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Biology: Deforestation in Argentina

Argentina is a country that has shown a higher rate of deforestation in recent years. According to the Ministry of Environment of Argentina, between 2002 and 2006, Argentina lost 300,000 hectares of forest per year, equivalent to 15 times the city of Buenos Aires , with more than 1% of annual deforestation rate (above the world average ) . At this rate, in less than a century, it will have lost all forests. Deforestation in Argentina is driven by unplanned advance of the agricultural frontier and / or urban growth. In Argentina, there deforestation of various features , for example , increased acreage for soybeans in Santiago del Estero and Crdoba , and cattle in Salta and Chaco , among others. In addition to the accelerated loss of native forests, those that remain standing undergo a continuous process of degradation for more than one hundred years . Whether for timber, tannin, railroad ties , fence posts or coal , logging of native forests and has historically had to this day mining features . This means that do not apply or reforestation management techniques to ensure its renewal or regeneration, but simply the best specimens are extracted to exhaustion . One reason for this behavior is the low profitability and consistent informal forestry sector . Added to this, the lack of access to technical advice and the use of best available technologies aggravate the situation.

Responsible Agriculture: Develop Land Management Plans that enable conservation

In Argentina , the advance of the agricultural activity causes an annual loss of about 250,000 ha. native forests , mainly in the Chaco region , in the piedmont of the Yungas Forest and the Atlantic Forest , which must be added other ecosystems such as wetlands, grasslands , savannas and shrublands . By changing these settings are lost irreplaceable ecological functions such as nutrient cycling , flood control , regulation of local and global climate , soil protection , water purification and recycling of waste. The decrease in these natural environments is also the leading cause of species extinction. Besides the expansion in area , agricultural production has significantly increased its productivity per hectare, increasingly incorporating chemical inputs , biotechnology and fossil energy. In the '90s, chemical fertilizer consumption grew by 463 % and pesticides, by 172% , thus raising the risk of contamination of water and soil. These trends force us to watch carefully how the Argentina face the challenge of providing food, fiber , and energy lately (biofuels ) to a world population that already exceeds 6,000 million and to double in the next 50 years. This occurs in a situation in which the availability of arable land decreases due to

desertification and urbanization, and fresh water has become a scarce commodity in many regions of the globe ( agriculture consumes 70 % of freshwater planet ) . In this context, Argentina has doubled its grain production incorporating over 8.5 million ha. in the last 15 years. The expansion of agricultural land is the main cause of conversion of natural areas. In the FVSA , with support from WWF , we adopt a multisectoral approach to addressing these problems , trying to build consensus with stakeholders , in pursuit of a common path . Under this approach promote as priorities : a) the development of Territorial Planning at different geographical scales , integrating areas of high conservation value , b ) the development of standards for environmentally and socially responsible c ) the generation of value chains that favor local development and sustainable production d ) The promotion of these standards and value chains through voluntary certification systems .

Recovery of native forest

In Wildlife Asociation they work to restore degraded forests in the provinces of Chaco and Misiones. Restoration is a planned process that aims to regain ecological functions and improve human welfare in deforested landscapes . The selection of areas ( Chaco and Misiones) that we are restoring was made on the basis of an analysis of landscape, choosing those areas that contribute most to the connectivity of the remaining forests .

Reforestation in Misiones
In the municipality of Andresito (Misiones ) , planted 30 000 trees covering an area of 70 hectares (equivalent to 70 hectares ) deforested riparian forests . The loss of these riverine environments implies a decrease in the connectivity of existing protected areas in the area and the forest remnants that still remain on private property . The producers expressed their broad accordance with the project as it contributes to the recovery of the ability of the streams to get water . This initiative also generated a source of employment and income in the future, I will stock up on wood produced by these trees , which will be handled demanera sustainable without returning to deforest the area.

Reforestation in Chaco
In the area between the Chaco National Park and Reserve United Colonies Provincial , work to implement a " conservation corridor " to ensure the survival of wildlife and to improve the quality of life of the inhabitants of the neighboring rural communities . To do this, you are restoring more than 30 hectares with native species ( quebracho , Lapacho , locust , thorn crown, among others) . With this project we intend to recover the Chaco landscape in addition to encouraging the development of the local community , promoting productive activities compatible with the conservation of natural resources. The project also included equipment for access to water ( boreholes ) and training on its uptake and use efficiency. This is an inevitable necessity to irrigate the fields . But mostly , one unsatisfied basic need which also favors the incorporation of other activities (livestock , honey, vegetable garden, etc. . ) , Diversifying production and the risk to events such as drought. Forest restoration helps to reduce the effects of drought , protecting watersheds , allowing a greater proportion of rain water is retained in the vegetation and soil for longer and higher quality Deforestation and climate change Globally , deforestation is a significant contribution to climate change is responsible for 17 % of global GHG emissions , a higher proportion than that caused by emissions from the entire global transport industry . Historically the climate change negotiations focused on GHG emissions of industrialized countries , but now attention is also directed to developing countries whose emissions are substantial and growing. Deforestation accounts for 35% of emissions in developing countries and 65% in the least developed countries (Brazil, Indonesia) . In Cancun made progress in creating the fund REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation of tropical forests) , but there are still critical points to define : how to control it , who distributes it , if you enter the market or not , national or individual application , safeguarding the rights of indigenous communities and biodiversity, etc. .

Important Facts:
3 . EMERGENCY FOREST IN ARGENTINA Argentina is located in forest emergency : already lost 70% of original native forests and deforestation increased sharply in the last twenty years by the uncontrolled advance of the agricultural frontier . We have about 31 million hectares . 4 . SAyDS According to the Office, between 1998 and 2006 the deforested area was 2,295,567 hectares , equivalent to more than 280,000 hectares per year , 1 hectare every two minutes. The provinces of Salta, Santiago del Estero and Chaco have the largest native forest area of the country , but also have the most deforested area in recent years ( 70 % of total) 5 . PROGRESS ON FORESTS SOY 1996 2007 Since the mid -'90s Argentina suffers a strong impetus for deforestation in the north, aided by investment in infrastructure , technological changes ( the introduction of transgenic and direct seeding ) and international context.

6 . LIVESTOCK FEED ON FORESTS Increased acreage to soybeans caused intensive farming , which historically occurred in the Pampa region ( 13.5 million ha) , began to be "run" to the north of the country brought about by the low price of land , causing deforestation. 7 . Consequences of deforestation Biodiversity Loss : concentrated more than half . Loss of population resources for wood, food, medicine ... Desertification : protect soils , control erosion . Floods: effect "sponge" , Tartagal . Climate Change and indigenous peasants Expulsion : most have no titles . 8 . FOREST LAW late 2007 over thirty social organizations delivered to the National Congress and half a million signatures from people across the country to demand for their urgent treatment. The Forest Act provides: Moratorium on the authorization of new deforestation until each province undertake a Land of their native forests , in a participatory manner , under 10 criteria environmental, economic and social . Obligation to perform EIA and a public hearing before approving a cut . Respect rights of indigenous and peasant communities . Ban on open burning of waste from deforestation. Funds for conservation and sustainable management . 9. AN APPLICATION WITH DIFFICULTIES 17 provinces approved the Land of the Native Forests by provincial law : Catamarca , Chaco , Chubut , Crdoba , Corrientes , Formosa , Mendoza , Misiones, Black River , Salta , San Juan , San Luis , Santa Cruz, Santiago del Estero , Tucumn and Jujuy La Pampa . Some OTBN (Crdoba , Corrientes , Formosa ) were very challenged by environmental organizations , peasant and indigenous communities , not to meet several criteria items and national regulations. Because of the lack of effective controls and corresponding fines continue illegal clearing and forest fires intentional . Many cuttings were executed speculatively approved before the enactment of the law. Latest official figures show that between December 2007 - October 2008 deforestation in Salta, Santiago del Estero , Chaco and Jujuy reached 136 081 hectares , which means 50% less than the average annual deforestation the country had before the enactment of the standard. 10 . Article 31 states that the National Fund for the Enrichment and Conservation of Native Forests may not be less than 0.3 % of the national budget , to which must be added to 2% of total agricultural export taxes , livestock and forestry . During 2008 and 2009 the standard did not have the funds. A fraction was incorporated in 2010 ( $ 300 million) , four times less than what the law dictates . In addition , $ 144 million was reallocated to the Football for All Programme ) . In 2011 , in the absence of approval by the National Congress of the Budget Act , was repeated last year 's game , which the Fund was five times lower than that of a norm . The Budget Bill for 2012 provides $ 267 million to the Fund, seven times less than that established by law. 11. NEW THREAT TO NATIVE FORESTS During the last ten years the price of meat remained low, but now domestic prices are as good as international so expect an extraordinary growth of cattle stock . The National Livestock Plan aims , through financing with low interest rates in five years to reach the 77 million cattle. The Agri-Food and Agribusiness Strategic Plan and Federal Participatory 2010-2020 expected to increase by 46 % by 2020 . The National Institute of Agricultural Technology ( INTA ) believes the industry could increase its production by 70 % in the next decade. In Santiago del Estero , Salta ,

Chaco and Formosa expected significant growth of intensive farming in the coming years (doubling of the stock or more ) through the implementation of silvopastoral systems . 12. Most of silvopastoral systems happen to be clearing in stages. After application of the bulldozer rolo or very few trees left standing , which added to the implantation of pastures involves destroying the future of the forest , the understory . The exploitation silvopastoral authorized by some provinces ( Santiago del Estero , Crdoba , Chaco ) in forests classified under Category II (yellow ) are a clear violation of the Forest Act . The advancement of intensive farming in northern threatens more than 10 million hectares of native forests.

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