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Living Lab Salud Andalucia

The Living Lab Salud Andalucia is an Open Innovation Community, Administration - University -Industry - Civil Society, using living environments (bed-home-hospital-neighbourhood-city region ! and open technology plat"orms, to e#ploit the potential o" social capital and technology in the development o" user-centred and innovative products, services and business in the $ublic %ealthcare System o" the Andalusia Autonomous &egion in Spain

'escription o" Concept

LLSA means:

Fostering a culture of open and user-centric innovation in Healthcare; Exploiting the economic potential of Healthcare as an engine for growth and employment; Expanding usiness opportunities to deploy technological developments in relation with existing and latent needs and demands; !reating favoura le social" cultural" technological and financial conditions that stimulate multidisciplinary colla oration; #roviding ade$uate environments and technologies to generate innovative ideas and solutions; %ntermediating and providing support services for the translation of new ideas into products" services or new usiness opportunities; Stimulating creativity and scientific vocation; %ntegrating scientific and technological &nowledge" usiness intelligence and social capital in Healthcare; contri uting to the sustaina le development of the regional healthcare system with the multiplier effect of pu lic and private economic convergence and colla oration'

&e"erences and Trac( &ecords

LLSA mem ers come from: Administration)

(egional )inistry of Health; (egional )inistry of %nnovation" Science * Enterprise; +irectorate-general for Health %nnovation; )unicipality of Alcala de ,uadaira'

*oundations + $ublic Societies)

%A-A./E 0Foundation for /echnological Advancement * #rofessional /raining1; SA.+E/EL 0Society for the +evelopment of /elecommunications in Andalusia1; %nstitute for %nnovation in !iti2en3s 4ellness; Foundation AL!ALA %..5-A; 5.!E Foundation 0F6.+5SA1'


High /echnical School of Engineering of Seville; High School of Engineering of !adi2; High School of %!/ of ,ranada; High #olytechnic School of 7aen; 6niversities of ,ranada" Huelva" !adi2 and 7aen'

,nterprises) -5+AF5.E ES#A.A /ELEF5.%!A ES#A.A A/8 4%(ELESS /S9S/E)S %/! %:E(%A ,)5ES%A

S%E)E.S A%(;5.E 0E-%/A1 SA+%EL %./E,(AS9S L%:E(A .E/45(<S HE4LE// #A!<A(+ ES#A.5LA $ro"essional Organisations

E-E(%S S#A%. %./EL !5(# %:E(%A %.F5()A/%!A EL !5(/E %.,LES !%S!5 S9S/E)S %./E(.A/%5.AL" %./E(S9S/E)S %:E(%A"

S6. )%!(5 S9S/E)S %:E(%!A ES/6+%5 +E %.,E.%E(lA L9.<A (E+SA

of %ndustrial and /elecommunications Engineers of 4estern and Eastern Andalusia' LLSA acts as a <nowledge Hu and %nnovation Accelerator" interconnecting different existing resources such as: =Expectations :an&=; %nformarse'es'Salud 0European !hampions Award on %nnovation >??@1; =,lo al 5 servatory for !hronic +isease )anagement=; %nnovative #ractices :an&; 5 servatories of new +evices and /echnology #rospective; =5 servatory of )ulti channel %nformation on Health=; /reatment of /hree-dimensional %mages; new 6niversity Hospital and /elefonica3s Living La Health" developed in the Health Sciences /echnology !entre of ,ranada'

Living La Salud Andalucia is mem er of the ,-oLL Council'

Contact :idat2i )arin: bidat.i marin/iavante es Avda' de la %nnovacion sAn' Edificio Arena B Sevilla 8B?>B" Spain

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