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profil perbandingan gaya pengajaran guru bahasa di daerah Hulu Langat, Selangor. Kaedah tinjauan menggunakan soal selidik telah dijalankan terhadap 300 orang guru Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris yang dipilih berdasarkan lima buah Pusat Kegiatan Guru (PKG). Soal selidik diubah suai daripada Gaya Pengajaran Grasha. Data kajian dianalisis dengan menggunakan statistik deskriptif dan inferensi. Hasil kajian mendapati, guru mengamalkan kelima-lima gaya pengajaran yang dikaji. Terdapat tiga gaya pengajaran yang kerap digunakan oleh guru bahasa, iaitu gaya model personal, gaya fasilitator dan daya delegator. Analisis ujian-t menunjukkan tidak terdapat perbezaan min yang signifikan bagi gaya pengajaran guru berdasarkan guru berdasarkan sesi persekolahan dan opsyen, tetapi terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan gaya pengajaran guru bahasa berdasarkan subjek bagi gaya pakar, autoriti formal dan model personal. Analisis ujian-t juga mendapati terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan gaya pengajaran guru berdasarkan pengalaman mengajar bagi gaya fasilitator. Kesimpulannya, guru bahasa menggunakan kelima-lima gaya pengajaran yang disesuaikan dengan gaya pembelajaran murid.



This paper presents the findings of a study on Form 4 students anxiety and motivation in learning English. One hundred and seventy-seven Form 4 students (90 males, 87 females) from a government secondary school in Kuching, Sarawak, participated in this study. Students were categorized into three levels of language anxiety based on their total score in the Language Anxiety Scale. Overall, there was no significant gender difference (p>.05) in language anxiety. However, girls were significantly more anxious than boys were when it came to volunteering answers, speaking in English and afraid of being laughed at. Content analysis of students responses to a questionnaire on learning English revealed that high language anxiety (HLA) students reported of less effort at improving their proficiency in English compared to low language anxiety (LLA) students. Students responses regarding how they felt in English class and why they felt that way provide valuable insights into the unobservable dimension of classroom interaction. In conclusion, implications of the findings are put forward.



BECOMING FLUENT IN SPEAKING AND WRITING ENGLISH Active reading means that you must think about the structure, unfamiliar words etc as you read. There is no need that you stick to some complicated grammar structures or try to understand all the unfamiliar words you come across, but the fact that you see them for the first time and recognize them whenever you see them for example in other passages or books is enough. It would be better to prepare yourself a notebook so you can write down the important words or structures in it. To begin reading, the Penguin Readers books are recommended. They are classified by level of difficulty. As for listening, there are two options, which are aside from reading, you can listen every day for about 30 minutes and you can only concentrate on your reading and become skillful at your reading, then you can catch up on your listening. When you are skillful and native-like at reading, your listening skill grows automatically. Since you have lots of inputs in your mind, you can easily guess what the speaker is going to say. This never means that you should not practice listening. For listening, cartoons or some movies that are specially made for children are most recommended. Their languages are easy and do not contain complicated phrases or slang terms. Or if you are good at listening you can listen to VOA or BBC programs broadcasted every day. Again the thing to remember is being active in listening and preferably taking some notes. SOURCE :ALIREZA ZAREA (2006) ENGLISH ARTICLE UE (UsingEnglish.com) English Language (ESL) Learning http://www.usingenglish.com/articles/becoming-fluent-in-speaking-writing-english.html

ENGLISH LANGUAGE TUTORING METHODS There are several methods of teaching English as a second language. One of the primary methods is known as the direct method which is sometimes called the natural method. This method avoids using the students native language and focuses on the target language (English is the target language in this case). The direct method operates on the assumption that the best way to learn a second language is to imitate the way the first language was learned. When a child learns his native language, he doesnt rely on another language to learn the native language. This method places great emphasis on oral skills, and keeps the printed language away from the learner for as long as possible. Another major tutoring method in ESL is the audio-lingual method. Students listen to or view tapes of language models and then practice with drills. The instructors that use this method focus on the use of the target language all the time. This method was used by the United States Armed Forces during World War II; its a proven method of language learning that works relatively quickly. A third method is known as the immersion method. The immersion method forces students to communicate in the target language whether they know how to use that language or not. One drawback to this method is that while it creates fluency in the target language, it may not create accuracy. SOURCE :RIDWAN SANJAYA (2013) ENGLISH LANGUAGE TUTORING METHODS KUMPULAN ARTIKEL BAHASA INGGERIS http://www.artikelbahasainggris.info/pendidikan/english-language-tutoring-methods.html

MEMARTABAT BAHASA MELAYU MEMPERKASA BAHASA INGGERIS Kerajaan melalui Kementerian Pelajaran secara rasmi telah memansuhkan pelaksanaan dasar Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Sains dan Matematik dalam Bahasa Inggeris (PPSMI) di sekolah pada 8 Julai 2009 dan menggantikannya dengan MBMMBI. Keputusan tersebut dilihat sebagai usaha menyeluruh untuk memastikan seluruh pelajar rendah dan menengah di negara ini mampu menguasai kedua-dua bahasa tersebut pada tahap yang terbaik. Pelaksanaan dasar baharu tersebut dibuat setelah kerajaan mengambil kira pelbagai pandangan masyarakat, sarjana dan pelbagai pihak. Antara lain, kajian yang dijalankan oleh pelbagai pihak mendapati PPSMI tidak mencapai objektif seperti yang dirancang. Hal ini dikatakan demikian kerana sebahagian besar pelajar, terutamanya dari kawasan pedalaman, sukar memahami mata pelajaran Matematik dan Sains dalam bahasa Inggeris hingga menyebabkan mereka mengambil masa yang lama untuk memahami konsep kedua-dua mata pelajaran tersebut. Sejajar dengan keputusan baharu tersebut, pada 5 Ogos 2009, Mesyuarat Jemaah Menteri telah memutuskan supaya dasar MBMMBI dilaksanakan secara berperingkat-peringkat mulai tahun 2010. Dalam proses peralihan ini, sekolah boleh menggunakan bahasa Inggeris atau bahasa pengantar masingmasing dalam P&P Sains dan Matematik. Langkah ini bertujuan membantu guru dan murid menyesuaikan diri dengan perubahan dasar berkenaan. SOURCE :AZMAN ISMAIL (MAC 2012) AGENDA BAHASA (ARTIKEL) DEWAN BAHASA DAN PUSTAKA http://dwnbahasa.dbp.my/?p=577

PANDUAN NAHU DAN RETORIK UNTUK PENULISAN Kita lazimnya menerima bahasa seperti kita menerima udara yang kita sedut di sekeliling kita, kita tidak boleh hidup tanpanya dan kita mengambil sikap take for granted setiap masa. Mungkin kita tidak sedar bahawa bahasa memajukan pengetahuan manusia dan bahasa meningkatkan peradaban kita. Mungkin banyak yang tidak sedar betapa bahasa kadangkala digunakan untuk memerangkap dan memanipulasi kita. Banyak juga yang tidak sedar bahawa persepsi atau tanggapan dan pemikiran kita tentang dunia dipengaruhi dan dibentuk oleh bahasa. Selain itu, bahasa juga dikatakan memancarkan watak dan peribadi seseorang. Setiap yang terungkap melalui mulut kita merupakan gambaran keperibadian, sikap, aspirasi dan pandangan hidup kita. Dalam semua hal ini, kita dari suatu segi dipenjara oleh bahasa. Namun kita akan dapat bebas daripada penjara itu apabila kita sedar tentang hakikat sebenarnya. Bagaimanakah kita dapat menyemaikan kesedaran terhadap bahasa ? Kita sebenarnya merupakan pewaris bahasa, bukan mangsa bahasa. Sebagai pencapaian manusia yang amat tinggi dan sebagai sumber yang sangat penting, bahasa menjadi bahan yang menarik. Kesedaran terhadap bahasa bukan sahaja meliputi penggunaannya dari segi perbendaharaan kata, morfologi dan sintaksis, tetapi juga semantik, logik dan stilistik. SOURCE :MD. SIDIN AHMAD ISHAK MOHD. SALEEH RAHAMAD (JABATAN PENGAJIAN MEDIA UNIVERSITI MALAYA) STRATEGI BAHASA :- PANDUAN NAHU DAN RETORIK UNTUK PENULISAN

DISCOVER ENGLISH We have found that teachers need to discover language for themselves, and that force -feeding is an ineffective training technique. This is why none of the exercises has a heading. The index provides a way into the exercises for the teacher trainer. The purpose of the exercises is to sensitize teachers of English to the language they are teaching, whether they are native teachers taking their first analytical look at their own language or non-native teachers seeking to clarify areas of confusion. It is not a language practice book in the conventional sense, though many of the exercises may be found useful by advanced students. Nor is it an attempt at systematic coverage of all points of grammar. It concentrates on exercises on areas which we have identified as problematical for teachers. Too often, teachers master classroom techniques only to fall down on their ability to present language in a correct and clearly thought-out way. This is why many of the exercises examine implications for teaching of discovered facts about language. SOURCE :ROD BOLITHO BRIAN TOMLINSON DISCOVER ENGLISH (A LANGUAGE AWARENESS WORKBOOK) PUBLISHED BY:LONDON GEORGE ALLEN & UNWIN (1980)

TEACHING SECOND LANGUAGE READING The capacity to read is a truly wondrous human ability. Just the fact that over a billion and a half human brains distributed around the world can read or can learn to read, while no other animal or machine can accomplish this feat, is more than merely noteworthy. It is an amazing capacity that allows people in different physical locations and eras to communicate ideas, grand and mundane, to one another. Yet, on a day-to-day level, most people who can read do not normally think of the ability as being any kind of extraordinary activity. Those who cannot read, however, in most contemporary societies at any rate, think about reading frequently and devise many ways to cope with its absence. There are four tenets central in Teaching Second Language Reading which are reading takes place in a particular context with a particular purpose. That context and its familiarity will affect how the reader reads and interacts with the text. Secondly, becoming a successful second language reader involves overcoming both language problems and reading problems, and the extent to which language is a problem varies withe the type of cognitive processing that is required by the particular reading task. In short, relatively low proficiency can be less problematic when the reader is engaged in a familiar and easy reading task. Thirdly, the knowledge of the world that reader possesses can assit in the reading process. This knowledge of the world is often reflected in the depth and breadth of the learners vocabulary base. Finally, the extent to which learners reading experience is congruent with a meaningful literacy act will affect his or her motivation, interest and engagement with the text. These are recurrent concepts throughtout the article. SOURCE :THOM HUDSON TEACHING SECOND LANGUAGE READING PUBLISHED BY :OXFORD HANDBOOKS FOR LANGUAGE TEACHERS

TEACHING ENGLISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE FOR DUMMIES The English language is officially big business. There could be as many as a billion students learning English around the world at this time and that is reason enough to consider moving into Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL). However, when you combine this with the freedom the job gives you to move around the world and earn your keep, the case for TEFL gets even stronger. While English speakers move out to different lands, students of English migrate to other parts of the globe in search of a better life and new horizons. Teaching English is something people do when they are ready to change their lives. Most people who speak the language well can teach others to some degree. We do it all the time with children and with foreign friends. We explain words and concepts to each other on a daily basis. TEFL is an extension of what we do naturally and zoon in your language skills and structure them. People often surprise themselves by discovering that even without attending months and years of language study, they can teach. You are probably no different. Make an educated decision, decide between the various courses, qualifications and job locations available, start from scratch, plan well-structured lessons and develop successful and effective teaching techniques. Focus on skills, from reading and writing, to listening and speaking, get your students sounding and feeling fluent. Get your head around grammar, teach students to put sentences together, recognise tenses and use adjectives and adverbs. All shapes and sizes, tailor your lessons to younger learners, one-to-ones, exam classes and Business English learners. SOURCE :MICHELLE MAXOM (2009) (ENGLISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHER AND TRAINER) PUBLISHED BY :JOHN WILEY AND SONS, Ltd THE ATRIUM SOUTHERN CAFE CHICHESTER WEST SUSSEX PO19 8SQ ENGLAND

GAMES FOR LANGUAGE LEARNING Language learning is hard work. One must make an effort to understand, to repeat accurately, to manipulate newly understood language and to use the whole range of known language in conversation or written composition. Effort is required at every moment and must be maintained over a long period of time. Games help and encourage many learners to sustain their interest and work. Games also help the teacher to create contexts in which the language is useful and meaningful. The learners want to take part and in order to do so must understand what others are saying or have written, and they must speak or write in order to express their own point of view or give information. Many games cause as much density of practice as more conventional drill exercises, some do not. What matters, however, is the quality of practice. The contribution of drilling lies in the concentration on a language form and its frequent use during a limited period of time. Many games provide this repeated use of language form. By making the language convey information and opinion, games provide the key feature of drill with the oppurtunity to sense the working of language as living communication. SOURCE :ANDREW WRIGHT DAVID BETTERIDGE MICHAEL BUCKBY GAMES FOR LANGUAGE LEARNING NEW EDITION PUBLISHED BY :CAMBRIDGE HANDBOOKS FOR LANGUAGE TEACHERS SERIES EDITOR- PENNY UR

RUJUKAN JURNAL :1) Zamri Mahamod, Nik Mohd Rahimi Nik Yusoff & Juliawati Ibrahim (2009, May). Malaysian Journal of Education : The comparative study of Malay & English Language teachers teaching (34). Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. 0126-6020. 2) Mary Wong Siew Lan (2008, Disember). Jurnal Penyelidikan Pendidikan (Jilid 10). Bahagian Perancangan dan Penyelidikan Dasar Pendidikan Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia.

Artikel Buku :1) Md. Sidin Ahmad Ishak & Mohd Saleeh Rahamad (1998). Strategi Bahasa : Panduan nahu dan retorik untuk penulisan. Jabatan Pengajian Media Universiti Malaya. 2) Rod Bolitho & Brian Thomlinson (1980). Discover English : A language awareness workbook. London : George Allen & Unwin. 3) Thom Hudson. Teaching Second Language Reading. Oxford Handbooks : For teachers. Adler, M.J. 1940. How to read a book : The Art of Getting a Liberal Education. New York : Simon & Schuster. 4) Michelle Maxom (2009). English as a Foreign Language : Teacher & Trainer. Teaching English as a Foreign Language for Dummies. John Wiley, Ltd. England : Chichester. 5) Andrew Wright, David Betteridge & Michael Buckby. Games for Language Learning : New Edition. Cambridge Handbooks for Language Teachers : Penny Ur. Artikel Internet :1) Copyright, Alireza Zarea (2006). English Article, UE (UsingEnglish.com). English Language (ESL) Learning, from the World Wide Web : http://www.usingenglish.com/articles/becoming-fluent-in-speaking-writing-english.html 2) Ridwan Sanjaya (2013). English Language Tutoring Methods. Kumpulan Artikel Bahasa Inggeris, from the World Wide Web : http://www.artikelbahasainggris.info/pendidikan/english-language-tutoringmethods.html 3) Azman Ismail (2012, Mac). Agenda Bahasa (Artikel), Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka (DBP), Memartabatkan Bahasa Melayu, Memperkasakan Bahasa Inggeris , from the World Wide Web : http://dwnbahasa.dbp.my/?p=577

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