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O lingista norte-americano Noam Chomsky, que esteve em visita ao Brasil pela primeira vez em novembro de 1 !, quando pro"eriu v#rias palestras$

When we study human language, we are approaching what some might call the "human essence," the distinctive qualities of mind that are, so far as we know, unique to man.
Noam Chomsky, %anguage and &ind

So the obvious hypothesis is that our language is the result of the unfolding of a genetically determined program.
Noam Chomsky, 'ntervie( to )B* +,, )yoto, -apan

!he child, placed in a linguistic community, is presented with a set of sentences that is limited and often imperfect, fragmented, and so on. n spite of this, in a very short time he succeeds in "constructing," in internali"ing the grammar of his language, developing knowledge that is very complex, ...
Noam Chomsky, %anguage and .esponsibility

Language serves essentially for the expression of thought.

Noam Chomsky, %anguage and .esponsibility

n my opinion one should not speak of a "relationship" between linguistics and psychology, because linguistics is part of psychology.
Noam Chomsky, %anguage and .esponsibility

CHOMSKY, Noam. American linguist and political writer 'ennsyl(ania. orn on !ec. ", #$%&, in 'hiladelphia,

A(ram Noam Chomsky was introduced to linguistics y his )ather, a *e rew scholar who worked with historical linguistics. Noam studied at the +ni(ersity o) 'ennsyl(ania, earning a doctoral degree in linguistics in #$,,, and then he egan teaching at the -assachusetts Institute o) .echnology, where today he is Institute 'ro)essor in the !epartment o) /inguistics and 'hilosophy. +o "ind the principles common to all languages that enable people to speak creatively and "reely is Noam Chomsky0s description o) his goal as a linguist. -any recent works ha(e stressed that all children go through the same stages o) language de(elopment regardless o) the language they are learning. In e1amining this, Chomsky ga(e linguistics, the study o) the human speech, a new direction. 2nowing a language means eing a le to produce an in)inite num er o) sentences ne(er spoken e)ore and to understand sentences ne(er heard e)ore. Chomsky re)ers to this a ility as the 3creati(e aspect3 o) language.

*is )irst ook, *yntactic *tructures, pu lished in #$,", outlines his system o) trans)ormational grammar. .his grammar consists o) sur)ace structures 4 the sounds and words in a sentence 4 and deep structures that contain the meaning o) the sentence. .he meaning is con(erted y a trans)ormation 4 any o) an ordered set o) rules 4 to a sur)ace structure. Chomsky says that children are orn with a knowledge o) the principles o) the grammatical structure o) all languages, and this in orn knowledge e1plains the success and speed with which they learn language. Further, his work implies and he states that linguistics is a ranch o) psychology, and that an understanding o) the rules o) a language throws light on the principles that regulate human thought. 5ther o) his linguistic pu lications include6 /spects o" the +heory o" *ynta0 7#$8,9 Cartesian %inguistics 7#$889 +he *ound 1attern o" 2nglish 7with -orris *alle, #$8&9 %anguage and &ind 7#$8&, #$"%9 +he %ogical *tructure o" %inguistic +heory 7#$",9 .e"lections on %anguage 7#$",9 %ectures on 3overnment and Binding 7#$&#9 &odular /pproach to the *tudy o" the &ind 7#$&:9 Barriers 7#$&89 Noam Chomsky has een much more than ;ust a rilliant and re(olutionary linguist. Chomsky0s studies on political and social issues are strong with intelligent criticism. A long4time political acti(ist, Chomsky is the author o) numerous ooks and articles on +< )oreign policy, international a))airs, human rights, modern history, American political li)e, and peace mo(ements. .his is the other side o) -r. Chomsky0s, which (ery understanda ly, the American mainstream media tries to o scure. *is social, political, and economic works include6 /merican 1o(er and the Ne( &andarins 7#$8"9 1eace in the &iddle 2ast 7#$"=9 +he 1olitical 2conomy o" 4uman .ights 7two (olumes, #$"$9 %anguage and .esponsibility 7#$"$9 +he 5ate"ul +riangle 7#$&:9 +he Culture o" +errorism 7#$&&9 &obilizing 6emocracy7 Changing the 8$*$ .ole in the &iddle 2ast 7#$$#9 .ogue *tates 7%>>>9

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