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this November 2006


NLDS' Bigelow moving

nto space, p. 11.

Calendar, p. 6.

Update on alleged dis-

covery and sonar scans of
Kinross F-89C, p. 6.

Wendy Connors'
Faded Discs project, p. 10.

NSA affidavit sketchy

on UFO information, p.

Mothman associate
producer dead at 42, p. 13.
.....-.. . . . . .
Object appears to enter This drawing of a strange
lake, p. 13. creature..wbich looks very little
like the typical blien was done
Former FAA official by a 16-year-old North Dakota
says UFO was seen, p. 17, witness d o says he shot one of
these entities, who were stealing
Columns a hog. ~

Director's Message 2 This case is possibly a sequel

Filer's Files 14 to the reported April 18,2006,
Ted Phillips 18 landing case described in the
Stan Friedman 20 September issue of the Journal.
Gavin McLeod 24 The article begins on page 3.

ovember 2006 MUFON UFO Journal

~ovember2006 Number 463

MUFON Great past, great future give selflessly of your time to attend or
As I settle into my first month as the run state and local meetings. investi-
UFO Journal MUFON International Director. I can't gate UFO sighting. research UFO ac-
(USPS 002-970) help but reflect on how far MUFON tivity and educate the public on the re-
(ISSN 0270-6822) has come since its inception in 1969. ality of UFOs.
Rising like a Phoenix from the ashes Without your efforts. MUFON
Mutual UFO Network would not be the largest UFO investi-
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Many times I hear people say that
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UFOs are past their prime. and that we
hq Q mufon.com will never experience the level of ac-
-. internationalDirector ing and research- tivity that was witnessed in the 1940s-
I , I
ing UFOs as a 1970s. I disagree.
James Carrion, M.A. grass roots civil- ,
Although. you may perceive a lull in
. . - P.O. BOX279 - UFO activity. thousands of new
ian organization. Jc711w.b CW-;OI~
~ e i v u e CO
, 805123279 MUFON mem- sightings are reported each year, and
Tel: 970-221-1836 (221-1UFO) bers today owe a great debt of grati- historical cases that were never before
Fax: 866-466-9173 tude to Walt Andrus and John reported are coming to our attention for
jcarrion 8 mufon.com Schuessler and so many others for hav- the first time. The UFO phenomenon
ing the vision and fortitude to not allow has been with humanity for a very long
Editor: the study of UFOs to pass into oblivion. time and will continue to be with us in
Dwight Connelly, M.S. It is an honor for me to continue the the foreseeable future.
14026 RidgelawnRoad MUFON legacy. At the same time. the public interest
Martinswille, IL 62442 What makes MUFON such a great in UFOs is very high. as demonstrated
mufonufojournal@hotmail.com organization are you the members who (Continued on page 22)

Columnists: Change of address and subscriptiodextra copies inquiries should be

George Filer, M.B.A. sent to MUFON,P.O. Box 279, Bellvue, CO 80512-0279.
Stanton Friedman, M.S. Copyright 2006 by the Mutual UFO Network. All Rights Reserved
Gavin A. J. McLeod
No pan of thls document may be reproduced In any form w~thoutthe wr~ttenpermiss~onof the Copynght
Ted Phillips . Owners. Permlsslon IS hereby granted to quote up to 200 words of any one art~cle.prov~dedthe author IS cred~ted.
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MUFON's mission is the scientific study of UFOs for the benefit

of humanity through investighion, research, & education.
Hgh strangeness encounter in coma1
includes reported shootmg of entity
By Richard Moss
Minnesota MUFON State Director
and Lorna Hunter
Field InvestigatorlPhotographer
During the early morning hours of
Sept. 11,2006, a high-strangeness en-
counter occurred in central North Da-
The witness is the same young man
who observed a landed triangle on adja-
cent property in April when he was in
a pasture checking on cattle during calv-
ing time. (September. 2006. MUFON
U F O Joi~nzal.)
When we arrived at the farm we
were met by four barking dogs ranging
in size from a small tenier to an almost-
blind Saint Bernard. It is important to
note that none of these dogs barked or
showed any awareness of what was
happening nearby during the events
which will be described.
The witness. age 16,sfeet 11inches The damaged sheets of corrugated metal may have been displaced
I tall, and weighing about 200 pounds, by the entities.
described in an initial interview what
he recalled from the incident: ral, he saw two figures apparently try- toward the witness, picked him up by
He said he woke up some time after ing to steal a 400-lb pregnant sow. his shirt, and, with one arm, threw him
midnight on Sept. 11, and went to a One of them scooped up the sow backwards about 20 feet.
bathroom downstairs to get a drink of with one arm, transferred it to its other The youth landed on his back, and,
water. Looking out a window he no- arm, and tossed it to the second figure. while on the ground, heard a sort of
ticed two figures enter a corral where In the moonlight the witness sud- "boom sound." He sat up, reloaded the
four pigs were kept. denly realized that the figures were not rifle and looked around for the entities,
Thinking they were deer about to eat "ordinary people" and quickly became but they were nowhere to be seen.
some hog feed that had been set out for frightened and confused, as they were Two vertical sheets of corrugated
the morning feeding, he put on shoes extremely tall, perhaps seven or eight metal on the west side of the corral had
and a jacket and grabbed a .22-cal feet in height. been knocked off, possibly providing a
single-shot rifle from the shop on his He fired a shot from his rifle into the means of escape. If the entities were
way to the corral. left side of the entity that had caught responsible, it would explain this loud
His intent. was to scare away the the sow and was close enough that he sound.
deer. The north, west, and part of the felt sure he hit it. He immediately heard In the past, some aliens have been
south side of the corral are covered with a loud screeching, squealing weird described as levitating or floating from
ten-foot-long galvanized corrugated sound. place to place. Readers might wonder,
1 metal sheets attached vertically to At the time of the interview we as we do, why they didn't just levitate
wooden fencing in order to create a thought that he might have accidentally over the windbreak to make their es-
windbreak. shot the sow. Or, maybe was terrified cape, instead of apparently knocking
The youth approached the corral at what was happening. down part of it.
I from the south, behind the windbreak. Then the entity that had thrown the The witness got up and ran to a
Upon jumping the fence into the cor- pig to the other one swiftly "floated" nearby mobile home occupied by his
November 2006 MUFON UFO Journal 3
sister, declaring, "They took her, they No clothing was noticed, other than
took her, and I couldn't stop them." it must have been of a dark color. No
His shirt was tom, and he had two legs or feet were seen. but he described
small scratches on his chest. In his agi- their movements in terms of floating,
tated state he admitted that he was levitating. graceful yet mechanical, no
scared and couldn't tell the story wasted movements, and no emotions.
straight. The witness lamented that the only
They called his father at 2:04 AM, evidence he has is his tom shirt, a dam-
as recorded on his cell phone, who aged corral. and a missing hog. They
eventually called the sheriff. who re- later searched a wide area. but did not
sponded with deputies. The sheriff and find their animal.
his deputies were reluctant to go into A form letter was mailed to every
the wooded area to the west and north county sheriff in North Dakota request-
of the corral, but they returned after ing a phone call or email if anyone in
daybreak and did some searching. the state reported finding a 400-lb mu-
Nothing was found. tilated black hog having "white socks."
According to the website Complete But if it did end up being taken into
Sun and Moon Data for One Day the a craft, it obviously could have been
moon was 79% illuminated and had dropped over a state other than North
risen at 9:38 PM. Dakota. As of this date, 23 days after
A call to the National Weather Ser- the event, a possibly mutilated hog has
vice in Bismarck indicated that both The witness' shirt was reportedly not been reported.
high and low clouds, arriving from dif- torn by one of the entities. (A white If we do get a report, we will go
ferent directions, should have been over wherever it is located to verify that it is
the area within the time frame of the background was inserted into the
the missing animal and photograph it
experience. shirt to make the tears more visible.) for publication.
The boy's father said that the sky was The results of an interview are not
clear immediately after 2:04 AM, but "squeal" from this creature indicates always exactly confirmed by using hyp-
that heavy low clouds and fog arrived that it must have had something akin to notic regression, and this proved to be
shortly thereafter. Whether the sky was a nervous system that created pain true in this case.
clear or a thin veil of high clouds were when it was hit by the small bullet. If people find themselves in a short-
overhead, there apparently was enough Although we could see no signs of lived and terrifying situation (for ex-
moonlight to be able to see fairly well. any liquids (alien's or hog's blood) on ample, being a witness to an armed and
During a re-enactment we deter- the soil, a shovel was used to trace out violent bank robbery) they can be ex-
mined that the entities were about 12 a semicircle next to where the shot-at- pected to give varying descriptions of
feet apart when the sow was tossed alien had stood, and surface soil was what happened and what the robbers
from one to the other. It was also close collected into a galvanized utility pail looked like.
to twelve feet between the entity that for possible later analysis. The witness who confronted the en-
caught the pig and the opening in the In retrospect,' this might not have tities likewise found himself in a short-
windbreak. been a wise thing to do. If we had seen duration event that was frightening.
Most of the nails that had fastened a spot on the soil that could have been What follows are the results of a re-
the sheet metal to the wooden boards alien blood we would have asked the gression done by Craig Lang on Sept.
were still in the boards, but a few had sheriff to call in experts who are used 16,only five days following the encoun-
come out with the metal and were in to handling such materials. ter.
the corrugated sheets. Over time, additional conscious
There were fresh scrapes and memories occurred, and as the witness The regression
scratches on one of the horizontal fence retold the story, more adjectives were Craig R. Lang, MS CHt
boards. We saw no signs of blood or added to his description of the aliens. Certified Hypnotherapist and Field
liquids on the boards. They were described as being seven Investigator, Minnesota MUFON
There were no signs of a bullet hole to eight feet tall, dark-skinned, narrow, Initially Dick and Loma had visited
or scratches on either of the downed thin, skinny, long, lanky, and strong. the farm shortly after the encounter and
metal sheets which would have been They had large glossy eyes and rounded interviewed the witness and his family.
in the line of fire if he had missed the heads with something around the The account emerged which is summa-
entity. temples resembling bolts. rized above. .
Whether the .22 caliber bullet en- (See sketch by witness on front As I listened to this narration, sev-
tered or bounced off of the entity, a cover.) eral key points in the account struck me
4 MUFON UFO Journal November 2006
long time deepening his hypnotic state
and putting his mind at ease.
We then conducted the preliminar-
ies of a close encounter regression. in-
cluding establishing a safe place and
finding any mentaVemotionaVspiritual
resources which could be used if
Once the preliminaries were com-
plete. with the witness in deep trance,
we then went back to the time of the
encounter. Initially, he began to re-ex-
perience the encounter as nearly iden-
tical to his description during his ear-
lier interviews.
Using the present tense. he described
himself awakening. looking out of the
bathroom window, and seeing the fig-
ures in the corral. He re-experienced
the events of going out to the shed to
get his gun and proceeding to the cor-
Scratches on witness' chest were reportedly received when the youth ral.
It emerged that taking a gun is largely
was grabbed by an entity with fishook-type fingers (sketch by witness). standard procedure in such a circum-
stance. Thus, my initial speculation
as extremely suggestive of an abduc- On Saturday, 9/16, Dick, Lorna, and that this implied anything special about
tion. I drove to the family farm to interview his relationship with the phenomenon
1. The witness had had at least one them once again and to conduct a hyp- appeared to be incorrect.
other UFO sighting, observing a landed notic regression with the witness. The witness then re-experienced
UFO at close range. In addition, there I again interviewed him, as well as looking into the corral. However, in-
had been a possible cattle mutilation his father and mother. The account that stead of seeing two beings, he saw
near the property a year before. All of Dick and Lorna described in their ear- three-then four beings.
these suggested that he and the family lier article emerged in detail. The ac- He vaulted-over the fence, brought
had had some possibly hidden interac- count was as consistent as it was mys- his gun to bear, and fired at the nearest
tion with the phenomenon. terious. being. He then looked down to reload
2. The witness had initially thought I also asked the witness many ques- his gun. As he was doing this he no
that the figures in the corral were deer, tions about other aspects of life. The longer had the beings in his sight.
which he assumed were after the pig picture which emerged was one of a While he was looking down, he felt
feed. Often a screen memory of alien quiet, confident, sensible young man, something grab him from behind, to his
beings can appear as a deer [See Budd not given to fantasy and having very right. The being grabbed his front and.
Hopkins, Missing Time]. little tendency for self-reflection. side, spinning him around and casting
3. The witness had instinctively He described himself as being very him to the ground.
grabbed his gun before he headed for protective. He is also very muscular He felt his head hit the ground, ap-
the corral. I wondered if this instinc- and extremely physically fit. I sensed parently knocking him briefly uncon-
tive reaction might be due to some un- that he would be formidable in any con- scious. When he awoke, the beings and
derlying interactions with the phenom- frontation, with either humans or aliens. one of the hogs were gone.
enon. He had not had any experience with With the witness in deep trance, we
4. The beings appeared to be unlike either hypnosis or meditation, but he did conducted several passes through the
any I had heard of before. The witness daydream frequently. I explained to events. Each time a stable, consistent
described them as about 7 feet tall, him that one could think of hypnosis as account emerged. Each pass added
floating over the ground and moving being similar to daydreaming, and that detail that was consistent with previ-
with a gliding motion. he would have full control of his ous passes. Therefore I believe that this
5. When the one being threw the thoughts at all times. He was very at is a biographical memory of an actual
witness, his memory of the event dis- home with this, and turned out to be an event.
continued. This suggested missing time excellent hypnotic subject. Several aspects of the account that
and a possible abduction. I took him into trance, spending a emerged under hypnosis differed from
November 2006 MUFON UFO Journal
that which the witness described dur- a shock to their personal world-views.
ing the earlier interviews: It does not appear that any abduc- Update on alleged
1. There were at least four beings in tion occurred. The missing time ap-
the corral. pears to be due to his head striking the sonar scans of
2. During the interview, he stated that ground, causing a brief moment of un-
one of the beings was holding one of
the hogs, which appeared to be very
What happened in that corral in
missing F-89C
much alive. However, once under hyp- North Dakota in the wee hours of 91111 By James Carrion
nosis, he described how the hog was 06? Did this witness simply discover- MUFON Internatiomal Director
lifeless and how two of the beings were and attempt to intercept-a group of be- There have been a few new devel-
attempting to remove it from the cor- ings stealing a farm animal? opments in the Kinross missing F89C
ral. Perhaps this is the case, with littlecase since last month's extensive report
3. The description of the beings was existing beyond this. Yet the family hasin the Journal, none of which add to
slightly different during hypnotic recall a history of UFO sightings, and we the legitimacy of the claim that the air-
than in the original interviews. The must again recall that there had been a craft has been located.
witness indicated that he could not possible cattle mutilation near this lo- The recent statement by the "Great
clearly see the feet, so it was not clear cation a year earlier. Lakes Dive Company" (GLDC) to
how far off the ground they were float-' Thus, the hog-taking event may be have found the U.S. Air Force F89C
ing. Thus, it is not clear how tall the part of a larger pattern associated withScorpion Jet that disappeared in 1953
beings actually were. However, the that farm. over Lake Superior while in pursuit of
gliding motion appears to be consistent Ultimately, we don't know any fur- a UFO has created quite a stir of ex-
in all of his descriptions. ther details of what went on that night.citement in the UFO community.
4. During the initial interviews, he Nor do we know the beings' purpose The claim was especially intriguing
described how the one being floated in being there. We know only that it is when the GLDC added the statement
over to him and grabbed his shirt, one more piece of a puzzle that gets that a "mystery object" was found just
throwing him backwards at least one stranger with every turn. - over 200 feet from the plane.
body-length. However, once in trance, The object supposedly had markings
Evan described how a being grabbed - ->vr,
- -- - - - - - - $ - -,
- -
on it which matched damage to the
him from behind and cast him to the

ground. NOV.10-12-UFO Crash ~ e t r i e d MUFON's in-depth investigation of
5. The witness described getting a Conference, Las Vegas, NV, featuring the case began with attempting to an-
sense of fear from the other beings once Stanton Friedman, Dr. Michael Salla, swer the basic questions-Is GLDC a
the first one had been shot. He de- Richard Dolan, Paul Schatzkin, Ryan valid company? Who are the principals
scribed what might have been an em- Wood, Michael Lindemann, Peter Mer- of the company? What is their corpo-
pathic telepathy between the beings and lin, George Knapp, Dr. Robert M. rate history?
himself, with them indicating some- Wood, Nick Redfern, Frank Feschino, Since GLDC claimed to be a Michi-
thing like "we mean you no harm...", Linda Moulton Howe, Dr. Bruce gan-based corporation, our inquiry be-
6. His next memory was of sitting Maccabee, and Matthew E. Thuney; gan with a telephone call to the Michi-
up, reaching for his gun, and looking www.ufoconference.com, 720-887- gan Division of Corporations, which did
around for the beings. They were gone, 8171. not have any record of a company in-
along with the hog. Nov. 17-20-Crop Circles & Keys to corporated under or operating under the
7. He had noticed only the beings in Higher Consciousness, Tempe, AZ, fea- name "Great Lakes Dive Company."
the corral. There was no indication of turing J.J. Hurtak, Russell Targ, Will- When GLDC spokesperson Adam
a vehicle (presumably a UFO) in the iam Henry, Jim Marrs, Linda Moulton Jimenez was questioned about this, he
area. Howe, Francine Blake, Nancy Talbott, said in an email sent on Sept. 19,2006:
We concluded our hypnosis session Flordemayo, Philip Gardiner, Bert "GLDC is in the process of
with a few suggestions for emotional Janssen, Heather Clewett, & Chet & switching from an incorporated
well-being. I also suggested that he Kallista Snow. www.chetsnow.com, company to an LLC organization.
could allow any other remaining memo- 928-204-1955. We began asjust a group of divers
ries to emerge, with which he would Dec. 1->National UFO Conference, who would get together with our
be comfortable. San Diego, C A , 858-523-1068, sonar equipment and sweep loca-
I asked him what his emotions were www.nufoc.org. tions in the Great Lakes. As it
toward them now, to which he replied, Feb. 25-March 2, 2007-Interna- became apparent that we would
"I hate them." He does not appear trau- tional UFO Congress Conference & need to develop a business entity
matized from the event, although it has Film Festival, Laughlin, NV, 303-651- to interact with museums, obtain
I left both him and his family with quite 7136, www.ufocongress.com. grants etc, we formed a company

6 MUFON UFO Journal November 2006

early on. Once the group
downsized and became more fo-
cused with regards to who was in-
volved. the main group members
decided to form GLDC LLC. to
better manage the direction of the
company. This entity is still pend-
ing, and not yet available to pub-
lic records."
However, in an earlier email sent on
Sept. 6,2006, to MUFON investigator
David Watson. Jimenez contradicted
his later statement by saying:
"Incidentally our company
name is Great Lakes Dive Com-
pany (noi Inc.; we are technically
an LLC. (just for accuracy sake).
We are in the process of putting
together a "formal" office. and
will give you the mailing address
when available."
Jimenez also refused to reveal who
the principals of the company were, the
company's operating structure, or the Alleged sonar scan of the F-89C Air Force fighter which disappeared
types of marine vessels used in their after merging with an unknown object over Luke Superior. The scan,
search, citing recent security threats which supposedly shows the plane on the ,lake's bottom, may be a fake.
made against them.
When asked about the nature of these were made. bad news. The Canadian govern-
threats, Jimenez stated: When MUFON tried to trace either ment refused to allow us to use
"Threats were made regarding phone number through Intelius.com, our ROV at the wreck site with-
the salvage of the object, essen- both phone numbers proved to be un- out first providing them the GPS
tially 'tell us where it's at or traceable. coordinates of the site and allow
else ...' The individuals repre- Since trying to confirm GLDC's cor- either a Coast Guard escort or
sented themselves as producers porate identity led to a dead end, government official to accompany
for the Discovery Channel. MUFON then attempted to corroborate the expedition.
"We made a few calls, found some of the other claims made by "We were stuck, we don't want
out the group was fraudulent and GLDC. to give up the site (especially be-
told them we no longer were in- Jimenez claimed that GLDC was cause of the object, and it's po-
terested in any future dealings founded in 2001 for the purpose of ship- tentially huge ~ i ~ c a n cbut
e )we
with them...that's when the threats wreck exploration and discovery, and need to stay on the good side of
started. with the goal of solving the enduring the Canadians due to our Gunilda
"As a security we mysteries of lost vessels in Lake Supe- project which involves a lot of
changed all phone numbers asso- rior. other contributors."
ciated with GLDC and have not In addition to the F-89 find, GLDC MUFON contacted the Ontario Min-
included any company or personal claimed that they were searching for the istry of Culture and spoke with Michael
information (like background info French minesweepers Cerisoles and Johnson, manager of the ministry's
on the team) on any interviews. Inkermann, and that they were inter- Heritage Operations Unit, whose office
Until this situation (returning to ested in filming in high definition the issues work permits for survey or ex-
the object) is resolved we will not wreck of the Gunilda. ploration work in Lake Superior.
be providing any further informa- Jimenez was quoted in an Aug. 29, Johnson told MUFON that no one
tion on the project or the team." 2006 article in the American Chronicle: had requested a permit for exploring
MUFON later discovered that "2006 began as an ambitious or surveying the F-89 jet or "mystery
Jimenez had provided a cell phone project season for us, we were object," nor had his office received any
number to various film makers and re- looking forward to further work related correspondence.
searchers, but switched to a new cell at the F-89 site," said Jimenez. He Johnson further stated that the Min-
phone number soon after the threats added, "Then we received soine istry would not require a-coast guard
November 2006 MUFON UFO Journal 7
vessel or government official to accom-
pany any expedition, but would allow
the licensee to work under their own
He added that the wreck's GPS co-
ordinates did not have to be provided
up front as long as they were included
in a final survey report.
On Coast to Coast with George
Noory, Linda Moulton Howe played an
interview she recorded with Jimenez
where he stated that Canada automati-
cally claims ownership of any wrecks
in Canadian temtorial waters.
However, Mr. Putt from the office
of the Ontario Receiver of Wrecks told
MUFON that the original owner of the
wreck (ship, plane, etc.) maintains
ownership and would have to grant sal-
vage permission-the F-89 would there-
fore still be considered U.S. Air Force
Putt elaborated by stating that if a
wreck's owner is not known, which This alleged sonar scan of the reported "mystery object" not far from
would possibly'be the case for the the alleged location of the F-89C features added circles showing the ob-
"mystery object," then the Ontario Pro- ject and a groove in the lake bottom leading to the object. The area in the
vincial Government would become the lower right was reportedly blacked out to hide the location statistics.
custodian for a year, and if the original
owner could not be found, then the organization has been actively search- looked to him like genuine side scan
Ontario Receiver of Wrecks could sell ing for the Cerisoles and Inkermann. sonar images, they could have been fab-
it to the salvor or to the public. Farnquist heard of GLDC's F-89 ricated by a dedicated person.
In the same Coast to Coast interview, claims from a local newspaper article, In the July-August, 2006, issue of
Linda Moulton Howe stated that but had not heard of any of their other the Journal of UFO History,editor
Jimenez graduated in 1990 from exploration work. Dick Hall writes:
Kettering Technical School (run by The Soo Evening News wrote an ar- "In answer to questions from editor,
General Motors) with a degree in com- ticle on GLDC's claims, and mistak- Adam Jimenez of Great Lakes Dive
puter engineering. enly attributed the F-89 find to the Company said that they had not yet
MUFON contacted the registrar's Great Lakes Diving Company of Rock- found any positive identification such
office at Kettering University (which ford, MI. as a serial number" (on the F-89).
had changed its name in 1998), and MUFON verified with the Rockford However, in a Sept. 11,2006, email
Becky Ibbotson, registrar assistant, re- company owner that his company has to me, Jimenez contradicted this state-
lated that no one by the n e e of Adam no connection with GLDC. ment to Dick Hall by saying:
Jimenez had ever attended Kettering. MUFON sent copies of GLDC's F- "The ROV confirmed that the
Giving GLDC the benefit of the 89 side scan sonar images to the Woods canopy is intact, but we were un-
doubt, MUFON posted messages to the Hole Oceanographic Institution, and a able to see inside due to silt and
public message boards on Woods Hole scientist, who wishes to the translucent nature of the
Scubaboard.com asking if anyone from remain anonymous, offered his profes- canopy. One would assume the
the Ontario dive community knew sional opinion that they do not appear crew is still inside.
GLDC or of any of the exploration to be side scan sonar images, but pho- "Yes the aircraft tail number is
work they had performed prior to 2006. tographs that were altered with com- visible on the F-89c ...this is how
After hundreds of viewings, no one puter software to look like side scan we were able to c o n f m that we
could provide any information to shed sonar images. had found the actual F-89 and not
light on GLDC's claims. MUFON also contacted a professor some other aircraft."
MUFON also contacted Tom at Michigan Tech University, who also Although stating that GLDC could
Farnquist, CEO of the Great Lakes wishes to remain anonymous, who not get permission to use the 'ROV in
Shipwreck Historical Society, whose stated that although the GLDC images 2006 without unacceptable restrictions,
8 MUFON UFO Journal November 2006
Jimenez said that they did use it in 2006, posting to the UFO Updates nel resurface with more information
2005, apparently without the permis- mailing list where a certain "Preston and definithe proof of the F-89 discov-
sion he has claimed is necessary: Miller" forwarded what was labeled a ery, their claims remain doubtful at this
"We did lower the ROV on the Port Huron, MI. Associated Press (AP) time. MUFON will continue its inves-
initial discovery (because we news article on GLDC's claims to tigation and update our readers as fur-
knew the risk existed that we may Francis Ridge. ther developments unfold.
not be able to return to the site). Ridge told MUFON that he does not
know who Preston Miller is. Checking
We haven't been able to use the
ROV on the site since (or return with the Port Huron Times Herald, an Scientists discover
authorized AP news source in Port
to the site at all for that matter)
this season ...we had hoped to use Huron, managing editor Judith that solids can
McClean told MUFON that her news-
the ROV to further explore the
site in 2006. paper did not originate the article. pass through solids
"Weather issues in 2005 pre- MUFON also contacted the Associ- In hundreds of abduction cases, the
vented us from thoroughly explor- ated.PressMichigan Bureau in Detroit experiencers report being moved
ing the wreck(s). The confusion and spoke with Joe Altman. through walls and other solid objects.
is that the accounts are talking Altman looked at the UFO Update Many people have discounted their tes-
about two different dive seasons." article online and said that it was not timony, calling it "impossible."
Elaborating on the supposed discov- written in the characteristic style of an However, that opinion is now being
ery, Jiminez said that GLDC wanted AP press report, as it lacked any date challenged. Moses Chan and his asso-
to check for radiation at the wreck site references. ciates at Pennsylvania State University
because something was affecting their Altman also searched all AP news have created the world's first
equipment: feeds and could not find any informa- "supersolids," bizarre crystals that slide
"We used a DX-1 hand held tion that would indicate AP was the through each other like ghosts.
Geiger counter that was placed source for the article. It is a finding that promises to revo-
into a sealed chamber within the On Sept. 26, GLDC's web site con- lutionize the way we think about mat-
ROV and the speaker output was tent at www.greatlakesdive.com was ter. "It really changes one's concepts
patched into the audio input of the removed, and is no longer available. A of solids," says Jason Ho, a solid-state
digital camera on the ROV. week later, the GLDC message board theorist at Ohio State University in
"We had to get the ROV close that was hosted by excoboard.com was Columbus.
to the object to make sure the also unavailable. According to the researchers, solids
reading was accurate.. .however Performing an Internet Whois query get their reassuring rigidness from the
the efficiency rating of the DX-1 of the greatlakesdive.com Internet do- orderly way their atoms are arranged.
is not loo%, but we were satis- main name revealed that the domain Unlike liquids and gases, the atoms in
fied that it was not radiation caus- name registrar is ~ e l b b u r n eIT Ltd, a a crystal zire fixed, a bit like the squares
ing our electronic problems. We company based in Australia. on a checkerboard.
made the metallic determination Thinking that GLDC's claims may While they may quiver a little due to
based on visual evidence from the be related to the recent Australian UFO their thermal energy, this normally isn't
ROV." wave videos that were revealed to be a enough to dislodge the atoms and cause
Jimenez's statement thus alludes to hoax, MUFON contacted the UFO them to flow over each other.
GLDC illegally operating their ROV in wave perpetrator, Chris Kentworthy, In some crystals, the bonds between
Canadian waters without a properly is- who denied any involvement or knowl- atoms are weak and an atom may break
sued license, and contradicts his previ- edge of GLDC. free. This leaves the crystal latticework
ous assertion that "we need to stay on Searching the Internet revealed vari- full of gaps called "zero-point vacan-
the good side of the Canadians due to ous security bulletins warning that cies," and these vacancies are mobile.
our Gunilda project." some fraudulent web sites use this same Scientiststhink these vacancies have
It is not clear as to how the Geiger Melbourne IT Ltd registrar and the re- energy and mass just as atoms do.
counter was "patched to the audio-in- lated myprivateregistration.com ser- -New Scientist magazine
put on the ROV's camera, as DX-1 vice.
Geiger counters do not have an audio- Jimenez is currently not responding
out jack, but only an internal speaker. to emails or phone calls. Estate planning
MUFON then investigated how and In summary, MUFON, after many Planned giving can be beneficial
when GLDC's claims were first made hours of investigation by a number of both to MUFON and to your own tax
public. our dedicated field investigators, has and estate situation. Please contact
The earliest known account not been able to substantiate any of MUFON headquakters for details.
MUFON could find was an Aug. 22, GLDC's claims. Until GLDC person-
November 2006 MUFON UFO Journal
Wendy Connors' Faded Discs project
preserves the voices of ufology's past
. By Dwight Connelly "magnificantly," but others challenged collection of photos of individuals on
Journal editor even the best software, ranging from CD ROM.
While MUFON is justifiably proud extremely poor to very good. When people order the recordings or
of our Pandora Project, which is mak- "This may sound like an interesting photos, they are donating to a project
ing thousands of UFO cases available undertaking," which makes a formerly hidden side of
to researchers. it's not the only game in explains ufology available to researchers.
town. Wendy, "and "Besides providing research mate-
Wendy Connors is taking a different for at least rial," says Wendy, "these recordings
approach: an audio UFO history pres- some of the offer those who have become bored
ervation project which she calls Faded time it is. But with the genre of ufological research the
Discs, covering the period from 1947 the vast amount opportunity to once again find the ex-
to 1973. of work in- citement that these recordings provide.
"I started the project in 2002." she volved is ex- It's win-win all the way around for both
explains, "when it became apparent that tremely time current and future generations."
digitization would be the future of au- consuming, Wendy can be contacted regarding
dio, and that the beginning of the MP3 Wendy Connors and ends up the formats and costs of these research
format would allow huge amounts of being just plain materials at FadedDiscs@Comcast.net.
recordings to be archived on comput- -grunt work." She is, of course, also interested if
ers and downloaded as needed for re- She notes that each recording is usu- you have some historical recordings
search-or just plain entertainment." ally listened to a mi&um of five times that are not yet in the Faded Disc ar-
The problem, she says, was that his- before it is completed. "If it is a very chives. Her website is fadeddiscs.com.
torical recordings of key personalities rare recording," she explains, "I will
and important cases were scattered spend many days attempting to restore Greenewald marks
"from pillar to post." it to the best possible condition."
In addition, they were usually in ob- But since the idea of the project is to ten-year anniversary
solete formats, such as reel-to-reel, cas- preserve as much of the older material Aug. 22,2006, marked a very spe-
sette, LPs, wire recordings, electrical as quickly as possible, she tries not to cial day for John Greenewald. Exactly
transcription discs, and even 8-tracks. spend too much time on most record- ten years ago on that date, the United
Wendy decided that two things had ings. States Defense Intelligence Agency
to be done. First, the technological Although the project is not profit ori- (DIA) sent him a four-page document
devices required to utilize the various ented, funding is still crucial. "It's an that started one of the biggest things in
formats had to be obtained so that the expensive undertaking," says Wendy. his life: The Black Vault, one of the
recordings could be transferred to CDs. "For example, parts for a wire re- most popular sites on the Internet.
When word got out that the project corder from the 1940s are certainly not A decade later the Black Vault, at
was being organized, various research- on the shelf at Circuit City, and usually www.blackvault.com, features 440,000
ers chipped in to fund the purchase of have to either be taken from another declassified government documents,
equipment. machine or hand made. On top of that, has 30,000 registered users, and con-
The second thing which had to be finding people who can repair ex- tains 400,000 messages on its forum.
done, of course, was to obtain the re- tremely old equipment is not as easy as Greenwald, who started the Black
cordings. Once again researchers one would think." Vault at the age of 15, is now also a
pitched in to locate key recordings, But hearing the actual voices of producer of documentaries, including
some from basements, some from at- George Adamski, Betty & Barney Hill, "UFO Files: Texas' Roswell" for the
tics, and some from personal files. Kenneth Arnold, Edward Condon, History Channel, as well as other
"It does not take too much imagina- Frank Edwards, J. Allen Hynek, projects.
tion to realize just how much some of Donald Keyhoe, and all the others as At the recent MUFON International
the recordings had deteriorated," says they -discuss cases makes the effort Symposium, Greenewald discussed his
Wendy. "It has been a long and ardu- more than worthwhile. experiences as a producer, and served
ous undertaking." In addition to audio recordings, fot the second time as master of cer-
Some of the recordings restored Wendy has also amassed a significant emonies for the eve-nt.
10 MUFON UFO Journal November 2006
Robert Bigelow moves from NIDS
into space with Genesis-1 module
Robert Bigelow. best known to Jour- Haakonstad noted.
nal readers as the man behind the Na- Typical of
tional Institute for Discovery Science space systems, he
(NIDS), has moved into space. added. the weak-
NLDS, which was active in studying est link is the
animal mutilations and other phenom- power system
ena. has been virtually closed to re- "and that's no dif-
search since October, 2004, due to what ferent here.
Bigelow called "a lack of activity" in "What we're
the UFOIparanormal field. trying to do with
He is now the man behind the "Gen- this first spacecraft
esis- 1 expandable module now orbit- is draw attention to
ing the Earth. which represents what our second space-
one writer calls "entrepreneurial zeal craft." Haakon-
and private sector spunk." stad explained.
As a pathfinder demonstrator space- Looking a bit
craft, the Genesis- 1 mission marks the farther into the fu-
birth of a long-term vision to build and ture, Bigelow is
orbit space structures for commercial Genesis-1 has been successful orbiting the Earth offering a prize of
and public use. $50 million to the
since July, sending back photos and other data.
Bigelow, who spent a great deal of craft that can ac-
money on the NIDS project, is footing in space, Galaxy will offer 23 cubic complish two successful dockings with
the bill on this business venture-now meters of interior volume, carry higher- a planned Space Hotel in 2010.
gauged at upwards of a $75 million fidelity systems, and is more in a direct Observations of Genesis-1 had been
outlay. path to Bigelow's full-scale kind of reported to the Bigelow website by 65
He is owner of the Budget Suites of thinking in terms of ever-larger mod- people as of Oct. 1, mostly in the U.S.,
America hotel chain, among other en- ules.
deavors, and is the module mogul of He said they are preparing a volley but also in Europe, Brazil, Australia,
Bigelow Aerospace in North Las-Ve- of flights to throw at the problem of ex- Canada, and South Africa. ,

pandable module development and use, It has been given the N O R ID ~

gas, NV. number 29252, and its orbit, as well as
not only for low Earth orbit, but also
The July 12 launch of the Genesis-1 for utilization on the Moon and Mars. other orbiting objects, can be tracked
atop a Russian and Ukrainian booster Post-launch data of Genesis-1 has by checking at www.opefs.com.
is a step "to transform the dream of a now been analyzed, showing that the
robust human presence in space into a module has 7 to 13 years of lifetime in
. reality," according to Bigelow. orbit, said Eric Haakonstad, Genesis
Once in orbit, Genesis-1 took all of program manager. UFO Newsclipping
10 minutes to successfully expand to 8 "We are optimistic that we're going
feet (2.4 meters) in diameter. to have quite a long time to collect, not Service
Bigelow Aerospace is the odds-on- just initial performance data, but long- ~ o n t hcollection
l~ of news sto-
favorite to create a low-cost, low Earth term data as well," he told SPACE.com. ries and features about UFOs and
orbit space complex that is accessible Haakonstad said the robustness of related phenomena from the
to the commercial sector. the Genesis- 1 systems are to be closely world's press, including transla-
watched, including the internal and ex- tions.
Even as Genesis-1 circles the Earth, ternal power hardware, communica-
work is already underway for a Gen- For a sample copy and addi-
tions systems, and the integrity of the tional information, contact
esis-2 launch before year's end. That module's hull structure. UFONS, 2 Caney Valley Drive,
flight is expected to lead six months "We want to make sure that it Plumerville, AR 72127-8725, or
later to lofting a larger, more sophisti- doesn't just work for the first month, ufons@webtv.net
cated module called Galaxy. the first week, but it works two years,
Twice the size of the Genesis- 1 now three years from now, reliably,"
November 2006 MUFON UFO Journal
National Security Agency affidavit
quite sketchy on UFO information
There is one question that persis- were located in NSA files, with 79 of lease of documents for public scrutiny
tently bounces around the UFO com- those documents originating with other would seriously damage the ability of
munity: If the government has nothing government agencies. the United States to gather this vital in-
to hide, then why is it keeping so many One document is an account by an telligence information.
UFO records under lock and key? NSA official attending a UFO sympo- Furthermore, how the NSA works
A document has surfaced that had sium. Many of these reports were pro- with a network of foreign sources, or-
been stamped "Top Secret Umbra," the duced between 1958 and 1979. ganizations, and other governments to
code word for the highest, most sensi- UFO topics secure intelligence data would be ad-
tive category of communications intel- The titles of NSA-related UFO versely affected.
ligence, which touches on this topic, but documents that are noted in the declas- The majority of these records, ex-
provides few answers. sified document are intriguing, such as plained NSA official Eugene F. Yeates
The affidavit was originally filed by "UFO Hypothesis and Survival Ques- in the 1980 affidavit, were communi-
the National Security Agency (NSA) tions. " cations intelligence reports that "are the
in a 1980 lawsuit to justify the with- Another title cited is "UFO's and the product of intercept operations directed
holding of records on UFOs. Intelligence Community Blind Spot to against foreign government controlled
The document is largely declassified Surprise or Deceptive Data." communications systems within their
-with certain sections cut out, ostensi- In this seven-page, undated, unoffi- temtorial boundaries."
bly to protect employee names, and to cial draft of a monograph authored by According to Steven Aftergood, di-
keep NSA technologies, skills, and for- an unnamed NSA employee, the author rector of the Project on Government Se-
eign connections out of the limelight. reportedly points out what he consid- crecy at the Federation of American
The document' official names is "In ers to be "a serious shortcoming" in the Scientists in Washington, DC, the
Camera Affidavit of Eugene F. Yeates: NSA's Communications Intelligence newly declassified Yeates affidavit pro- -
Citizens Against UFO Secrecy v. Na- (COMINT) interception and reporting vides new insight into the types of
tional Security Agency, October 9, procedures. records sought by UFO researchers that
1980." That is "the inability to respond cor- have been withheld by NSA.
Itwas released in redacted form in rectly to surprising information or de- "Even with all of the deletions, one
response to a Freedom of Information liberately deceptive data." can get a sense of the enormous scale-
Act (FOIA) request from researcher The author uses the UFO phenom- and the apparent success+f the world-
Michael Ravnitzky and posted on the enon to illustrate his belief that the in- wide electronic intercept operations
website of theFederation of American ability of the U.S. intelligence commu- conducted by NSA at the height of the
Scientists. nity to process this type of unusual data Cold War," said Aftergood.
A read of the document yields In- adversely affects U.S. intelligence gath- "Unfortunately it is not clear from
sight into how a super-secret agency ering capabilities. the affidavit how the withheld docu-
like the NSA became caught up. in the Within the pages of the affidavit- ments might have related to UFOs,"
UFO phenomenon. and between sections of excised copy- Aftergood said. "There must have been
Created In November, 1952, The it shows NSA intercepted in 1971 com- some connection in order for them to
National Security AgencyICentral Se- munications between two aircraft and be within the scope of the original FOIA
curity Service is America's cryptologic a ground controller discussing a "phe- request, but I have no idea what it was."
organization. nomena" in the sky, as well as radar But for those hungry to show that a
It coordinates, directs, and performs screen observations, labeling what was great government conspiracy is at work,
highly specialized activities to protect viewed as "unidentifiable" objects. and that alien-driven UFOs routinely
U.S. government information systems, Other intercepted and decrypted re- cruise through our skies, this document
and chums out foreign intelligence in- ports of bright lights, luminous objects, will not help much.
formation. and unidentified aircraft-along with an "The ~ i d a v idoes
t not discount the
Being a high-tech organization, the elongated ball of fire-scooting through UFO phenomenon," Aftergood con-
NSA is a cutting-edge home for com- the skies over non-U.S. countries are cluded, "it simply doesn't address it one
munications and data processing. noted too. way or the other."
The 1980 document explains that a Intercept operations -Thanks to MSNBCISpaceCom,
total of 239 documents related to UFOs The 21-page affidavit claims that re- Leonard David.
12 MUFON UFO Journal November 2006
Mothrnan D e a t h Curse?

Mothman associate producer Object appears

h s a McIntosh dead at 42 to enter lake
By John W. Castle
By Loren Coleman . MUFON and MI MUFON Field
i Lisa McIntosh. associate producer Investigator/State Section Director.
of the documentary "Mothman: Man. Sept. 3.2006, 11:30 PM, Whitefish
Myth or Monster?'as part of the Mon- Bay, Paradise. MI (Upper Peninsula).
sters of the UFO project. died July 25, Cloud cover, sky overcast. Slight to no
2006, of a rare cancer called multiple breeze. Lake still. calm, level. View-
myeloma. ing toward east.
Executive Producer Bany Conrad While sitting in a lawn chair view-
explains that "strangely enough, she ing the island in Whitefish Bay
began having fainting spells while in (Ontario. Canada). I suddenly observed
Point Pleasant, WV. during our visit in a bright whitelgold steady light appear
September. 2004. She was only 42 below the cloud deck.
years old. Watching through binoculars what I
"Doctors said it was a textbook case. initially thought was an aircraft. it be-
extremely unusual that this type of can- came apparent that I was lowering the
cer would affect someone as young as glasses to keep the object in view. as it
she was. Only 1 out of approximately was not coming toward me, but rather -
200,000 people contract this disease." was in a slow. controlled. steady verti-
McIntosh was involved with the field cal decent toward the water.
production of the project, setting up in- Executive producer Barry Conrad As I watched through binoculars I
terviews with many eyewitnesses, con- (above, right) and hisproducerpart- saw only a steady white-gold glow, no
nected with these cases. ner Lisa Mclntosh, who died July 25, shimmering, flaring, or alternating. No
The Mothman segment shot during had been working on their documen- red and green or strobing white navi- .
the McIntosh-produced filmmaking in tary project about the Flatwoods gation beacons, no sound, and the only
September. 2004. contains several of (WV) Monstel; the Kellv (KY) Crea- apparent movement was slowly and
the original people who encountered the tures, and Mothman for more than steadilly downward.
creature in 1966. five years. As I watched the object get nearer
The mystery death of people associ- to the surface of the lake, its own glow
ated with Mothman films and investi- began to reflect from the water's sur-
gations is a topic that I have docu- 51, editor of Strange Magazine of face. The closer the object got to the
mented for some time, including Rockville, MD, died after his relatively water the brighter its reflected light
authoring an article about it and main- quiet battle with cancer. became.
taining the list online. Back in 2004, the Three investigationsof Chorvinsky's The object continued in this manner
August issue of Fortean Times went overlapped with Mothman mysteries- until it and its reflection merged at the
on sale with the first publication of the his interest in the missing Thunderbird surface of the water, suggesting the ob-
article "The Mothman Death Curse." photograph, his debunking of the ject submerged into the lake. The light
July has not been a kind month for Owlman reports of Tony "Doc" Shiels, was suddenly gone.
3 those who have experienced these and his interviews with people who There was no more-light, no dark
strangely Mothman-related deaths. sighted what Chorvinsky called the object upon the water, no sound, and
After the publication of my article, "~otomacMothman." no ripples in the like surface (though it
on July 30, 2004, Jennifer Barrett- was at too great a distance to detect
Pellington, 42, wife of The Mothman Case reports small ripples).
Prophecies director Mark Pellington, I eliminated all possible mundane
Investigators and State Directors.
died after a never-identified "brief ill- and prosaic objects, such as fixed and
Please send a copy via email (Word)
ness," in Los Angeles. or snail mail of your case reports di- rotory wing aircraft, meteors, parachute
She was involved in costume design, rectly to the Journal, including cop- flares, etc.
and received a "thank you" credit on ies of any photos and drawings I can only list this as an Unidentified
"The Mothrnan Prophecies." (.jpg). Thanks. (or Unconventional) Flying Object.
On July 16,2005, Mark Chorvinsky, Case open as "Unknown" at this time.
November 2006 MUFON UFO Journal
F I E FILES By George Filer
Director, MUFON Eastern Region

Note: These reports are presented in or- but the shape we saw was an isosceles tion. We moved to the center of the
der to keep readers informed of some of the triangle. road, and they kept on walking toward
vast number of sightings being reported. "It had a glowing green lamp-like us, but never strayed from their course,
However, these cases have not been officially beacon at each underside comer. The or their unusual gait and movement.
investigated, unless noted. thing just hovered above the traffic "As they were right beside us, only
lights for a few minutes and moved off two meters to our left, they were star-
Argentina bovine mutilations silently at a slow speed for ten seconds, ing at us without turning their head or
La Pampa - The La Pampa Pro- then climbed higher in the morning sky. changing their strange body behavior.
vincial Police and researchers from "Now 36 No one spoke.
CIUFOS-LA PAMPA report: yegs old and liv- "My wife was in fear, dragging and
It was verified that in a rural farm ing in Northern quickening her pace. When they were
located in the vicinity of the "Padre Ireland. I have a 10 meters from us. walking in perfect
Buodo," located in the Jurisdiction of science degree. a formation with their backs facing us,
General Acha. two black Aberdeen good job, and a they all turned at the exact same mo-
Angus heifers and a calf of the same lovely family. ment.
type appeared to have been mutilated, "My life has "I was getting strong thoughts that
presenting signs of bodily damage simi- changed from they were in trouble. My wife started
lar to others detected recently. -that day because
pulling me up.the road, and only ten
Another Black Angus calf was found I know we are seconds elapsed when I turned around
dead and mutilated. A similar fate be- George - not alone in this again and they were gone. I've always
fell a cow found near Utracan. It should Universe." known these beings were not part of
be noted that there has been an increase our world."
in cattle mutilations in this province, New Zealand Aliens
with specimens of the Aberdeen An- Gisborne North Island -"In 1980, Canadian football
gus breed being predominant. Thanks at 3 PM," says the witness, "my wife Aldergrove, British Columbia-The
to Raul Oscar Chaves, CIUFOS-LA and I were walking along our country witness reports, "I saw a UFO shaped
PAMPA. road when we saw at a distance of 200 like a football hovering very low to the
meters away two adults and two chil- ground on Sept. 11,2006, from 8: 15 to
UK triangle dren marching in perfect timing toward 8:30 PM. I got in my car and followed
Rotherham - "When I was 16, in us. it.
mid-November, 1987," says the wit- "Now they were only 30 meters in "It was very bright in thecenter, and
ness, "I lived in a place at the center of front of us, still in a perfect horizontal it went so slowly at first. When I lifted
Rotherham called RUSH House, a line holding our gaze. The oldest male my camera (digital) to take a picture, it
place for young kids without a home, had what looked like Peruvian shoes, a would not pick it up on the camera.
to get temporary shelter. shawl, and a strange hat like a cash- "The object picked up speed very
"At about 6 AM, a childhood friend mere cap. They were all dressed in a quickly and flew towards 264th Street
and I decided to go out early to see if collage of international clothing. in Aldergrove, B.C. I saw it at 232nd
we could follow a milk man and 'bor- "Their skin was olive, and their eyes and 32nd Avenue. The lights - were
row' a pint of milk each. were the bluest dark blue. Their mostly clear, with a green one and red,
"In the comer of my eye, I saw some- were like slits, cat's.eyes only horizon- but the inside was very bright fluores:
thing hovering, silently, about 20 feet tal. Their hair was dark, and the male cent."
above the ground, higher than the traf- child appeared 10 years of age. The
fic lights, outside the railway club on female child was around 13 years old Ancient building found in Syria
Doncaster Road. and the adults were maybe in their late Damascus - Archaeologists claim
"It was above us, so we could only 20s. they have discovered an 11-millen-
see the underside of it. It was about the "My wife was squeezing my hand nium-old building on the banks of the
size of small articulated lorry [truck], so hard she was cutting off my circula- Euphrates River in northern Syria.
MUFON UFO Journal November 2006
"A remarkable discovery has just
been uncovered of a large circular
building dating back to 8.800 BC near
Ja'de," the leader of the French ar-
chaeological team that made the find
The building. much larger than nor-
mal houses. "had a collective use, prob-
ably for all of the village or a group,"
Eric Coqueugniot said.
"A part of this community building
takes the shape of the head of a bull
and retains painted decorations. the old-
est known in the Middle East.
"The multi-colored geometrical
paintings that decorate the building will
be displayed at the museum of Aleppo.
in northern Syria.
"Many hunting weapons, domestic
tools ... were discovered at this level.
The majority of these tools are made of This photo was taken by Bogdan ness emphasized:, "withsix centers,"
flint, and very few are of obsidian [vol- Gesicki over Garbno, Poland, on was also allegedly photographed by
canic stone]." May 29, 2004. It probably shows a G. Brozek in Libiaz, Poland, in April,
Coqueugniot heads the team of the chance UFO. 2006.
National Center for Scientific Research
(CNRS), France's largest scientific es- A "distorted" UFO craftt, the wit- Source: www.ufotv.pl/
tablishment, which has led the work at
the site for the past 15 years. well-known paranormal researcher, The mother asked her to tell her story
told the seven-year-old girl to go to her several times, and her statement of the
Argentina paranormal activity grandparent's bathroom to brush her facts did not change.
Toay - At 905 PM on Oct. 10, teeth and go to bed. When Lucy Guzman interviewed the
2006, residents of the Quintas Sur Sec- She returned temfied and weeping, mother and child two weeks later, the
tor, located between Santa Rosa and trembling with fear. She told her mother girl retold her experience calmly, and
Toay, reported seeing a great light that "the Chupacabra" was in her the version of the events was identical
which vanished unexpectedly. grandparent's room and had tried to to the mother's.
According to witnesses chatting on seize her. Guzman inquired if any good or bad
the sidewalk, they saw how "a lumi- After the mother calmed her down, odors had been present, and the girl
nous spot appear static for several min- the girl said she was about to open the replied that "it neither smelled nor
utes. It then increased its size gradu- bathroom door when a set of red eyes stank." Guzman asked if the room had
ally until it reached a dimension or vol- came in through the window and ma- grown hot or cold, and the girl replied
ume ten times greater than the planet terialized into a hairy creature beside that the air conditioner had been-on at
Venus. her. the time, remaining at the same-level
Another black Aberdeen Angus Upon materialization, its estimated of coolness throughout."
cow-this time pregnant-was found height was 5 feet 6 inches tall, and it Translation (c) 2006, Scott Corrales,
dead and mutilated at krn 17 of Pro- was hairy like a lion with black fur. It Institute of Hispanic Ufology. Special
vincial Route No. 152. had a human-shaped mouth with dirty thanks to Lucy Guzman.
This was in the jurisdiction of Gen- canine-like teeth, pointed ears like those
eral Acha, a locality some 110krn south of a dog, hairy human hands with ca- Pennsylvania Object
of Santa Rosa, La Pampa. Thanks to nine-like claws, and human feet. It Doylestown -Arthur Sturts writes
Scott Corrales, Institute of Hispanic growled, was unclothed, and tried to that at 9:40 PM he saw two starlike
Ufology for the translation (c) 2006. grab her. UFOs "shoot across the sky through my
She started to run and scream. When Orion Observer 70 mm Altaz Tele-
Puerto Rico girl terrified she ran toward the bedroom's exit, the scope with a 25 rnm Kellner eyepiece
Camuy - The Jollmnl of Hispanic creature followed, making as if to grab at a very great speed near the Bootes
Ufology reports that at around 10:45 her. She shut the bedroom door behind Constellation.
PM, a girl's mother, the fiancee of a her and ran to her mother. "I was facing east. The first UFO
November 2006 MUFON UFO Journal
The Croatian UFO organization
reports an 1ltlidentij7edflving object
photographed over Split on the
Adriatic Sea on Aug. 15, 2006.
The photographer s a y , " I took a
photo of a UFO about 3 PM that was
tnoving slow atzd the11disappeared. "
The witness was looking at the sky
out the window o f her house when
she noticed the unidentified tnoving
The white-silver object was de-
scending. "It disappeared behind
that building." she said. "I think it
landed into the sea."
Source: Ufogovertnnet Croatia,
By: Piotr Cielebia [NPN].

was slightly larger and moving slightly ticed a red light to my left. I watched it of these craft. Then they all moved into
slower than the second UFO. for a few seconds and sure enough, it a single file, as maneuvering one on top
"I saw four bright lights flying south- came into view. of the other then returning back to their
east on the night of Dec. 11, 1998. "It traveled pretty fast, and I also no- positions, stationary.
There was a strange sound to the craft's ticed it had a bottom egg shape to it. It 'Then they all took off north, south,
engines. Then the sound of a loud jet traveled at an angle of about 35 degrees. and west, and were gone. We were told
engine was heard. I saw a real bright The lights were red as they slid from to go to class, and our lunch period was
white light in the aft section of the craft. side to side. The craft was saucer cut short."
"I could see four bright white lights shaped and high up, traveling at a pace
on the craft's fuselage as it flew over. of over 45 MPH." Thanks to Another visit reported

The lights were in a triangular shape, UFOINFO. John, 15, says, "It was around 2:30
but I could not see the fuselage." AM on Oct. 2,2006. I had finished a
Thanks to Arthur Sturts. Objects in Australia go to school call with a foreign friend of mine. Then
Melbourne School Grounds -The a weird sensation came over me, a feel-
Three UFOs in Vermont witness reports: "I was a student at a ing I've only felt twice before.
Manchester Center -"On Sept. 25, Catholic school in Melbourne in 1964, "A brilliant flash of light blazed
2006, I went out at 8 5 0 PM," says the and on this day all 300 of us school kids through the kitchen window. I knew im-
witness, "and spotted two objects fly- were cleaning up the school yard in si- mediately what it was.
ing low, and then a third one got just lence. . "I go to the window and sure enough
above the tree line, stopped, and then "Before a bell sounded at 12:30 PM, the same UFO and four orbs that had
slowly dropped to earth. I looked up and saw three discs in tri- visited me before were floating silently
''Tonight these objects were all blink- pod formation stationary above us in a over the trees, circling my home as be-
ing silver and blue, coming from the clear blue sky. The estimated height fore.
east and heading west. This all took was about 8,000.feet. The UFO in the "The four orbs were following the 4
about ten minutes. I am almost sure it front of the formation moved to a 45- main object in an unusual drunken path.
landed southwest of my home. degree angle. still stationary. and took Three minutes later it passed in view
"I am very concerned about the one off at such a speed you saw it for a nano and shined its light on the window. At
that dropped out of sight. There was second. this point my two cats were VERY
no sound to be heard." Thanks to "Twenty seconds later it came back upset and were growling and hissing
MUFON CMS at a massive speed and stopped in its madly at the craft.
original position. The back two UFOs "It was then I heard something in my
Virginia object with red lights maneuvered the exact same maneuver head. One word in clean English:
Chester - "On Sept. 9, 2006, at and took off, then returned and pulled 'Sorry.' The light shut off, and launched
8:08 PM," says the witness, "I was up at their original positions. The Sun straight into the sky along with its orb
watching the sky when I suddenly no- was intensifying the metallic structure companions."
MUFON UFO Journal November 2006
Former FAA official confirms that UFO was seen
"For those people who say that if flight was followed by a huge UFO for others attended.
these UFOs existed, they would some 31 minutes over the Alaskan skies. The "When we gave the presentation to
day be on radar, and that there'd be pro- UFO also trailed a United Airlines flight the Reagan staff, they had all those
fessionals who would see it, then I can until the flight landed. people swear that this never happened.
tell them that back in 1986 there were "There was visual c o n f i a t i o n as I've been involved in a lot of cover-ups
, enough professional people that saw it," well as airborne and ground-based ra- with the FAA, but they never had me
says John Callahan. dar confiation. swear it never happened.
"I was the Division Chief of the Ac- "This particular incident started "Capt. Terauchi, the pilot of the JAL
cidents and Investigations Branch of the with a phone call from the people in 747, was featured on numerous radio
FAA in Washington, DC, for six years. Alaska. and TV programs and in People Maga-
What I can tell you is what I've seen "I said, 'What's the problem?' He zine.
with my own eyes. said, 'Well, it's that UFO. The UFO "Within a few months of these events
"I've got a videotape. I've got the was bouncing around the 747 here.' he was grounded, apparently for his in-
voice tape. And I've got the reports that FAA Administrator Adm. Engen discretion in reporting a UFO, even
were filed that will confirm what I've told me to attend a briefing the next day though he was a senior captain with an
been telling you. where the FBI, CIA, president excellent flying record."
"In 1986, a Japanese Airlines 747 Reagan's Scientific Study Team, and -Thanks to the Disclosure Project

1. Publication Title: MUFON UFO Journal 10. Owner: MUFONlMutual UFO Network, Inc.
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November 2006 MUFON UFO Journal - 17


II Dhvsical Traces
I By Ted Phillips

Last month I listed a number of cases Greece-Dozens of peasants saw an ob- and irrigate her garden when she was
from my files which will eventually ject land in a farm field just outside the blinded and then knocked down by a
become part of MUFON's Pandora village. The object was "disc-shaped powerful light. She knew nothing of
Project, and thus available to all re- and 10 meters in diameter, with many UFOs, as she had little contact with the
. .
searchers. small portholes on it. The object landed outside world.
Following are some more of these and left traces in the field." "The sky was completely clear, and
cases, in reverse chronological order, Additional reports of field markings it surprised me that a light as bright as
picking up where I left off last month: found in a number of areas, "not like a lightning bolt blinded me and knocked
crop circles." me down. It came so close to me that
Circle and by the time I reacted and got up off the
substance Cell phone taken ground, my face hurt.
found Aug. 2.2002-Jacinto Arauz. Argen- "I figure I was unconscious for about
October, tina-Raul Dorado, 64. was in his field an hour and a half outdoors. But I re-
2002. Liucura. 5 km northeast of the village when he member nothing of that time.
Chile. An area "heard a sound on two occasions, like "When I checked the next day I saw
was isolated by a whirlwind. which drew my attention." that a tree close to where I passed out
the military after The third time he saw something he was completely burned. The same hap-
the finding of a described as "a green circle with three pened to my garden plot of zapallos and
30-meter circu- legs" hovering over him. He fell to the cabbage: the plants were not burned but
lar area burned. i a- - - ground along with his shotgun. binocu- wilted and dead."
along with trees.

Ed Phillips- &

lars, and cell phone.

The cell phone was taken from his Watches gain time
A white sub-
stance was also found. hand, and he could clearly see it being Dec. 5,2001-Teme Haute, IN-Wit-
At equidistant points of the circle sucked into the object, which was low ness opened a sliding door to take his
were.four circles measuring 15 cm, to the ground. dog for a walk when he heard a
which were not scorched. They arc like "It was a dim, green-colored circum- whooshing sound and saw a dark ob-
. four legs at the center of the circle. Ra- ference; it had three legs and was barely ject, like a "flattened air bubble rising
diation was reportedly detected. a meter away from me. When I saw it I through water" move straight up less
felt something like an electrical charge. than 100 feet away.
Back window lost I fell to the ground on my knees, para- He found a curious area in the grass,
Oct. 18, 2002-Warrnambool, Aus- lyzed, unable to do anything. and the dog would not go near it. Two
tralia-Sue Sharples and her husband "I saw the cell phone rising and dis- watches gained one minute, 34 sec-
were driving with their baby grandson appearing. As the object disappeared onds.
in a car seat in the back seat when they toward the east, I remained at the loca-
saw a metallic object above the car. tion for an hour before being able to Trees & cattle affected
They saw the rear window disappear rise and walk back to the car." Nov. 25,2001-Corguinh0, Brazil-
upwards as if it was levitated from the He was admitted to the local hospi- Six villagers saw two brilliant objects
car. Searches of the area failed to lo- tal, where he was cared for by Dr. Ana and an extremely bright flash. Farmer
cate the window. Maria Lazaric. An alert police officer Getulio Alves says the display burned
Experts from the firm of O'Brien who anived at the scene dialed the cell nearby trees and blinded his cattle.
stated that the window could not have phone number. The phone rang and was
been kicked out, and there was no sign answered. He could hear only static and Auto engine stopped
that it had been cut free. "The seal was heavy breathing. Nov. 7, 200 1-Nebraska-"I was
still attached, and there was no glass driving home from my parents along a
splintering." Woman knocked unconscious dirt road in farm land. I noticed in front
Jan. 1,2002-Las Pailas, Argentina- of my car an area which was distorted,
A landing in Greece Faustine Nolasco, 57, a peasant like heat waves coming off a hot sur-
Aug. 8 & 10, 2002-Kozyaka, woman, had gone outside to get water face.
MUFON UFO Journal November 2006
"The headlights began to flicker, the ductive than the six years following. He describes it as a sphere 2 feet in .
radio failed, and the engine stopped. A These are the significant events: diameter, 1 to 1.5 feet thick with a 4 to
red glowing irregular-shaped object A burning sensation 6 inch band of orange-red light around
was 20 feet ahead of my car. It was Oct. 3 1,20OWygnet, OH-Several the middle.
hovering about 10 feet above the road. witnesses observed an egg-shaped de- It ascended slowly, increased speed,
w "It stayed at that spot for five min- vice with brilliant external lights. One and moved away rapidly. A small area
utes, then the color went from red to witness in a car experienced burning of depressed grass was found at the
platinum silver and it shot straight up sensations and a persistent skin rash landing site. ,

at incredible speed. The car began func- during and after the event.
tioning again, and I drove home. Missouri ring
"I told my husband what had hap- A circular nest May, 2000-Ironton, MO-Elderly
pened, and he checked the car right Oct. 25, 2000-Sao Jaoa da Boa lady observes three bright objects fly-
away and found spots on the hood Vista, Brazil-Witnesses observed a sil- ing low over her farm. One dives to-
w h e r e the paint had bubbled as if very object on the ground, dogs reacted, ward ground, and a 7.9 meter ring
burned. object ascended, and a circular "nest" found.
"The radio worked, but the CD was found at the spot.
player and digital clock no longer work. Lights go out
I continue to suffer headaches and spo- Landing with traces April 24,2000-Tucapel, Chile-Jose
radic shooting pains up my spine." Aug. 27,2000-Dera, Kenya-Object Prieto and four others saw a brilliant
. . flying over Fort MUNOand Rakhi Gaaj, blue light which filled the room. The.
Circular area landing with traces; no details. house lights went out, and when they
May, 2001-Etzikom, Canada-Coni- went outside they found a triangular
cal bright light with tip pointing upwqp A burned circle ground mark with a base of one meter
hovered over a field for an hour. Circu- Aug. 12,2000-Woodborough Hill, and each side 20 meters.
lar area 9.3 feet in diameter with an England-Multiple witnesses observed
outer ring of 1.3 feet. Main central de- a small orange sphere which discharged Y -shaped depression
pression is 8 feet in diameter, 3 holes red and white bursts of light. A circu- March 3, 2000-Tanah Merah,
inside the circular area. lar burned area was found; no addi- Kelantan-Multiple witnesses saw large
tional details. objects emitting rays of light on the
Security videos record UFO ground 100 meters away. They were
April 29, 2001, night-Levice, Object sets off car alarm seen for several minutes under good
Slovakia-A brilliant circular object ap- July 23, 2000-Ashtabula, OH- weather conditions.
proached a nuclear facility from the Three witnesses, ages 60 to 70, were A Y -shaped depression 15 meters x
north, descending in altitude as it driving a new Cadillac when the car 5 meters was found. Near the depres-
passed over the old stacks (now shut was surrounded by small lights. The sion was a 3-meter deep hollow, and
down) and over the main buildings lo- lights followed the vehicle down the three holes 1 meter in diameter and 1
cated at the center of the plant. highway at high speed for 40 miles. meter apart.
It hovered 20 feet above the active The car's alarm system went off .and
stacks for 10 minutes before ascend- on, the radio was reset, and the clock Witness suffers skin rash
ing vertically. lost time. A damp, sticky residue Jan. 24,2000-Glace Bay, Canada-
All security video units were acti- formed on the windshield. Excellent witness. A young man was
vated on approach, and taped the ob- walking to work when a small vertical
ject from many locations within the fa- Hole with polished walls cone-shaped object passed him at a dis-
c cility. June 24, 2000-~uzhno~e, Russia- tance of 1 meter.
One tape was shown one time on Farmers reported lights in the fields, He felt a cold sensation as it was near
national television. I was in country at and found four 5-to-20-meter circles him. The device, which was almost
the time and called the director to try to and a 20 cm deep cylindrical hole with touching the ground, made two turns
obtain a copy, but all copies had been polished walls at the center of the 20 and disappeared into the distance. The
taken by the military. I went immedi- meter site. object was 8 feet tall, 5 feet wide at the
ately to Levice and located many wit- base, and 1.5 feet wide at the top sec-
nesses. Canadian sphere tion.
May 18, 2000-Sorrento, Canada- It was dark with no surface details
2000 a busy year Witness walking dog observes small visible. The witness suffered severe
The year 2000 provided 27 new orange-red glow on the ground 100 skin rash and sores immediately after
tracecases, which is much more pro- meters away. the event.
November 2006 MUFON UFO Journal
*. ,:. ... . . , .._
. ... .
c ,. ..
By Stanton T. Friedman

stupid assumptions about the "how" munications research, undoubtedly

The puzzle of Purcell details, such as a single stage rocket classified.
While working on my paper "Flying having much too low an exhaust veloc- He won a Nobel Prize in Physics as
Saucers and Physics" to be presented ity, liAted to 1G acceleration, used as a professor at Harvard back in 1952
at Film Producer Paul Kimball's New a retro rocket to slow it down on re- with Dr. Ernest Bloch for work on new
Frontiers Symposium in Halifax, Nova turn, and not using any cosmic freeload- methods for nuclear magnetic precision
Scotia on Oct. 13, I decided to briefly ing. measurements.
describe several completely false past When it comes to space flight, "The This was a way to detect the ex-
conclusions reached by noted astrono- devil is certainly in the details." tremely weak magnetism of the atomic
mers looking into flight in a supposedly I also nucleus.
scientific fashion. wanted to in- He and a graduate student, Harold
My point was to assure people that clude a com- I. Ewen, also were the first to detect
card carrying scientists have often been ment about electromagnetic waves from clouds of
woefully in error when stepping into an astrono- hydrogen in space at a frequency of
areas where they know nothing. mer, Dr. Neil 1420 megacycles (wavelength of
I wanted to include the false claim deGrasse 2 1cm).
by Dr. Simon Newcomb, one of the top Tyson, direc- This has become the basis for most
astronomers in the 19" and early 20Lh tor of the SET1 searches. There are several rea-
century. Hayden sons. First of all, hydrogen is by far the
In October, 1903, he published a Planetarium. most abundant substance in the uni-
paper showing man could fly only with at New verse, and all civilizations would be
the help of a.balloon.This was two Stan Friedman York's Ameri- aware of that fact.
months before the Wright Brothers' can Museum Secondly, at this frequency the at-
first flight. of Natural History, claiming that star mosphere of Earth is relatively trans-
New Zealand astronomer Alex- travel was impossible because our fast- parent and will, practically speaking,
ander William Bickerton in 1926 gave est spacecraft, Voyager, would take not absorb radio waves having this fre-
a paper at a meeting of the British As- 70,000 years to get to the nearest star. quency.
sociation for the Advancement of Sci- He made this statement on the Peter Of course, one might expect that
ence showing it would be impossible Jennings ABC-TV "documentary" fi- most planet-to-planet communicationin
to put anythmg in orbit around the earth asco of Feb. 24,2005. Of course it has an advanced civilization would take
because our best explosive had only 11 no propulsion system, and has been ba- place from outwardly broadcasting sat-
10 as much energy per pound as a sically coasting since it left Earth. ellites above the planets rather than on
pound of orbital payload required. Finally, I decided I should reread the them.
It turns out propellant combinations article by Nobel Prize winning physi- Think how quickly we are moving
such as hydrogen and oxygen have cist Dr. Edward Mills Purcell. towards broadcasting to satellites and
three times as much energy per pound He looked at a relativistic trip to a then having the satellites broadcast
as TNT, and also there is no need to star only 12 light years away using down to receivers on earth.
put the propellant in orbit-only the pay- matter anti-matterannihilation and con- A satellite at the proper altitude can
load. cluded "all this stuff about traveling be on-line continuously with another
My favorite has always been a Ca- around the universe in spacesuits+x- similar device in other solar systems.
nadian, Dr. John William Campbell, cept for local exploration which I have Purcell's 23-page paper, "Radio-as-
who in 1941 wrote a long "scientific" not discussed-belongs back where it tronomy and Communication Through
paper in which he computed the re- came from on the cereal box." Space," was first presented at
quired initial launch weight of a rocket There is no question that Purcell Brookhaven National Laboratory on
able to get a man to the moon and back (1912-1997) had a very impressive Long Island in 1960.
as a million million tons. background indeed. He earned a PhD The written version is one of 32 pa-
He was too high by a factor of 300 in physics from Harvard in 1938, and pers in a rather fascinating, but frus-
million because he, as with Newcombe worked at the MIT Radiation Lab in trating, 320-page book, "Interstellar
and Bickerton, made a host of frankly the early 1940son electronics and com- Communication:The Search for Extra-
MUFON UFO Journal November 2006
terrestrial Life," put together by Alistair Freeman Dyson, who worked on the dealing with Purcell and these activi-
G.W.Cameron and published in 1963 Orion deep space propulsion system ties. It turns out he was also chairman
by W.A.Benjamin Inc. of New York (nuclear weapons exploded near the of the Space Science and Technology
and Amsterdam. back of a rocket to push it forward), Panel. .
It is basically an anthology, and has does have a six-page paper, "Gravita- Purcell attended numerous meetings
two papers by Frank Drake and many
others by SET1 specialists. None deal
tional Machines."
In this paper he notes the use of thi
and is mentioned in many documents.
He is listed as making presentations on
with UFOs, of course. gravitationalfield of one star to provide space science at several panel meetings.
Only about five pages of Purcell's acceleration to an object sent from a PSAC records are in six boxes and
paper deal with interstellar travel. As nearby star. He claims that a binary pair total 4,800 pages. Purcell is listed in
might be expected, it is very simplis- of white dwarf stars could accelerate a the President's Appointment Books
tic, with little concern with the "How" spaceship by 10,000 Gs without any card index as having met five times with
details. internal problems for the crew and craft. the President.
He assumes matter antimatter anni- He doesn't talk about the possibility These papers will be the target of my
hilation at 100% efficiency, a maximum of using planets' gravitational fields to research during my next visit to the
velocity of only 98c (c is the speed of accelerate spacecraft coming from an- Eisenhower Library.
light), a target star 12 light years away, other planet as we do. Purcell's calculations about interstel-
and acceleration at 1G half way out and A German scientist, Sebastian von lar travel seem very simplistic for some-
deceleration by 1G the second half of Hoerner (in 1960 working with Frank body with a proven record of creativity
the tripand the repeat of the process Drake at Green Bank" radio obser-
" and presumably very knowledgeable
in reverse to come home. vatory in West Virginia), also had a about space science and technology.
, The fraction of the total huge initial paper in the book, "The General Lim- Could he have been playing a de-
launch weight available for payload is its of Space Travel." - bunking role similar to that of another
very very small, hence the cereal box He has more equations than does well known Harvard professor, Dr.
comment. Purcell, but again no details about spe- Donald Menzel?
He acknowledges that indeed time cific flight profiles such as an engineer Turns out that, according to the
slows down for things moving at close would normally review. He, too, comes Eisenhower Library archivist, Purcell
to c, and that storing anti-matter which up negative. I don't think he was as far did indeed have a TOP SECRET clear-
reacts immediately with matter, is very off as Dr. Campbell. ance.
difficult. There is no indication that I could I realize some will consider this
He assumes the entire mass of the find in the book of near-future trips to thought as a pure conspiracy theory. He
fuel would be launched from Earth, the Moon, of the landing of probes on certainly had no aversion to technical
rather than refueling at the target star Mars, and traipsing out past Jupiter, work for the government.
or some intermediate propellant refu- Saturn, Uranus, Neptune etc. But with his past history of classi-
eling station. There is mention of the possible use fied government research, his creative
He ignores the best nuclear fusion of lasers for interstellar communication. energy, and his active participation in
reactions, such as deuterium-Helium 3 I noted with interest that at one time high level government advisory com-
which provides five times as much en- Purcell had been president of the mittees, he would seem an excellent
ergy per reaction as the hydrogen-hy- American Physical Society, and had prospect for Majestic 12 research, and
drogen reaction he assumes, and pro- also been elected to the National Acad- certainly would have been familiar with
vides charged particles which can be emy of Sciences and had been awarded Menzel.
accelerated. He also ignores cosmic the National Medal of Science. Having a top scientist, with a Nobel
freeloading such as we use for all our In digging deeper, I found that he had Prize at that, speak out against the no-
deep space probes. also been a member of the Science Ad- tion of interstellar travel would have
Of particular importance is the fact visory Committee of President been an excellent way to tamp down
that at 1G it takes only a year to get Eisenhower from Nov. 22, 1957, (less discussion about UFOs amongst other
close to the speed of light, and that once than two months after the launch of scientists.
one achieves a cruising speed of say Sputnik) to Dec. 31, 1960, and also Menzel's negative books about
9999c one would coast rather than keep served under President Kennedy and UFOs had a similar effect on many sci-
accelerating. President Johnson. entists, both in the USA and in Russia,
The benefits of Einsteinian time There were several other Nobelists as his first debunking book was trans-
slowing down get to be very much more on the PSAC membership list of 17, lated into Russian.
important at very close to c. A 747 ac- and also Majestic 12 member Dr. I expect to learn a lot more about
celerates to cruise speed, then cruises, Detlev Bronk. Purcell in the next few months.
rather than wasting energy to continue I checked with the Eisenhower Li- fsphys@rogers.com
accelerating. brary, and they have a lot of documents www.stantonfriedman.com
1 November 2006 MUFON UFO Journal
Directors' Message
(Continued from page 2) MUFON now has a comprehensive an email or letter, or just pick up the
by the continuous stream of UFO-re- UFO library here at MUFON head- phone and call. This is your organiza-
lated documentaries and reality TV quarters, consisting of some 1500 tion, and I am here to serve you.
shows on the cable TV channels. Who UFO-related books, journals, and other
knows when the next major UFO wave publications, many of them rare and out
will hit-and it is crucial that when it of print. The library will be a great re- Additional CMS
does, MUFON's investigator corps is source for MUFON researchers to use
ready to meet the challenge.
Busy year planned
in their research projects. We welcome
the donation of UFO-related books and
feature described
In addition to the new cell phone
This upcoming year will be very publications to increase the library hold-
paging feature on MUFON's CMS sys-
busy for the MUFON board and staff ings and any contribution will be greatly tem announced last month, investiga-
members, as there are many exciting appreciated.
tors should also be aware of an addi-
changes ahead: 2007 Symposium theme chosen tional new enhancement.
+ A new edition of the MUFON In other MUFON news, the theme Accompanying an Investigators re-
Field Investigator Manual is in the for the MUFON 2007 Symposium in port page is a link to a CMS (Perl) ver-
works, and will be streamlined to make Denver has been chosen-"An Estimate sion of Webmaster Terry Groff's
the investigative process more intuitive of the Situation: The Extraterrestrial Ballester-Guasp Report Evaluator.
and more closely aligned with forensic Hypothesis." To access it, an inve'stigator will
investigative techniques and the use of Make sure you set aside Aug. 10- Login to CMS, click "View my sight-
MUFON's online Case Management 12,2007, for this important event as the ing reports," select a case, and press
System (CMS) world's leading UFOLOGISTS debate the "Edit" button. Click the "BGE but-
+ A revised edition of the the original UFO theory. ton at the top or bottom of the page.
MUFON Field Investigator exam will YOU will not want to miss next year's This will open the evaluator in a new
be released concurrently with the new Symposium as MUFON will make an page. From there simply select the ap-
Field Investigator Manual. unprecedented announcement on what propriate radio buttons pertinent to the
+ MUFON members will soon our 36 years of research has concluded case and press "Submit."
have online access to the Pandora Case about the possibility of extraterrestrial The calculation will be displayed on
Files. visitors. a new page. The investigator will also
+ The MUFON web site will be New Field Investigators be given the option of printing out the
updated to include member message Kathleen Marden, Director of Field data for hisher own records.
boards for sharing ideas and network- Investigator Training, has announced There might be changes in the fu-
ing with your friends and peers. that Glen Means of Omaha, NE; Perry ture to the current setup, but that is a
+ Many more exciting ideas that Patten of Arvada, CO; Marcia Prince low priority right now, according to
I will share with you in the upcoming of Memphis, TN; Diana Starr- Groff, Field Investigator/Webmaster,
months. Salnave of Gresham, OR; and Rich- MUFON DFW, terry @mufondfw.org,
Transition ard A. Stockfezt, Sr. of San Diego, http://mufondfw.org.
In case you did not know, MUFON CA, have passed the MUFON Field
headquarters has a new home in Investigator's Exam and are now Chinese lanterns
Bellvue, CO. MUFON's business man- MUFON Field Investigators.
ager, Kristen Kennington, and I spent All Field Investigator Trainees are a problem in the UK
most of October getting the new office urged to self-study the MUFON Field The release of orange-glowing Chi-
ready and open for business. Investigator's Manual and take the nese lanterns is now becoming a popu- .
John and Kathy Schuesslerwere also exam. lar trend in the UK, especially at wed-
instrumental in making the transition as The manual is available from ding celebrations. British ufologists
smooth and worry free as possible. MUFON Headquarters, P.O. Box 279, thus face the dilemma of spending time
Please note that the new headquar- Bellvue, CO 805 12-0279 for $25 plus dealing with Chinese lantern "UFOs"
ters' mailing address is: MUFON, P.O. $3.50 p&h. Total price for delivery or ignoring all orange UFO reports.
Box 279, Bellvue, Colorado 80512- outside the U.S. is $49.50. It may also In addition, there is the danger that
0279. The new headquarters' phone be purchased on the Internet at the numerous easily-explained ','Or-
number is 970-221- 1836, and the new www.mufon.com using PayPal. ange UFO mysteries" will significantly
fax number is 866-466-9 173. Please communicate reduce the chance of genuine UFO re-
MUFON library Finally, I always enjoy hearing from ports being taken seriously by the me-
I am also pleased to announce that MUFON members, so please send me dia.

MUFON UFO Journal November 2006

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November 2006 MUFON UFO Journal 23

Planetary Conjunction: before sun-
December 2006 rise on Dec. 10, 2006. This will be the
Moon phases: closest grouping of three naked-eye
Full Moon: Dec. 5 planets during the period 1980-2050.
Last Quarter: Dec. 12 All three planets will bnrelyfit within
New Moon: Dec. 20 a 1 -degree circle. Birrocltlars may be
First Quarter: Dec. 27 necessary.
ginning of morning twilight.
Bright planets (evening sky) For southern hemisphere observers, 04:OO UTC on the 14th (6:40 PM EST,
Venus (magnitude -3.8): Moving Saturn will rise before 11 PM in the 5:40 CST, 4:40 MST, and 3:40 PM
from Ophiuchus into Sagittarius. For east-northeast, and will stand about 45 PST on the 13th). Unfortunately the
northern and southern hemisphere ob- degrees high in the north-northeast at Moon will be just past its last quarter
servers, Venus will slowly emerge in the beginning of morning twilight. phase and will not rise until about 12:30
the southwest evening twilight during AM.
the month, but will remain very low to Other celestial phenomena Ursids: The Ursids peak on Dec. 221
the horizon. Dec. 22: Winter Solstice marks the 23 and have a peak hourly rate of 10 or
Mars (magnitude 1.6 to 1S): Mov- first day of winter for Earth's Northern so, but in some years the hourly peak
ing from Libra through Scorpius into Hemisphere, and first day of summer has risen as high as 50.
Ophiuchus. For northern and southern for the Southern Hemisphere). The Moon will not be a problem this
hemisphere observers, Mars will Meteor showers: year, as it will be just past the new
emerge slowly in the east-southeast Geminids:The annual Geminid me- Moon phase.
morning twilight sky in the second half teor shower will peak on the night of Conjunctions and occultations:
of the month. Dec. 13/14. This shower is one of the Dec. 9: Mercury 1.0 degrees north
By month's end, Mars will rise about better showers, since as many as 100 of Mars.
1.5 hours before the Sun. meteors per hour may be seen. Dec. 10: Saturn 1.2 degrees south
While this certainly doesn't rival the of the Moon.
Bright planets (morning sky Leonids in recent years, this is still a Dec. 10: Mercury 1.2 degrees
- north
Mercury (magnitude -0.6 to -0.7): very high rate for a regular meteor of Jupiter.
Moving from Libra through Ophiuchus shower.
into Sagittarius. For northern and south- This is an unusual shower in that the
ern hemisphere observers, Mercury source of the shower is not believed to
will continue to be easily observable be a comet, but rather from an object
until it becomes lost in the glare of the known as 3200 Phaethon. This object
Sun in the east-southeast by about is currently classified as an asteroid, but
midmonth. some scientists believe that it might be
Jupiter (magnitude -1.7): In Virgo. an extinct comet with a thick crust of
For northern hemisphere observers, Ju- interplanetary dust.
piter will emerge in the twilight dawn Another thing that makes the
during the month. By month's end, Ju- Geminids unusual is that one doesn't
piter will be very low in the southeast have to wait until after midnight to catch
at the beginning of morning twilight. this shower. The radiant rises early, and
For less favored southern hemi- meteors can be seen around 10 PM lo-
sphere observers, Jupiter will slowly cal time, but the best view will still be
emerge in the east-southeast dawn twi- after midnight local time.
light in the-second half of the month. This shower also boasts a broad
Saturn,(magnitude 0.4 to 0.3): In maximum, lasting nearly one whole
Leo. For northern hemisphere observ- day, so no matter where you live, you
ers, Saturn will rise near 9 PM in the starid a decent chance of catching sight
east-northeast, and will stand about 55 of some Geminids.
degrees high in the southwest at the be- The actual peak will occur around
MUFON UFO Journal November 2006

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