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A brief look at the work of




Jan.-Feb.-March, 1984

No. 1

Technical Production and Mailing by: Capstan, Inc. Address Correction Requested: Capstan-BCM Rt. 2. Box LH32 Checotah, OK 74426

David Sanders, Dean and assistant to the president of the Christian College, addresses the firstfacultt^-student assembly/ for the new
semester on March 16, 1984.


Goals and Growth

part-time scholarship. More students

would enroll if more scholarships were

Our goal was thirty students for

the fifth semester of the Christian

College. Twenty-six students enrolled for this new semester, eight being new
students. Classes are held on the first

A Variety of Ethnic Groups Students at the Christian College come from a variety of states and are descendairts of various ethnic groups. Six states are represented by the Freshman class: Goi^s, Para, Bahia, Rio de Janeiro, Pernambuco, and Cear^. In a brief questionnaire in the counseling class, these same students reported being of Portuguese, Italian, Indian, Spanish, Arabic and Jewish descent. In our first student/faculty assembly, we noticed also that we had students and professors from the states of Mato Grosso, Maranhao, Minas Gerais and Sao Paulo, as well as
the countries of Colombia and U.S.A.

floor of the educational plant of the church in Brasilia. Although twentyfive of the present students are at college level, plans are to continue to develop the basic "Junior College"
level and "extension courses" in both

levels. In this way, we can reach all

who are anxious to serve the Lord in

full-time or part-time activity. The college leaders hope to set standards and develop training princi ples that will help extend the Kingdom in Biblical patterns and teachings. These students each pay $25 per month for 10 months, or have scholar ships in one way or another. The bud get for the College has jumped to ap proximately $900 per month. An interesting note is that all of our
students are full-time ministers in the

trol. Now, development includes all levels of training. Thankfully, more opportunities for work come so rapid ly, that evangelism never falls. A new campus, in a stratigic lo cation, has been given to Brazil Christian Mission for the develop ment of a tri-purpose training program of education, children's home and medical post. This new area will open new channels of training yet undevel oped. A boarding school is planned for short-term students, and training will be developed for establishing "exten sion centers" in more and more areas, and in laboratory trainihg of school techniques. All that is lacking now is personnel and financial backing! Pray with us

for this vision of need and this step of faith! Thank you for your support
in prayers and gifts. Help this college faculty and its students to reach out

Historically Speaking
Our educational and training cen
ters in Brazil have risen and fallen

into all the world. Your prayers can send missionaries, evangelists and pastors to yet unreached areas in
Brazil and the world!

area, or hold other jobs in the government and other activities. Scholarsiiips Although the Brazilian churches have provided several scholarships, more scholarships are needed for this next semester which begins in August. Full scholarships are $25 per month for 10 months, and part-time scholar ships are $12.50 per month for 10 months. These may also be paid as a yearly gift of $250 or $125. Please prayerfully consider a full-time or

because of factors beyond our con

Candidates for Foreign Service/

Need to be like a doctor of general practice, although each with his own "specialty for Brazil! Among your studies, you should learn understanding, wisdom (not unlike Solomon)... first through prayer... nothing is greater or more important than the working of faith, prayer and love!

Consider the following, to be well prepared!

1. Church planting and church growth. 2. Personal evangelism and integration.

4. Contextualization and crosscultural witnessing. 5. Theological education by extension.

3. Missiology and anthropology.

6. A heart overflowing with love.

The Central Brazil Council and Conference of Actuaiization of Thco/ogy was held in February *84 at the Brasilia Camp Grounds. Left, national preachers and missionary participants pose infront of the kitchen-dining and general hall. Right,
the new officials of the Central Brazil Churches of Christ Council ofPreachers: (l-r)Edson Goveia, President (Preacher

ofFirst Churchof Taguatinga, F.D.); Iran Bernardes, Vice President(new Rectorof the Christian College, and working with
Bruce Colson); Justino Rosa, Treasurer Oow^er, preacher for Metropolitan Chapel, Goidnia, Golds, working with Gary Burrell); and Marques Borges, Secretary (third-generation d/scip/e-preacher, Nouo Horizonte church, Goidnia, Golds,
working with Earl Haubner).


The Church in Brazil is growing in

the mysterious way of God, and in our thinking, many times in the mysteri ous ways of man. When we see the results of our preaching and trmning put into practice, we wonder what the
Church is!

in our steps, but end up adapting their lives, dress and habits to their gene ration... now a world-generation. In spite of this, the Lord has opened
doors for His witness across this great

Campinas and Sao Paulo (state of Sao


Interpretation of the restoration

principles or Biblical practices do not

appear to always be what we are accustomed to. In fact, we find it hard to adjust to certain interpretations, customs, practices and preaching. We do realize that our children try to walk

country for some 65 churches. This is a long distance from our goal 5 years ago of 120 churches by 1984. But again we rejoice, for new growth is recorded in every church, and new goals are heard from the brethren as they go out to preach the Word! Theological and Organization
Study Preachers, evangelists, mission

Although each pastor reported on his church activity, no exact statistical report has been made available. At least 10 churches have reported over 100 members, one over 200 members,
and one over 800 members. Several

reported over 100 in attendance and

several over 200 in attendance on

Sunday evenings.

Highlights of the Meeting

Highlights of the meeting were

theological and organizational studies,

and the training of the ministry. Not all agreed in any point, but principles and practices are being formed around the prayers of Jesus. "That they all be one...that the world may be

Editor - L David Sanders


L. David and Ruth Sanders

aries, pastors and professors met together in a three-day assembly in February, for a theological and organi zation study in the ministry of the
churches of Christ of central Brazil.

Mailing Address:
Caixa Postal 07-862

70.359 Brasilia, D.F., Brazil

Send all contributions and questions to:
Brazil Christian Mission Box 17067

These brethren are the pastors of 15 churches in Goiania, 8 churches in Brasilia, and 2 churches in An^polis,
with others of one or more branches in

Below, fellowship time during the Preachers' Conference.

Wichita. KS 67217

Please help keep our records straight by designating your offer ings for missionary or project.
Please do not send checks or bills
to the field.

towns and cities of Cuiaba (state of Mato Grosso), Belo Horizonte and Uberlandia (state of Minas Gerais), Pires do Rio, Ouro Verde, Luziania, Silvania, Sao Miguel do Araguaia and

Ipamerl (state of Goias) and Itapevl,

1984 Annual Missionaiy Conference

Below, Brazil missionaries and /ami7ies joined together for the annual

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be sent to:

Capstan-BCM Rt. 2, Box LH32 Checotah, OK 74426

conference this year in Goidnia, Golds. The number attending was not as large as usual, but the enthusiasm was contagious. With Philip McAfee and others participating, the numberof second generation missionaries inBrazil isgrowing!



AUG 27 1984

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A brief look at the work of




April-May-June. 1984

No. 2

Technical Production and Mailing by: Capstan, Inc.

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Inauguration and s^/mbolic cornerstone-hifing ceremonies for the neiu permanent church bui/dtng in Jardim Nova Oriente.


Inaugurations Point to Progress
In Jardin Novo Oriente:

May first, Brazilian Labor Day, the Church in Jardin Novp Oriente sym bolically laid the cornerstone and officially inaugurated the construction of their new permanent building. Nearly 200 people from 7 of the 10 churches in the area participated in a 2-hour thanksgiving and proclamation service. Various local pastors took part: Carlos Alberto Azevedo, Ulys ses Borges Oliveiro, Filemon Ribeiro and David Sanders (Brasilia), Jose Ipamari (Pedregal), Moises Santana (Luiziania), Manoel Marinho (Ceilandia) and Virgil Smith (retired mission ary). Iraci Candido, minister-evangelist, plans to bring his congregation to the Brasilia church (the Jardim Novo
Oriente church is about 30 miles from

on June 3rd through the 10th. Over 200 persons attended on the first night, filling nearly every one of the 240 chairs, which orciipipd most of the_ space available. Brother Sanders was
invited to declare the new house of

offerings, one check was given to pay

for all the new chairs. The monthly rental 'contract was signed by the leader in. faith until the church could be organized to sign contracts. The rental is $700 per month. The first floor is planned for a training centerSunday School. The second floor is

worship and evangelism inaugurated with the Lord's Supper spread. On June 10th, a church constitution and by-laws was approved and a church leadership directory was installed with a special prayer of dedication for the local leader as a missionary worker in the opening and establishment of this
work. David Sanders continues as

planned to rent out to help on the total


A new Sunday School program is being inaugurated along with 3 house

churches in other suburbs of Sao

"pastor-overseer" of this work. This permanent location was cho

sen in what was a central area for the

Paulo; 35 members were registered in January, 1984. There were 9 baptisms in June, and average attendance at Sunday services is around 180.

the Brasilia church in Goi^s State) for 10 baptisms this month, thus in creasing their membership to 63. Their regular attendance, morning and evening, is around 120 in a room 12x24 feet. Sunday children's classes
are held in the shade of the trees.

people and easily accessible. It is on a much-traveled street and especially accessible by bus, subway and car. An average of over 1,000 vehicles an hour pass in front of the building creating noise and danger, but the brethren meet this problem daily in their work. Although costs for redecorating, a sign for the front, and rental are high, the congregation entered this new phase of life with funds on hand for
contracts. At one of the mid-week

More Baptisms
At Nova Gloria:

People are generally standing in the doors and at the windows to partici pate. He has services every night in
the week in the church or in a home. The Brazil Christian Mission and

Baptismal service in creek at Nova Gloria. Moving slowly, the Nova Gloria congregation is finishing her first year of renewal with three baptisms. One family of 10 formerly made up this congregation. Now 13.. .averaging35 in attendance. Jose Alves da Silva, is pastor-evangelist.

Left, the congregation in Sao Paulo offers up a jo},/ful worship to the Lord during a recent baptism service. Right, Jose Alves da Silva prepares to baptize
one of three new converts at Nova Gloria.

the Brasilia Church are co-sponsoring

this work. David Sanders is "over
seer". In Sao Paulo:

The newly established church in Pinheiros (center-west) in metropoli tan Sao Paulo inaugurated and dedi cated a renovated three-story furni ture factory for their house of worship


The International Red Cross of

Brazil recently promoted a campaign

in Brasilia to alert the city about the dangers of high blood pressure. One day was spent at the Brasilia church, examining many of the neighborhood and passersby. Cards were offered for
consultation and some were sent

Wedding bells rang during the month of June as three of our young couples in Brasilia pledged their vows.
On June 2nd, Denise Nascimcnt and

Antonio Oliveira had a candle-light

ceremony in which Carlos Alberto
Azevedo and David Sanders were co-

immediately to the hospital for a more

thorough exam. The church has approved a coordinated effort to
receive instruction in health and di

pastors for the ceremony. On June

sease at various intervals during the


30th, a double ceremony was per formed for Joao Marcos Mesquita and llmara Santos. The other couple was Joao's sister, Nubia Carla Mesquita
and Delvany Sousa Lima.

David Sanders has his blood pres sure checked during the Red Cross Campaign. All okay!

A "Chocolatada" (hot chocolate

and popcorn party) was sponsored by the Brasilia youth with 554 persons
registered. Carlos Alberto de Azeve-


The Bible relates the story of a
slave that served the Lord and the

walking and walking to look for work

on farms around Brasilia. It was then

do, assistant pastor, reported 15 decisions for Christ. A program of

music was presented, with testimo nies by the youth, followed by fellow ship in the open air patio of the Brasilia
church. New friends for Christ were

made and CR$950,000.00 (approxi mately US$520.00) was raised to help buy an amplifying system for the youth evangelistic programs.

Three-Day Bible Schools were

Church in a special way. In Brazil, a young man tells his story one night to a group of friends: "As a young man, I was living in the State of Rio Grande do Norte (North Big River) when a trucker came by one day looking for young men who could go to work in the State ofGoias, 1,000 miles away. I was lonely and had no prospects, so it sounded good to me. But how could I go? I had no money to pay for the passage in the open truck that carried people like cattle. The
solution came when the driver offered

that 1arrived at the Christian Camp

of the Brazil Christian Mission and

was befriended by the Christian work

er and caretaker, Calixto. I partici pated in a youth camp and here accepted Christ. Later, I studied with Charles Kent, missionary in Taguatinga, who was in charge of the Camp
Grounds and took some Bible studies

by extension. It was here I made the acquaintance with other missionaries working in the area...David San
ders and Bill Loft.

held in Ceilandia and Gama, spon

sored by the Brasilia church. Sonia Maria Franga, Sunday Schoolteacher and high school student, was in charge, and reported 50 children in
attendance in Ceilandia over the

to take me for free, but said that !

would be sold when I arrived in Goias

"A few years after this, the door opened for me to study at the Goiania
Christian Institute and 1 was able to

to work out my passage. Ten days later, we arrived in St. Helena, Goias, where I found myself,

Easter holiday weekend. Twenty of

the older children made decisions for Christ.

along with the truckload of workers, not only sold but herded at gun-point out to a farm where the nightmare of
forced labor began, watched day and night by armed guards. Four months later, I could stand this life no longer and so I fled through wild cat and snake infested woods, not knowing what direction to head, without food or shelter, until some 30
miles later 1 arrived back at the small

visit several churches, playing the guitar, singing and witnessing. I was able to work with missionary Dale McAfee in Ceres, Goias for a time and while here, I met my wife, Shirley.
She was a Christian from the Nova Gloria church before it was closed. I

worked with missionary Gary Burrell

and led the church for a time in

Education minister, Delvany Sousa Lima, baptized three for the

Brailia church.

Neropolis in a self-supporting fashion. When I resigned from Neropolis, my

wife and I visited Nova Gloria and I

Editor L David Sanders Missionaries L. David and Ruth Sanders

town of St. Helena. Here the little bit of

cash I had was stolen, but I was able to catch a ride to a place called Itumbiara
in South Goias where a truck driver

Mailing Address:
Caixa Postal 07-862

70.359 Brasilia, D.F., Brazil

Send all contributions and

befriended me and arranged a ride to Brasilia. In Brasilia, I slept and rested in the police station and then started

was looking for work when Brother Sanders gave me the opportunity to re-open the church in Nova Gloria. I was very happy to begin work im mediately, and now in July I am completing one year in this location." Jose Alves da Silva is the young man telling his story. See the picture of the baptisms which he performed in
the creek at Nova Gloria.

questions to:
Brazil Christian Mission Box 17067

Wichita, KS 67217

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We have been thrilled at the offer of the personal library of Professor Dallas Meservc of San Jose, California, for the College library in Brazil. As

we prepare foraccreditation, thiswill add greatly to an acceptabletheological

library. Thank you Brother Meserve! An idea for you who read this notice.. .an extra gift is needed to help transport these books some 5,000 miles.Brother Meserve reports that some students have volunteered to help in packaging and sending. Thank you in

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A brief look at the work of




July-Aug.-Sept., 1984

No. 3

Technical Production and Mailing by: Capstan, Inc. Address Correction Requested: Capstan-BCM Rt. 2, Box LH32 Checotah, OK 74426

Old Challenges Renewed

The church in Jardin Novo Oriente has suffered normal reverses, with nearly onefourth of the congregation (includ ing some of the leaders) moving to
other states. Work continues un abated. Church men are at work

BRASILIA / Missions & Evangelism

Sponsorship of three new workers has
been approved by the local Brasilia church treasury for evangelism. (1) Ronaldo and his wife are serving as personal evangelists in Piracicaba, Sao Paulo (600 miles distant). They envision a new church in two years. They are supported part-time by the Brasilia church. (2) Alcides Piontela is supported part-time as personal evangelist in the CcilSndia church and also in establishing
a new work in the area. The Ceillindia church is also

New call for "help"...

A young dentist, Fernando, who participates in singing and leadership in the local church
came forward on a recent Sun

day morning and promised a plot of ground in a rural village just

outside the Federal District for a

raising walls for the new House of

Worship to seat 200. Pray!

helping in his support. (3) Columbian Aivaro Collazes

and his wife, Maria Lourdes, are also supported parttime as he teaches in the Christian College, and in personal evangelism. Pray for these men!

new church! Another young couple living there had asked for "help" in starting this new work. They were recently married and have studied programmed Bible courses. Pray!

The church in Ceres, Goi^s, which

developed under missionary Dale McAfee, has continued through the years, but has not developed greatly under her own leadership. The work has been under the oversight of elders from the church in An^polis, but recently they asked David to take back this sponsorship. We are praying for the next steps which will probably be student pastors during a time of definite strategy planning. Keep this in prayer!

Weekly Missions Review was recently inaugurated follow

ing the Lord's Supper each Sunday in the Brasilia Church. At the instiga tion of the Director of Christian Education and Sunday School Super intendent Delvany Souza Lima (student minister who studies theology at the Christian College and education at the National University of Brasilia, besides working a six-hour shift at a government office), Auriel Marques, Jr. (candidate for elder in the Brasilia church) was asked to bring a brief weekly message on missions. Auriel prepared a map of the world and began to study the need of work evangelism. Following each presentation of some needy country, he marks the country with a pin on a large map, gives out a miniature mapof the country and a "brief on the situation in that country. Immediately, the church prays for these lost, and allare asked to pray dailyduring the week for the lost in that country. Vision has increased and the desire to help has been encouraging.

An appeal came recently in cor

respondence directed to the Brasilia church. It

was from Os6rio Gon^alves Rodrigues

(one-time student at farm school, student at Institute in Goiania, founder of the Youth

Congress and enthusiastic helper in Brasilia missions, now ministering to a congregation in Belo Horizonte, a work begun by missionaries
Bob and Fern Smith. Osdrio envisions two new churches in Belo Horizonte, but needs support for their establishment. He feels called

Local T. V. and radio programs...

The Sunday School Superintendent, Delvany Souza Lima has personally contracted time on a local T.V. for a 30-second Biblemessage. Notices of the church and brief Bible messages of 10
minutes are presented daily just before midnight on one of the radio stations. Pray!

to leavehiscurrent pastorate and, partiallysup ported by the mother church, to go out as an

evangelist to open these two new works. He is

asking four sister churches to give toward this additional outreach. Pray for this!

Manaus.. .another new capital looms on the

horizon! In the all-Brazil goal to establish a church in
every capital city, there seemed to have been an invisible

barrier in reaching this point. But in these later years, doors and possibilities have opened beyond every
expectation. A young man from the Brasilia church has

been living in Manaus for some years, but we have been unable to follow up this opportunity. Now, another young man, a student at the Christian College who has been working for a pharmaceutical chain, believes the Lord would have him move to Manaus and not onlyget a better paying job and get married, but start a new church as well! Watch for further developments! Pray!

Left, church men work raising walls for the new House of Worship at
Jardin Novo Oriente.



We are taking further steps toward expanding the ministry of the national
church in cultural and social services to


Plans are being made, letters have been sent out, and some churches have already responded for the Sanders' furlough from June to December, 1985. Tentative travel plans

meet the special needs of the "whole man"...the body, mind and soul... through expanding the camp ground area and activities for larger attendance, offer special seminary training, develop com munity fellowship, with plans for a chapel and prayer center. New Base of Operations As part of this expansion, we hope to develop a center of training, a home for children, for girls, and for the elderly, with a medical clinic and spiritual first-aid. As previously announced, "A new campus, in a strategic location, has been given to
Brazil Christian Mission for the devel

June-July: Texas, California, Oregon, Idaho, Colorado August-September: Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Kansas
October-November: Indiana, Ohio, Tennessee, South Carolina December: Alabama, Florida, and back to Brazil

We need your reply early, so that we can set up an economical and efficient schedule.

We need your gifts, over and above regular offerings, toward our travel. We need your prayers so that we might be working in and for the Lord! We believe the Lord wants us working for a few more years! PRAY!

Editor L David Sanders

L. David and Ruth Sanders

opment of a tri-purpose training program of education, children's home and medical post. This new area will open new channels of training yet undeveloped... All that is lacking now is personnel and financial backing! Pray wkh us for this vision of need and this step of faith!"
New Workers

Mailing Address:
Caixa Postal 07-862

70.359 Brasilia, D.F., Brazil

Send all contributions and

questions to:
Brazil Christian Mission
Box 17067

We know you have been praying because the project is going forward! The national mission met in September and called Staria Joy (the Sanders' daughter) to serve as missionary assistant to David and to direct development of this new project "SCEPTER"! (The
name "SCEPTER" comes from a con

Wichita, KS 67217

Please help keep our records straight by designating your offer ings for missionary or project.
Please do not send checks or bills
to the field.

Staria Joy Sanders de Azevedo, daughter of L. David and Ruth Sanders,

has felt the call of the Lord to work full-

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be sent to:

tinued training and orientation by holding out the torch (Scepter) to all men in every way possible.) Another answer to prayer is the
cooperation of missionary Bruce Colson

Rt. 2, Box LH32 Checotah, OK 74426

with the College and with the FAME

ambulatory medical clinic which will be

based in this area. New Costs

This development will be partially on the mission camp grounds (100 acres) and
in the above mentioned area. It will also include a relocation of the Christian

3. Drill artesian well by January, 1985. 4. Transfer college dormitory to new area by March, 1985.

College from the Brasilia church building as early as the 1985 school term. This would be a joint project of Brazil Chris tian Mission, the national mission, the
local Brasilia church, Christian Churches of the Federal District, and will involve

5. Open medical clinic in 1985. 6. Acquire land title and building rights by October, 1985. 7. Open doors for first children and ^rls in 1985.

time in the Kingdom's outreach. She has accepted the call by the national mission to work as missionary assistant to David and as director of the new outreach project, SCEPTER (see article "Hold Out the Scepter!"). Staria already does a good deal of translating and writing. She has set up Vacation Bible Schools and camps in various places. She has been helping in our "food for the hungry" and orphanage projects. A deaconess of the local Brasilia church, she has served as Executive Se cretary of the Church, Mission and of the Christian College. She is the College
librarian. Staria continues her studies in

Psychology at the Brasilia UniversityCEUB, and will also graduate from the Christian College with a Bachelor of Arts in Theology and Religious Education this coming spring.
Staria is married to Luiz Carlos Pinto

some government funding for social ser vice causes. Estimated budget for the next five years is $500,000.00. We are chal lenging the Brazilian churches to give onehalf and the American churches the other half!

100th Wedding Recorded In Brasilia Church Register

Tereza Christina Mafra, daughter of Vicente and Aparecida Mafra who have
been affiliated with the Brasilia church for

many years, and Hamilton Amauri Liz, from Volta Redonda (Steel Mill City), Rio
de Janeiro, were married on October 12th,
1984 in the Brasilia church and became the

New Prayer Work Pray and give toward the following goals:
1. Initial development, September, 1984 (fulfilled).

100th couple to be registered in the Brasilia Church archives. The couple left immediately for their new home in Volta
Redonda. This could mean a new

de Azevedo, and they have four children: Kyula Jane (12 years old, recovering from a recent emergency appendectomy), Kalinka Jean (10-years-old), Kaliula Joy (8-years-old, born in Grinnell, lA), and an adopted son, Kevan Andrew (7-yearsold). Pray for financial sponsorship for this responsibility! We are recommend ing her to the churches for Living Link support of $50OD0 per month.
Below, Staria, husband Luiz, and Ruth Sanders look over possible area for the new base of operationsfor SCEPTER.

2. Staria Joy begins work, September,

1984 (fulfilled).

church 500 miles away. PRAY!


^ & O^

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A brief look at the work of




Oct.-Nov.-Dec., 1984

No. 4

Technical Production and Mailing by: Capstan, Inc. Address Correction Requested: Capstan-BCM Rt. 2, Box LH32 Checotah, OK 74426

Bemuse of a Child ^... ..... We Send Christmas Greetings! Because of His Love .... We Send Our Love for the New Year! Because of His Family We Send Our Famili; Greeting!


Lloyd David and Ruth.

Starla Joy, Luiz, Carlos, Maria Joyce and fiance.. Carlos, Kyula, Kalinka,
Kevan and Kaliula.

Little Marcelo.

Daryl Bruce and

Pamela Ruth.

Church Growth

Pastors and deacons partici pated in another Lightening Semi nary the 6th, 7th, and 8th of Sep tember, 1984 (the 7th is the national Independence holiday) in
the Brasilia church facilities. Bruce Colson and Iran Ber-

Tentative Travel Plans:

Preparation Needs:
Send your request for time of

June-July West Aug.-Sept. Mid-West

Oct.-Nov. December East-Central South-East

Pray without ceasing! Designated gifts for travel ex


nardes, Christian College leaders, promoted a brief course on church growth and integration on the anniversary of our 5-year goal of church growth. A better growth
has been made these last five

A borrowed car for when we are

in your area.

In Further Cooperation
Projects In Process for which you can pray and give:
1. An, artesian well on camp grounds and new development.

years, but final statistics are not

available at this time.

The purpose of this present course was to challenge church growth and offer credit for young preachers who have no training in
Bible and Christian doctrine. Some

2. Living-link for full-time worker "Scepter". $500.00 monthly. 3. College scholarships in Brazil for 1985 school term: Full Scholarship - $25.00 monthly for 10 months Half Scholarship $12.50 monthly for 10 months 4. Graduate School living-link scholarship for Iran Bernardes Costa. Estimated costs are $500.00 monthly.
5. Tracts; "The Bible and Salvation" 50,000 copies - $150.00.

speakers were 2nd and 3rd genera tion preachers of our Christian churches. A new generation of leaders are learning some of the
ideals of the "Restoration Move

6. Booklets: "The Crucible" 1,000 photocopies - $300.00.

7. Books: "Pictorial New Testaments" 5,000 copies, initial printing $2,000.00. 8. Discipleship Lessons 300 units - $150.00.

ment". A new spirit of evangelism and missions has sprung up since 1978 goals were launched when
Dr. McGavren visited Brazil.




DRAWS 1,000
The youth congress held on November 1st, 2nd and 3rd in Goiania, Goias (Central Brazil), drew over 1,000, reports Sonia Maria Franga, secretary of the Missao Crista do Brasil, and Chil
dren's Bible School Teacher. Sonia attended this 19th con

gress along with some 150 youth

who traveled 120 miles to Goiania

Last Day minutes before departure from Junior Camp.

(Written by Sonia Maria S. Franca and translated by Starla Joy Sanders
de Azevedo)

in 3 buses and four cars from


Brasilia on October 31st. They arrived shortly after midnight, waited in line an hour to register,
and another hour for their mat

There was a Junior Camp from

October 12 to 14 of 1984 at the

Brazil Christian Mission Camp

Grounds with 38 children, ages 7

to 10, in attendance and 7 young people helping out. The camp began with quite a
bit of enthusiasm and the children
had lots of fun and excitement.

heads and let us pray." Children began to cry and sing. Several ac cepted Christ as their Savior. The children are already saving their money for the next camp. The theme of this year was: "God
is Present."

tresses on which to sleep, and then rising at 7 a.m. for breakfast. Housing was in "mass camp-style dormitory" and a dining hall. The youth sang off frustrations with many hours of lusty singing! With a full day planned, the greatest blessing seemed to be in meeting other young people from the
Christian Brazil. Churches of Central

They had sports, games, group activities, songs, Bible stories, a

movie about the life of Jesus and

Editor - L. David Sanders

Missionaries L. David and Ruth Sanders

on the last day a nice birthday party for two children of the camp. The peak of the camp came
when the teacher asked: "Who

Delegates represented church es from up to 500 miles away. Over 30 churches were represented. Three of the speakers were from
2nd generation Christian families. Os6rio Gonsalves spoke on

Mailing Address:
Caixa Postal 07-862

ever feels God's presence here

and feels God would like us to do

70.359 Brasilia, D.F., Brazil

Send all contributions and

"Unity Requires Humility." Robert E.J. Fife spoke on 'Is Christ

Divided?" Waldiberto Moreira

more for His Kingdom, bow your

questions to:
Brazil Christian Mission Box 17067


Wichita, KS 67217

Please help keep our records straight by designating your offer ings for missionary or project.
Please do not send checks or bills to the field. Address corrections should be sent to:

spoke Edson Faith Aires


on "Spiritual Gifts Edify." Goveis spoke on "Unity by not by Law." Raimundo spoke on "Carnality Di

on the Bible
Coelho Neto (1864-1934) Lawyer, journalist and author, professor and member of the House of Representatives of the State of Maranhao, wrote 120 volumes which were published, among which were fiction, ro mance, short stories, f^fes, the ater pieces, discourses, chroni cles, conferences, books of in
struction, etc. He wrote two Bible
narratives. He also wrote on "Im

The general theme was John 17:21: "That they all be one." The
events which stood out for the

Rt. 2, Box LH32

Checotah, OK 74426

three days was the dramatization "Laodicia" and the final spreading of the "Lord's Table" on Sunday before the youth's departure for

Baptisms have increased in the Brazilian-X^hurches during 1984 -. the Brasilia Church set a goal for over 100 baptisms during the year. Young ArturAnaborMacedo came to obey the Lord - one of 10 persons

baptized during November. He is

the son of Selma and Anabor who were the first couple married in the Brasi7iQ church. He is named after Arthur Carter, a missionary who

mortality." It has been said he was possibly the most fertile and multi
form of Brazilian literature.

He said: "Man of faith, the book of my soul.. .here I have it: It

is the Bible. I don't leave it in the

spent many years in Belo Horizonte

and Belem. Selma went to live with

library among my books of study, but always at my bedside, ready at

hand. From it I draw water to

the Carters when

they moved

south. She moved to Brasilia to be

quench my thirst of the truth; from it I take salve for the pain of my agonies."

with the Sanders for a time and began to teach in Luziana. During
this time she met and married Anabor and now their son has become a Christian.

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