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IN THIS ISSUE: Our Thanks to You Prayer Requests Our Mission Emphasis


Dear Pastors, Prayer Partners & Donors,

Ordinary People Become Extra-Ordinary Leaders

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Greetings in the Name of Jesus.

Tools of Evangelism: CORN GRINDER $500.00 HARVEST KIT $300.00 BICYCLE $100.00 DONKEY TAXI $100.00 PASTOR SUPT $100.00 P/Month PASTOR STUDY BIBLE $50.00 BIBLE STUDENT $50.00 P/Month NEW TESTAMENTS $5.00 each ORPHANS $10.00 P/Month WIDOWS $50.00 P/Month

The Bible is not a male-dominated history of mankind. Women are just as important as men throughout its pages. Its the women who with endurance and patience, despite public ridicule, gave birth to both Jewish and Christian legacies. Sarah waited four times longer than the average woman to have her first son. Mary faced public scorn for an apparent pregnancy outside of wedlock so she could give birth to the Savior of the world. Women became political figures and changed the tides of events in the Bible. Esther worked behind the scenes to save her people from annihilation. Deborah was a judge when no man would step up. Toshiba God invited women from outside the Israelite family into his. Rahab got her life together and worked for God instead of against His will. Ruth was from the Moabite enemy, but she found herself in the genealogies of David, Solomon, and eventually Jesus Christ. When Jesus rose from the dead, he chose to appear to the women. When Paul needed financial support for his ministry trips, he asked women to help. Thank God He used women in the story of the Bible; Thank God He still uses them in our families to preserve our faith, to show us grace, and be our help meets at home, in the church, and in the world. In John 4:4, Jesus needed to go through Samaria, stopped at Jacobs well and asked a Samaritan woman for a drink of water. [Type the document subtitle] More than 30 years ago, as Hiv/Aids was taking its toll on the people in Africa, Anita approached me, saying she had a burden for the many women, especially widows, who were volunteering to cook, clean, baby sit orphans, helping with the tasks in the church & orphanage ministry. There were many of these women who could read and write, and Anita had been praying about training them as leaders in a womens ministry in the church, combining discipleship/soul winning programs, to educate and train these women to become leaders to help women in their communities to be more productive and feel needed. Not only were they taught how to lead other women to the Lord, praying for salvation and encouragement, but they were able to engage these women in Bible Study groups, they also taught them to sew and knit, combining their skills with outreaches into the villages and surrounding areas.

Women of the Bible :

[Type the document title]

Initially 14 women who could read and write were selected for leadership training Anita and 2 Indigenous Pastors wives took three months to train these women. Looking back over the past 30 years. We see the fruit of the ministry, where hundreds of unsaved women were reached and ministered to, encouraged to visit church, getting saved, baptized, and many attending and joining the helps-ministry of their local churches, reaching others for Christ in this profound way. At this present time, women in the church, especially widows are being blessed as they realize their need to lead, nurture, and care for those around them. They testify that their hearts are filled with joy to know they are appreciated and loved by all they reach, and praise God for the opportunity to be fruitful in exercising their faith in Him. These ladies working with the Pastors wives are a vital part of the ministry of the Indigenous churches in Africa. Let us remind you that God uses a willing vessel. We are all responsible for our lives, and how much of our time we dedicate to the service of the Lord. In Africa, the ministry continues to grow, as mothers and grandmothers, join groups within the church to help reach the unreached, with love and compassion and the message of salvation. Today the Indigenous Church in Africa is growing by leaps and bounds, welcoming those who have a desire to work in the church helping them find a place where their willingness and skills are used to reach the lost for Jesus Christ and His Kingdom. Better yet, women who felt discarded and worthless, have gained self esteem, living productive lives making a difference in their world.


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Our Mission Emphasis is
To serve the Indigenous Church in Africa. Our Method is to let God present a need . . . and for us to match it with passion to serve. Support for Christ For Africa Ministries comes from gifts by friends like you. We are not funded or endowed by any group or Corporation, as we are an Independent Faith Mission. John & Anita Newton Hold to the King James Bible 1611 CHRIST FOR AFRICA MISSION P.O. Box 536 Tahlequah OK 74465-0536
E-mail : sacfaim1@hotmail.com

The above pictures tell a story of how God inspired these African women to join together their hearts and skills to reach fellow women in their surrounding villages. By showing them love and encouragement when they were destitute, unhappy, not knowing where the next meal to feed their families would come from; Through the Womens ministry, hundreds of unsaved women were able to find Jesus as Savior, join a church and have a support group of church family they never had before to help them overcome the difficulties in their lives. Training continues; With each passing year more women are being trained for this Outreach Ministry. T H A N K O U T H A N K Y O U T H A N KY Y O U Thank you for your support in sustaining the Ministry all these many years. Remember, your Mission Offerings over the years have made it possible to reach those in rural and far out villages; To send The Word with Indigenous Pastors, Evangelists and Ladies Outreach Ministries as mentioned in the above newsletter. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You in Jesus Name.

E-Mail Address: Send us your new e-mail address if you have made a recent change.

Please Pray for increased reading of scripture & lasting formative impact on lives.

When We Pray God Works

Your Prayer requests prayed for daily including needs for the field in So. Africa.

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