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Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion

Monarchy vs. Democracy


For Educators
Designed by: Ellen Hartman, Abby Callahan, Caitlyn Crosby and Julie Bitting
Based on a template from The WebQuest Page

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Task Process Evaluation Conclusion


Have you ever wanted to be a king or queen? How about becoming the president of the United States? When we look at theses individuals we see leaders of power. But do they really hold all the power? Who is really in control ? By following this webquest, we will look first hand at how both a Democracy and a Monarchy function. We will see the similarities and the differences upon which each type of government is

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Title Introduction

The Task

Process Evaluation Conclusion

The objective of this task is to compare and contrast a monarchy and a democracy. You will use a Venn diagram in order to organize your comparison and contrast. In the Venn diagram monarchy and democracy will both be separated circles or closed curves within an enclosing rectangle (the universal set), common elements of the sets being represented by the areas of overlap among the circles.


After you have made a Venn diagram comparing and contrasting monarchy and democracy, you will then pretend to have your own country. What system of government would you use in your country and why? Make sure to include details on who has the real power within the government.

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Title Introduction Task

Lets Talk Democracy:

- Use the link provided to gain a better understanding of the Democracy in the United States. Think about what defines a Democracy, who runs the government, how the government works and the history of our Democracy. Step One: Visit the website below. Click on the pull-down tab at the top of the page to navigate through an informative outline of the American democracy. Pay close attention to the sections that discuss the unique characteristics of the United States democracy, such as section 1. What is a Democracy?

Evaluation Conclusion


Step Two: Read about the Democracy of the United

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Title Introduction Task

United States :People in Power

Can you name the leaders of the United States? Considering what you have just learned about a Democracy , use the website below to figure out who is the President of the United States and who are other important men in power:
Step One: Go to the website below and read about the United States leaders. Determine who holds the most power in our government. U.S.A Leaders Step Two: Go to the Our Government tab and click on the Executive Branch underneath the tab.

Evaluation Conclusion


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Title Introduction Task

Lets Talk Monarchy:

Evaluation Conclusion

- Use the links provided to gain a better understanding of the Monarchy in London. Think about what a Monarchy is, who runs the government, how the government works, and the history of the Monarchy. Step Four: Go to the website below and navigate through the different subject headings in order to understand the inner workings of a monarchy: Monarchy Step Five: Read about a constitutional monarchy then compare the information you have learned about a democracy to a monarchy to prepare for creating your Venn Diagram soon


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Title Introduction Task

England: People in Power


Evaluation Conclusion

Im sure youve heard of the Fashionable Kate, Duchess of Cambridge, and her dreamy wedding to Prince Edward himself!But do you know who sits on the real throne? And besides, after reading about a Monarchy, does the throne give one any real power? Building upon what you have learned about a monarchy, follow the links below and find out about the royal family and most influential people currently running England :
Step Six:

Follow the links below and identify who the leaders are in the:


You are ready to create your Venn Diagram!


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Title Introduction Task Process Evaluation

Now Its Your Turn

Take a long look at the Venn Diagram you created and as you do, seriously consider the pros and cons of each form of government Now, imagine you have started a brand new country - which form of government would you establish? Go write a short reflection paper explaining which form of government (Monarchy or Democracy) you would choose and why. Dont forget to consider who would have the most power in your country.



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Beginning 1 Developing 2 Accomplished 3 Score Webquest Few or none of the artifact support of statements are supported comparison by the artifacts statements Most statements are supported by the artifacts All statements are supported by the artifacts

Title Introduction Task Process


Placement of Few statements are statements within placed in the correct the Venn circle Diagram

Most statements are placed All statements noting in correct circle, similarities are placed in the but student mixed up a center circle and all few statements statements that note differences are in correct outer circle

Number of quality statements

Student makes 2 or fewer comparison statements in each circle

Student is able to make 3-4 Student is able to make 5 comparison or more comparison statements in each statements in each circle circle

Inclusion of Student includes 1 or required none of the required elements in short elements in reflection reflection

Student includes 2 of the required elements in reflection

Student includes all 3 elements in reflection: chosen form of government, explanation and description of most powerful position


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Do you still want to be a prince or princess? Or have you decided that Mr./Mrs. President is a more appealing title? By exploring Englands monarchy and the United States democracy you have had a chance to see the infrastructure of these world powers and the people behind the major decisions. Furthermore, you have used your critical thinking skills to note the similarities and differences between these two forms of governments and have decided through reasoning which you feel is more effective. Finally, you have become aware of cultural differences, realizing that what we do in the U.S.A is not the standard across the globe. Hopefully, this has fueled your appetite to find out more about different types of governments worldwide and given you an appreciation for the beautiful, governmental infrastructure we have in the democracy of the United States of America.

Title Introduction Task Process Evaluation



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Title Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion

"Cabinet Ministers." Gov.Uk. Crown Copyright, n.d. Web. 12 Mar. 2014. <https://www.gov.uk/government/ministers>. Crown Inc (n.d.). How government works - GOV.UK. Retrieved March 11, 2014, from https://www.gov.uk/government/how-government-works "President Barack Obama." The White House. The White House, n.d. Web. 12 Mar. 2014. <http://www.whitehouse.gov/administration/president-obama>. "The Current Royal Family." The Official Website Of: The British Monarchy. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Mar. 2014. <https://www.royal.gov.uk/thecurrentroyalfamily/overview.aspx>. "What Is a Constitutional Monarchy?" The Official Website Of: The British Monarchy. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Mar. 2014. <http://www.royal.gov.uk/MonarchUK/HowtheMonarchyworks/Whatisconstitutiona lmona rchy.aspx>.

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