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Pierre Knobel

Behold! Keskilidde appeareth in diverse forms, yea, many are her emanations and their appellations. For she dwelleth in the river, in the canal and indeed also in the creek, the stream and by the waterfall.

Others of her kin inhabit the marsh, the lake and the great sea. Therefore are those in her family known as Liliir, Lilisu and Keskiliyake, for their manifestations are manifold, yea, they dwell also in the rain and the dew and upon the high mountains, in the ice and the snow. Indeed numerous are they.

Lo! Keskilidde is not the watermaiden nor of its close kith and kin. For she hath not the lower body of the fish, nor waxeth she large like the mermaiden of lake and sea. For those may exceed the size of a human but delicate is Keskilidde, verily small and dainty.

Wherever floweth the water, thou wilst find Keskilidde. She danceth, she diveth, she darteth to and fro in the current and the foam. Lively she appeareth, and in stillness taketh she shape. On a moonlit night, when thou peerest into a pool, then seest thou perchance her face upon it, staring up at thee.

As manifold as her forms be her tasks. Tis said she shapeth the droplets, she directeth the spray, she guideth the route of the current. Tis thought that she shepherdeth the fish and nourisheth the waterflower and the reed. That she blendeth the essence of rocks and stones with the water, for purposes beknownst to nature.

And tis known that shes a diviner, yea, the healer and the clairvoyant call upon her to show the way, to reveal the hidden strands. Indeed obtaineth the healer the help of Keskilidde to relieve afflictions of the soul, for she cleanseth. Like ripples, yea, like rings, she healeth in circles from within.

Wouldst thou bring her near? Dig then a ditch from the nearest watercourse to run by thine house. Embellish it with pretty stones and flowering plants of diverse sorts, also little cataracts where water moveth and still pools where it resteth.

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Translated from Sumerian by Pieter Uys From: The Bestiary of Bau Mara, the great seer of Nippur Text: All rights reserved. Pieter Uys 2014 Cover illustration: All rights reserved. Pierre Knobel 2014

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