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1. Information:
This Contract is between Case Pvt Ltd (Client) and AA Pvt Ltd(Vendor). Contract is valid up to 9 months i.e. ( 1st October !1! to 1st "une !11).

2. AA Company Description:
The Compan# AA is en$a$ed in a wide ran$e o% en$ineerin$ wor&s that propel the econom#' and enhance and sa%e$uard (uman )ualit# o% li%e. These wor&s allows people to secure themselves b# our securit# s#stems and providin$ them com%ort and %acilities usin$ modern state o% art e)uipments b# ta&in$ the advanta$e o% new technolo$#. The Compan# mission is to contribute to Pa&istan*s prosperit# and wel%are b# advancin$ the business interests o% member %irms. +e believe in )ualit# wor& and durable products.

3. Project Description:
Wimax stands %or +orldwide ,nteroperabilit# %or -icrowave Access. +ima. technolo$# is actuall# based on the standards that ma&in$ the possibilit# to deliver# last mile broadband access as a substitute to conventional cable and /0L lines. The stren$th o% the wireless si$nal is ver# essential to capitali1e on' throu$h this medium o% communication e%%ects. ,ncreased si$nal stren$th assures $reater and timel# communication between end points. The connectivit# could be vital to business or a personal pursuit The main ob2ective is to learn and understand the theor# and %unctionin$ o% wireless devices speci%icall# +,-A3. To interact with industr#' To put some e%%ort in this %ield %or more advances and betterment o% wireless communication' To ma&e a handheld +ima. 0i$nal 0tren$th -eter that measures the si$nal stren$th in the %ield area and store the map o% access points' To provide the customer with the best )ualit# service in terms o% speed and cost.

. !ist Of Proc"rement Items:

Item/Service Keypad #$S %odule &ima' %odem $I+

Justification For switching of the meter, saving and deleting data For detecting position of signals strength (s a Signal )eceiver For $rogramming

Needed By 2 !" !2 " " ! "!2 "" "*!""!2 " 2! 2!2 ""

%icrocontroller ,+- -isplay %emory -evice

For displaying the signals strength For saving the position and signals strength

"*! 2!2 "" "! .!2 ""

#. Payment:

Pa#ments will be made as the modules completed and delivered

Complete +ima. 0i$nal -odule(1!41!4 !1! to !541 4 !1! )

Complete -icro4Controller &it ( 641 4 !1! to 6414 !11)

7P0 -odule /evelopment (depends on the availabilit# o% 7P0 )

LC/ displa# ( 64 4 !11 to 64!84 !11)

-emor# /eveice (till 8!4!94 !11)

The Overall bud$et re)uired %or the pro2ect is :1!!!. 0ummar# o% the bud$et is To start the pro2ect -id o% the pro2ect A%ter wee&s On the completion : !! :8!! :8!! : !!

$. Reports:

A detailed report o% the results o% the Pro2ect shall be presented to Compan# b# the Principal ,nvesti$ator on or be%ore 1!th o% -A;' !11 and shall serve as the deliverable on this Pro2ect.

%. A&'ertisement:
CA0< will not use the name o% AA Pvt Ltd in an# publicit# without the prior written approval o% the Assistant Vice4President (= -ana$er. AA Pvt Ltd will not use the name o% CA0< in an# publicit# without the prior written approval o% CA0<.

(. A)reements Restrictions:
>either the ,nvesti$ator nor AA Pvt Ltd' includin$ its %ellows' o%%icers' directors' emplo#ees and a$ents' ma&es an# conditions' representations' warranties' underta&in$s' promises' inducements or a$reements o% an# &ind' whether direct' indirect' collateral' e.press' or implied' as to an# matter whatsoever' includin$' without limitation' the results o% the research or an# inventions or product' tan$ible or intan$ible' conceived' discovered' or developed under this. 0eller*s obli$ations under this a$reement are accepted sub2ect to stri&es' labor troubles' %lood' %ire' acts o% 7od' accidents' and dela#s' shorta$e o% e)uipments or problems be#ond the control o% seller. ,mpossibilities o% per%ormance b# reason o% an# le$islative' e.ecutive or 2udicial act o% an# $overnmental authorit# shall e.cuse per%ormance o% or dela# in per%ormance o% or dela# in per%ormance o% this a$reement.+arranties and underta&in$s can onl# be mad b# /r4Ali Ahsan who is the C<O o% AA Pvt Ltd

*. Conse+"ences Of Termination:
,n the event o% the termination or e.pir# o% the Contract?

the Contractor shall repa# %orthwith to the Council an# advance pa#ments made b# the Council relatin$ to an# 0ervices not per%ormed b# the Contractor in accordance with the Contract the Contractor shall provide to the Council or a replacement contractor nominated b# the Council an# Council /ata in its possession either in its then current %ormat or in a %ormat nominated b# the Council (in which event the Council will reimburse the the Contractor shall cease to use the Council /ata each part# shall return all items supplied to it in connection with the Contract b# the other part#@

Contract as %rom the date o% service o% such notice i%? This A$reement shall have a term commencin$ on the date written above and shall terminate on 1st "une !11. <ither part# ma# terminate this A$reement thirt# (8!) da#s a%ter written notice is $iven to other part#. ,n the event this A$reement is terminated in accordance with this section the Compan# shall pa# %or all e.penses up to termination and %or reasonable commitments made b# AA compan# related to the Pro2ect' prior to date o% notice o% termination' %or which AA Compan# is %inanciall# responsible.,% an# o% the clause violated b# the Compan# will terminate the contract and Compan# shall not be liable to do le$al prosecution a$ainst AA Pvt Ltd.

1,. -orce .aje"re:

>either part# to the A$reement shall be liable to the other %or an# %ailure or dela# in per%ormance caused b# circumstances be#ond its control' includin$ but not limited to' acts o% 7od' %ire' labour di%%iculties or $overnmental action or power brea&a$e.

11. /ntire A)reement:

This A$reement constitutes the entire a$reement between the parties with respect to the sub2ect matter hereo% and supersedes all prior a$reements' understandin$s' ne$otiations and discussions' whether written or oral. There are no conditions' covenants' a$reements' representations' warranties or other provisions' e.press or implied' collateral' statutor# or otherwise' relatin$ to the sub2ect matter hereo% e.cept as herein provided in the contract.

12. Amen&ments:
>o amendment or waiver o% an# provision o% this A$reement shall be bindin$ on an# o% the parties hereto unless consented to in writin$ b# all parties to this A$reement

13. 0o'ernin) !a1:

This A$reement shall be construed' interpreted and en%orced in accordance with' and the respective ri$hts and obli$ations o% the parties shall be $overned b# the %ederal laws o% Pa&istan and each part# unconditionall# submits to the non4e.clusive 2urisdiction o% the courts o% such province and all courts competent to hear appeals there %rom.


2I0NAT3R/ AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA(%or and on behal% o% the Compan#)

<mplo#erBs Cull >ames?

+,T><00 1?


+,T><00 ?



ContractorBs Le$al >ame?

+,T><00 1?


+,T><00 ?


Request for Proposal



1. Company o'er'ie1
CA0< (Centre %or Advanced 0tudies in <n$ineerin$) is an educatin$ institutionm where di%%erent students do pro2ects' and so it deals in 0o%tware /evelopment and <lectricalD<lectronicsDComputer <n$ineerin$ with %ocus on Communication 0#stems and ,n%ormationTechnolo$#. The Compan# emplo#s hi$hl# motivated ,T pro%essionals' en$ineers and scientist with diverse technical e.perience in Lar$e scale so%tware desi$n' /0P' /i$ital Chip /esi$n' and Communication 0#stems' ma&in$ it one o% the best rounded technical teams. CA0< team speciali1es in desi$n and development o% Telecommunications' /ata Communications.

2. 2tatement of P"rpose
+e have underta&en this pro2ect to bene%it our pro2ect team. ,% tal&in$ about the bene%it o% this pro2ect then the purpose o% the pro2ect is to learn and understand the theor# and %unctionin$ o% +ima. +ireless /evices. 0econdl# to $et to &now the technolo$ical advances in wireless communication most particularl# the +ima. device. The need %or us to wor& on this pro2ect is to provide the customer with a handheld device that measures the incomin$ si$nal stren$th and $ives the map o% access points %or the ease o% their technical team.

3. 2cope of Wor4
The main $oal o% our pro2ect is to provide the customer (+,4T=,E<) with a device that can e%%icientl# measures and displa#s the incomin$ si$nal stren$th o% +ima. as well as the 7P0 coordinates. The si$nal stren$th and 7P0 coordinates will then be recorded %or the %uture =C plannin$(it can be done manuall#).

. De5i'era65es
The main tas& is to ma&e a handheld +ima. 0i$nal 0tren$th -eter that measures the si$nal stren$th in the %ield area and store the map o% access points. -a2or deliverables includes 0chematics' user manual' and The +ima. 0i$nal 0tren$th -eter. =unnin$ +ima. 0i$nal 0tren$th -eter =unnin$ correct Fe#pad ,nput =unnin$ /ispla# o% 0i$nal 0tren$th And 0i$nal Location.

#. A)ency 2e5ection Criteria

Proven abilit# to elevate brand awareness. Fnowled$e o%' and e.perience in' our industr#. An e.cellent reputation and stron$ relationships with industr# in%luencers includin$ relevant trade and business press' anal#sts' con%erence or$ani1ers' etc. 0uccess%ul editorial covera$e in leadin$ business' news' and industr#4speci%ic media. 0tron$ writin$ s&ills across multiple media. Team credentials. >o competitive client con%licts.

$. 7"&)et

The cost o% the wor& is decided on how earl# a vendor will $ive our products. ,t should appro.imatel# be e)ual to 1!!!: which will be $iven in phases o% completion.

%. Process of /'a5"ation 8Time5ine9

To be considered' a$encies must submit their proposal no later than 1!?!! p.m. on /ec 1!' !1!. Late proposals and proposals delivered b# %acsimile will not be accepted.

Bill Of Quantities (BOQ)

Item Item Description N"m6er -ixe& Cost 1 +i-a. -odem Fe#pad 8 7Ps -odule 9 Lcd /ispla# Project P<ases 8 ,nitiatin$ Phase 9 Plannin$ Phase 6 <.ecution Phase G -onitor and Control Phase 5 Close phase Tota5 Cost

:T; 1 8 8 1

3nit Pcs Pcs Pcs PCs

.ateria5 :1!! :9


Tota5 :1!! :1 ! :1 ! :1 !

:1!! :6! :1!! :16! :H!

:1!! :6! :1!! :16! :H! =1,,,

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