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GPRS/EGPRS Radio Parameters
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Huawei Technologies o!" #td!
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GPRS/EDGE Radio Parameters For internal use only
Table o$ ontents
hapter % GPRS Radio Parameters !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! %
4.1. GPRS Cell Parameters ............................................................................................... 4
4..1.1. Option Parameters .......................................................................................... 4
4..1.2. GPRS Cell ccess Control Parameters ........................................................ 12
4..1.!. Po"er Control Parameters ............................................................................ 2!
4..1.4. GPRS Cell #dentity ........................................................................................ !1
4..1.$. GPRS Cell Reselection Parameters .............................................................. !2
4..1.%. &easurement Report Control Parameters ................................................... !'
4..1.(. CS C)an*e and Control Parameters ............................................................ 4!
4.2 GRPS && Parameters ............................................................................................ 4$
4.2.1 G&& +imer ................................................................................................... 4$
4.2.2 ,SSPP +imer Parameters .......................................................................... 4%
4.! GPRS Session &ana*ement Parameters ............................................................... 4(
4.!.1 #ntroduction to Session &ana*ement Function ............................................. 4(
4.!.2 S& Parameters Optimi-ation ........................................................................ 4(
2..$/11/.! ll ri*)ts reserved Pa*e! o0 $!
GPRS/EDGE Radio Parameters For internal use only
hapter % GPRS Radio Parameters
+)is c)apter introduces parameters in t)e con0i*uration 0or GPRS cells and G1
inter0aces2 and t)eir e00ect on radio 0unctions and 0lo" control at G1 inter0ace.
%!&! GPRS ell Parameters
%!!&!&! 'ption Parameters
GPRS cell option parameters control t)e GPRS/related cell options2 and t)ey
can 1e sent 1y S#1!2 PS#12 PS#1!2 and PS#14. +)ese parameters include
net"or3 mode o0 operation 45&O62 +!1%'2 +!1722 DR89+#&ER9&82
CCESS9,:RS+9+;P2 CO5+RO<9C=9+;PE2 ,S9C>9&82 P59DEC2
P59#5C2 P59&82 and +!17!. Descriptions o0 t)em are as 0ollo"s.
%!&!&!&! ()'
*! De$inition and +ormat
5&O is related "it) pa*in* c)annels used in a GPRS system. #t includes 5&O#2
5&O##2 and 5&O###

?)en Gs inter0ace is con0i*ured in t)e GPRS net"or32 5&O# is


?)en no Gs inter0ace and no PCCCA are con0i*ured in t)e GPRS

net"or32 5&O## is re@uired.

?)en no Gs inter0ace 1ut a PCCCA is con0i*ured in t)e GPRS

net"or32 5&O### is re@uired.
**! Setting and E$$ect
+)e same 5&O must 1e con0i*ured 0or t)e cells in t)e same routin* area 4R6.
%!&!&!,! T-&./
*! De$inition and +ormat
+!1%' controls t)e time o0 an &S "aitin* 0or a BPac3et :plin3 ssi*nmentC
messa*e. +)e +!1%' starts ")en an &S sends a BPac3et Resource Re@uestC
messa*e and "aits 0or t)e BPac3et :plin3 ssi*nmentC messa*e2 or sends a
BPac3et Control c3no"led*ementC messa*e 0or a ne" +emporary ,loc3 Flo"
4+,F6. +)e +!1%' decides ")en to stop "aitin* 0or t)e BPac3et :plin3
ssi*nmentC messa*e.
2..$/11/.! ll ri*)ts reserved Pa*e4 o0 $!
GPRS/EDGE Radio Parameters For internal use only
+!1%' is coded accordin* to t)e 0ollo"in* ta1le.
T-&./ coding
+!1%' >alue 4ms6
. $..
1 1...
1. 1$..
11 2...
1.. 2$..
1.1 !...
11. !$..
111 4...
?)en t)e timer eDpires2 an &S restarts t)e pac3et access. +)e &S reports an
BR<C/&C ErrorC to t)e upper layer a0ter sendin* a BPac3et Resource Re@uestC
messa*e 0or 0our times and +,F esta1lis)ment 0ails.
**! Setting and E$$ect
>alues o0 +!1%' a00ect t)e success rate o0 +,F esta1lis)ment. +)e s)orter t)e
value is2 t)e less t)e time 0or t)e +,F esta1lis)ment is. +)ere0ore2 ")en t)e
radio environment is poor2 t)e success rate o0 +,F esta1lis)ment is lo"er.
?)ereas t)e lon*er t)e value is2 t)e lon*er t)e period 0or t)e &S to Eud*e +,F
esta1lis)ment 0ailure is. +)us2 t)e delay time 0or t)e pac3et access is lon*er and
t)e system per0ormance decreases.
+)e e00ect o0 radio environment 4namely2 ,<ER o0 si*nalin* messa*e6 must 1e
considered in t)e settin* o0 +!1%'. +)e settin* is as 0ollo"sF

#0 ,<ER G 2H2 t)at is2 t)e radio environment is very *ood2 t)e +!1%' is set
to $..ms.

#0 2H G ,<ER G $H2 t)at is2 t)e radio environment is relatively *ood2 t)e
+!1%' is set to 1...ms.

#0 $H G ,<ER G 1.H2 t)at is2 t)e radio environment is poor2 t)e +!1%' is set
to 2...ms.
%!&!&!-! T-&0,
*! De$inition and +ormat
+!172 controls t)e time o0 an &S "aitin* 0or t)e +,F release a0ter t)e &S
receives t)e last data 1loc3. +!172 is coded accordin* to t)e 0ollo"in* ta1le. +)e
value B.C means t)at t)e timer eDpires "it)out startin*.
+!172 >alue 4ms6
111 211
2..$/11/.! ll ri*)ts reserved Pa*e$ o0 $!
GPRS/EDGE Radio Parameters For internal use only
11& &111
1&1 &211
1&& 1
&11 /1
&1& &,1
&&1 &.1
&&& ,11
n &S starts +!172 ")en sendin* a BPac3et Do"nlin3 c3/5ac3C messa*e 4F#
I 16 to t)e net"or32 or sendin* a BPac3et Control c3C messa*e as a response to
t)e last data 1loc3 in an unac3no"led*ed mode.
?)en t)e startin* conditions are met2 t)e +!172 starts.
?)en receivin* a BPac3et Do"nlin3 ssi*nmentC messa*e or a BPac3et +imeslot
Recon0i*ureJ messa*e 0rom PC:2 t)e &S stops t)e +!172.
#0 t)e +!172 eDpires2 t)e &S releases t)e +,F/related resources related and
1e*ins to intercept pa*in* c)annels. +)is parameter is con0i*ured 1y $..ms.
#0 t)e &S "or3s in a semi/dupleD mode and receives a BPac3et :plin3
ssi*nmentC messa*e durin* t)e +,F release2 t)e &S responds to t)is
command at once.
#0 t)e &S does not receive t)e BPac3et :plin3 ssi*nmentC messa*e2 it "or3s in
a pac3et idle mode or a dedicated mode in t)e case o0 dual trans0er mode.
ccordin* to t)e !GPP protocols2 t)e &S still must "or3 in a non/DR8 mode 0or
a period ")en t)e &S "or3s in an idle mode or a dedicated mode.
Dual trans0er mode means t)at CS services and PS services are per0ormed at
t)e same time "it) t)e support o0 &Ss.
**! Setting and E$$ect
+)e lon*er t)e value o0 t)is parameter is2 t)e lon*er t)e time 0or reservin* +,F/
related resources. +)e resources include +F# and timeslot. +)ere0ore2 sendin*
t)e same +,F ta3es lon*er2 and t)e net"or3 con*estion is present easily.
+)e s)orter t)e value o0 t)is parameter is2 t)e lon*er t)e +,F esta1lis)ment2
1ecause an &S releases t)e +,F resources @uic3ly. #0 t)e net"or3 )as ne"
do"nlin3 data2 it initiates a pa*in* or immediate assi*nment 0lo" 4t)e &S is in
Ready state6.
#0 t)e +!172 eDpires 1e0ore t)e ne" do"nlin3 data is present in t)e net"or3 side2
t)e net"or3 sends a BPac3et Do"nlin3 ssi*nmentC messa*e directly to esta1lis)
2..$/11/.! ll ri*)ts reserved Pa*e% o0 $!
GPRS/EDGE Radio Parameters For internal use only
a ne" do"nlin3 +,F to s)orten +,F esta1lis)ment time.
+)e service load and mode o0 a cell must 1e considered in t)e settin* o0 t)is
parameter. #0 t)ere are enou*) net"or3 resources2 t)e +!172 is set to a lar*er
value as possi1le to s)orten t)e +,F esta1lis)ment time and improve t)e data
transmission rate.
+!17! is con0i*ured at t)e correspondin* net"or3 side2 and t)e time len*t) o0
t)e +!17! must 1e lon*er t)an t)at o0 t)e +!172.
%!&!&!%! DR34Timer4)a5
*! De$inition and +ormat
+)is parameter controls t)e maDimum time o0 t)e &S "or3in* in a non/DR8
mode in t)e case o0 a pac3et transmission mode transition to a pac3et idle mode.
+)is parameter is represented in 1inary2 and ran*es 0rom . to (. +)e parameter
value is represented as 2
43 / 16
2 in a unit o0 1 second. ?)en = is set to .2 t)is
parameter value is .2 namely2 t)is parameter can 1e .s2 1s2 2s2 4s2 'sK%4 s..
?)en an &S transits to a pac3et idle mode 0rom a pac3et transmission mode2 it
"or3s in a non/DR8 mode 0or a period. 0ter t)e +,F resources are released2
t)e &S monitors all CCCA 1loc3s. &ean")ile2 t)e PC: reserves &S/related
conteDts. +)e minimum value o0 t)e 5on9DR89+imer and DR89+imer9&aD
decides t)e reservation time.
**! Setting and E$$ect
?)en no PCCCA is con0i*ured in t)e net"or32 an &S ta3es 4.ms to send an
B#mmediate ssi*nment CommandC on PCA and GCA in a non/DR8 mode. ,ut
an &S ta3es more time to send t)is messa*e in a DR8 mode. +)ere0ore2 ")en
an &S "or3s in a non/DR8 mode2 t)e +,F esta1lis)ment ta3es t)e less time. .
#n a DR8 mode2 an &S can only monitor pa*in* messa*es in its pa*in* *roup2
and t)en receives t)e B#mmediate ssi*nmentC messa*e on all pa*in* c)annels
and GCA reserved 1loc3s. s a result2 an &S ta3es a lon* time to receive t)e
pa*in* messa*es2 and t)e avera*e time is a1out a )al0 o0 pa*in* multi/0rame
period. ?)en t)e ,S9P9&FR&S is 22 t)e avera*e time is 2!$ms.
#n a non/DR8 mode2 t)e &S consumes more po"er. +)ere0ore2 ")en t)e value
o0 DR89+imer9&aD is *reat2 t)e time 0or +,F esta1lis)ment is s)ortened 1ut t)e
&S consumes more po"er. ?)en t)e value o0 DR89+imer9&aD is small2 t)e &S
consumes less po"er. Ao"ever2 ")en an &S "or3s in a DR8 mode2 a pa*in*
0lo" is added2 t)e si*nalin* load o0 system and t)e delay 0or data transmission
2..$/11/.! ll ri*)ts reserved Pa*e( o0 $!
GPRS/EDGE Radio Parameters For internal use only
%!&!&!2! AESS467RST4T8PE
*! De$inition and +ormat
+)is parameter means an &S uses an '/1it or 11/1it 0ormat in a BPC=E+
CA55E< REL:ES+C messa*e2 t)e BP+CCA :plin3 ,loc3C messa*e and in
BPC=E+ CO5+RO< C=5O?<EDG&E5+C messa*e ")en 0our access 1ursts
are used.
+)is parameter is represented 1y 11it. B.C means t)at '/1it 0ormat is used2 and
B1C means t)at 11/1it 0ormat is used.
%!&!&!.! '(TR'#4A94T8PE
*! De$inition and +ormat
+)is parameter sets t)e de0ault 0ormat used 1y an &S in a BPC=E+ CO5+RO<
C=5O?<EDG&E5+C messa*e.
+)is parameter is represented 1y 11it. B.C means t)at t)e 0our access 1ursts
0ormat2 and B1Cmeans R<C/&C control 1loc3 0ormat.
%!&!&!:! 6S4;4)A3
*! De$inition and +ormat
+)is parameter is t)e 1inary representation o0 t)e parameter ,S9C>9&82
")ic) is used 1y an &S to calculate t)e Countdo"n >alue 4C>6. +)is parameter
consists o0 0our 1inary codes2 and ran*es 0rom . to 1$.
0ter settin* t)e Countdo"n >alue 4C>6 in uplin3 R<C data 1loc3s2 an &S
noti0ies t)e net"or3 o0 ,S5M o0 R<C data 1loc3 to 1e trans0erred in t)e uplin3
+,F. +)e C> is calculated in t)e 0ollo"in* 0ormulaF



. , 1 5
, _ _ ,
, t h e n
i n t e g e r L e t
o t h e r w i s e
M A X C V B S x i f x
r o u n d x

B+,CC stands 0or total R<C data 1loc3s to 1e trans0erred in +,F.

,S5N stands 0or t)e a1solute se@uence num1er o0 t)e R<C data 1loc3s. #t
2..$/11/.! ll ri*)ts reserved Pa*e' o0 $!
GPRS/EDGE Radio Parameters For internal use only
ran*es 0rom . to 4+,C / 16.

5+S stands 0or t)e num1er o0 timeslots assi*ned to uplin3 +,F. #t ran*es
0rom 1 to '.

>alues o0 =F ?)en t)e &CS is &CS/(2 &CS/'2 or &CS/72 t)e value is 2.

For ot)er cases2 t)e value is 1.

+)e value o0 round 46 is t)e smallest inte*er in t)e 1race 1rac3et.

,S9C>9&8 is 1roadcast t)rou*) system in0ormation 4S#6.

+)e result o0 t)e division is not an inte*er. ?)en +,C / ,S5N O 1 I .2 t)e result is
**! Setting and E$$ect
t t)e point in time t)e mo1ile station transmits t)e 0irst R<C data 1loc3
indicatin* a value o0 C> ot)er t)an 1$2 t)e mo1ile station s)all transmit
a0ter"ards eDactly 4+,C / ,S5N / 16 untransmitted R<C data 1loc3s. #0 t)e mo1ile
station receives a c)an*e in t)e C)annel Codin* Command in a
PC=E+ :P<#5= C=/5C= messa*e durin* t)e countdo"n procedure2 t)e
mo1ile station s)all act upon t)e ne" C)annel Codin* Command. +)e mo1ile
station s)all t)en recalculate t)e C> values 0or any untransmitted R<C data
1loc3s usin* t)e ne" R<C data 1loc3 si-e. #0 t)e mo1ile station success0ully
completes t)e contention resolution procedure durin* one p)ase access and t)e
countdo"n procedure is already runnin*2 t)e mo1ile station s)all recalculate t)e
C> values 0or any untransmitted R<C data 1loc3s. ny data t)at arrive 0rom t)e
)i*)er layer a0ter t)e commencement o0 t)e countdo"n process s)all 1e sent
"it)in a 0uture +,F.
+)e &S can retransmit t)e R<C data 1loc3s to respond to t)e BPac3et c3/5ac3C
messa*e durin* t)e countdo"n. #0 t)e &S retrans0ers t)e R<C data 1loc3s2 it
uses t)e same C> used 0or transmittin* R<C data 1loc3s earily..
Durin* t)e countdo"n second2 an &S can send a R<C/&C control 1loc3 to
respond to a @uery re@uest. For 0iDed assi*nment2 ")en t)e &S counts .2 it
releases t)e current uplin3 resources. #0 receivin* a ne" assi*nment messa*e
durin* t)e countdo"n second2 t)e &S uses a ne" assi*nment order ")en t)e
countdo"n process ends. +)e net"or3 provides uplin3 resources 0or &S to
retransmit t)e R<C data 1loc3s2 "it)out sendin* an B:plin3 resource Re@uestC
%!&!&!/! PA(4DE
*! De$inition and +ormat
+)e parameter sets a value o0 parameter Pan9Dec used 1y counter 5!1.2 o0 an
&S. ?)en t)e +!1'2 o0 t)e &S eDpires2 t)e 5!1.2 reduces Pan9Dec value. +)e
2..$/11/.! ll ri*)ts reserved Pa*e7 o0 $!
GPRS/EDGE Radio Parameters For internal use only
value is represented 1y !1it2 and ran*es 0rom . to (.
?)en t)e net"or3 Eud*es t)e radio lin3 0ailure2 t)e Pan9Dec parameter and
5!1.2 at &S side are used at t)e same time. ?)en t)e &S detects t)e transmit
"indo" stall 4>4S6 I >46 P ?S62 it must start +!1'2.
> 4S6 G > 46 P ?S occurs a0ter an &S receives a BPac3et :plin3 c3/5ac3J
messa*e. t t)is time2 t)e &S stops +!1'2.
?)en t)e +!1'2 eDpires2 t)e &S su1tracts P59DEC 0rom t)e counter 5!1.2
and per0orm an a1normal release o0 +,F "it) access retry.
?)en &S receives a BPac3et c3/5ac3C messa*e and allo"s t)e increase o0 >
4S6 or > 462 t)e value P59#5C is added to t)e counter 5!1.22 1ut 5!1.2
cannot eDceed t)e P59&8 value.
?)en 5!1.2 Q .2 t)e &S per0orms an a1normal release o0 +,F2 and tri**ers cell
#0 P59DEC2 P59#5C2 and P59&8 are set to .2 t)e counter 5!1.2 is
> 4S6 stands 0or Bsend state varia1leC2 and > 46 stands 0or Bac3no"led*e state
#n a GPRS net"or32 t)e value 0or ?indo" Si-e 4?S6 is %4. #n an EGPRS
net"or32 t)e maDimum values o0 ?S vary accordin* to di00erent timeslots
assi*ned 1y t)e net"or32 and t)ey are *reater t)an %4. For details2 see Protocol
04.60 V8.5.0 Chapter 9.1.9..
n &S operatin* "it) a 0iDed allocation must start or restart timer +!1'4 upon
receivin* a BPac3et :plin3 c3/5ac3C messa*e. #0 timer +!1'4 eDpires2 t)e &S
must per0orm an a1normal release "it) access retry.
**! Setting and E$$ect
#ncreasin* t)e value o0 P59&8 and P59#5C and decreasin* t)e value o0
P59DEC reduce t)e possi1ility o0 +,F a1normal release "it) cell reselection
")en t)e &S cannot receive BPac3et :plin3 c3C messa*es. Ao"ever2 t)e &S
sei-es radio resources 0or a lon* time ")en 0ailin* to transmit t)e data and
stoppin* on t)e transmit "indo". +)us2 t)e resource utili-ation rate is lo".
Decreasin* t)e value o0 P59&8 value and P59#5C value and increasin* t)e
P59DEC value adds t)e possi1ility o0 +,F a1normal release "it) cell
reselection2 and t)e normal release rate o0 t)e +,F decreases. +)us2 data
transmission rate is a00ected.
2..$/11/.! ll ri*)ts reserved Pa*e1. o0 $!
GPRS/EDGE Radio Parameters For internal use only
%!&!&!0! PA(4*(
*! De$inition and +ormat
+)is parameter de0ines t)e increment step 0or counter 5!1.2 o0 an &S. ?)en
t)e &S receives a BPac3et c3/5ac3C messa*e and allo"s t)e increase o0 >4S6
or > 462 P59#5C is added to counter 5!1.22 1ut t)e 5!1.2 value cannot
eDceed t)e P59&8 value.
**! Setting and E$$ect
For details2 see ##Settin* and E00ect.
%!&!&!&1! PA(4)A3
*! De$inition and +ormat
+)is parameter de0ines t)e maDimum value allo"ed 0or counter 5!1.2 o0 an &S.
#t is represented 1y !1it2 and ...2 ..1K111 indicate 42 'K!2 respectively.
**! Setting and E$$ect
For details2 see ##Settin* and E00ect
GPRS cell option parameters:
%!&!&!&&! T-&0- <(etwor= Side Timer>
*! De$inition and +ormat
+!17! controls t)e time 0or +,F release a0ter ,SS receives t)e 0inal data 1loc3.
0ter t)e net"or3 receives a BPac3et Do"nlin3 c3/5ac3C messa*e 4F# I 16 or a
BPac3et Control c3no"led*ementC messa*e2 +!17! starts.
#0 t)e net"or3 receives t)e last BPac3et Do"nlin3 c3/5ac3C messa*e or a
BPac3et Control c3no"led*ementC messa*e durin* t)e operation2 t)e +!17!
?)en t)e net"or3 esta1lis)es a ne" do"nlin3 +,F 0or t)e &S2 +!17! stops.
#0 t)e +!17! eDpires2 t)e net"or3 releases +,F and t)e related +F# resources.
**! Setting and E$$ect
+!17! corresponds to +!172 at t)e &S side2 and t)e settin* and e00ect are t)e
same2 1e sure t)at t)e time len*t) must lon*er t)an t)at o0 t)e +!172.
2..$/11/.! ll ri*)ts reserved Pa*e11 o0 $!
GPRS/EDGE Radio Parameters For internal use only
%!!&!,! GPRS ell Access ontrol Parameters
*! PRAH ontrol Parameters
PRCA Control Parameters provide t)e in0ormation used 0or controllin* an &S
to use t)e PRCA. +)ese parameters areF




%!&!,!&! A4'(TR4#ASS
*! De$inition and +ormat
+)is parameter de0ines t)at an &S 4ccess Control Class I 56 is allo"ed or
0or1idden to access GPRS cells. +)e codin* o0 t)is parameter is 1% 1itmap2 and
eac) 1 1it corresponds to an access control class. For eDample2 i0 t)e access
control class 0or an access/allo"ed cell o0 an &S is 52 t)e correspondin* 1it is
set to .R i0 t)e &S is 0or1idden to access GPRS cells2 1it 1 is con0i*ured. 5ote
t)at t)e 1it 11 means t)e emer*ency calls.
**! Setting and E$$ect
Classes . to 7 are common access classes. Eac) su1scri1er is allocated 0or a
class randomly2 and t)is class is recorded in t)e S#& card o0 t)e su1scri1er.
Classes 11 to 1$ are special classes2 and t)ey are allocated to partial
Classes 11 to 1$ are allocated as 0ollo"sF

Class 1$/// P<&5 sta00

Class 14/// Emer*ency service departments

Class 1!// Pu1lic departments 4suc) as "ater and *as supply departments6

Class 12//Security department

Class 11//P<&5
5ote t)at *reater num1er does not mean )i*)er access priority. :nder special
cases2 net"or3 operators can restrict t)e access o0 some classes o0 su1scri1er
to reduce t)e system load 0or emer*ency events.
2..$/11/.! ll ri*)ts reserved Pa*e12 o0 $!
GPRS/EDGE Radio Parameters For internal use only
%!&!,!,! )a54Retrans&?)a54Retrans%
*! De$inition and +ormat
+)is parameter de0ines t)e times o0 radio priority class 1O4 o0 &S respectively to
retransmit a BPac3et C)annel ccess Re@uestC. <evel 1 is t)e )i*)est radio
priority level.
+)is parameter is coded accordin* to t)e 0ollo"in* ta1le.
2 1
. . once at mose
. 1 t"ice at most
1 . 0our times at most
1 1 seven times at most
**! Setting and E$$ect
5et"or3 operators can set t)e maDimum times an &S to retransmit a BPac3et
C)annel ccess Re@uestC. +)e *reater t)e &aD9Retrans is2 t)e )i*)er t)e
success rate o0 t)e pac3et random access correspondin* to radio priority
#n cells "it) )eavy tra00ic2 a lar*er &aD9Retrans can cause overload and
con*estion o0 radio c)annels. +)us2 t)e success rate o0 pac3et access and t)e
radio utili-ation decrease. ?)ereas2 a smaller &aD9Retrans reduces t)e success
rate o0 pac3et access..
:nder actual conditions2 )i*) radio priority services must 1e *uaranteed..
lar*er &aD9Retrans is con0i*ured 0or )i*) radio priority services2 and a smaller
&aD9Retrans is con0i*ured 0or lo" radio priority services. &ean")ile2 a smaller
&aD9Retrans is con0i*ured 0or cells "it) )eavy tra00ic2 and a lar*er &aD9Retrans
is con0i*ured 0or cells "it) small tra00ic.
%!&!,!-! T34*(T and S
*! De$inition and +ormat
+)e parameter S calculates t)e minimum timeslot interval 1et"een t"o
continuous BPac3et C)annel ccess Re@uestC messa*es. +)e parameter
+89#5+ indicates t)e num1er o0 eDtended transmission timeslot o0 random
access. +)e t"o parameters decide t)e timeslot interval o0 t"o continuous
BPac3et C)annel ccess Re@uestC messa*es.
# lists t)e timeslot interval o0 t"o continuous BPac3et C)annel ccess Re@uestC
messa*es. #t is a random value in 0rom SS2 SP1KSP+D#ntO1T2 and # lists t)e
2..$/11/.! ll ri*)ts reserved Pa*e1! o0 $!
GPRS/EDGE Radio Parameters For internal use only
relations)ip 1et"een +89#5+ and S.
Table &!& +imeslot intervals o0 t"o continuous BPac3et C)annel ccess Re@uestC
T34*(T coding orresponding
T34*(T coding orresponding
1111 - &111 &&
111& % &11& &,
11&1 2 &1&1 &%
11&& . &1&& &.
1&11 : &&11 ,1
1&1& / &&1& ,2
1&&1 0 &&&1 -,
1&&& &1 &&&& 21
Table &!, Relations)ip 1et"een +89#5+ and S
T5@integer S
n &S uses 1ot) CCCA
n &S uses eit)er CCCA
!2 '2 142 $. $$ 41
42 72 1% (% $2
$2 1.2 2. 1.7 $'
%2 112 2$ 1%! '%
(2 122 !2 21( 11$

?)en an &S sends t)e BPac3et C)annel ccess Re@uestC messa*es 0or
t)e 0irst time2 t)e timeslot interval is a random value 0rom S.2 1K&8 4+2 '6
O 1T.

+)e timeslot interval o0 any t"o continuous BPac3et C)annel ccess

Re@uestC messa*es 4t)e timeslot 0or sendin* messa*es is eDcluded6 is a
random value 0rom SS2 S P 1KS P +O1T.
**! Setting and E$$ect
+)e *reater t)e value o0 parameter + is2 t)e lon*er t)e timeslot interval 1et"een
t"o continuous BPac3et C)annel ccess Re@uestC messa*es. +)us2 t)e c)ances
0or t)e collision o0 t)e t"o messa*es are smaller on RCA.
2..$/11/.! ll ri*)ts reserved Pa*e14 o0 $!
GPRS/EDGE Radio Parameters For internal use only
+)e *reater t)e value 0or parameter S is2 t)e lon*er t)e timeslot interval 1et"een
t"o BPac3et C)annel ccess Re@uestC messa*es. +)us2 t)e c)ances 0or t)e
collision o0 t)e t"o messa*es are smaller on RCA and t)e utili-ation o0 t)e
GCA and SDCCA is )i*)er. ,ut t)e &S access time ta3es lon*. t t)is time2
t)e access per0ormance o0 t)e net"or3 decreases.
Generally2 select t)e value 0or + ")ere t)e S is as small as possi1le to s)orten
an &S access time2 1ut no overload is present on GCA and SDCCA.
%!&!,!%! PERS*STE(E4#E;E#&?PERS*STE(E4#E;E#%
*! De$inition and +ormat
+)is parameter de0ines t)e P 4i6 value o0 an &S ")ose radio priority is 1. P<2
de0ines t)e P 4i6 value o0 an &S ")ose radio priority is 22 and so on.
Radio priority 1 corresponds to t)e )i*)est priority. ?)en an &S sends a BPac3et
C)annel Re@uestC messa*e2 it de0ines t)e R randomly 0rom S.2 12 2K1$T. #0 P 4i6
Q R2 t)e &S sends t)e messa*e.
+)is parameter is coded accordin* to t)e 0ollo"in* ta1le.
4 ! 2 1
. . . . persistence level .
. . . 1 persistence level 1
. . 1 . persistence level 2
. . 1 1 persistence level !
. 1.... persistence level 4
1 1 1 . persistence level 14
1 1 1 1 persistence level 1%
**! Setting and E$$ect
;ou can set di00erent persistence access levels 0or di00erent radio priorities.
#0 P 4i6 I .2 it is smaller t)an any R value2 t)at is2 all t)eCPac3et C)annel ccess
Re@uestsC are allo"ed.
#0 P 4i6 I 1% 4t)e maDimum value62 it is al"ays *reater t)an R value2 t)at is2 all t)e
BPac3et ccess Re@uestsC are 0or1idden.
#0 P 4i6 I 12 22 !K1$2 t)e net"or3 reEects partial BPac3et C)annel ccess
Re@uestsC. +)e *reater t)e P 4i6 is2 t)e more t)eC Pac3et C)annel ccess
Re@uestsC are reEected.
Settin* di00erent persistence access levels 0or di00erent radio priorities can restrict
partial pac3et access services. +)us2 t)e c)ances 0or t)e collision o0 random
access are small and di00erent services can o1tain t)e re@uired services.
2..$/11/.! ll ri*)ts reserved Pa*e1$ o0 $!
GPRS/EDGE Radio Parameters For internal use only
PCCCH Parameters
PCCCA parameters control t)e or*ani-ation o0 t)e PCCCAs in a cell. #t includesF
%!&!,!2! 6SP6H6l=s
+)is parameter de0ines t)e num1er o0 1loc3s allocated 0or t)e P,CCA in t)e
PCCCA multi0rame.
%!&!,!.! 6SPAG6l=sRes
+)is parameter sets t)e num1er o0 1loc3s on eac) PDCA carryin* t)e PCCCA
per multi0rame ")ere neit)er PPCA nor P,CCA s)ould appear. #0 t)e
multi0rames in a 1loc3 are $1/multi0rame2 t)e 1loc3 is reserved to PGCA. #0 t)e
multi0rames in a 1loc3 are $2/multi0rame2 t)e 1loc3 is reserved to PGCA2
PD+CA2 and PCCA.
%!&!,!:! 6SPRAH6l=s
+)is parameter controls t)e num1er o0 1loc3s reserved 0or PRCA on PDCA
carryin* PCCCA.
2..$/11/.! ll ri*)ts reserved Pa*e1% o0 $!
GPRS/EDGE Radio Parameters For internal use only
Attributes of a serving cell
ttri1utes o0 a service cell includesF






%!&!,!/! E##46AR4AESS4,
*! De$inition and +ormat
+)is parameter com1ines t)e CE<<9,R9CCESS and CE<<9,R9L:<#F;
parameters and indicates t)e status o0 cell reselection. BPermitC means t)at t)e
cell reselection status is BnormalC. B5oPermitC means t)at t)e cell reselection
status is B1arredC.
**! Setting and E$$ect
+)e values o0 C,2 and C,L2 a00ect t)e priority o0 cell selection and
reselection. For details2 see ## and ##.
Table &!- E00ect o0 C,2 value and C,L2 value on cell reselection and priority
ell selection priority ell reselection status
.. . normal normal
.. 1 1arred 1arred
1. 8 normal normal
11 8 lo" normal
If CBQ2 is set to 10 or 11, the value of CB2 is u!!ecessar".
2..$/11/.! ll ri*)ts reserved Pa*e1( o0 $!
GPRS/EDGE Radio Parameters For internal use only
Table &!% Priority o0 cell and reselection decided 1y C,L22 C,L2 and C,
C,L2 C,L C, Cell selection
Cell reselection
11 1 1 normal normal
11 1 & barred barred
11 & 1 low normal <note
11 & & low normal <note
&1 3 3 normal normal <note
&& 3 3 low normal <note
If the CBQ is set to !" or !!# the value of CBA is unnecessar$%
#0 t)e 0ollo"in* re@uirements are met2 t)e Bcell selection priorityC and Bcell
reselection statusC are set to BnormalC.

+)e cell is in t)e AP<&5 o0 an &S.

+)e &S in t)e cell "or3s in a test and operation mode.

+)e C, value is 1.

+)e C,L value is ..

+)e C,L2 value is ...

+)e access control class 1$ is 1arred.

16 ?)en t)e cells "it) common priority contain no suita1le cells2 t)e cells "it)
lo" priority can 1e selected.
26 Operators sets a lo" priority 0or a cell in t)e case o0 P)ase 2 &S2 1ut can
still decide t)at t)e P)ase 1 &S camps on t)is cell.
!6 CE<<9,R9L:<#F;92 means t)at a cell does not support voice. For &Ss
o0 R77 earlier2 ")en t)e C, and C,L are set to 1 and . respectively2 t)e
cells are 1arred. &Ss 1e0ore R77 are 1arred in t)e cell.
%!&!,!0! E34A
*! De$inition and +ormat
E8C9CC is used 1y t)e net"or3 to prevent &S "it)out eDclusive access ri*)ts
0rom campin* on t)e cell. +)is parameter is represented 1y 1,it.
BEDclusive 4namely2 16C means t)at a cell is used 0or t)e Support o0 <ocali-ed
Service rea 4So<S6 eDclusive access2 and 5oneDclusive 4namely2 .6 means
t)at a cell is not used 0or So<S eDclusive access.
2..$/11/.! ll ri*)ts reserved Pa*e1' o0 $!
GPRS/EDGE Radio Parameters For internal use only
**! Setting and E$$ect
+)is parameter is sent in S#!2 S#!1is2 pac3et cell update order2 or pac3et
measurement order.

Support o0 <ocali-ed Service rea 4So<S6 is t)e local servin* cell

consistin* o0 a cell or a series o0 cells. +)e cells can 1e no/seamless
+)e <S parameter in0ormation element 4#E6 is used 0or cell reelection o0 So<S
&S. +)is #E contains a series o0 <S9#D4s6 correspondin* to t)e item Bdd
Fre@uency list structureC in t)e neDt list o0 S#. +)e S# includes pac3et cell update
order2 pac3et measurement order2 or t)e ,/GPRS used in S#! or S#!1is.+)e
<S parameter #E can 1e null.
#0 t)ere are too 0e" items in t)e <S parameter #E2 empty items must 1e added at
t)e end. #0 t)ere are too many items in t)e <S parameter #E2 t)e last item must
1e omitted.
%!&!,!&1! GPRS4R5#ev4Access4)in
+)is parameter de0ines t)e minimum receivin* level re@uired in t)e cell ")en an
&S accesses t)e system. +)e &S calculates C1 value t)rou*) t)e parameter.
%!&!,!&&! GPRS4)s4T5Pwr4)a54H
+)is parameter de0ines t)e maDimum transmit po"er level ")en an &S
accesses t)e pac3et control c)annel.
%!&!,!&,! GPRS4Priority4lass
+)is parameter de0ines t)e class o0 )ierarc)ical cell structure 4ACS6 o0 a GPRS
%!&!,!&-! HS4THR
*! De$inition and +ormat
+)is parameter de0ines t)e Aierarc)ical Cell Structure 4ACS6 si*nal stren*t)
t)res)old2 and Eud*es t)e si*nal level t)res)old o0 ACS.
2..$/11/.! ll ri*)ts reserved Pa*e17 o0 $!
GPRS/EDGE Radio Parameters For internal use only
+)is parameter is coded accordin* to t)e 0ollo"in* ta1le.
$ 4 ! 2 1
. . . . . /11. d,m
. . . . 1 /1.' d,m
1 1 1 1 1 /4' d,m
**! Setting and E$$ect
C!1 and C!2 are ne" al*orit)ms 0or GS& cell reselection2 and t)ey are used
only ")en P,CCA is present in t)e system.
C!1 uses si*nal stren*t) decision rule. +)is rule is called as level t)res)old
decision rule o0 ACS2 and decides t)e cell reselection priority 0or )ierarc)ical
GPRS and <S.
+)e C!1 is de0ined as 0ollo"sF

#n servin* cells2 C!1 4s6 I R<9P 4s6 / ACS9+AR 4s6.

#n nei*)1or cells2 C!1 4n6 I R<9P 4n6 / ACS9+AR 4n6 O +O 4n6 U < 4n6.
BR<9PC indicates t)e receivin* si*nal level2 B+OC indicates t)e temporary o00set2
and B<C is related to t)e priority class.

#0 t)e PR#OR#+;9C<SSS 4servin* cell6 is t)e same "it)

PR#OR#+;9C<SSS 4nei*)1or cell62 B<C is ..

#0 PR#OR#+;9C<SSS 4servin* cell6 is not t)e same "it)

PR#OR#+;9C<SSS 4nei*)1or cell62 B<C is 1.
PSI!&relate' Attributes
+)e PS#1/related attri1utes include 0ollo"in* parametersF



2..$/11/.! ll ri*)ts reserved Pa*e2. o0 $!
GPRS/EDGE Radio Parameters For internal use only
%!&!,!&%! PS*&4Repeat4Period
*! Dedinition and +ormat
+)is parameter calculates +C value. +)e value sets t)e 0rames and 1loc3s 0or
sendin* PS# on P,CCA.
+)is parameter is coded accordin* to t)e 0ollo"in* ta1le.
4 ! 2 1
. . . . PS#1 repeated period I 1 multi0rame
. . . 1 PS#1 repeated period I 2 multi0rames
1 1 1 1 PS#1 repeat period I 1% multi0rames
+)is parameter can 1e sent t)rou*) t)e S#1! on ,CCA2 PS#1 on P,CCA2 or
PS#! or PS#!1is o0 nei*)1or cells received 1y servin* cell.
**! Setting and E$$ect
#0 t)e ,CCA is present2 +C value is 4F5 D#> $16 mod 4'66. Di00erent types o0
messa*es are sent at correspondin* occasions 1ased on +C values.
#0 t)e ,CCA is present2 +> value is calculated as in t)e 0ollo"in* 0ormulaF
+C I 4F5 D#> $26 mod PS#19REPE+9PER#OD
?)en +C value is .2 PS#1 #S sent accordin* to t)e rules in 1 and 2. Ot)er PS# is
divided into t"o *roups. One *roup is sent at a lo"er repeated rate. +)e ot)er
*roup is sent at a )i*)er repeated rate.
+)e later *roup is indicated 1y t)e parameter PS#9CO:5+9AR in PS#12 and t)e
values o0 t)is parameter ran*e 0rom . to 1%. +)e S# in t)is *roup is sent
accordin* to rule !.
+)e 0ormer *roup is indicated 1y t)e parameter PS#9CO:5+9<R in PS#12 and
t)e values o0 t)is parameter ran*e 0rom . to 1%. +)e S# in t)is *roup is sent
accordin* ot rule 4.
+)e rules 0or sendin* PS# are as 0ollo"sF
16 ?)en +C is .2 PS#1 is sent on 1loc3 ,..
26 #0 t)e value o0 ,S9P,CCA9,<=S is *reater t)an 12 t)e PS#1 must 1e sent
on 1loc3 ,% ")en +C is ..
!6 +)e PS# in t)e *roup "it) )i*) repetition rate is sent in t)e order o0
occurrence se@uence ")en +C is . usin* t)e P,CCA 1loc3s "it)in eac)
multi0rame. +)e sendin* must not occupy t)e rules in 1 and 2. +)e PS#
se@uence is repeated ")en +C is ..
46 +)e PS# messa*es in t)e *roup "it) lo" repetition rate are sent
2..$/11/.! ll ri*)ts reserved Pa*e21 o0 $!
GPRS/EDGE Radio Parameters For internal use only
continuously in t)e order o0 occurrence se@uence usin* t)e P,CCA 1loc3s
"it)in eac) multi0rame. +)e sendin* must not occupy t)e rules in 1 and 2.
+)e PS# se@uence is repeated ")en F5 is ..
#0 a special type o0 PS# is divided into several parts2 t)ey are sent in t)e same
PS# *roup accordin* to rules ! or 4. +)e PS# parts are sent in an ascendin*
order o0 PS# num1er.
+)e same PS# cannot 1e repeated in t)e list decided 1y PS#9CO:5+9<R and
+)e ")ole PS# consists o0F

+)e part speci0ied 1y PS#9CO:5+9<R

+)e part speci0ied 1y PS#9CO:5+9AR


+)e net"or3 must use t)e parameter ,S9P,CCA9,<=S and

PS#19REPE+9PER#OD and t)e PS# o0 a cell can 1e sent accordin* to t)e
rules 0rom 1 to 4.

+)e net"or3 must optimi-e PS# 1roadcast so t)at an &S o1tains t)e
parameters 0or cell reselection and access "it)out t)e consideration o0
po"er consumption only.

n &S can estimate t)e minimum time 0or cell reselection usin* a PS#
mappin* solution.
%!&!,!&2! E3T4)easurement4'rder
+)is parameter indicates )o" an &S sends t)e measurement report. #0 t)e value
is B5OC2 t)e &S per0orms t)e cell reselection does not send a measurement
report to t)e net"or3.
#0 t)e value is B;ESC2 t)e &S must send a measurement report durin* cell
reselection 0or eDtended measurement 4E&6 o0 net"or3.
BE&.C2 means t)at t)e &S does not per0orm t)e E&.
BE&1C means t)at t)e &S must send an E& report to net"or3.
%!&!,!&.! PS*Status*nd
*! De$inition and +ormat
PS# Status #ndication 4PS#Status#nd6 determines ")et)er t)e net"or3 supports
BPC=E+ PS# S++:SC messa*e. +)is parameter is con0i*ured as J5OC 1y
2..$/11/.! ll ri*)ts reserved Pa*e22 o0 $!
GPRS/EDGE Radio Parameters For internal use only
**! Setting and +ormat
+)is parameter is optional2 and an &S also can re@uire system in0ormation. #0 t)e
net"or3 supports t)e BPC=E+ PS# S++:SC messa*e2 an &S o1tains P,CCA
in0ormation ")ile sendin* a BPC=E+ PS# S++:SC messa*e to net"or3.
BPC=E+ PS# S++:SC messa*e indicates t)e status o0 PS# saved in t)e &S.
+)e &S must contain more PS# as possi1le meetin* t)e PS# list structure in t)e
received BPC=E+ PS# S++:SC messa*es. +)e 0ollo"in* rules must 1e

+)e PS# type must 1e related to &S/supported c)aracteristics2 suc) as non/

GS& capa1ility and multi/R+ a1ility.

+)e net"or3 must speci0y t)e type o0 optional PS# on P,CCA.

+)e PS# type values are included in t)e PS# list o0 t)e BPS# S++:SC messa*es.
+)e net"or3 decides PS# types t)at an &S can receive and t)e status o0 PS#
saved in t)e &S 1y usin* t)is messa*e.
?)en o1tainin* part o0 PS# messa*es2 an &S must o1tain P# c)an*e mar3s o0
P# messa*e types. . t t)is time2 t)e &S points out t)e current status o0 t)e PS#
type in t)e BPC=E+ PS# S++:SC messa*e2 eDcept t)at ")en t)e PS# indeD is
.2 t)at is2 t)e status o0 t)e PS# type pointed out 1y t)e &S is di00erent 0rom t)at o0
t)e BPC=E+ PS# S++:SC messa*eC received 1y t)e &S.
?)en t)e &S "or3s in pac3et transmission mode2 a BPC=E+ PS# S++:SC
messa*e is sent on PCCA. ?)en t)e &S o1tains t)e P,CCA in0ormation2 t)e
BPC=E+ PS# S++:SC messa*e is sent 0irst at a proper time a0ter t)e process
?)en t)e &S o1tains P,CCA in0ormation22 t)e BPC=E+ PS# S++:SC
messa*e can 1e sent to t)e net"or3 0or 0our times at most2 "it) t)e interval o0
one second.
?)en t)e &S suspends t)e +,F to receive t)e re@uired PS# on P,CCA2 t)e
BPC=E+ PS# S++:SC messa*e cannot 1e sent. ?)en t)e &S )as o1tained
t)e ")ole PS# on P,CCA2 t)e &S does not need to send t)e BPC=E+ PS#
S++:SC messa*e.
%!!&!-! Power ontrol Parameters
n &S uses po"er control parameters to de0ine transmit po"er level. Po"er
control parameters areF



2..$/11/.! ll ri*)ts reserved Pa*e2! o0 $!
GPRS/EDGE Radio Parameters For internal use only




%!&!-!&! A#PHA
*! De$inition and +ormat
+)is parameter calculates t)e PCA value o0 &S output po"er on eac) PDCA.
+)is parameter de0ines t)e reduced &S +8 levels correspondin* to pat) loss
")en t)e &S GPRS dynamic po"er control is used. n &S uses t)is parameter
to calculate t)e PCA uplin3 PDCA output po"er. For open loop po"er control2
t)e codin* B1..C is used.
+)is parameter is coded accordin* to t)e 0ollo"in* ta1le.
4 ! 2 1
. . . . V I ...
. . . 1 V I ..1
. . 1 . V I ..2
1 . . 1 V I ..7
1 . 1 . V I 1..
**! Setting and E$$ect
+)e PCA value 0or &S 0re@uency output po"er on eac) PDCA is calculated as
PCA I min 4 . / CA / U 4C P 4'62 P&86

B CAC indicates po"er control parameter de0ined 1y c)annels. +)is

parameter is sent to an &S t)oru*) R<C control messa*es.

B .C indicates t)at 0or GS&4..2 GS&7..2 and GS&'$.2 !7d,m is used.

B C indicates t)e system parameter. #t can 1e 1roadcast on P,CCA and

sent t)rou*) R<C control messa*es.

BCC indicates t)e uni0ied incomin* level o0 an &S.

BP&8C indicates t)e maDimum output po"er o0 a cell. ?)en P,CCA or

CP,CCA eDists2 t)e P&8 is GPRS9&S9+8P?R9&89CCAR ot)er"ise2
2..$/11/.! ll ri*)ts reserved Pa*e24 o0 $!
GPRS/EDGE Radio Parameters For internal use only
t)e P&8 is &S9+8P?R9&89CCA.
+)e previous values are represented 1y d,m.
?)en an &S receives ne" values o0 CA and 2 t)e &S updates t)e PCA
value t"o radio time 1loc3s a0ter receivin* t)e 0inal timeslot o0 t)e messa*e 1loc3
t)at contains a ne" PCA value. +)e t"o radio time 1loc3s provide t)e time 0or
timeslot reallocation.
+)ou*) )i*)er precision is provided2 an &S rounds t)e values o0 output po"er to
t)e nearest value. +)e actual transmit output po"er meets t)e actual precision
re@uired 1y GS& protocols. #n addition2 ")en t)e transmit output po"er
increases or decreases 1y 2d,2 t)e correspondin* transmit output po"er
increases or decreases 1y 1.$d,.
#n a radio 1loc32 t)e output po"er o0 0our 1ursts must 1e consistent "it) eac)
,e0ore PRCA or RCA accesses a cell and receivin* t)e 0irst po"er control
parameter on PDCA in pac3et trans0er p)ase2 t)e &S uses t)e de0ined P&8
output po"er to send messa*es.
&S9+8P?R9&89CCA is 1roadcast on ,CCAs o0 a cell. For t)e t)ree
cate*ories o0 1'.. &A- &Ss2 t)e values o0 PO?ER OFFSE+ must 1e added to
GPRS9&S9+8P?R9&89CCA is 1roadcast on P,CCAs and CP,CCAs o0 a
#0 receivin* t)e GPRS9&S9+8P?R9&89CCA on P,CCAs 1e0ore t)e PRCA
accesses a cell2 t)e &S uses &S9+8P?R9&89CCA to replace t)e P&8.
#0 an &S does not support t)e output po"er value 0rom t)e 0ormula2 t)e &S uses
t)e nearest value to support po"er trans0er.
%!&!-!,! T4A;G4C
*! De$inition and +ormat
+)is parameter sets t)e si*nal stren*t) 0ilter period 0or po"er control in pac3et
idle mode. n &S uses t)is parameter to measure t)e do"nlin3 si*nal stren*t) in
pac3et idle mode and calculate C value. Aere C stands 0or t)e level o0 &S to
receive si*nals2
+)is parameter is represented 1y $,it. +)e value is 2
/ % multi0rames2 amon*
")ic) t)e value o0 B=C ran*es 0rom . to 2$. ?)en t)e values o0 B=C are *reater
t)an 2$2 t)e &S interprets t)e value as 2$.
**! Setting and E$$ect
#n pac3et idle mode2 t)e &S periodically measure t)e received si*nal level o0 t)e
2..$/11/.! ll ri*)ts reserved Pa*e2$ o0 $!
GPRS/EDGE Radio Parameters For internal use only
PCCCA2 ,CCA2 CPCCCA2 C,CCA2 CFCCA2 or CSCA. +)e &S measures t)e
received si*nal level o0 eac) pa*in* 1loc3 monitored 1y t)e &S accordin* to its
current DR8 mode and its pa*in* *roup.
Follo"in* 0ormula calculates t)e normali-ed C value 0or eac) radio 1loc3F
C1loc3 n I SS1loc3 n P P1

BSS1loc32nC indicates t)e received si*nal level o0 t)e 0our normal 1ursts t)at
compose t)e 1loc3.

BP1C indicates t)e ,+S output po"er reduction 4relative to t)e output po"er
used on ,CCA6 used on t)e c)annel on ")ic) t)e measurements are
per0ormed. For PCCCA2 P1 is 1roadcast on P,CCA. #0 0re@uency )oppin* is
1ein* used on t)e associated p)ysical c)annel2 P1 is reduced 1y 2$H 0or
eac) 1urst in t)e 1loc3 ")ic) is received on t)e ,CCA 0re@uency. For
,CCA and 0or CO&PC+2 P1 is . 4not 1roadcast6.
Finally2 t)e C1loc32n values are 0iltered "it) a runnin* avera*e 0ilterF
Cn I 41/a6 WCn/1 P a WC1loc3 n

BaC is t)e 0or*ettin* 0actorF a I 1/&#5 4n2 &8 4$2 +>G9?U5DR866.

?)en BaJ is near to 12 C1loc3 n 0unctions rat)er t)an Cn/1. ?)en JaC is near
to .2 Cn/1 0unctions.

B5DR8C indicates t)e avera*e num1er o0 monitored 1loc3s per multi0rame

accordin* to its current DR8 mode and its pa*in* *roup
%!&!-!-! TA;G4T
*! De$inition and +ormat
+)is parameter sets t)e si*nal stren*t) 0ilter period 0or po"er control in pac3et
trans0er mode. n &S uses t)is parameter to measure t)e do"nlin3 si*nal
stren*t) in pac3et trans0er mode and calculate C value.
+)is parameter is represented 1y $,it. +)e value is 2
/ % multi0rames2 amon*
")ic) t)e value o0 B=C ran*es 0rom . to 2$. ?)en t)e values o0 B=C are *reater
t)an 2$2 t)e &S interprets t)e value as 2$.
**! Seting and E$$ect
#n pac3et trans0er mode2 t)e &S uses t)e same received si*nal level
measurements as made 0or cell reselection on t)e ,CCA carrier o0 t)e servin*
cell or2 0or CO&PC+2 on t)e CP,CCA carrier o0 t)e servin* cell. +)e
measurements are 0iltered "it) a runnin* avera*e 0ilterF
Cn I 41/16 Cn/1 P 1 SS n2
2..$/11/.! ll ri*)ts reserved Pa*e2% o0 $!
GPRS/EDGE Radio Parameters For internal use only

SSn is t)e received si*nal level o0 t)e measurement samples.

B1C is t)e 0or*ettin* 0actor. 1I1/4%U +>G9+6.

BnC is t)e iteration indeD. ?)en enterin* pac3et trans0er mode2 t)e 0ilter
continues usin* t)e values o0 n and C o1tained in pac3et idle mode.
#0 t)e parameter indicates to use one PDCA2 t)e &S replaces t)e received si*nal
level measurement o0 eac) radio 1loc3 on t)e PDCA monitored 1y t)e &S 0or
#0 t)e do"nlin3 po"er control closes2 t)e PC9&ES9CA5 indicates
measurements on t)e ,CCA or CP,CCA2 or t)e &S is not re@uired to meet
.$..$ re@uirements.
+)e &S can discard ne" PC9&ES9CA5 values received in pac3et trans0er
mode. For eac) do"nlin3 radio 1loc3 C1loc32n2 i0 P,CCA does not eDist2 and 0or
CO&PC+2 t)e value o0 P1 is .2 C1loc3 n I SS1loc3 n P P1. Finally2 t)e C1loc32n values
are 0iltered "it) a runnin* avera*e 0ilterF
Cn I 41/c6 Cn/1 P c C1loc3 n

BcC is t)e 0or*ettin* 0actor. C I 1/412U +>G9+6.

BnC is t)e iteration indeD. ?)en enterin* pac3et trans0er mode2 t)e 0ilter
continues usin* t)e values o0 n and Cn o1tained in pac3et idle mode.
5ote t)at t)is met)od is suita1le in t)e case ")ere ,CCA or CP,CCA is in
anot)er 0re@uency 1and t)an t)e used PDCAs.
Eac) time a ne" Cn value is o1tained or ")enever t)e &S uses ne"
CA or
values2 t)e current Cn value is used to update 0ormula PCA I min4
. /
CA / U
4C P 4'62 P&86.
For eac) received 1loc3 on PDCAs monitored 1y t)e &S2 t)e &S calculates t)e
variance o0 t)e received si*nal level usin* t)e 0ollo"in* 0ormulaF
,<9>Rn I 1/ 4E/16US:& 4SS3 / SS1loc3 n6
2 3 I 1...4

BSS3C is t)e received si*nal level o0 1urst 3 "it)in t)e 1loc3.

BSS1loc32nC is t)e avera*e received si*nal level o0 t)e E normal 1ursts t)at
compose t)e radio 1loc3

BEC is t)e num1er o0 1ursts in t)e radio 1loc3. +)e maDimum value is 4.
#0 0re@uency )oppin* is used and 1 1urst o0 t)e 1loc3 is received on t)e ,CCA
carrier2 t)e 1urst is discarded 0rom t)e calculation2 namely2 E I !. #0 2 1ursts are
received on t)e ,CCA carrier2 t)e ")ole 1loc3 s)all 1e discarded. #0 ! 1ursts are
2..$/11/.! ll ri*)ts reserved Pa*e2( o0 $!
GPRS/EDGE Radio Parameters For internal use only
received on t)e ,CCA carrier2 t)e ot)er 1urst s)all 1e discarded2 namely2 E I !.
#0 more t)an one PDCA are monitored2 t)e &S tries to 0ind one correctly received
1loc3 0or t)e ,<9>R calculation in eac) 1loc3 period. +)e 1loc3 is 0rom any o0
t)e monitored PDCAs.
+)e reported value o0 S#G59>R is t)e avera*e ,<9>R value "it)in t)e
reportin* period. +)e 0irst reportin* period starts "it) t)e 0irst assi*nment
messa*e o0 an uplin3 or do"nlin3 trans0er. +)e reportin* period ends no earlier
t)an t"o 1loc3s 1e0ore t)e transmission o0 a @uality report and no later t)an one
1loc3 1e0ore t)e transmission o0 a @uality report. vera*ely2 measurements made
durin* previous reportin* periods al"ays are discarded.
S#G59>R is in t)e c)annel @uality report. #0 t)e c)annel @uality report is
included in a BPC=E+ RESO:RCE REL:ES+C messa*e2 ")ic) is
retransmitted due to lac3 o0 response2 t)e same S#G59>R value is repeated
and no ne" reportin* period is started. +)is "ill ensure t)at a valid S#G59>R
value eDists
n &S per0ormin* an uplin3 trans0er usin* )al0 dupleD mode is not re@uired to
measure received si*nal level. +)e &S updates PCA only ")en it receives ne"

CA values. #n t)is case2 t)e &S uses t)e last Cn value measured 1e0ore t)e
uplin3 trans0er
+>G9+ and PC9&ES9CA5 are 1roadcast on P,CCA. #0 P,CCA does not
eDist2 t)ey are 1roadcasted on ,CCA or on CP,CCA.
%!&!-!%! Pb
*! De$inition and +ormat
+)is parameter de0ines t)e po"er reduction value used 1y t)e ,+S on P,CCA
1loc3s. nd t)e value is relative to t)e output po"er used on ,CCA.
+)is parameter is coded in t)e 0ollo"in* ta1le.
4 ! 2 1
. . . . P1 I . D1
. . . 1 P1 I /2 d,
. . 1 . P1 I /4 d,
1 1 1 1 P1 I /!. d,
**! Setting and +ormat
Follo"in* 0ormula calculates t)e C value 0or eac) radio 1loc3F
2..$/11/.! ll ri*)ts reserved Pa*e2' o0 $!
GPRS/EDGE Radio Parameters For internal use only
C1loc3 n I SS1loc3 n P P1

BSS1loc32nC is t)e avera*e received si*nal level o0 t)e 0our normal 1ursts t)at
compose t)e 1loc3.

BP1C is t)e ,+S output po"er reduction 4relative to t)e output po"er used on
,CCA6 used on t)e c)annel ")ere t)e measurements are per0ormed. For
PCCCA2 P1 is 1roadcasted on P,CCA. #0 0re@uency )oppin* is used2 P1 is
reduced 1y 2$H 0or eac) 1urst in t)e 1loc3 ")ic) is received on t)e ,CCA
0re@uency. For ,CCA and CO&PC+2 i0 P1 is .2 it is not 1roadcasted.
%!&!-!2! P4)EAS4HA(
*! De$inition and +ormat
+)is parameter sets ")ere t)e &S s)all measures t)e received po"er level on
t)e do"nlin3 0or t)e purpose o0 t)e uplin3 po"er control.
#0 t)e value o0 t)e parameter is .2 it indicates t)at t)e do"nlin3 measurements 0or
po"er control are made on ,CCA. #0 t)e value o0 t)e parameter is 12 it indicates
t)at do"nlin3 measurements 0or po"er control are made on PDCA.
%!&!-!.! *(T4)EAS4HA((E#4#*ST
+)is parameter identi0ies a cell 1roadcasts #5+9&eas9C)annel9<ist messa*es
t)rou*) PS#4. #0 yes2 t)e PS#4 contains t)e c)annel list 0or inter0erence
#0 t)e value o0 t)e parameter is .2 it means t)at PS#4 does not 1roadcast
#5+9&eas9C)annel9<ist messa*es. #0 t)e value o0 t)e parameter is 12 it means
t)at PS#4 1roadcasts #5+9&eas9C)annel9<ist messa*es.
%!&!-!:! (A;G4*
*! De$inition and +ormat
+)is parameter sets t)e inter0erence si*nal stren*t) 0ilter 0or po"er control. +)e
value is 2
2 amon* ")ic) t)e = value ran*es 0rom . to 1$.
**! Setting and +ormat
16 Pac3et trans0er mode
#n pac3et trans0er mode2 t)e &S measures t)e inter0erence si*nal level on t)e
same carrier as t)e assi*ned PDCAs. +)e &S measures t)e inter0erence si*nal
levels durin* t)e searc) 0rames and P+CCA 0rames2 ")ic) are not re@uired 0or
,S#C decodin* or t)e timin* advance measurements.
+)e &S s)all measure as many c)annels 4timeslots6 as possi1le. +)e minimum
timeslots are no less t)an t)e assi*ned timeslots 0or t)e &S to receive.
2..$/11/.! ll ri*)ts reserved Pa*e27 o0 $!
GPRS/EDGE Radio Parameters For internal use only
For eac) c)annel2 every measurement SSCA2n consists o0 at least t"o si*nal level
samples 0rom one searc) 0rame and one P+CCA 0rame. +)us2 t)e SCCA
0rames are avoided 4eDcept 0or a p)ysical c)annel "it) t"o +CA/As6 and only t)e
inter0erence is measured.
Follo"in* runnin* avera*e 0ilter avera*es t)e measured inter0erence.

CA2n I 41/d6
CA2n/1 P d SSCA2n2
CA2 . I .

BdC is 1/&#54n2 5>G9#6.

BnC is t)e iteration indeD.

+)e 0ilter is restarted "it) BnI1C 0or t)e 0irst sample every time a ne" cell is
#0 t)e measurements on a c)annel is interrupted due to a c)an*e o0 pac3et mode
t)at is2 t)e pac3et mode c)an*es 0rom trans0er mode to idle mode2 t)e last
o1tained n and
CA2n values are saved.
?)en reenterin* pac3et trans0er mode2 t)e 0ilter continues usin* t)e values
o1tained durin* pac3et idle mode2 1ecause t)ese c)annels are measured in 1ot)
#0 0re@uency )oppin* is used2 c)annels only di00erin* in &#O are considered t)e
same. For ot)er c)annels2 i0 t)e measurements are resumed "it)in 5>G9#/2
multi0rames2 t)e 0ilter continues t)e calculation usin* t)e saved values.
Ot)er"ise t)e 0ilter is restarted.
C)annel reassi*nment durin* pac3et trans0er mode is considered as a start o0 a
ne" pac3et trans0er mode preceded 1y a -ero len*t) pac3et idle mode.
For eac) c)annel2 t)e &S per0orms at least 5>G9# 4rounded to t)e nearest
inte*er6 measurements o0 SSCA2n 1e0ore valid
CA values can 1e determined
Durin* GPRS do"nlin3 +,F trans0er2 t)e &S measures t)e received si*nal
@uality. +)e reported R8L:< is t)e avera*e "it)in t)e reportin* period and only
success0ully decoded 1loc3s intended 0or t)e &S are included in t)e avera*e
processin* period.
0ter t)e reportin* period ends2 t)e su1se@uent reportin* starts no earlier t)an
t"o 1loc3s 1e0ore t)e transmission o0 a @uality report. vera*ely2 measurements
made durin* previous reportin* periods are discarded.
+)e &S must trans0er '
CA values and t)e R8L:<2 C and S#G59>R values
to t)e net"or3 in t)e C)annel Luality Report 4CLR6 sent on PCCA.
5>G9# is 1roadcasted on P,CCA. #0 P,CCA does not eDist2 5>G9# is 1roadcasted
on ,CCA.
26 Pac3et idle mode
2..$/11/.! ll ri*)ts reserved Pa*e!. o0 $!
GPRS/EDGE Radio Parameters For internal use only
#n pac3et idle mode2 t)e &S measures t)e inter0erence si*nal level on t)e
c)annels indicated 1y t)e parameter #5+9&ES9CA55E<9<#S+. ?)en
P,CCA does not eDist2 t)e parameter #5+9&ES9CA55E<9<#S+ is optionally
1roadcasted on P,CCA or CP,CCA.
+)e measurements 0or inter0erence si*nal level is related to its multi/timeslot
a1ility. #0 t)e parameter #5+9&ES9CA55E<9<#S+ does not eDist and t)e &S
does not measure t)e inter0erence si*nal level 0or cell reselection controlled 1y
t)e net"or32 t)e &S is not re@uired to per0orm inter0erence measurements.
+)ese measurements must 1e made in t)e searc) 0rames and t)e P+CCA
0rames. Durin* eac) pa*in* period2 i0 suc) 0rames are availa1le and not re@uired
0or ,S#C decodin*2 t)e &S must ma3e at least one measurement on eac)
+)e 0ilter must 1e restarted "it) BnI1C 0or t)e 0irst sample every time a ne" cell is
selected. #0 t)e measurements on a c)annel are interrupted due to a c)an*e o0
pac3et mode2 t)e last o1tained n and
CA2n values are saved.
?)en enterin* pac3et idle mode2 t)e 0ilter continues usin* values o1tained
durin* pac3et trans0er mode2 1ecause t)ese c)annels are measured in 1ot)
#0 0re@uency )oppin* is used2 c)annels only di00erin* in &#O s)all 1e considered
t)e same. For t)e ot)er c)annels2 i0 t)e measurements are resumed 0or t)e
same c)annel "it)in =CU5>G9#/4 multi0rames or =CU5>G9#/2 pa*in* periods2
")ic)ever is *reater2 t)e 0ilter continues t)e calculation usin* t)e saved values.
Ot)er"ise t)e 0ilter must 1e restarted. =C is t)e num1er o0 carriers in t)e
For eac) c)annel2 t)e &S must per0orm at least 5>G9# 4rounded to t)e nearest
inte*er6 measurements o0 SSCA2n 1e0ore valid
CA values can 1e determined.
5>G9# is 1roadcasted on P,CCA. #0 P,CCA does not eDist2 5>G9# is 1roadcasted
on ,CCA.
4..1.4. GPRS Cell #dentity
+)e GPRS cell/related parameters de0ine t)e attri1utes o0 t)e cells2 suc) as t)e
attri1utes o0 routin* areas 4R6 and access priority classes. +)ese parameters





2..$/11/.! ll ri*)ts reserved Pa*e!1 o0 $!
GPRS/EDGE Radio Parameters For internal use only
%!&!%!&! RA
Routin* rea Code 4RC6 identi0ies a routin* area. +)e net"or3 plans t)e codes
o0 t)e R.
%!&!%!,! 6S*
+)e con0i*uration o0 ,S#C must 1e consistent "it) t)at o0 t)e ,SC.
%!&!%!-! SP#T4PG488#E
+)is parameter identi0ies t)at a cell supports SP<+9PG9C;C;<E on CCCA.
%!&!%!%! PR*'R*T84AESS4THR
+)is parameter sets t)e value o0 PR#OR#+;9CCESS9+AR 0or a GPRS cell.
nd t)e value set an &S access is allo"ed 0or priority level 1 to 4.
%!&!%!2! RAolor
+)is parameter sets t)e RColor 0or a GPRS cell.
%!!&!2! GPRS ell Reselection Parameters
GPRS cell reselection
GPRS cell reselection parameters areF









*! De$inition and +ormat
+)is parameter sets t)e additional )ysteresis ")ic) applies in ready state 0or cell
reselection in t)e same R. #0 t)e parameter is in stand1y state2 t)e de0ault value
2..$/11/.! ll ri*)ts reserved Pa*e!2 o0 $!
GPRS/EDGE Radio Parameters For internal use only
+)is parameter is encoded accordin* to t)e 0ollo"in* ta1le.
! 2 1
. . . . d,
. . 1 2 d,
. 1 . 4 d,
. 1 1 % d,
1 . . ' d,
1 . 1 1. d,
1 1 . 12 d,
1 1 1 14 d,
**! Setting and E$$ect
#n pac3et idle mode2 GPRS cell reselection is t)e GS& cell reselection.
#n stand1y or ready state2 ")en evaluatin* t)e 1est cell2 t)e 0ollo"in* )ysteresis
values mustl 1e su1tracted 0rom t)e C!2 value 0or t)e nei*)1or cellsF

#n stand1y state2 i0 t)e ne" cell and t)e servin* cell are in t)e same R2 t)e
)ysteresis value is ..

#n ready state2 i0 t)e ne" cell and t)e servin* cell are in t)e same R2 and
t)e parameter C!19A;S+ is set2 GPRS9CE<<9RESE<EC+9A;S+ERES#S
must 1e su1tracted 0rom t)e C!1 value 0or t)e nei*)1or cells.

#n stand1y or ready state2 i0 t)e ne" cell and t)e servin* cell are in a
di00erent routin* area2 R9RESE<EC+9A;S+ERES#S must 1e su1tracted
0rom C!2 value.

#n case o0 a cell re/selection occurred "it)in t)e previous 1$ seconds2 $ d,

must 1e su1tracted 0rom C!2 value.


R9RESE<EC+9A;S+ERES#S are 1roadcasted on P,CCA o0 t)e servin*
+)is parameter prevents 0re@uent cell update caused 1y 0re@uent cell reselection
in ready state. +)us t)e tra00ic 0lo" is increased.
#0 t)e value o0 t)is parameter is too small2 cell update occurs 0re@uently. #0 t)e
value o0 t)is parameter is too *reat2 cell update cannot 1e initiated in time. #n t)is
case2 t)e &S may not in t)e 1est cell and t)e carrier/to/inter0erence ratio 4C#R6 o0
t)e received si*nal is lo". +)us t)e transmit rate is a00ected. Generally2 t)e value
is set to 4O%d,.
2..$/11/.! ll ri*)ts reserved Pa*e!! o0 $!
GPRS/EDGE Radio Parameters For internal use only
*! De$inition and +ormat
+)is parameter indicates in 1ot) stand1y and ready state t)e additional
)ysteresis ")ic) applies ")en an &S selects a cell in a ne" Routin* rea.
+)is parameter is encoded accordin* to t)e 0ollo"in* ta1le.
! 2 1
. . . . d,
. . 1 2 d,
. 1 . 4 d,
. 1 1 % d,
1 . . ' d,
1 . 1 1. d,
1 1 . 12 d,
1 1 1 14 d,
**! Setting and E$$ect
#n stand1y or ready state2 i0 t)e ne" cell and t)e servin* cell are in a di00erent
routin* area2 R9RESE<EC+9A;S+ERES#S must 1e su1tracted 0rom C!2
value. +)is parameter replaces t)e parameter GPRS9
CE<<9RESE<EC+9A;S+ERES#S i0 t)ey are in t)e same R. Generally2 t)e
value o0 )ysteresis in R reselection is *reater t)an t)at o0 t)e )ysteresis in
GPRS cell reselection.
%!&!2!-! -&4H8ST
*! De$inition and +ormat
+)is parameter sets t)at t)e GPRS9CE<< 9RESE<EC+9A;S+ERES#S is
applied to t)e C!1 criterion.
#0 t)e value is set to B1C2 t)e GPRS9CE<< 9RESE<EC+9A;S+ERES#S is applied
to t)e C!1 criterion.
#0 t)e value is set to B.C2 t)e GPRS9CE<< 9RESE<EC+9A;S+ERES#S is not
applied in t)e C!1 criterion.
**! Setting and E$$ect
+)e si*nal level t)res)old criterion parameter C!1 0or )ierarc)ical cell structures
4ACS6 is used to determine ")et)er to use t)e prioriti-ed )ierarc)ical GPRS and
2..$/11/.! ll ri*)ts reserved Pa*e!4 o0 $!
GPRS/EDGE Radio Parameters For internal use only
<S cell re/selection. #0 more t)an one cell )as t)e )i*)est priority level2 t)e &S
selects t)e cell o0 t)e *reatest C!2 value.
C!1 4s6 I R<9P 4s6 / ACS9+AR 4s6 4servin* cell6
C!1 4n6 I R<9P 4n6 / ACS9+AR 4n6 O +O 4n6 U < 4n6 4nei*)1or cell6
ACS9+AR is t)e si*nal level t)res)old applied in ACS GPRS and cell
reselection. ACS9+AR is 1roadcasted on P,CCA o0 t)e servin* cell.
%!&!2!%! -,4B7A#
*! De$inition and +ormat
+)is parameter de0ines ")et)er to use eDception rules 0or
GPRS9RESE<EC+9OFFSE+ in cell reselection.
#0 t)e value is set to B1C2 ")en an &S calculates t)e C!2 value in cell reselection2
t)e parameter GPRS9RESE<EC+9OFFSE+ is used.
#0 t)e value is set to B.C2 ")en an &S calculates t)e C!2 value in cell reselection2
t)e parameter GPRS9RESE<EC+9OFFSE+ is not used.
Aere C!2 de0ined t)e criteria 0or an &S to select a cell amon* t)e cells )avin*
t)e same priority.
**! Setting and E$$ect
C!2 criterion improves t)e C2 criterion used 1y GS&. #t applies t)e o00set and
)ysteresis value to eac) cell. ?)en cell update pro*rams or cell reselection 0or
t)e update pro*rams must 1e eDecuted2 t)e )ysteresis value is used. ?)en no
P,CCA eDists in a servin* cell2 an &S eDecutes t)e cell reselection accordin* to
C2 criterion.
C!2 4s6 I C1 4s6 4servin* cell6
C!2 4n6 I C1 4n6 P GPRS9RESE<EC+9OFFSE+ 4n6 O +O 4n6 U 41/< 4n66 4nei*)1or cell6

+O 4n6 I GPRS9+E&PORR;9OFFSE+ 4n6 U A 4GPRS9PE5<+;9+#&E 4n6 / +


< 4n6 I . i0 PR#OR#+;9C<SS 4n6 I PR#OR#+;9C<SS4s6

< 4n6 I 1 i0 PR#OR#+;9C<SS 4n6 PR#OR#+;9C<SS 4s6

A 4D6 I . i0 D G .

A 4D6 I 1 i0 D .

+ is t)e timer. #0 t)e &S records a cell in t)e % nei*)1or cells o0 t)e )i*)est
priority2 t)e timer o0 t)e cell starts ")en t)e initial value is set to B.C. #0
previous cells are added to t)e nei*)1or cells o0 t)e )i*)est priority2 t)e
2..$/11/.! ll ri*)ts reserved Pa*e!$ o0 $!
GPRS/EDGE Radio Parameters For internal use only
value 0or + is set to BPE5<+;9+#&EC.
%!&!2!2! GPRS4TE)P'RAR84'++SET
*! De$inition and +ormat
+)is parameter indicates t)e ne*ative o00set o0 a cell t)at t)e &S must use 0or
duration o0 GPRS9PE5<+;9+#&E.
+)is parameter is encoded accordin* to t)e 0ollo"in* ta1le.
! 2 1
. . . . d,
. . 1 1. d,
. 1 . 2. d,
. 1 1 !. d,
1 . . 4. d,
1 . 1 $. d,
1 1 . %. d,
1 1 1 in0inity
%!&!2!.! GPRS4PE(A#T84T*)E
**! De$inition and +ormat
+)is parameter de0ines t)e len*t) o0 time 0or ")ic)
GPRS9+E&PORR;9OFFSE+ is active.
+)is parameter is encoded accordin* to t)e 0ollo"in* ta1le.
$ 4 ! 2 1
. . . . . 1. seconds
. . . . 1 2. seconds
. . .
1 1 1 1 1 !2. seconds
A 4D6 I . i0 8 G .R A 4D6 I 1 i0 8 X ..
< I . i0 PR#OR#+;9C<SS 4servin* cell6 I PR#OR#+;9C<SS 4nei*)1or cell6.
< I 1 i0 PR#OR#+;9C<SS 4servin* cell6 YPR#OR#+;9C<SS 4nei*)1or cell6.
2..$/11/.! ll ri*)ts reserved Pa*e!% o0 $!
GPRS/EDGE Radio Parameters For internal use only
%!&!2!:! GPRS4RESE#ET4'++SET
*! De$inition and +ormat
+)is parameter is used 1y t)e &S to apply a positive or ne*ative o00set and a
)ysteresis to t)e GPRS cell reselection criterion.
+)is parameter is coded accordin* to t)e 0ollo"in* ta1le.
$ 4 ! 2 1
. . . . . /$2 d,
. . . . 1 /4' d,
. 1 . 1 . /12 d,
. 1 . 1 1 /1. d,
1 . 1 1 . P12 d,
1 . 1 1 1 P1% d,
1 1 1 1 1 P4' d,
De0ault value o0 t)is parameter is . d,. #0 t)e 0ield is omitted 0rom t)e messa*e2
t)e de0ault value is . d,.
%!&!2!/! RA(D')4AESS4RETR8
*! De$inition and +ormat
+)is parameter de0ines t)at t)e &S is allo"ed to access anot)er cell. #0 t)e value
is set to B1C2 t)e &S is allo"ed to access anot)er cell i0 t)e cell is availa1le.
**! Settng and E$$ect
?)en an &S a1orts all +,Fs in pro*ress2 i0 t)e access in anot)er cell is allo"ed
40or eDample2 R5DO&9CCESS9RE+R; I 162 t)e &S per0orms an a1normal
cell reselection and initiates t)e esta1lis)ment o0 an uplin3 +,F. +)e &S does
not reselect 1ac3 to t)e ori*inal cell 0or +9RESE< seconds i0 anot)er suita1le cell
is availa1le. +)e parameters R5DO&9CCESS9RE+R; and +9RESE<
4de0ault value $ seconds6 are 1roadcast in PS#!.
#0 t)e access in anot)er cell is not allo"ed 40or eDample2 t)e
R5DO&9CCESS9RE+R; 1it is not set62 or no nei*)1or cell is availa1le2 t)e
&S returns t)e CCCA or PCCCA and sends and reports an R<C/&C 0ailure to
upper layers.
2..$/11/.! ll ri*)ts reserved Pa*e!( o0 $!
GPRS/EDGE Radio Parameters For internal use only
%!&!2!0! T4RESE#
*! De$inition and +ormat
+)is parameter is time parameter. ?)en an &S per0orms an a1normal release
"it) cell reselection2 i0 ot)er cells are availa1le2 t)e &S cannot reselect t)is cell
in +9RESE< seconds.
+)is parameter is coded accordin* to 0ollo"in* ta1le.
! 2 1
. . . $ seconds
. . 1 1. seconds
. 1 . 1$ seconds
. 1 1 2. seconds
1 . . !. seconds
1 . 1 %. seconds
1 1 . 12. seconds
1 1 1 !.. seconds
4..1.%. &easurement Report Control Parameters
+)e net"or3 controls cell reselection process2 and orders t)e &S to send
measurement reports and to receive decisions 0rom t)e net"or3. +)e net"or3
control parameters set t)e attri1utes ")en &S sends net"or3 control
measurement reports in && Read state. +)ey areF




%!&!.!&! (ETC'R94'(TR'#4'RDER
*! De$inition and +ormat
+)is parameter decides )o" t)e &S sends measurement reports in && Ready
2..$/11/.! ll ri*)ts reserved Pa*e!' o0 $!
GPRS/EDGE Radio Parameters For internal use only
+)is parameter is coded accordin* to t)e 0ollo"in* ta1le.
2 1
. . 5C.
. 1 5C1
1 . 5C2
1 1 RESE+
+)is parameter can 1e set to 5C.2 5C12 and 5C2.
**! Setting and E$$ect
#0 t)e 5E+?OR=9CO5+RO<9ORDER parameter I 5C.2 t)e &S controls auto
cell reselection2 "it)out sendin* measurement repots to t)e net"or3.
#0 t)e 5E+?OR=9CO5+RO<9ORDER parameter I 5C12 t)e &S controls auto
cell resection2 and sends measurement reports.
#0 t)e 5E+?OR=9CO5+RO<9ORDER parameter I 5C22 t)e &S sends
measurement reports to t)e net"or32 "it)out auto cell reselection. +)e net"or3
controls t)e cell reselection.

%!&!.!,! (4(on@DR34PER*'D
*! De$inition and +ormat
+)is 0ield indicates t)e minimum time t)e mo1ile station stays in non/DR8 mode
a0ter an 5C/measurement report )as 1een sent.
+)is parameter is coded accordin* to t)e 0ollo"in* ta1leF
! 2 1
. . . 5o non/DR8 mode a0ter a measurement report )as 1een sent.
. . 1 ..24s
. 1 . ..4's 4de0ault6
. 1 1 ..(2s
1 . . ..7%s
1 . 1 1.2.s
1 1 . 1.44s
1 1 1 1.72s
2..$/11/.! ll ri*)ts reserved Pa*e!7 o0 $!
GPRS/EDGE Radio Parameters For internal use only
**! Setting and E$$ect
?)en an &S "or3s in a non9DR8 mode2 t)e &S consumes more po"er.
+)ere0ore2 a lar*er DR89+imer9&aD value s)ortens t)e +,F esta1lis)ment time2
1ut t)e &S consumes more po"er. smaller DR89+imer9&aD value saves t)e
&S po"er. Ao"ever2 pa*in* process is added to DR8 mode2 so t)e si*nalin*
load o0 system and delay o0 data transmission increases.
%!&!.!-! (4REP'RT*(G4PER*'D4* and (4REP'RT*(G4PER*'D4T
*! De$inition and +ormat
+)ese 0ields indicate t)e time period 0or cell reselection measurement reportin*
0or pac3et idle mode 4#6 and pac3et trans0er mode 4+6 respectively ")en t)e &S
per0orms 5C measurements.
+)is parameter is coded accordin* to t)e 0ollo"in* ta1leF
! 2 1
. . . ..4's
. . 1 ..7%s
. 1 . 1.72s
. 1 1 !.'4s 4de0ault value 0or 5C9REPOR+#5G9PER#OD9+6
1 . . (.%'s
1 . 1 1$.!%s
1 1 . !..(2s
1 1 1 %1.44s 4de0ault value 0or
**! Setting and E$$ect
?)en "or3in* in mode 5C1 or 5C22 t)e &S per0orms 5C measurements. #t
determines t)e period o0 measurement repot usin* t)e parameters
45C95O59DR89PER#OD2 5C9REPOR+#5G9PR&E+ER9#2 and
5C9REPOR+#5G9PR&E+ER9+6 in t)e 0ield 4t)e PS#$2 t)e S#1!2 PS#1!22 t)e
messa*e6. #0 5C95O59DR89PER#OD2 5C9REPOR+#5G9PER#OD9# or
5C9REPOR+#5G9PER#OD9+ are not received 1y t)e &S2 t)e de0ault values
must 1e used.
?)en ordered to send measurement reports2 t)e &S must continuously monitor
all carriers in , 4GPRS6 or as indicated 1y t)e parameter
5C9FREL:E5C;9<#S+ and t)e ,CCA carrier o0 t)e servin* cell. +)e
measurement re@uirements vary "it) actual pac3et mode.
For eac) carrier2 t)e measured received si*nal level 4R8<E>6 must 1e t)e
2..$/11/.! ll ri*)ts reserved Pa*e4. o0 $!
GPRS/EDGE Radio Parameters For internal use only
avera*e o0 t)e received si*nal level measurement samples in d,m ta3en on t)at
carrier "it)in t)e reportin* period. +)e reportin* period is de0ined as 0ollo"sF

#n pac3et idle mode2 t)e reportin* period is 5C9REPOR+#5G9PER#OD9#

rounded o00 to t)e nearest smaller inte*er multiple o0 DR8 period i0
5C9REPOR+#5G PER#OD9# is *reater t)an DR8 period2 ot)er"ise2 t)e
reportin* period is DR8 period.

#n pac3et trans0er mode2 t)e reportin* period is indicated in

()ten'e' measurement parameters
+)e net"or3 also can re@uest measurement reports 0rom t)e &S 0or ot)er
purposes t)an cell re/selection. +)is is indicated 1y t)e parameter
set o0 measurement reportin* parameters 4E8+9&ES:RE&E5+9ORDER2
E8+9FREL:E5C;9<#S+2 E8+9REPOR+#5G9PER#OD2
E8+9REPOR+#5G9+;PE2 #5+9FREL:E5C; and 5CC9PER&#++ED6 is
1roadcast on P,CCA or CP,CCA. +)e parameters are also sent individually to
an &S on PCCCA2 CPCCCA or PCCA. t t)at time2 t)ey override t)e
1roadcast parameters. +)e individual parameters are valid until t)e RESE+
command is sent to t)e &S2 t)ere is a do"nlin3 si*nalin* 0ailure or t)e &S
selects a ne" cell. +)e eDtended measurement parameters areF





%!&!.!%! E3T4)EAS7RE)E(T4'RDER
*! De$inition and +ormat
+)e E8+9&ES:RE&E5+9ORDER 0ield indicates to t)e &S )o" to interpret
t)e rest o0 t)e eDtended measurement parameters.
+)is parameter is coded accordin* to t)e 0ollo"in* ta1le.
2 1
. . E&.
. 1 E&1
1 . Reserved
1 1 Reset
2..$/11/.! ll ri*)ts reserved Pa*e41 o0 $!
GPRS/EDGE Radio Parameters For internal use only
+)is parameter can 1e set to E&O2 E&12 and reset.
#0 t)e E8+9&ES:RE&E5+9ORDER parameter I E&12 t)e &S does not
per0orm eDtended measurements. #0 E8+9&ES:RE&E5+9ORDER parameter
I E&12 t)e &S must send measurement reports to t)e net"or3.
%!&!.!2! (4PER)*TTED
+)is 0ield is a 1itmap o0 5CCs 0or ")ic) t)e mo1ile station is permitted to report
measurement. +)is 1itmap relates to 5CC part o0 ,S#C 4see codin* 0ield in t)e
protocol .4..'6.
%!&!.!.! *(T4+REB7E(8
+)is optional 0ield indicates t)e 0re@uency upon ")ic) t)e inter0erence
measurement is made. +)is 0ield is an indeD into t)e E8+ Fre@uency <ist. #0 t)e
0ield is not included in any instance o0 t)e messa*e2 no inter0erence
measurements are done. +)e ran*e is 0rom . to !1.
%!&!.!:! E3T4REP'RT*(G4T8PE
*! De$inition and +ormat
+)is 0ield indicates t)e type o0 eDtended measurement report used on eDtended
measurement 0re@uency.
?)en ordered to send eDtended measurement reports2 t)e &S must monitor all
carriers as indicated 1y t)e parameter E8+9FREL:E5C;9<#S+. +)e parameter
E8+9REPOR+#5G9+;PE indicates one o0 t)ree di00erent types o0 reportin*F

+ype 1F Carriers t)at must 1e reported i0 t)ey are amon* t)e % stron*est
carriers re*ardless o0 ")et)er ,S#C "as decoded or not. +)e measurement
report must contain received si*nal level and2 i0 success0ully decoded ,S#C.

+ype 2F Carriers t)at must 1e reported i0 t)ey are amon* t)e % stron*est
carriers and ,S#C is success0ully decoded and "it) allo"ed 5CC part as
indicated 1y 5CC9PER&#++ED. +)e measurement report must contain
received si*nal level and ,S#C.

+ype !F Carriers t)at must 1e reported "it)out ,S#C decodin*. +)e

measurement report must contain received si*nal level. #n addition
inter0erence can 1e reported 0or one carrier.
%!&!.!/! E3T4REP'RT*(G4PER*'D
*! De$inition and +ormat
+)is 0ield indicates t)e time interval 1et"een eDtended measurement reports.
+)is 0ield is coded accordin* to t)e 0ollo"in* ta1leF.
2..$/11/.! ll ri*)ts reserved Pa*e42 o0 $!
GPRS/EDGE Radio Parameters For internal use only
! 2 1
. . . %.s
. . 1 12.s
. 1 . 24.s
. 1 1 4'.s
1 . . 7%.s
1 . 1 172.s 4de0ault value 0or
E8+9REPOR+#5G9+;PE 6
1 1 . !'4.s
1 1 1 (%'.s
Po*er control measurement parameters
+)e po"er control data sets po"er control/related parameters2 suc) as t)e
conditions 0or startin* po"er control. +)e parameters areF

&inRpt5umForGammaC) sets t)e minimum num1er o0 valid measurement

reports received 1y PC: 0or po"er al*orit)m.

#dealRDLual sets t)e eDpected ideal receivin* @uality. +)e receivin* @uality
corresponds to 1it error rate 4,ER6 o0 c)annels.

RDLual+olerance sets t)e tolerance value 0or po"er control2 and it

corresponds to o00set value o0 ideal receivin* @uality.

GammaC)C)an*e+ime sets t)e time ")en GammaC) c)an*es and t)e

received @uality must meet a condition.

GammaC)C)an*eStep sets t)e steps every time ")en GammaC) c)an*es

4..1.(. CS C)an*e and Control Parameters
GPRS system )as 0our codin* sc)emes 4CS6. +)ey are CS/12 CS/22 CS/!2 and
CS/4. +)e )i*)er t)e CS level is2 t)e )i*)er t)e data transmission rate is2 and
t)e more t)e re@uirements 0or c)annel @uality are. PC: system c)an*es CS
dynamically 0or t)e 1est 0ul0illments accordin* to 0actors li3e c)annel @uality. +)e
CS c)an*e and control parameters are as 0ollo"sF

&in&easRpt5umForCsdc sets t)e minimum num1er o0 measurement

reports 0or dynamic c)an*e o0 CS2 namely2 t)e avera*ed num1er o0
measurement reports.

:lCsC)an*eLual+)res)old. sets t)e t)res)old re0erence value o0 c)annel

@uality 0or Eud*in* dynamic c)an*e o0 CS/1 and CS/2 on uplin3 +,F.

:lCsC)an*eLual+)res)old1 sets t)e t)res)old re0erence value o0 c)annel

2..$/11/.! ll ri*)ts reserved Pa*e4! o0 $!
GPRS/EDGE Radio Parameters For internal use only
@uality 0or Eud*in* dynamic c)an*e o0 CS/2 and CS/! on uplin3 +,F.

:lCsC)an*eLual+)res)old2 sets t)e t)res)old re0erence value o0 c)annel

@uality 0or dynamic c)an*e o0 CS/! and CS/4 on uplin3 +,F.

:l:p"ardCsdcLualAysteresis. sets t)e )ysteresis value ")en t)e up"ard

+,F c)an*es 0rom CS/1 to CS/2.

:l:p"ardCsdcLualAysteresis1 sets t)e )ysteresis value ")en t)e up"ard

+,F c)an*es 0rom CS/2 to CS/!.

:l:p"ardCsdcLualAysteresis2 sets t)e )ysteresis value ")en t)e up"ard

+,F c)an*es 0rom CS/! to CS/4.

:lDo"n"ardCsdcLualAysteresis. sets t)e )ysteresis value ")en t)e

do"n"ard +,F c)an*es 0rom CS/2 to CS/1.

:lDo"n"ardCsdcLualAysteresis. sets t)e )ysteresis value ")en t)e

do"n"ard +,F c)an*es 0rom CS/! to CS/2.

:lDo"n"ardCsdcLualAysteresis. sets t)e )ysteresis value ")en t)e

do"n"ard +,F c)an*es 0rom CS/4 to CS/!.

&inCSC)an*e+imeGap sets t)e time *ap ")en t)e +,F c)an*es 0rom one
CS to anot)er in t)e same direction a*ain.

DlCsC)an*e#<evel+)res)old. sets t)e inter0erence level t)res)old ")en

t)e do"nlin3 +,F c)an*es 1et"een CS/1 and CS/2.

DlCsC)an*e#<evel+)res)old1 sets t)e inter0erence level t)res)old ")en

t)e do"nlin3 +,F c)an*es 1et"een CS/2 and CS/!.

DlCsC)an*e#<evel+)res)old2 sets t)e inter0erence level t)res)old ")en

t)e do"nlin3 +,F c)an*es 1et"een CS/! and CS/4.
2..$/11/.! ll ri*)ts reserved Pa*e44 o0 $!
GPRS/EDGE Radio Parameters For internal use only
%!, GRPS )) Parameters
+)is section introduces t)e parameters and timers in t)e 0lo"s2 suc) as ttac)2
Detac)2 R:2 Relocation2 #nter/system C)an*e2 and Security &ana*ement.
%!,!& G)) Timer
+)e GPRS &o1ility &ana*ement 4G&&6 timer controls t)e "aitin* time or period
durin* t)e G&& to avoid no reply 0rom t)e ot)er party due to eDceptions.

+!!22 4s62 a Detac) Response +imer2 controls t)e time o0 "aitin* 0or a
BDetac) cceptC messa*e a0ter t)e net"or3 side sends a BDetac) Re@uestC
messa*e. #0 t)e timer eDpires2 t)e net"or3 side resends t)e BDetac)
Re@uestC messa*e. +)is timer is de0aulted to %.

+!!$. 4s62 an &essa*e Resendin* +imer2 controls t)e time o0 net"or3 side
"aitin* 0or an Cttac) CompleteC2 BRoutin* rea :pdate CompleteC e2 and
BP/+&S# Reallocation CompleteC messa*e. +)e timer starts ")en t)e
net"or3 side sends an Bttac) cceptC2 BRoutin* rea :pdate cceptC2 and
BP/+&S#C Reallocation CompleteC messa*e2 and stops ")en t)e net"or3
side receives an Bttac) cceptC2 BRoutin* rea :pdate cceptC2 and BP/
+&S#C Reallocation CompleteC messa*e. ?)en t)e timer eDpires2 t)e
net"or3 side resends t)e Bttac) cceptC2 BRoute rea :pdate cceptC2 and
BP/+&S# Reallocation CompleteC messa*e 0or 0our times 1e0ore t)e pro*ram
is terminated. +)is timer is de0aulted to %.

+!!%. 4s62 an ut)entication and Encryption +imer2 controls t)e time o0

net"or3 side "aitin* 0or an But)entication and Encryption ResponseC
messa*e. +)e timer starts ")en t)e net"or3 side sends an But)entication
and Encryption Re@uestC messa*e2 and stops ")en t)e net"or3 side
receives an But)entication and Encryption ResponseC messa*e. ?)en t)e
timer eDpires2 t)e net"or3 side resends t)e But)entication and Encryption
Re@uestC messa*e 0or 0our times 1e0ore t)e pro*ram is terminated. +)is
timer is de0aulted to %.

+!!(. 4s62 an #D >eri0ication +imer2 controls t)e time o0 net"or3 side "aitin*
0or an B#D >eri0ication ResponseC messa*e. +)e timer starts ")en SGS5
sends an B#D >eri0ication Re@uestC messa*e to &S 0or #&S#2 and stops
")en t)e net"or3 side receives an B#D >eri0ication ResponseC messa*e.
?)en t)e timer eDpires2 t)e net"or3 side resends t)e B#D >eri0ication
Re@uestC messa*e. +)e net"or3 resends t)e messa*e 0or 0our times 1e0ore
t)e pro*ram is terminated. +)is timer is de0aulted to %.

+!!1! 4s62 a Pa*in* Response +imer2 controls t)e time 0or net"or3 side
"aitin* 0or pa*in* response. #0 t)e timer eDpires2 t)e net"or3 side resends
t)e BPa*in* Re@uestC messa*e. +)is timer is de0aulted to %. +)e period o0
2..$/11/.! ll ri*)ts reserved Pa*e4$ o0 $!
GPRS/EDGE Radio Parameters For internal use only
timer +!!1! must 1e considered as "ell as t)e resendin* times. +)e
operators decide t)e resendin* times.

+!!14 4s62 a Ready +imer2 controls t)e interval ")en t"o continuous layer !
PD:s are received. ,e0ore t)e timer eDpires2 i0 t)e net"or3 sends ne" layer
! PD: to t)e &S2 t)e system pa*es t)e user. Ot)er"ise2 t)e net"or3 side is
en0orced to enter t)e S+5D,; state. +)is timer is de0aulted to 44. +)e
value in t)e &S is *reater t)an t)at in t)e net"or3 side.

+!!12 4min62 a Periodical Route :pdate +imer2 controls t)e interval 0or &S
periodically updatin* t)e timer. +)is timer is also delivered to &S ")en t)e
net"or3 sends an Bttac) cceptC or BRoute :pdate cceptC messa*e to
&S. #t is de0aulted to $4 minutes.

&SRCA+&R 4min6 controls t)e time 0or &S reac)in* t)e timer. #t is
de0aulted to $' minutes 44 min *reater t)an +!!126.

P+&S#+&R 4)6 is a P+&S# Reallocation +imer. #t ran*es 0rom . to 242 and

de0aulted to .. B.C means no P/+&S# reallocation 0lo".
%!,!, 6SSAPP Timer Parameters
+)e GPRS system de0aults len*t)s o0 ,SSPP timers durin* t)e initiali-ation.
+)e de0ault values are recommended 1y protocol2 so t)e users need not modi0y
+)e description o0 parameters o0 ,SSPP timers is as 0ollo"sF

+%91 4s62 a <ocation :pdate +imer2 controls t)e time o0 "aitin* 0or a
B<ocation :pdate Response at Gs #nter0aceC messa*e. #t is de0aulted to 1$.

+' 4s62 a GPRS Detac) +imer2 controls t)e time o0 "aitin* 0or a BGPRS
Detac) Response at Gs #nter0aceC messa*e. #0 t)e timer eDpires2 t)e SGS5
resends t)e BGPRS Detac) Re@uestC messa*e. +)is timer is de0aulted to 4.

+7 4s62 an EDplicit #&S# Detac) +imer2 controls t)e time o0 "aitin* 0or an
BEDplicit #&S# Detac) Response at Gs #nter0aceC messa*e. #0 t)e timer
eDpires2 t)e SGS5 resends t)e BEDplicit #&S# Detac) Re@uestC messa*e.
+)is timer is de0aulted to 4.

+1. 4s62 an #mplicit #&S# Detac) +imer2 controls t)e time o0 "aitin* 0or an
B#mplicit #&S# Detac) Response at Gs #nter0aceC messa*e. #0 t)e timer
eDpires2 SGS5 resends t)e B#mplicit #&S# Detac) Re@uestC messa*e. +)is
timer is de0aulted to 4.

+1291 4s62 a SGS5 Reset Fla* +imer2 protects SGS5 reset 0la*. ?)en
SGS5 is reset2 t)e Fla* is set to +R:E and t)e timer starts. ?)en t)e timer
eDpires2 t)e Fla* is set to F<SE. +)is timer is de0aulted to '.

+1292 4s62 a SGS5 Reset ><R Response +imer2 controls t)e time o0 "aitin*
0or a BSGS5 Reset Response at Gs #nter0aceC messa*e. #0 t)e timer eDpires2
SGS5 resends t)e BSGS5 Reset #ndicationC messa*e. +)is timer is
2..$/11/.! ll ri*)ts reserved Pa*e4% o0 $!
GPRS/EDGE Radio Parameters For internal use only
de0aulted to 4.
%!- GPRS Session )anagement Parameters
%!-!& *ntroduction to Session )anagement +unction
Session &ana*ement 4S&6 esta1lis)es2 modi0ies2 and releases t)e tunnel
1et"een SGS5 and GGS5. !G/SGS5 S& esta1lis)es2 modi0ies2 and releases
t)e radio access 1earer 4R,6 1et"een SGS5 and R5C/&S.
S& includes 0unctions as 0ollo"sF

PDP conteDt activation

PDP conteDt modi0ication

PDP conteDt deactivation

PDP conteDt preservation

%!-!, S) Parameters 'ptimiDation
+)e S& parameters include contents as 0ollo"sF

#tem 1 is t)e so0t"are parameter o0 S&.

Ot)er items are con0i*uration data 1et"een S& and GGS5 and router
net"or3. +)e data is con0i*ured 1ased on t)e actual net"or3 conditions.

#tem $2 t)e #nterconnection P<&5 Control ta1le2 controls ot)er P<&5 users
to access t)e GPRS net"or3 durin* t)e PDP activation 4includin* &S/
ori*inated activation2 secondary activation and net"or3 side activation6.
+)e description o0 parameters is as 0ollo"sF
4.!.2 s)o"s t)e session mana*ement status in &S.
2..$/11/.! ll ri*)ts reserved Pa*e4( o0 $!
GPRS/EDGE Radio Parameters For internal use only

DR! G""#"-DATA-REQ$E#T ("e%%&ge), i.e. 'e%%&ge %ent () &n "#
DI! G""#"-DATA-INDICATION ("e%%&ge), i.e. 'e%%&ge re*ei+e, () &n "#


+igure &!, Session mana*ement status in &S
4.!.2 s)o"s t)e session mana*ement status in &S.
2..$/11/.! ll ri*)ts reserved Pa*e4' o0 $!
GPRS/EDGE Radio Parameters For internal use only

DR! G""#"-DATA-REQ$E#T ("e%%&ge), i.e. 'e%%&ge %ent () net/0r1
DI! G""#"-DATA-INDICATION ("e%%&ge), i.e. 'e%%&ge re*ei+e, () the net/0r1


Session mana*ement status in net"or3

P+ is t)e pea3 tra00ic o0 de0ault LoS supported 1y GS5. #t ran*es 0rom 1 to

72 and de0aulted to 7. +)e value meanin*s are as 0ollo"sF
Table ,!& &eanin*s o0 di00erent P+s
;alue Pea= tra$$ic <octet/s>
1 1...
2 2...
! 4...
4 '...
$ 1%...
% !2...
( %4...
' 12'...
7 2$%...

&+ is t)e mean tra00ic o0 de0ault LoS supported 1y SGS5. #t is !1 and

ran*es 0rom 1 to 1'. +)e value meanin*s are as 0ollo"sF
Table ,!, &eanin* o0 di00erent &+s
;alue )ean tra$$ic <octet/h>
1 1..
2..$/11/.! ll ri*)ts reserved Pa*e47 o0 $!
GPRS/EDGE Radio Parameters For internal use only
;alue )ean tra$$ic <octet/h>
2 2..
! $..
4 1...
$ 2...
% $...
( 1....
' 2....
7 $....
1. 1.....
11 2.....
12 $.....
1! 1......
14 2......
1$ $......
1% 1.......
1( 2.......
1' $.......
!1 ,est e00ort

+C is t)e tra00ic class o0 de0ault LoS tra00ic supported 1y SGS5. #t ran*es

0rom 1 to 4. B1C means session class. B2C means tra00ic class. B!C means
interactive class. B4C means 1ac3*round class. B1C stands 0or t)e )i*)est
class. B4C stands 0or t)e lo"est class. +C is de0aulted to 1.

&8SD: is t)e maDimum SD: len*t) o0 de0ault LoS supported 1y SGS5.

#t ran*es 0rom 1 to 1$!2 and de0aulted to 1$!. +)e value meanin*s are as
Table ,!- &eanin*s o0 di00erent &8SD:s
;alue )a5imum length <octet>
1O1$. 1.O1$.. 4increased 1y 1.6
1$1 1$.2
1$2 1$1.
1$! 1$2.

&,R:P<= is t)e maDimum 1loc3 rate on uplin3 o0 de0ault LoS supported 1y

2..$/11/.! ll ri*)ts reserved Pa*e$. o0 $!
GPRS/EDGE Radio Parameters For internal use only

G,R:P<= is t)e *uarantee 1loc3 rate on uplin3 o0 de0ault LoS supported

1y SGS5.

&,RD5<= is t)e maDimum 1loc3 rate on do"nlin3 o0 de0ault LoS supported

1y SGS5.

G,RD5<= is t)e *uarantee 1loc3 rate on do"nlin3 o0 de0ault LoS

supported 1y SGS5.
&,R:P<=2 G,R:P<=2 &,RD5<=2 and G,RD5<= ran*e 0rom 1 to 2$$2 and
t)ey are de0aulted to 2$4. +)e value meanin*s are as 0ollo"sF
Table ,!% &eanin*s o0 di00erent rate values
;alue 6it rate <=bit/s>
1O%! 1O%!2 increased 1y 1
%4O12( %4O$%'2 increased 1y '
12'O2$4 $(%O'%4.2 increased 1y %4
2$$ .

DO is t)e delivery order o0 de0ault LoS supported 1y SGS5. #t ran*es 0rom

1 to 2. B1C means ordered2 and B2C means unordered. Do is de0aulted to 1.

DESD: is t)e delivery error SD: o0 de0ault LoS supported 1y SGS5. #t

ran*es 0rom 1 to !. B1C means no detection2 B2C means delivery2 and B!C
means no delivery. DESD: is de0aulted to 1.

R,E+ is t)e reserved ,ER o0 de0ault LoS supported 1y SGS5. #t ran*es

0rom 1 to 72 and de0aulted to 7. +)e value meanin*s are as 0ollo"sF
Table ,!2 &eanin*s o0 di00erent R,E+s
;alue 6it rate
1 $Z1.
2 1Z1.
! $Z1.
4 4Z1.
$ 1Z1.
% 1Z1.
( 1Z1.
' 1Z1.
7 %Z1.

SD:ER is t)e SD: error rate o0 de0ault LoS supported 1y SGS5. #t ran*es
0rom 1 to (2 and is de0aulted to %. +)e value meanin*s are as 0ollo"sF
2..$/11/.! ll ri*)ts reserved Pa*e$1 o0 $!
GPRS/EDGE Radio Parameters For internal use only
Table ,!. &eanin*s o0 di00erent SD:ERs
;alue Rate
1 1Z1.
2 (Z1.
! 1Z1.
4 1Z1.
$ 1Z1.
% 1Z1.
( 1Z1.

+APR# is t)e transmission priority o0 de0ault LoS supported 1y SGS5. #t

ran*es 0rom 1 to !. B1C stands 0or t)e )i*)est class. +APR# is de0aulted to 1.

+D is t)e trans0er delay o0 de0ault LoS supported 1y SGS5. #t ran*es 0rom 1

to %22 and de0aulted to 1. +)e value meanin*s are as 0ollo"sF
Table ,!: &eanin*s o0 di00erent +Ds
;alue TD <ms>
1O1$ 1.O1$.2 increased 1y 1.
1%O!1 2..O7$.2 increased 1y $.
!2O%2 1...O41..2 increased 1y 1..

RD#OPR# is t)e radio priority o0 de0ault LoS supported 1y SGS5. #t ran*es

0rom 1 to 42 and de0aulted to 2.///priority.

P59O# is t)e operator #D o0 P5. +)e &5C and &CC must 1e con0i*ured
as &ncDDD. *prs and &ccyyy.*prs.

+!!'$ 4s6 is t)e timer o0 net"or3 side activation. #t ran*es 0rom 1 to '%4..2
and de0aulted to '.

+!!'% 4s6 is t)e timer o0 net"or3 side modi0ication. #t ran*es 0rom 1 to

'%4..2 and de0aulted to '.

+!!7$ 4s6 is t)e timer o0 net"or3 side deactivation. #t ran*es 0rom 1 to

'%4..2 and de0aulted to '.

S&9D5S9+#&ER 4s6 controls t)e time 0or S& @ueryin* D5S. #t ran*es 0rom
1 to '%4..2 and de0aulted to 1..

S&9G+PC9+#&ER 4s6 controls t)e time 0or S& "aitin* 0or G+PC initial
response. #t ran*es 0rom 1 to '%4..2 and de0aulted to 4..

S&9R5C9+#&ER 4s6 controls t)e time 0or S& "aitin* 0or R, assi*nment
response. #t ran*es 0rom 1 to '%4..2 and de0aulted to '.

S&9,SS9PF+9+7 4s6 controls t)e time 0or ,SS reservin* t)e PFC. #t
ran*es 0rom $ to 172.2 and de0aulted to 4..
2..$/11/.! ll ri*)ts reserved Pa*e$2 o0 $!
GPRS/EDGE Radio Parameters For internal use only

LoS9&PP#5G ran*es 0orm . to 1. B.C means compliance to t)e 2!.1.(

protocol. B1C means compliance to t)e special re@uirements 1y &O+. +)is
parameter is de0aulted to ..

Para type ran*es 0rom . to 1. B.C means LoS type. ?)en LoS con0i*uration
needs modi0ication2 t)e LoS o0 t)e parameter is selected 0irst and t)e
related items are modi0ied. B1C means +#&ER type. ?)en S& related timer
len*t) must 1e modi0ied2 t)e parameter value +#&ER is selected 0irst and
len*t) o0 +#&ER is modi0ied.

+)e value o0 ,it rate list is !'4 31ps2 2$% 31ps2 144 31ps2 12' 31ps2 %4
31ps2 !2 31ps2 1% 31ps2 and ' 31ps. ?)en SGS5 and R5C assi*n t)e
R,2 i0 R5C cannot accept t)e rate provided 1y t)e SGS52 t)e SGS5 and
R5C attempts to con0i*ure t)e rate 0or multiple times 1e0ore an accepta1le
rate 1y t)em. +)e rates in t)e list are con0i*ured accordin* to actual rate
supported 1y t)e R5C.
2..$/11/.! ll ri*)ts reserved Pa*e$! o0 $!

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