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1 '(1) *(1

Learning Objec i!e

1.1 Understanding Physics

Learning O" c#$e%

A student is able to: explain what physics is

S"gge% e& Ac i!i ie%

Observe everyday objects such as table a pencil a mirror etc and discuss hoe they are related to physics concepts. !iew a video on natural phenomena and discuss how they related to physics concepts. "iscuss #ields o# study in physics such as #orces motion heat light etc.

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recognize the physics in everyday objects and natural phenomena

$ +(1) 1,(1

1.$ Understanding base %uantities and derived %uantities

A student is able to: explain what base %uantities and derived %uantities are list base %uantities and their units list some derived %uantities and their units. express %uantities using pre#ixes. express %uantities using scienti#ic notation

"iscuss base %uantities and derived %uantities. &rom a text passage identi#y physical %uantities then classi#y them into base %uantities and derived %uantities. 'ist the value o# pre#ixes and their abbreviations #rom nano to giga e.g. nano (1)*+, nm(nanometer, "iscus the use o# scienti#ic notation to express large and small numbers.

-ase %uantities are: length (l, mass(m, time (t, temperature (., and current (/, 0uggested derived %uantities: #orce (&, "ensity (

, volume (!, and

velocity (v, 2ore complex derived %uantities may be discussed 3hen these %uantities are introduced in their related learning areas.

express derived %uantities as well as their units in terms o# base %uantities and base units. solve problems involving conversion o# units

"etermine the base %uantities (and units, in a given derived %uantity (and unit, #rom the related #ormula. 0olve problems that involve the conversion o# units. 5arry out activities to show that some %uantities can be de#ined by magnitude only whereas other %uantities need to be de#ined by magnitude as well as direction. 5ompile a list o# scalar and vector %uantities. 5hoose the appropriate instrument #or a given measurement

$ 1.4 Understanding scalar and vector %uantities

A student is able to: de#ine scalar and vector %uantities give examples o# scalar and vector %uantities.

4 1*(1) 1-(1

1.6 Understanding measurement

A student ia able to 2easure physical %uantities using appropriate instruments


Learning Objec i!e

Learning O" c#$e%

7xplain accuracy and consistency 7xplain sensitivity 7xplain types o# experimental error

S"gge% e& Ac i!i ie%

"iscuss consistency and accuracy using the distribution o# gunshots on a target as an example "iscuss the sensitivity o# various instruments "emonstrate through examples systematic errors and random errors. "iscuss what systematic and random errors are. Use appropriate techni%ues to reduce error in measurements such as repeating measurements to #ind the average and compensating #or zero error. Observe a situation and suggest %uestions suitable #or a scienti#ic investigation. "iscus to: a, identi#y a %uestion suitable #or scienti#ic investigation b, identi#y all the variables c, #orm a hypothesis d, plan the method o# investigation including selection o# apparatus and wor: procedures 5arry out an experiment and: a, collect and tabulate data b, present data in suitable #orm c, interpret the data and draw conclusions d, write a complete report

N# e%

Use appropriate techni%ues to reduce errors

4 1*(1) 1-(1

1.8 Analysing scienti#ic investigations

A student is able to: /denti#y variables in a given situation /denti#y a %uestion suitable #or scienti#ic investigation &orm a hypothesis "esign and carry out a simple experiment to test the hypothesis

0cienti#ic s:ills are applied throughout

9ecord and present data in a suitable #orm /nterpret data to draw a conclusion 3rite a report o# the investigation


6 ',(1) '0(1

Learning Objec i!e

$.1 Analysing linear motion

Learning O" c#$e%

A student is able to: "e#ine distance and displacement "e#ine speed and velocity and state that

S"gge% e& Ac i!i ie%

5arry out activities to gain an idea o#: a, distance and displacement b, speed and velocity c, acceleration and deceleration

N# e%
Average speed < total distance ; time ta:en


s t
"e#ine acceleration and deceleration and state


v u t

5alculate speed and velocity 5alculate acceleration;deceleration

0olve problems on linear motion with uni#orm acceleration using

5arry out activities using a data logger;graphing calculator;tic:er timer to a, identi#y when a body is at rest moving with uni#orm velocity or non*uni#orm velocity b, determine displacement velocity and acceleration 0olve problems using the #ollowing e%uations o# motion:

v = u + at
s = ut +

v = u + at
s = ut + 1 2 at 2 v 2 = u 2 + 2as

1 2 at 2 v 2 = u 2 + 2as
Re$in&er !elocity is determined #rom the gradient o# displacement =time graph. Acceleration is determined #rom the gradient o# velocity =time graph

6 ',(1) '0(1

$.$ Analysing motion graphs

A student is able to: plot and interpret displacement* time and velocity* time graphs deduce #rom the shape o# a displacement*time graph when a body is: i. at rest ii. moving with uni#orm velocity iii. moving with non*uni#orm velocity determine distance displacement and velocity #rom a displacement =time graph

5arry out activities using a data logger;graphing calculator; tic:er timer to plot a, displacement*time graphs b, velocity*time graphs "escribe and interpret: a, displacement*time graphs b, velocity*time graphs "etermine distance displacement velocity and acceleration #rom a displacement =time and velocity=time graphs.

8 '-(1) *,(1

Learning Objec i!e

Learning O" c#$e%

A student is able to: deduce #rom the shape o# velocity* time graph when a body is: a. at rest b. moving with uni#orm velocity c. moving with uni#orm acceleration determine distance displacement velocity and acceleration #rom a velocity=time graph solve problems on linear motion with uni#orm acceleration. A student is able to: explain what inertia is relate mass to inertia give examples o# situations involving inertia suggest ways to reduce the negative side e##ects o# inertia.

S"gge% e& Ac i!i ie%

N# e%

0olve problems on linear motion with uni#orm acceleration involving graphs.

"istance is determined #rom the area under a velocity = time graph.

> *(') -('

$.4 Understanding /nertia

5arry out activities;view computer simulations; situations to gain an idea on inertia. 5arry out activities to #ind out the relationship between inertia and mass. 9esearch and report on a, the positive e##ects o# inertia b, ways to reduce the negative e##ects o# inertia 5arry out activities;view computer simulations to gain an idea o# momentum by comparing the e##ect o# stopping two objects: a, o# the same mass moving at di##erent speeds b, o# di##erent masses moving at the same speeds. * need to be emphasized di##erent "irection "iscuss momentum as the product o# mass and velocity. !iew computer simulations on collision and explosions to gain an idea on the conservation o# momentum. 5onduct an experiment to show that the total momentum o# a closed system is a constant. 5arry out activities that demonstrate the conservation o# momentum e.g. water roc:ets.

?ewton@s &irst 'aw o# 2otion maybe introduced here.

A 1,(') 10('

$.6 Analysing momentum

A student is able to: de#ine the momentum o# an object de#ine momentum and velocity (v, i.e.

( p ) as the product o# mass (m, p = mv

state the principle o# conservation o# momentum


Learning Objec i!e

Learning O" c#$e%

S"gge% e& Ac i!i ie%

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B 1-(') '1('

A student is able to: describe applications o# conservation o# momentum solve problems involving momentum

9esearch and report on the applications o# conservation o# momentum such as in roc:ets or jet engines . 0olve problems involving linear momentum

9eminder 2omentum as a vector %uantity needs to be emphasized in problem solving

+ '0(') '1('

$.8 Understanding the e##ects o# a #orce

A student is able to: describe the e##ects o# balanced #orces acting on an object describe the e##ects o# unbalanced #orces acting on an object determine the relationship between #orce mass and acceleration i.e. & < ma.

3ith the aid o# diagrams describe the #orces acting on an object: a, at rest b, moving at constant velocity c, accelerating 5onduct experiments to #ind the relationship between: a, acceleration and mass o# an object under constant #orce b, acceleration and #orce #or a constant mass. 0olve problems using & < ma !iew computer simulations o# collision and explosions to gain an idea on impulsive #orces. "iscuss a, impulse as a change o# momentum b, an impulsive #orce as the rate o# change o# momentum in a collision or explosion

3hen the #orces acting on an objects are balanced they cancel each other out (nett #orce < ),. .he object then behaves as i# there is no #orce acting on it. ?ewton@s 0econd 'aw o# 2otion may be introduced here

0olve problem using & < ma

1) *(*) -(*

$.> Analysing impulse and impulsive #orce

A student is able to: explain what an impulsive #orce is. give examples o# situations involving impulsive #orces de#ine impulse as a change o# momentum i.e.

&t = mv * mu

de#ine impulsive #orces as the rate o# change o#


Learning Objec i!e

Learning O" c#$e%

S"gge% e& Ac i!i ie%

c, how increasing or decreasing time o# impact a##ects the magnitude o# the impulsive #orce.

N# e%

mv * mu & = t

momentum in a collision or explosion i.e.

explain the e##ect o# increasing or decreasing time o# impact on the magnitude o# the impulsive #orce. "escribe situation where an impulsive #orce needs to be reduced and suggest ways to reduce it. describe situation where an impulsive #orce is bene#icial solve problems involving impulsive #orces

9esearch and report situations where: a, an impulsive #orce needs to be reduced and how it can be done b, an impulsive #orce is bene#icial

0olve problems involving impulsive #orces

1) *(*) -(*

$.A -eing aware o# the need #or sa#ety #eatures in vehicles

A student is able to: describe the importance o# sa#ety #eatures in vehicles

9esearch and report on the physics o# vehicle collision and sa#ety #eatures in vehicles in terms o# physics concepts. "iscuss the importance o# sa#ety #eatures in vehicles.

11 1,(*) 10(*

Learning Objec i!e

$.B Understanding gravity

Learning O" c#$e%

A student is able to: explain acceleration due to gravity

S"gge% e& Ac i!i ie%

5arry out activity or view computer simulations to gain an idea o# acceleration due to gravity. "iscuss a, acceleration due to gravity b, a gravitational #ield as a region in which an object experiences a #orce due to gravitational attraction and c, gravitational #ield strength (g, as gravitational #orce per unit mass 5arry out an activity to determine the value o# acceleration due to gravity. "iscuss weight as the 7arth@s gravitational #orce on an object

N# e%
3hen considering a body #alling #reely g (< +.B m;s$, is its acceleration but when it is at rest g (<+.B ?;:g, is the 7arth@s gravitational #ield strength acting on it. .he weight o# an object o# #ixed mass is dependent on the g exerted on it.

state what a gravitational #ield is de#ine gravitational #ield strength

determine the value o# acceleration due to gravity

de#ine weight (3, as the product o# mass (m, and acceleration due to gravity (g, i.e. 3 <mg. solve problems involving acceleration due to gravity. 1$ 1-(*) '1(* $.+ Analysing #orces in e%uilibrium A student is able to: describe situations where #orces are in e%uilibrium

0olve problems involving acceleration due to gravity.

state what a resultant #orce is add two #orces to determine the resultant #orce. 9esolve a #orce into the e##ective component #orces. 0olve problems involving #orces in e%uilibrium

3ith the aid o# diagrams describe situations where #orces are in e%uilibrium e.g. a boo: at rest on a table an object at rest on an inclined plane. 3ith the aid o# diagrams discuss the resolution and addition o# #orces to determine the resultant #orce.

0olve problems involving #orces in e%uilibrium (limited to 4 #orces,.

16 *1(*) 0(0

Learning Objec i!e

$.1) Understanding wor: energy power and e##iciency.

Learning O" c#$e%

A student is able to: "e#ine wor: (3, as the product o# an applied #orce (&, and displacement (s, o# an object in the direction o# the applied #orce i.e. 3 < &s.

S"gge% e& Ac i!i ie%

Observe and discus situations where wor: is done. "iscuss that no wor: is done when: a, a #orce is applied but no displacement occurs b, an object undergoes a displacement with no applied #orce acting on it. Cive examples to illustrate how energy is trans#erred #rom one object to another when wor: is done "iscuss the relationship between wor: done to accelerate a body and the change in :inetic energy

N# e%

0tate that when wor: is done energy is trans#erred #rom one object to another. "e#ine :inetic energy and state that

7: =

1 mv $ $

"e#ine gravitational potential energy and state that 7p < mgh 0tate the principle o# conservation o# energy. "e#ine power and state that P < 3;t

7xplain what e##iciency o# a device is.

0olve problems involving wor: energy power and e##iciency

"iscuss the relationship between wor: done against gravity and gravitational potential energy. 5arry out an activity to show the principle o# conservation o# energy 0tate that power is the rate at which wor: is done P < 3;t. 5arry out activities to measure power. "iscuss e##iciency as: Use#ul energy output x 1)) D 7nergy input 7valuate and report the e##iciencies o# various devices such as a diesel engine a petrol engine and an electric engine. 0olve problems involving wor: energy power and e##iciency.

Eave students recall the di##erent #orms o# energy.

18 -(0) 11(0

Learning Objec i!e

$.11 Appreciating the importance o# maximising the e##iciency o# devices.

Learning O" c#$e%

A student is able to: recognize the importance o# maximising e##iciency o# devices in conserving resources.

S"gge% e& Ac i!i ie%

"iscuss that when an energy trans#ormation ta:es place not all the energy is used to do use#ul wor:. 0ome is converted into heat or other types o# energy. 2aximising e##iciency during energy trans#ormations ma:es the best use o# the available energy. .his helps to conserve resources

N# e%

18 -(0) 11(0

$.1$ Understanding elasticity.

A student is able to: de#ine elasticity de#ine Eoo:e@s 'aw de#ine elastic potential energy and state that

5arry out activities to gain an idea on elasticity. Plan and conduct an experiment to #ind the relationship between #orce and extension o# a spring. 9elate wor: done to elastic potential energy to obtain 7 p =

7p =

1 :x $ $

1 :x $ . $

"escribe and interpret #orce* extension graphs. /nvestigate the #actors that a##ect elasticity.

determine the #actors that a##ect elasticity.

"escribe applications o# elasticity 0olve problems involving elasticity

9esearch and report on applications o# elasticity. 0olve problems involving elasticity.


1> 10(0) 11(0

Learning Objec i!e

4.1 Understanding pressure

Learning O" c#$e%

A student is able to:

S"gge% e& Ac i!i ie%

Observe and describe the e##ect o# #orce acting over a large area compared to a small area e.g. school shoes versus high heeled shoes. "iscuss pressure as #orce per unit area 9esearch and report on applications o# pressure. 0olve problems involving pressure

N# e%
/ntroduce the unit o# pressure Pascal (Pa, (Pa < ?;m$,

& "e#ine pressure and state that P = A

"escribe applications o# pressure solve problems involving pressure

1> 10(0) 11(0 4.$ Understanding pressure in li%uids

A student is able to: relate depth to pressure in a li%uid relate density to pressure in a li%uid explain pressure in a li%uid and state that P < hg describe applications o# pressure in li%uids.

0olve problems involving pressure in li%uids.

Observe situations to #orm ideas that pressure in li%uids: a, acts in all directions b, increases with depth Observe situations to #orm the idea that pressure in li%uids increases with density 9elate depth (h, density () and gravitational #ield strength (g, to pressure in li%uids to obtain P < hg 9esearch and report on a, the applications o# pressure in li%uids b, ways to reduce the negative e##ect o# pressure in li%uids 0olve problems involving pressure in li%uids.

1A '1(0) '2(0

Learning Objec i!e

4.4 Understanding gas pressure and atmospheric pressure

Learning O" c#$e%

A student is able to: explain gas pressure

S"gge% e& Ac i!i ie%

5arry out activities to gain an idea o# gas pressure and atmospheric. "iscuss gas pressure in terms o# the behavior o# gas molecules based on the :inetic theory "iscuss atmospheric pressure in terms o# the weight o# the atmosphere acting on the 7arth@s sur#ace "iscuss the e##ect o# altitude on the magnitude o# atmospheric pressure 9esearch and report on the application o# atmospheric pressure 0olve problems involving atmospheric and gas pressure including barometer and manometer readings.

N# e%
0tudent need to be introduced to instruments used to measure gas pressure (-ourdon Cauge, and atmospheric pressure (&ortin barometer aneroid barometer,. 3or:ing principle o# the instrument is not re%uired. /ntroduce other units o# atmospheric pressure. 1 atmosphere < A>) mmEg < 1).4 m water< 1)14)) Pa 1 milibar < 1)) Pa

explain atmospheric pressure

describe applications o# atmospheric pressure solve problems involving atmospheric pressure and gas pressure

1B '1(0) '(2

4.6 Applying Pascal@s principle

A student is able to: state Pascal@s principle.

7xplain hydraulic system

Observe situations to #orm the idea that pressure exerted on an enclosed li%uid is transmitted e%ually to every part o# the li%uid. "iscuss hydraulic systems as a #orce multiplier to obtain: Output #orce < output piston area /nput #orce input piston area


Learning Objec i!e

Learning O" c#$e%

"escribe applications o# Pascal@s principle. 0olve problems involving Pascal@s principle.

S"gge% e& Ac i!i ie%

9esearch and report on the application o# Pascal@s principle (hydraulic systems, 0olve problems involving Pascal@s principle 5arry out an activity to measure the weight o# an object in air and the weight o# the same object in water to gain an idea on buoyant #orce. 5onduct an experiment to investigate the relationship between the weight o# water displaced and the buoyant #orce. "iscuss buoyancy in terms o#: a, An object that is totally or partially submerged in a #luid experiences a buoyant #orce e%ual to the weight o# #luid displaced b, .he weight o# a #reely #loating object being e%ual to the weight o# #luid displaced c, a #loating object has a density less than or e%ual to the density o# the #luid in which it is #loating. 9esearch and report on the applications o# Archimedes@ principle e.g. submarines hydrometers hot air balloons 0olve problems involving Archimedes@ principle. -uild a 5artesian diver. "iscuss why the diver can be made to move up and down. 5arry out activities to gain the idea that when the speed o# a #lowing #luid increases its pressure decreases e.g. blowing above a strip o# paper

N# e%

1+ 2(2) 3(2

4.8 Applying Archimedes@ principle.

A student is able to: 7xplain buoyant #orce

Eave students recall the di##erent #orms o# energy.

9elate buoyant #orce to the weight o# the li%uid displaced

0tate Archimedes@ principle.

"escribe applications o# Archimedes principle

0olve problems involving Archimedes principle

1+ 2(2) 3(2

4.> Understanding -ernoulli@s principle.

A student is able to: 0tate -ernoulli@s principle 7xplain that resultant #orce exists due to a


Learning Objec i!e

Learning O" c#$e%

di##erence in #luid pressure

S"gge% e& Ac i!i ie%

blowing through straw between two pingpong balls suspended on strings. "iscuss -ernoulli@s principle 5arry out activities to show that a resultant #orce exists due to a di##erence in #luid pressure. !iew a computer simulation to observe air #low over an aero#oil to gain an idea on li#ting #orce. 9esearch and report on the applications o# -ernoulli@s principle. 0olve problems involving -ernoulli@s principle.

N# e%

"escribe applications o# -ernoulli@s principle

0olve problems involving -ernoulli@s principle


Week Learning Objec i!e Learning O" c#$e% S"gge% e& Ac i!i ie% N# e%

',)'' 41'(2)'-(2 : Se$e% er 1 .ina5 E6a$ina i#n7 '')'2 4'1(2)12(+ : /i& Se$e% er 8reak7 $8 6.1 Understanding A student is able to: 1+(+) thermal 7xplain thermal e%uilibrium ',(+ e%uilibrium.

5arry out activities to show that thermal e%uilibrium is a condition in which there is no nett heat #low between two objects in thermal contact Use the li%uid*in*glass thermometer to explain how the volume o# a #ixed mass o# li%uid may be used to de#ine a temperature scale.

7xplain how a li%uid in glass thermometer wor:s

$> '*(+) '-(+

6.$ Understanding speci#ic heat capacity

A student is able to: "e#ine speci#ic heat capacity ( c,

0tate that c =

F mc

Observe the change in temperature when: a, the same amount o# heat is used to heat di##erent masses o# water. b, the same amount o# heat is used to heat the same mass o# di##erent li%uids. "iscuss speci#ic heat capacity Plan and carry out an activity to determine the speci#ic heat capacity o# a, a li%uid b, a solid

Eeat capacity only relates to a particular object whereas speci#ic heat capacity relates to a material

"etermine the speci#ic heat capacity o# a li%uid. "etermine the speci#ic heat capacity o# a solid

Cuide students to analyse the unit o# c as 1 1 H:g G or

1o H:g 5


Learning Objec i!e

Learning O" c#$e%

"escribe applications o# speci#ic heat capacity 0olve problems involving speci#ic heat capacity.

S"gge% e& Ac i!i ie%

9esearch and report on applications o# speci#ic heat capacity. 0olve problems involving speci#ic heat capacity. 5arry out an activity to show that there is no change in temperature when heat is supplied to: a, a li%uid at its boiling point. b, a solid at its melting point. 3ith the aid o# a cooling and heating curve discuss melting solidi#ication boiling and condensation as processes involving energy trans#er without a change in temperature. "iscuss a, latent heat in terms o# molecular behavior b, speci#ic latent heat Plan and carry out an activity to determine the speci#ic latent heat o# a, #usion b, vaporisation

N# e%

$A *,(+) 0(-

6.4 Understanding speci#ic latent heat

A student is able to: 0tate that trans#er o# heat during a change o# phase does not cause a change in temperature

"e#ine speci#ic latent heat 0tate that l =

F m

(l )

Cuide students to analyse the unit o# (l as H:g


"etermine the speci#ic latent heat o# a #usion. "etermine the speci#ic latent heat o# vaporization 0olve problems involving speci#ic latent heat

0olve problems involving speci#ic latent heat.

$B;$+ -(-) 11(-

Learning Objec i!e

6.6 Understanding the gas laws

Learning O" c#$e%

A student is able to: explain gas pressure temperature and volume in terms o# gas molecules.

S"gge% e& Ac i!i ie%

Use a model or view computer simulations on the behavior o# molecules o# a #ixed mass o# gas to gain an idea about gas pressure temperature and volume. "iscuss gas pressure volume and temperature in terms o# the behavior o# molecules based on the :inetic theory. Plan and carry out an experiment on a #ixed mass o# gas to determine the relationship between: a, pressure and volume at constant temperature b, volume and temperature at constant pressure c, pressure and temperature at constant volume 7xtrapolate P*. and !*. graphs or view computer simulations to show that when pressure and volume are zero the temperature on a P*. and !*. graph is = $A4)5. "iscuss absolute zero and the Gelvin scale o# temperature 0olve problems involving the pressure temperature and volume o# a #ixed mass o# gas.

N# e%

"etermine the relationship between pressure and volume at constant temperature #or a #ixed mass o# gas i.e. p! < constant "etermine the relationship between volume and temperature at constant pressure #or a #ixed mass o# gas i.e. !;. < constant "etermine the relationship between pressure and temperature at constant volume #or a #ixed mass o# gas i.e. p;. < constant 7xplain absolute zero 7xplain the absolute;Gelvin scale o# temperature 0olve problems involving pressure temperature and volume o# a #ixed mass o# gas


4) '1(-) '2(-

Learning Objec i!e

8.1 Understanding re#lection o# light.

Learning O" c#$e%

A student is able to: "escribe the characteristic o# the image #ormed by re#lection o# light

S"gge% e& Ac i!i ie%

Observe the image #ormed in a plane mirror. "iscuss that the image is: a, as #ar behind the mirror as the object is in #ront and the line joining the object and image is perpendicular to the mirror. b, the same size as the object c, virtual d, laterally inverted "iscuss the laws o# re#lection "raw the ray diagrams to determine the position and characteristics o# the image #ormed by a a, plane mirror b, convex mirror c, concave mirror 9esearch and report on applications o# re#lection o# light 0olve problems involving re#lection o# light 5onstruct a device based on the application o# re#lection o# light

N# e%

0tate the laws o# re#lection o# light "raw ray diagrams to show the position and characteristics o# the image #ormed by a i. plane mirror ii. convex mirror iii. concave mirror "escribe applications o# re#lection o# light 0olve problems involving re#lection o# light 5onstruct a device based on the application o# re#lection o# light

4$ 0(1) 1(1

Learning Objec i!e

8.$ Understanding re#raction o# light.

Learning O" c#$e%

A student is able to: 7xplain re#raction o# light

S"gge% e& Ac i!i ie%

Observe situations to gain an idea o# re#raction 5onduct an experiment to #ind the relationship between the angle o# incidence and angle o# re#raction to obtain 0nell@s law. 5arry out an activity to determine the re#ractive index o# a glass or perspex bloc: "iscuss the re#ractive index 0peed o# light in a vacuum 0peed o# light in a medium

N# e%

"e#ine re#ractive index as I =

sini sinr

"etermine the re#ractive index o# a glass or Perspex bloc:


0tate the re#ractive index 0peed o# light in a vacuum 0peed o# light in a medium


"escribe phenomena due to re#raction

9esearch and report on phenomena due to re#raction e.g. apparent depth the twin:ling o# stars. 5arry out activities to gain an idea o# apparent depth. 3ith the aid o# diagrams discuss real depth and apparent depth. 0olve problems involving re#raction o# light

0olve problems involving re#raction o# light

44 11(1) 12(1

Learning Objec i!e

8.4 Understanding total internal re#lection o# light.

Learning O" c#$e%

A student is able to: 7xplain total internal re#lection o# light "e#ine critical angle (c,

S"gge% e& Ac i!i ie%

5arry out activities to show the e##ect o# increasing the angle o# incidence on the angle o# re#raction when light travels #rom a denser medium to a less dense medium to gain an idea about total internal re#lection and to obtain the critical angle. "iscuss with the aid o# diagrams: a, total internal re#lection and critical angle b, the relationship between critical angle and re#ractive angle 9esearch and report on a, natural phenomena involving total internal re#lection b, the applications o# total re#lection e.g. in telecommunication using #iber optics. 0olve problems involving total internal re#lection

N# e%

9elate the critical angle to the re#ractive index i.e. I =

1 sin c

"escribe natural phenomenon involving total internal re#lection "escribe applications o# total internal re#lection

0olve problems involving total internal re#lection

46 11(1) ''(1

8.6 Understanding lenses.

"raw ray diagrams to show the positions and characteristics o# the images #ormed by a convex lens. "raw ray diagrams to show the positions and characteristics o# the images #ormed by a concave lens.

3ith the help o# ray diagrams discuss #ocal point and #ocal length "raw ray diagrams to show the positions and characteristic o# the images #ormed by a a, convex lens b, concave lens


"e#ine magni#ication as m =

v u

5arry out activities to gain an idea o#

'2(1) '3(1

Learning Objec i!e

Learning O" c#$e%

9elate #ocal length (#, to the object distance (u, and image distance (v, i.e.

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magni#ication. 3ith the help o# ray diagrams discuss magni#ication. 5arry out activities to #ind the relationship between u v and #

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1 1 1 = + # u v

"escribe with the aid o# ray diagrams the use o# lenses in optical devices.

4> 1(3) 2(3

5onstruct an optical device that uses lenses. 0olve problems involving to lenses.

5arry out activities to gain an idea on the use o# lenses in optical devices. 3ith the help o# ray diagrams discuss the use o# lenses in optical devices such as a telescope and microscope 5onstruct an optical device that uses lenses. 0olve problems involving to lenses


Learning Objec i!e

Learning O" c#$e%

"raw ray diagrams to show the positions and characteristics o# the images #ormed by a convex lens. "raw ray diagrams to show the positions and characteristics o# the images #ormed by a concave lens.

S"gge% e& Ac i!i ie%

3ith the help o# ray diagrams discuss #ocal point and #ocal length "raw ray diagrams to show the positions and characteristic o# the images #ormed by a a, convex lens b, concave lens 5arry out activities to gain an idea o# magni#ication. 3ith the help o# ray diagrams discuss magni#ication. 5arry out activities to #ind the relationship between u v and # 5arry out activities to gain an idea on the use o# lenses in optical devices. 3ith the help o# ray diagrams discuss the use o# lenses in optical devices such as a telescope and microscope 5onstruct an optical device that uses lenses. 0olve problems involving to lenses

N# e%

4A 1(3) 1'(3

"e#ine magni#ication as m =

v u

9elate #ocal length (#, to the object distance (u, and image distance (v, i.e.

1 1 1 = + # u v

"escribe with the aid o# ray diagrams the use o# lenses in optical devices.

4B 12(3) 13(3

5onstruct an optical device that uses lenses. 0olve problems involving to lenses.

*3)01 4''(3)1(1, : .ina5 e6a$ina i#n7 ''(11)*1(1' : Year En& 8reak

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