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Artificial Intelligence is a combination of science computer , physiology and philosophy, so general and broad as it is that collects several ( robotics , expert systems, for example), all of which have in common the creation of machines Fields can think. The idea to build a machine that can perform tasks perceived requirements of human intelligence is attractive . The tasks that have been studied from this point of view include games , language translation , language comprehension , fault diagnosis , robotics, providing expert advice on various topics. This is how the systems database management increasingly sophisticated data, data structure and algorithm development of insertion, deletion and location data , as well as the attempt to create machines capable of performing tasks that are thought to be typical the scope of human intelligence , coined the term Artificial intelligence in 1956. Artificial Intelligence is to enable computers to somehow simulate human intelligence. He goes to his techniques as needed to incorporate into a computer system, knowledge or own human characteristics. We can interrogate some Internet databases in natural language, or even chat with them our language, because behind it is running a program of Artificial Intelligence . Other smart tools can be used to screen the millions of data that is generated on a bench looking for patterns of behavior of its customers or to detect trends in the securities markets .





A key feature that distinguishes the methods of Artificial Intelligence numerical methods is the use of non- mathematical symbols , but not enough to fully distinguish . Other types of programs like compilers and database systems , also process and is not considered symbols using AI techniques . The behavior of programs is not explicitly described by the algorithm. The sequence of steps followed by the program is influenced by this particular problem . The program specifies how to find the sequence of steps required to solve a given (declarative program ) problem. In contrast to programs that are not AI , following a defined algorithm , which specifies explicitly how to find the output variables for any given variable input ( program procedure). The findings of a declarative program are not fixed and are partially determined by the intermediate conclusions reached during the considerations to the specific problem . The object-

oriented languages share this property and are characterized by their affinity with Artificial Intelligence . The argument based on knowledge implies that these programs incorporate factors and real-world relationships and knowledge of the area in which they operate . Unlike programs for specific purpose , such as accounting and scientific calculations ; Artificial Intelligence programs can distinguish between program reasoning or inference engine and knowledge base giving you the ability to explain discrepancies between them. Applicability to data and ill-structured problems without the Artificial Intelligence techniques programs can not work with this type of problem . An example is the resolution in task-oriented goals and planning, or diagnosis of tasks in a real-world system : with little information, with a close solution and not necessarily accurate .

1. La fuzzy logic : take decisions under conditions

of uncertainty .

Neural 2.Redes : this technology is powerful in certain tasks such as classification and pattern recognition . It is based on the concept of "learning " by aggregation of a large number of very simple elements. This model considers that a neuron can be represented by a binary unit: every moment their status is either active or inactive. The interaction between the neurons takes place across synapses . According to the sign, the synapse is excitatory or inhibitory . The perceptron consists of inputs from external sources , and output connections . Actually a perceptron is a neural network as simple as possible , is one where there are no hidden layers. For each configuration of states of the input neurons (stimulus) response perceptron obeys the following dynamics : synaptic potentials are summed and compared to a threshold. This weighted sum is also called field . If the field is greater than a threshold , the response of the neuron is active , otherwise it is inactive. With as simple as perceptron architecture can not perform more than one kind of " Boolean " very simple functions called linearly separable . These are functions where the input states with positive output can be separated from those negative output by a hyperplane . A hyperplane is the set of points in the space of input states which satisfy a linear equation. In two dimensions , is a straight , three-dimensional plane , etc. . If you want to perform more complex functions with neural networks , it is necessary to insert layers of neurons between the input and output , called hidden neurons . A multilayer network can be defined as a set of perceptrons , linked together by synapses following various layered architectures. One of the most commonly used is called feedforward architectures : with input

connections to the hidden and output them to the layers . Operating a Neural Network is governed by rules of propagation of activities and status updates . Experience , Skills and Knowledge

The types of experiences that are of interest in knowledge-based systems can be classified into three categories: associative , motor and theoretical . Knowledge -based systems are excellent to represent associative knowledge. This type of experience reflects the heuristic that skill or knowledge is acquired mainly through observation. You may not understand exactly what is happening within a system ( black box) , but may be associated with inputs or outputs stimuli or responses , to solve problems that have been previously known . The driving experience is more physical than cognitive . The skill is acquired primarily through physical exercise and constant practice. Knowledge -based systems can not easily emulate this kind of experience, mainly because of the limited capacity of robotic technology . The theoretical experience and deep knowledge allows humans to solve problems that have not been seen before, that is, there is no possibility associative . The deep theoretical knowledge is acquired through study and formal training as well as through direct problem solving. Because of its theoretical nature , this knowledge is easily forgotten , unless it is used continuously. At the time , conventional knowledge based systems have many difficulties to duplicate this kind of experience. However, Systems Based Reasoning Models represent a significant attempt to encapsulate this deep knowledge and reason with him.

http://inteligenciaartificialudb.blogspot.com/2008/01/concepto-caractersticasy-metodologas.html EXAMPLES OF INVENTIONS

Some are initiatives that are not yet built, but already have the funds to do so . So it is with the floating pool , another Kickstarter project, in a month earned over $ 250,000 for construction of the East River, on the island of Manhattan. The pool uses the same river water, but purified with filters. If the star two years ago were remote control helicopters , this year's toy the honor of being on the list is earned Anki Drive. These race cars not unlike the Matchbox toy unless handled alone. Thanks to artificial intelligence components , each vehicle knows its position , making decisions for yourself and be removed from the track to your opponent. With a mobile application you can take (partial) control of the vehicle and making skills.

The innovations also includes the Smart Lens DSX -0X 100 Sony mountable optical zoom lens with 3.6 x, which transforms the cell into professional camera . Robots and robotic technology are other regulars in this ranking. This year's highlight is Atlas , a humanoid 1.8 meters developed by the Agency for Defence Technology USA (DARPA ) . Built in aluminum and titanium, is the first designed to trace and rescue missions . However, it considers that with few exceptions, is mostly difficult to have any real social impact. " There is an artificial pancreas and creating memories that people induced to forget the trauma , but generally no innovations to solve problems every day," he says. As he explains, it is likely that many of the products have finally come to Chile, but will not be for a few gadgets . Pill password. The greater rarity of the list is a password pill, developed by Motorola, ideal for those who struggle to memorize password online. It includes a chip that is activated by acid in the stomach . By doing so, emits a specific 18 bit signal that can be detected by the phone or computer . In practice , the body is the password . It should be taken once a day and now it's just a prototype. For Rodriguez - Beltran, this is one of the most controversial inventions , generating ethical questions about the advisability of exposing a nano object whose actual effect today ignore . Selection of Time also includes scientific experiments, as a new alcoholic drink made of coffee , developed by Portuguese and Spanish researchers , which is stronger than vodka or tequila. other innovations OCULUS RIFT : virtual reality helmet inexpensive to play in immersive three-dimensional environments. MOTO MISSION R : This vehicle reaches 240 mph and can travel 225 kilometers without refueling . Its electric motor generates zero emissions. GRAVITY LIGHT : Lamp producing light 25 minutes only by the force exerted by the weight of a bag of rocks, sand or water that hangs on the side . ARGUS 2: Artificial Retina and artificial lenses that restore vision to people suffering from retinitis pigmentosa , a disease that can lead to blindness .


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