, #E%- * #E$#>#E%+ * Milestones * 0//ice o/ the Historian." Monroe Doctrine- 1 ,. / 1 !101 ,+ / Milestones / Office of the $istorian. <. ., n.d. We". #$ Mar. %$#&. .his article dre( out many clear e2am les to (hat lead to the Monroe Doctrine. <ot only that, "ut also sho(ed some a/ter e//ects such as the e2 ansion o/ the states.

"Monroe Doctrine."$istory*co". 4FE .ele1ision <et(orks, n.d. We". ## Mar. %$#&. .his article has 1ery good e2 lanations o/ ho( e//ecti1e the Monroe Doctrine is, and ho( it is still in e//ect today. 7 (ill ossi"ly "e using this to sho( e2am les o/ long*term e//ects o/ the Monroe Doctrine.

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