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Neuropsychological Rehabilitation
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The neural basis of aphasia rehabilitation: Evidence from neuroimaging and neurostimulation
Stefano F. Cappa
a a

Vita Salute University and Division of Neuroscience, San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy Available online: 20 Oct 2011

To cite this article: Stefano F. Cappa (2011): The neural basis of aphasia rehabilitation: Evidence from neuroimaging and neurostimulation, Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 21:5, 742-754 To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09602011.2011.614724

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The neural basis of aphasia rehabilitation: Evidence from neuroimaging and neurostimulation
Stefano F. Cappa
Vita Salute University and Division of Neuroscience, San Raffaele Scientic Institute, Milan, Italy

This article is a selective review of functional imaging investigations and brain stimulation studies addressing the neural mechanisms of recovery of strokeassociated aphasia. The imaging results show that aphasia recovery is associated with a complex pattern of brain reorganisation, involving both ipsilateral and contralateral brain regions, which is modulated by lesion size and site, time post-onset, type of training, and language task. The information provided by the imaging investigations needs to be integrated with the results of brain stimulation studies, in order to specify the most effective protocols in term of modality, locus and timing of stimulation. Further studies, using multiple imaging and neuromodulation approaches, are required to reach sound conclusions about the potential usefulness of brain stimulation approaches as an adjunct to aphasia rehabilitation. Keywords: Aphasia; Functional magnetic resonance; Recovery; Transcranial magnetic stimulation; Transcranial direct current stimulation.

Disorders of language (aphasia) are a frequent consequence of stroke, associated with relevant disability and with a negative prognostic impact on long-term functional recovery (Paolucci et al., 2003). While behavioural interventions have been shown to be effective in improving recovery (Cappa et al., 2005; Cicerone et al., 2005; Kelly, Brady, & Enderby, 2010),
Correspondence should be addressed to Stefano F. Cappa, Vita Salute University and Division of Neuroscience, San Raffaele Scientic Institute, Milan, Italy. Email: cappa.stefano@hsr.it # 2011 Psychology Press, an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an Informa business http://www.psypress.com/neurorehab http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09602011.2011.614724



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there is no evidence supporting specic types of intervention, nor adequate knowledge of the neural foundations of aphasia therapy. In recent years, functional imaging techniques have been increasingly applied to the investigation of the neural mechanisms subserving functional recovery after stroke, including both spontaneous and rehabilitation-associated recovery of aphasia. The results of these studies are providing important inputs to the eld of brain stimulation techniques, which have also recently been applied to stroke patients with the aim of facilitating spontaneous and rehabilitation-induced recovery (Miniussi et al., 2008). This paper provides a selective review of the available evidence, with a main focus on the importance of developing a multimodal imaging approach to the investigation of aphasia recovery.


The recovery of the consequences of acute stroke can be divided into temporal stages, associated with different physiological mechanisms responsible for clinical improvement (Mazzocchi & Vignolo, 1979). The early stage includes an acute phase of one to two weeks post-onset, and a subacute, lesional stage covering up to six months post-onset. This is followed by the chronic stage. During the early period, the likely mechanisms of clinical improvement are the disappearance of cerebral oedema and of intracranial hypertension, the reabsorption of blood, the normalisation of haemodynamics in ischaemic penumbra areas, and the resolution of local inammation (Baldwin et al., 2010). Another crucial mechanism, which is probably at play mostly in the early stage, is the regression of diaschisis (functional suppression) effects in non-injured areas connected to the damaged region (Cappa et al., 1997; Feeney & Baron, 1986; von Monakow, 1914). The mechanisms underlying recovery from cognitive impairment at later stages after an acute event are incompletely understood. One possibility is that recovery may be achieved by adopting novel cognitive strategies for performance, circumventing the damaged function. At the neural level, in the case of language this implies the recruitment of uninjured cerebral areas, which are not typically activated in normal subjects during linguistic tasks. More often, however, the recovery of impaired linguistic functions, such as naming or syntactic processing, has been attributed to the reorganisation of the cerebral substrate of language processing, The reorganisation may take place ipsilaterally, within the spared regions of the dominant hemisphere language areas, or contralaterally, in homotopic (i.e., homologous) regions of the right hemisphere. The latter hypothesis was originally put forward by Gowers (1895), and has been supported by the evidence of considerable right-hemispheric linguistic abilities, especially at the lexical-semantic



level, in split-brain subjects (Gazzaniga, 1983). This potential for reorganisation within the language network may be due to the degeneracy of the neural systems, which, premorbidly, sustain the cognitive function of interest (Noppeney, Friston, & Price, 2004). The application of this issue to neuroimaging techniques, i.e., positron emission tomography (PET) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), allows a relatively direct testing of these competing hypotheses. There is now an extensive literature on this topic, which has been the subject of some excellent reviews (Crinion & Leff, 2007; Price & Crinion, 2005; Thompson & den Ouden, 2008). Only some of the available literature, which may have implications for the development of neurostimulation protocols, is summarised here. The rst issue to be addressed is the role of the right hemisphere. The presence of increased right hemispheric activity in recovered aphasics during language tasks has been replicated by many studies, starting from the early PET investigation of the correlates of word generation in recovered Wernickes aphasics (Weiller et al., 1995). In the following years, however, several functional fMRI studies indicated that re-activation of spared left hemispheric areas is also frequently observed in recovered aphasics (Warburton, Price, Swinburn, & Wise, 1999; Perani et al., 2003). What then is the cause and functional role of increased right hemispheric activation? It has been hypothesised that a lesion of the language-dominant left hemisphere may result in a release of function of the contralateral hemisphere, via a reduction of transcallosal inhibition (Ferbert et al., 1992). In support of this hypothesis, Karbe et al. (1998) found that the application of inhibitory transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to Brocas area results in a metabolic increase in the homologous right hemispheric areas (Thiel et al., 2006). An alternative interpretation is that right hemispheric activation may simply reect the additional engagement of attentional and executive resources, dictated by the requirements of an inefcient strategy to cope with the task. A followup study reported that right hemispheric activation in Brocas and premotor regions predicted superior recovery in a sample of aphasic patients (Richter, Miltner, & Straube, 2008). At an individual level, improvement was associated with a reduction of right hemispheric activation. Several observations challenge the hypothesis of a compensatory role of right hemispheric activity. A PET study involved patients with chronic non-uent aphasia, who had shown considerable improvement after the introduction of additional rehabilitation training with Melodic Intonation Therapy (MIT) (Belin et al., 1996). Patients were poor in repeating words with a natural intonation, but improved when they used a MIT-like intonation. The pattern of brain activation in comparison with the rest state indicated extensive right-sided involvement during single word repetition with natural intonation. However, in the other active task, which required repetition of words with MIT intonation, the right

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hemisphere was deactivated, and a signicant increase was found in the left frontal areas. The authors argued that the right-sided activations might reect a maladaptive functional reorganisation, due to the presence of the left lesion itself, while actual recovery mediated by MIT training might be associated with the reactivation of left-hemispheric undamaged structures. Important evidence has also been provided by the recent study by PostmanCaucheteux et al. (2010). Taking advantage of the event-related technique in order to analyse the activation pattern associated with correct and erroneous responses in a naming task, these authors found a robust association between errors and right hemispheric brain activity. An additional crucial issue from the point of view of rehabilitation is the assessment of the neural changes associated with training-induced modications of language performance. Again, an early study supported the role of the right hemisphere. Musso et al. (1999) investigated with PET the neural correlates of intensive verbal comprehension training in a group of aphasics. Intensive two-hour language comprehension training on a modied version of the Token Test (De Renzi & Vignolo, 1962) was carried out during the PET inter-scan intervals. Post-training performance on this test was positively correlated with the pattern of rCBF in the right homologues of Wernickes area and of Brocas area. Additional evidence for a role of the right hemisphere in supporting lexical relearning has been reported by Raboyeau et al. (2008), who found that similar right hemispheric activations in the inferior frontal and insular regions were associated with lexical relearning in both control participants and aphasic patients. Training-induced effects were prevalent in the right hemisphere also in the case of action-based intentional treatments (Crosson et al., 2005, 2009). Anomia is a universal component of the aphasic syndrome, and it is thus not surprising that several studies have been dedicated to the neural correlates of anomia training. The role of perilesional areas was supported by a single case study of the effects of intensive phonological training in a patient with prominent phonological errors in speech production (Leger et al., 2002). The main difference between the pre- and post-treatment fMRI study was a re-activation of perilesional left hemispheric areas, in particular the Brocas region and the supramarginal gyrus. Subsequent studies indicate more complex patterns of results. Fridriksson et al. (2006) found bihemispheric increases in activation in two patients who improved their naming performance with anomia treatment. In a later study, the same group reported activations in non-language areas (precuneus, hippocampus) associated with anomia training in three additional patients (Fridriksson et al., 2007). Most recently, Fridriksson, Bonilha, Baker, Moser, and Rorden (2010) reported the results of a study of a large sample of aphasic patients. The main nding was reactivation of spared left hemispheric regions. Similarly, Meinzer et al. (2008) found a correlation between training-induced

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improvement in picture naming and reactivation of perilesional areas in the left hemisphere. A subsequent study by the same group assessed the pattern of brain activation associated with improvement immediately after intensive training and at follow-up several months later (Menke et al., 2009). The shortterm effects were observed bilaterally in the hippocampal region, fusiform gyrus and precuneus, i.e., in non-language areas. Long-term effects were associated with activations in the language areas, both perilesionally and in the homologous right hemispheric regions. Using event-related fMRI (er-fMRI) Vitali et al. (2007) monitored the neural correlates of naming performance in two anomic patients before and after specic language therapy for anomia (phonological cued naming training). A set of pictures that the patients could not name either spontaneously or after being phonologically cued was selected for intensive speech therapy. After acquisition of the rst er-fMRI session, training was intensively administered on a daily basis by a speech pathologist, until a 50% correct naming performance (at least) on the training picture set was achieved. Before and after specic speech therapy, an er-fMRI acquisition was performed while patients had to overtly name the visually presented pictures of the experimental set, and items of a control set (that patients were able to name prior to admission to the study). In both patients naming was mainly associated with activations in the non-dominant hemisphere before starting speech therapy, while perilesional areas of the dominant hemisphere were mainly activated after speech therapy, supporting the role of the perilesional areas of the left hemisphere for effective recovery. However, in one of the patients, who had a lesion involving Brocas area, the right homologue was activated, indicating that the right hemisphere may mediate successful naming. A similar study included the additional control of repeated scanning of two untreated patients, and of a group of normal subjects (Rochon et al., 2010). The changes in brain activity associated to recovery in the two treated patients were mostly left-hemispheric. A bilateral change, with right-sided prevalence, was observed in one of the two untreated patients, who did not show any signicant change at the behavioural level. Several factors may be responsible for the observed variation in the extent of right hemispheric vs. perilesional involvement. Lesion size and site appear to play an important role. Right hemispheric involvement is typically found in association with large lesions (Cherney & Small, 2006; Crosson et al., 2005; Raboyeau et al., 2008; Vitali et al., 2007). In contrast, perilesional activity is prominent in the case of smaller lesions (Leger et al., 2002; Meinzer et al., 2008; Vitali et al., 2007). A crucial impact of lesion site is suggested by the study reported by Fridriksson et al. (2010), in which patients whose brain damage included regions associated with lexical retrieval and phonological processing (e.g., Brodmanns areas 37 and 39) were less likely to show treatment-related improvement in correct naming, compared with patients in

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which the same areas were spared. The role of time post-lesion onset in the balance between contra- and intrahemispheric activation should also be considered. In particular, follow-up studies with aphasic patients have revealed the existence of a temporal gradient in the enrolment of cerebral reorganisation mechanisms after stroke. The initial engagement of non-damaged homologous areas of the right hemisphere is followed over time by their gradual discarding, with a concomitant signicant increase of activity in left hemispheric perilesional areas. The passage of functional competence from the right to the left hemisphere is associated with an improvement of linguistic performance (Karbe et al., 1998). A strong interpretation of post-stroke perilesional recruitment is that it may reect the greatest improvement in language function over time (Belin et al., 1996; Saur et al., 2006; Winhuisen et al., 2007). Finally, the role of task should also be taken into consideration. Calvert et al. (2000), for example, found task-specic differences in fMRI activation in a 28year-old aphasic woman. Performing a semantic decision task recruited a network of brain areas that excluded the inferior frontal gyrus (in either hemisphere), whereas, a rhyming task activated this region in the right hemisphere. Blasi et al. (2002) found that the learning of a stem-completion task was associated with specic response decrements in the right frontal and occipital cortices, rather than in the left-sided network engaged by normal participants. Thompson et al. (2010) found that sentence comprehension training was associated with a bilateral recruitment of posterior cortical regions. An important additional tool to explore functional imaging data is provided by functional connectivity analysis, which allows the assessment of functional integration in the normal and damaged brain. Increased functional connectivity between the left and right temporal lobes (Warren, Crinion, Lambon Ralph, & Wise, 2009) and between frontal and parietal areas (Sharp et al., 2010) has been observed in aphasics with good recovery of auditory comprehension. This approach has been applied to the investigation of training and generalisation effects in anomia rehabilitation (Vitali et al., 2010) and to the assessment of longitudinal changes associated with anomia treatment (Abutalebi, Rosa, Tettamanti, Green, & Cappa, 2009).


The data summarised above provide the rationale for stimulation intervention in aphasia recovery. Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) has been extensively applied in cognitive neuroscience with the aim of interfering with cognitive processing (Wassermann et al., 2008). The possibility of applying the method to improve function developed as a consequence of observations in motor recovery (see a review in Dimyan & Cohen, 2011). There is now considerable evidence that an enhancement of performance in specic



cognitive tasks can be observed in patients with stroke or dementia submitted to non-invasive brain stimulation, i.e., repetitive TMS (rTMS) or transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), to specic cortical areas (Miniussi et al., 2008). These facilitation effects have been related to their possible impact on the recovery mechanisms revealed by functional imaging studies. In principle, rTMS could be effective by stimulating the intact right hemisphere, or left hemispheric perilesional areas. An additional mechanism could be interference with transcallosal inhibitory activity from the right hemisphere (a mechanism that has been proposed to be responsible for the enhancement of motor recovery) or, more generally, suppression of maladaptive right hemispheric activation (Baron-Cohen, Leslie, & Frith, 1985; Fregni & Pascual-Leone, 2007). There are now a handful of published studies based on rTMS stimulation. A series of case studies by the same group has suggested that the administration of rhythmic rTMS to the anterior portion of the right homologue of Brocas area results in improvements in the ability to name pictures in patients with non-uent aphasia (Hamilton et al., 2010; Martin et al., 2004; Naeser et al., 2005, 2010). These studies have attempted to dene on the basis of precise in vivo structural and functional information the most effective location of stimulation. In particular, the application of low frequency (1 Hz) rTMS over the right pars opercularis (Po) of Brocas area does not result in improvement, but rather in a decrease of naming performance. In contrast, the same inhibitory stimulation of the right pars triangularis (Pt) results in improved naming performance. How to explain this anatomical specicity? A diffusion tensor imaging study by the same group attempts to provide an answer (Kaplan et al., 2010). The main result is that the Po, together with the ventral premotor cortex, rather than the right Pt, is the origin/target of bres forming the arcuate fasciculus, on both sides. The arcuate fasciculus is a major bre tract connecting anterior and posterior language areas (see a review in Catani, Jones, & ffytche, 2005). Thus, while inhibitory TMS to the right Po might be expected to have extensive intra-hemispheric effects, the same stimulation applied to the right Pt, due to its limited intrahemispheric connectivity, can be expected to have relatively selective transcallosal effects on the left hemisphere. Weak support for the prediction that right Pt inhibition may result in a release of compensatory left hemispheric activity was provided by an fMRI study during picture naming, in which a patient who had responded to rTMS showed an activation increase only in the left supplementary motor area (Martin, Naeser, Ho, Doron, et al., 2009). The same group has also investigated the effects of combined treatments in a pilot single-case study, in which rTMS sessions were immediately followed by constraint-induced language therapy (Martin, Naeser, Ho, Treglia, et al., 2009). The results suggest that a combined treatment may be more effective than its components.

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The other brain stimulation technique that has been applied to aphasic subjects is tDCS. The method is based on the application of weak electrical currents directly to the head. These currents generate an electrical eld that modulates neuronal activity, according to the modality of application. Anodal stimulation results in membrane depolarisation, i.e., to an activation effect, while cathodal stimulation results in hyperpolarisation and is thus expected to be inhibitory (Liebetanz, Nitsche, Tergau, & Paulus, 2002; Paulus, this issue). A handful of studies have also been published using this approach. Cathodal stimulation has been applied over the damaged left fronto-temporal areas in eight patients with chronic, non-uent, post-stroke aphasia, resulting in naming facilitation (Monti et al., 2008). Baker, Rorden, and Fridriksson (2010) reported a study in 10 brain-damaged aphasic patients with chronic stroke who received ve days of anodal tDCS over the left frontal cortex and ve days of sham tDCS, while performing a computerised anomia treatment. Results indicated a signicant improvement in naming accuracy for treated items after anodal tDCS, compared with sham tDCS. The positioning of tDCS was guided by fMRI during a naming task, in order to stimulate undamaged cortex. In addition, the treatment effect persisted at least 1 week after treatment. Finally, a recent study reports benecial effects of combined anomia training and anodal tDCS (5 sessions, 1 mA f, 20 minutes) applied over Wernickes area in three chronic left-brain-damaged aphasic patients. A two week follow-up in two of the patients provided evidence of persistent treatment effects (Fiori et al., 2011). The discrepancy between the positive effects of cathodal and anodal stimulation, which are supposed to have, respectively, inhibitory and excitatory effects on the same (left) hemisphere is puzzling, and deserves further investigation.


The in vivo study of the neural mechanisms of recovery of aphasia has a short history, but has already provided a number of new insights into the underlying complexity of the research questions. The simplistic ideas about contralateral takeover of function have disappeared under the weight of new evidence, which indicates the interplay of multiple factors, such as lesion size and site, time post-onset and type of training, which probably interact with many more, of which we are still unaware. What is clear from the present status of our knowledge is that progress in this research area, which carries not only theoretical but also translational implications for patients care, requires a multimodal imaging approach. The results from functional imaging studies, which provide invaluable information about the spatial patterns of brain activity associated with the performance of a language task,



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need to be combined with ne-grained anatomical information about the site and extent of grey and white matter damage, constraining the interpretation of functional data. This functional and anatomical information is required to guide the application of neuromodulatory procedures, providing information about the causal role of specic brain structures in mediating performance and training effects. There are still many methodological problems which limit the application of this approach to the large patient populations required to provide denitive answers to basic questions such as whether, where, when and how to apply brain stimulation procedures with the aim to facilitate functional improvement in aphasia. At this point, however, we are probably able to formulate the appropriate questions. Targeting the locus of stimulation on the basis of the results of structural imaging (including tractography) and/or of functional activation assessed with fMRI is one of the present challenges of this eld. In particular, we need to test the impact of inhibitory or excitatory neuromodulation on specic ipsilateral and contralateral areas, on the basis of their hypothetic functional role in the individual subject. Given the huge variability among aphasic patients at the clinical and neurological level, it is highly unlikely that a single procedure may be universally effective. Tailored interventions, based on the combination of language training and neuromodulation, may be the most promising innovative approach to aphasia therapy.

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