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2008 By Donna Cunningham, MSW

An ebook from Moon Maven Publications http://www.moonmavenpublications.com

Moon Maven Publications PO Bo !"##$ Po%tlan&' OR ()!(*+,##$

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Donna Cunningham, an internationally respected astrologer with o er !" years e#perience, is the author o$ %" &oo's on metaphysical topics( )isted in se eral *ho+s *ho olumes, she has gi en seminars on astrology around the world and won the prestigious Regulus Award at the %,,- UAC( .he also has a /aster+s Degree in .ocial *or' $rom Colum&ia Uni ersity( .he uses this com&ined approach in her 0Dear A&&y1 type column in Dell Horoscope and her ongoing series o$ articles in The /ountain Astrologer( Donna still does personal consultations &y phone to stay in touch with the e er2 un$olding patterns o$ the Cosmos( 3or in$ormation on her astrological or we& design ser ices, isit her we& site at: http:44www(DonnaCunningham/.*(com
E-B ! SE"#ES B$ M % M&'E% P(B)#C&*# %S+

EBOOK SERIES BY MOON MA EN !"B#I$A%IONS: The Outer Planets as Vocational IndicatorsThe Outer Planets and Inner Life, v.1, 2009 Outer Planet Aspects to Venus and arsThe Outer Planets and Inner Life, v. 2, 2009 Aspects !et"een the Outer PlanetsThe Outer Planets and Inner Life, v.#, 2009 $ounselin% Principles for Astrolo%ers. 200& 'dition Astrolo%ical Anal(sis) *elect Topics in $hart Interpretation. 2009 An Astrolo%ical +uide to *elf,A"areness, -evised 'dition. 200. /otline to /eaven. An astrolo%ical01etaph(sical 1(ster( novel. 2002 An%el in Peril. An astrolo%ical01etaph(sical 1(ster( novel. 2002 3lo"er -e1edies/o" Plants4 'ner%ies $an /eal 5s. 2006 'dition &a'( $op) Boo*s +'om Re( ,heel/,eise': http)00""".red"heel"eiser.co1 /o" to -ead 7our Astrolo%ical $hart) Aspects of the $os1ic Pu88le9 -ed :heel0 :eiser, Inc., 1999 /ealin% Pluto Pro!le1s9 -ed :heel0 :eiser, Inc., 19&; a'ious Out o+ !'int boo*s available th'ou-h Ama.on.com:
Astrology and 5i&rational Healing6 Cassandra 7ress, %,-Astrology and .piritual De elopment6 Cassandra 7ress, %,-, The 3lower Remedies Hand&oo'6 .terling 7u&lishing, %,,8 .piritual Dimensions o$ Healing Addictions, *ith Andrew Ramer( Cassandra, %,-3urther Dimensions o$ Healing Addictions, *ith Andrew Ramer( Cassandra, %,--

&S*" ) ,#C&) &%&)$S#S+ SE)EC*ED * P#CS #% C-&"* #%*E"P"E*&*# % 200.-8 by Donna Cunningham, MSW
This e&oo' consists o$ articles that appeared in arious 9ournals and maga:ines o er the years, collected here $or the $irst time so that they can &e preser ed( ;n my ongoing series $or intermediate students, 0Essential Elements o$ Chart ;nterpretation,1 The Mountain Astrologer has pro ided a rewarding enue $or e#amining smaller points o$ astrological interpretation in depth . Each essay stands alone and is related to those around it only &y irtue o$ the $act that they all arise out o$ my personal perspecti e on the horoscope and my years o$ astrological practice( (Note: An easy way of navigating this book is to click on the bookmark tab on the left, then click on the bookmark for the section you want to read You can also find the page numbers at the bottom of the toolbar and use the slide on the right to move to a page)

Trusting <our 3irst ;mpressions o$ the Horoscope============((> The 3our Elements and <our Essential /a'eup=============%8 The .ingleton: The Only, )onely 7lanet================(((%7lanets and Houses ?@uic' and Dirty Recti$icationA===========(((8% 3inding .trength in Bum&ers: .telliums &y House============(8The Ele enth HouseCAn Unsuspected Resource in a *oman+s Chart===(!! Analy:ing the Elemental Balance and Aspect 7attern==========(((!The /oon in your Chart and your Com$ort Done=============(E, *hat 7lanet are <ou 3romF ?7lanetary TypesA((=============("! 3inding <our 7lanetary Type: A .cale $or /easuring the .trength o$ the 7lanets in a Chart=======================((("> Con9unctions 5ersus Oppositions==================(=((>G How Oppositions to the Ascendant /odi$y Our Approach to Others=====>E Bow, That+s a .tretchH 7erspecti es on the @uincun#===========>.e#tilesCCan the Two .igns Bring Out the *orst in Each OtherF====(=((-E .potting Themes in a Birth ChartCthe Rule o$ Three========(==((((-> *eighing ;nconsistencies in the Chart==================,% /ercury Retrograde De&un'ed=====================," )i'e Bight and Day: Transits $rom the %8th House into the %st ========,, A 7romise 3ul$illed: *hen Transits Echo Batal Aspects=========((%GE Be er Rains &ut ;t 7ours: /ultiple Transits===============((%GThe Ha:ards o$ 7redicting $or <oursel$ and Those <ou )o e======((=(%%! Hyperacti e Iupiter .yndromeCthe Down .ide o$ an Up&eat 7lanet((=(((((((((%%" .aturn and RolesCHow They )imit and De$ine Us============%%, .aturn and The /ature )i$e Cycles=================(((=%8! The Retirement A#isCChart Clues to Retirement============((%8<our Birth Order and <our Chart22*here Do <ou 3it ;n <our 3amilyF====%!*ould Relocation Change your li$eF Astrology+s Answers=========%E" How to .tudy Relocation=======================(%".teps to Ta'e in .ynthesi:ing a Chart=================((%J)earning your ABDsCa Klossary o$ Astrological Terms==========%>" 7lanetary .cale .core sheet================(==(Appendi#

<I =>O: ALL T/' PI'$'* O3 A> A*T-OLO+7 $/A-T, ?5T /O: @O I P5T T/' TO+'T/'-A< Stu() with one o+ Ast'olo-)/s most +amous Autho's0 Announcin- 1onna $unnin-ham2s $ha't Inte'p'etation $ou'se Puttin% 20 (ears of eBperience at (our disposal, @onna offers a 12, lesson correspondence course !( e1ail. If (ou4ve studied the si%ns, planets, houses, aspects and transits !ut don4t Cno" ho" to put the1 to%ether, this inter1ediate class is for (ou. 7ouDll eBplore the chart as a "hole and spot i1portant patterns. The readin% 1aterial and eBercises teach (ou to scan the chart for the1es and see "hat stands out. 7ou4ll !uild on this overvie" la(er !( la(er to anal(8e aspects and other i1portant chart features. 7ouDll learn to interpret transitin% positions and ho" the( relate to natal the1es. &O, %&E $O"RSE ,ORKS: 7ouDll receive a !ooClet "ith 12 lessons, do the readin% for each lesson, co1plete the "ritten assi%n1ent, and send it to @onna !( e1ail for feed!acC. EIf (ou don4t o"n astrolo%( soft"are, charts "ill !e provided for (ou.F @onna4s eBercises "ill train (our 1ind and e(e to reco%ni8e "hat is i1portant and uniGue in each chart. 'Bplorin% the aspect pattern, !alance of ele1ents, and planetar( t(pe adds to this initial %rasp. 7ouDll !e %iven tools to develop independence in anal(8in% a variet( of aspects, includin% 1aHor confi%urations liCe the T,sGuare, +rand Trine, and 7od. These tools are then applied to transits and their relationship to the natal chart.
%opics $ove'e( b) the 34 #essons: 3irst I1pressionsA Visual Overvie" of the $hart9 The Aspect Pattern and 'le1ental ?alance9 Inte%ratin% the *un, oon, and Ascendant9 3indin% the Person4s Planetar( T(pes9 3actorin% in the /ouse Place1ents9 =e("ords) the =e( to Anal(8in% Aspects and *i%n Place1ents9 5nderstandin% Outer Planets in *i%ns9 /ard Aspects and their Place in Personal @(na1ics9 *oft Aspects and the +rand Trine9 ore a!out aHor $onfi%urations9 :hole,Person Vocational Astrolo%(9 The $hart as a :holeThe1es and Patterns9 Individual Transits to the >atal $hart9) *(nthesi8in% ultiple Transits to the

>atal $hart %"I%ION) I#00, paid in advance, plus I#0 for teBts. 3or up to 90 da(s after purchasin% the course, students 1a( drop out after t"o lessons and receive a tuition refund, 1inus I.0 ad1inistrative costs. The cost of teBts is not refunda!le. To learn 1ore a!out the course, call @onna $unnin%ha1 at E.0#F 291,6&91 !et"een 10)00 A and 6)00 P Pacific or send an e1ail to her at 1oon1aveJspiritone.co1. If (ou4re not certain "hether the course suits (our level of Cno"led%e, asC her for a sa1ple test. NO%E: Ast'olo-ical Anal)sis is one o+ the main te5ts +o' this cou'se.

,hat 1onna $unnin-ham &as to Sa) about a'ious %opics

These nu%%ets of "isdo1 dra"n fro1 @onna4s #. (ears as a professional astrolo%er co1e fro1 Astrological Analysis: Selected Topics in Chart Interpretation, availa!le at http)00""".1oon1avenpu!lications.co1 MISCELLANEOUS OBSERVATIONS: ;n the house where Uranus is located, people show their uncon entional side &y $reLuently doing things that $ly in the $ace o$ con ention in matters related to that house( *ith Uranus in the !rd house, $or instance, such people o$ten em&race C and spea' or write a&out C uncon entional, modern, or e en radical points o$ iew, though their iewpoint would tend to shi$t dramatically $rom time to time( *ith Uranus in the %%th, they would ha e $riendships with unusual, eccentric, or e en re&ellious types, with new people coming and going $reLuently( *hen there is a Luestion o$ whether .tandard or Daylight Time was recorded on the &irth certi$icate, &egin &y erecting &oth ersions o$ the chart and then noting which planets shi$ted houses( Krill the indi idual a&out li$e e ents and circumstances related to the houses where there was a signi$icant shi$t( 3or e#ample, suppose that 7luto is in the !rd house in one ersion o$ the &irth chart and in the 8nd in the other( *ere there a&uses o$ power and &etrayals around the issue o$ money ?8nd houseA or in ol ing si&lings ?!rdAF Those with a stellium o$ se eral planets in the E th house usually ha e some Lualities o$ the related sign Cancer, $or they are much in ol ed with $amily or their homes( Depending on the sign, they may not ha e the emotionality or moodiness that Cancer is 'nown $or, &ut they still may &e nurturing, a$ter their own $ashion( ;$ the stellium is in ALuarius, $or instance, they are not li'ely to &e sentimental a&out $amily traditions nor would they generally de ote much attention to housewor'( .till they are more li'ely to &e $ound at home than elsewhere, i$ only hunched o er the computer $or hours on end( Ha e you e er sworn that someone was a Capricorn, yet the chart didn+t ha e the .un, /oon, Ascendant C or any planets at all C in that signF Chances are that .aturn was in high $ocus or the %Gth house was strongly emphasi:ed( .aturnians are o$ten strongly moti ated &y security and the dri e to succeed6 they are cautious and capa&le, though hard on themsel es and others in their Luest $or per$ection( 7eople with the Jth house strong in the natal chart o$ten contri&ute to the world at large in meaning$ul and rewarding ways C contri&utions that $ar outweigh the importance o$ sociali:ing( Certainly, that may &e their ma9or 'armic $ocus in this li$etime, rather than a committed partnership( Howe er, i$ they want to maintain both their wor' and their intimate connections with others, the 'ey is to consciously 'eep these two sets o$ needs in &alance(

Bot all /ercury retrograde spans are ali'e( .ome are smooth, passing with hardly a ripple i$ one uses sensi&le precautions( Others are real &ears, with nothing running smoothly, an epidemic o$ computer crashes, and great di$$iculty in getting paperwor' $inished or ironing out agreements( ;n my o&ser ation, /ercury+s retrograde motion is not the deciding $actor, &ut rather the aspects /ercury $orms to other planets around the time it is stationary turning retrograde( 3rom around the time it turns retrograde to the time it turns direct, it mo es $airly slowly, so any di$$icult aspects /ercury $orms will &e in e$$ect continuously $or a&out three wee's( INSIGHTS ABOUT ASPECTS : 7eople with 5enusMUranus aspects usually ha e a uniLue sense o$ style, to put it mildly( They are in no sense part o$ the mainstream, though the mainstream o$ten winds up $ollowing their trend2setting creations( E#amples include Richard .immons, Carrot Top, Elton Iohn, 7rincess Diana, @ueen )ati$ah, and /ichael Iac'son( 7eople with oppositions &etween any two planets might almost &e wearing a T2 shirt that says, 0)oo' what you made me do(1 They tend to pro9ect their own inner con$lict onto people or circumstances outside themsel es, rather than ta'ing responsi&ility $or their part in the situation( Those with Uranus oppositions, $or e#ample, react strongly to what they percei e as society+s desire to restrict their $reedom and indi iduality( .o, they &ecome e en more outrageous and re&ellious C more o$ a 0character( 0 *hen an opposition that in ol es two planets is &eing used in a healthy way, the person is e$$ecti ely 9uggling two sets o$ needs, concerns, or desires, and neither one is neglected( ;t is seldom possi&le to meet the needs o$ &oth planets C including their signs and houses C at one time, &ut the person will o$ten alternate the sets o$ demands to maintain a &alance( 3rom years o$ o&ser ing the Luincun# ?%"G2degree aspectA in action, ; ha e a sense that the 'eyword $or it is Nstretching(N *hen two planets are Luincun# &y sign, their &asic natures are so completely di$$erent that the only way they can connect is a stretch, may&e a creati e leap( This produces an e#pansion o$ perspecti es, and so Luincun#es wind up helping us grow in a way that a sLuare or opposition does notCit+s not a con$lict as much as it is an e olution( The signs Cancer and .agittarius are Luincun# to one another, and the di$$erences &etween them are hard to reconcile within one person( Cancer is highly sensiti e and easily wounded, while .agittarius is &lunt and o$ten su$$ers $rom 0Hoo$ in /outh1 disease( .uppose that someone had /oon in Cancer &ut /ercury in .agittariusCthis com&ination could ma'e a person who could dish it out &ut not ta'e it( Cancer tends to &e ruled &y emotions, whereas .agittarius see's to &e rational( The personal styles o$ these two signs in intimate

connections are also ery di$$erent( Cancer clings, while .agittarius wants its $reedom( Cancerians lo e their homes, while .agittarians lo e their $reedom( .ince resol ing the irreconcila&le urges o$ two signs in Luincun# aspect o$ten demands an in enti e approach, it wouldn+t &e surprising i$ the natal chart o$ person who designed the $irst mo&ile home had a Cancer2.agittarius Luincun#( The Luality o$ relationships with people you care a&out can &e strongly a$$ected &y planets that $orm aspects to the degree o$ your actual Ascendant( Con9unctions are the most power$ul modi$iersCthey are li'e doormen that people ha e to chec' in with $or admittance into your inner li$e( Trines show social assets that draw people to you, as do se#tiles( .Luares and semi2sLuares are li'e security chec'points along the way, &ecause they can show how you acti ely run into con$lict with your en ironment( ABOUT THE FOUR ELEMENTS: To enrich your understanding o$ the astrological signs, spend time with the $our elements and e#perience how you respond to them( 3or the element $ire, light a candle, sit &y a camp$ire, and watch the $lames $lic'er, or &as' in the warmth o$ the .un( To lo e the earth, plant or isit a garden and en9oy $resh, home2grown tomatoes, inhale the rich, $ertile smell o$ the soil or the $lowers that grow in it, or &e awed &y the ma9esty o$ a mountain( 3or water, gulp down a cool drin' when you are parched, go swimming, or allow yoursel$ to get drenched in a sudden downpour( 3or air, $eel the wind on your $ace, $ly a 'ite, or go s'y di ing( Astrology students o$ten worry a&out a particular $acet o$ a chart, &ut they need not &ecome alarmed unless this $actor is con$irmed in other ways( 3or instance, many people &orn without planets in the water signs ?Cancer, .corpio, or 7iscesA ha e sworn that they are not especially emotional( <et, some o$ them ha e BeptuneCthe ruler o$ 7isces22on the Ascendant or 7lutoCthe ruler o$ .corpioC con9unct the /oon6 these people are, on the contrary, extremely emotional( Their challenge, instead, is to manage those emotions( *hen our charts are missing an element or are wea' in that element, we can o ercompensate( )i$e circumstances can $orce us to de elop the Lualities and a&ilities more naturally con eyed &y that element, so o er time we learn to ma'e up $or our lac' &y conscious attention and diligent e$$orts( 7eople who are lac'ing in earth may stum&le their way into practicality through trial and error C and too many &ounced chec's( Air2sign /oons can learn to reason their way into an understanding o$ the emotions( The gi$ts o$ a missing element are seldom natural and instincti e, &ut they &ecome easier as we wor' at them( Note: Want to re r!nt t"e#e ob#er$at!on#% Conta&t 'onna C(nn!n)"am at moonmave6spi'itone.com* Re$!e+ &o !e# a,#o a$a!,ab,e*

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