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scalar in quantity and bent to the /frequency/ /strength/

fundamental reinforcement - no field / geometry / -

a question of evolving

/ increasing energy - increasing / moving from one type / matter to


energy forces the matter-being to measure matter

recordkeeping of matter by matter is timekeeping

keeping time of information / time of beat in music

matter's effect on other matter driven by a constant - energy

in specific and unique circumstatnces modified matter may manipulate
energy and matter

time is reversable but only serves to reinforce itself

likely the dangerous question of whether enough energy may be channeled

to reverse a non-reinforcing time will never be answered as per it's


increase of entropy

disorder which serves to reinforce the pattern

of order both initially and presently
presenting the development of all matter and energy
and reinforcement of flow of jumping quantum
"entropions" - packets of entropy - which are carried
on or

past affected by "time linear jumping energy(ies)"

which serve only(?) to carry reinforcement of energy
/ entropy back into time and reinforce itself
- as all external energetic possibilities / realities
/ paths / "flows" / matter-ways allow it only
to create a reinforced particular event which modifies
a past event singularly, and may change that event in
a manner but not beyond a specific manner to
cause matter in the future to cause that
and so--
beyond this it is obvious that the vastness of space,
amount of matter and energy make it impossible on a
non energetically matter to infuse process so that change
takes place on a grand scale
but also impossible because that engine of infusion of
process would possibly not exist - or appear to
have no effect on any process relevant to current
needed focus of intent yielding a solvency that has
realities collapsing on themselves with no evidence
or effect
much like in:
Entropy is maximum in an isolated thermodynamic system, and increases.

In contrast, Erwin Schrödinger (1887–1961) pointed out that life depends

on a "negative entropy flow".[13] Ilya Prigogine (1917–2003) stated that

other thermodynamic systems which, like life, are also far from

equilibrium, can also exhibit stable spatio-temporal structures. Soon

afterward, the Belousov-Zhabotinsky reactions[14] were reported, which

demonstrate oscillating colors in a chemical solution.[15] These

nonequilibrium thermodynamic branches reach a bifurcation point, which

is unstable, and another thermodynamic branch becomes stable in its


???[note/thought] - of imperceptible time dilation that is acted upon by

only future and appears the norm for the past as process in modified

rather than energy or specific external modification of matter?

observational - hasn't been looked for.

einstein's special relativity shows cognitive and linguistic expression

fallacies in that comparison of defined whole objects isn't necessarily

an affectation of exactly same circumstances - as when assumption of an

object being instrinsically identical without observation of processes

and continuing notation of processes - and is relevant also to Is Apple

A internally exact to Apple B given what we know of genetics and plant

growth and this is an exact expression of how analytically Apple A and

Apple B when analyzed on such a small scale become [less than applies?

lol] instruments of definition whereby the fallacies of assumption can

be expressed into observable macrocosm by microcosmic observation.

light is merely a largely obvious weight for beings such as we that see

light as a primary sensor against which to weight the rest of matter and

other branches of energy being reinforced in which particles seem to

dissipate and are neither pulled nor pushed nor jump but moreso radiate

due to unknown factors which are likely EM related.

Einstein showed that if the speed of light is not changing between

reference frames, space and time must be so that the moving observer

will measure the same speed of light as the stationary one because

velocity is defined by space and time:

but these are merely references frames and if one stands at one

reference frame where light is being slowed by a mechanism of entering

and exiting a matter; using this second exposure rather than initial

exposure of light to ourselves, it begins to make sense as any radiative

particle is always at it's strongest before decay, as light decays by

meeting matter and being absorbed & radiating it's energy from surface

impact of photon, decaying into other energies

time in a moving reference frame is shown to run more slowly than in a

"stationary" one, [thus self/existance? is shown?]

and thus energy in a moving reference frame with high numbers of

entropic and free energetic quanta/parts thus giving rise for energy

dissipation to elsewhere, [/some of which/ how much?] to it's previous

location when moving, thus not only guiding a trajectory but also giving

reinforcement and -- gravity???????????? - all objects in motion must

stay in motion because they are reinforced by bleed-off of energy to

previous temporal locale and state?

Moving objects therefore are said to show a slower passage of time. This

is known as time dilation. and only exists because of our "human normal

rate of speed" which is used as a reference, always.

[do einstein's equations show that when there is no reference to the

unit that light/time/speed is measure in any degree that there is an

infinite amount of information which is impossible to sort without

forming sets of this information up on which also, as is natural

[comparatively infinite wholeness may be shown?] leaving only a singular

or a begin/end and no break in between being and all other being?

such as being/all other being = 1/ce2


half pi = proper? study linguistic reference to r/t with no top line

after crossed part


matter/difference / matter/unknown = ?


According to Einstein's general theory of relativity, a freely moving

particle traces a history in spacetime that maximises its proper time.

This phenomenon is also referred to as the principle of maximal aging,

and was described by Taylor and Wheeler as[19]:

"Principle of Extremal Aging: The path a free object takes

between two events in spacetime is the path for which the time lapse

between these events, recorded on the object's wristwatch, is an


Einstein's theory was motivated by the assumption that every point in

the universe can be treated as a 'center', and that correspondingly,

physics must act the same in all reference frames. His simple and

elegant theory shows that time is relative to an inertial frame. In an

inertial frame, Newton's first law holds; it has its own local geometry,

and therefore its own measurements of space and time; there is no

'universal clock'. An act of synchronization must be performed between

two systems, at the least.

--any intertial frame must begin with the human being and not expand

beyond it, and energetic impact may then be measured easily, rather than

defining it upon flawed effects of a larger geometry thus being plural

and not singular and too complicated to grasp without initially grasping

with only the simpler system measured.

the more precisely that one can measure what has already been measured,

the more dimensions that are formed.

[measured dimension of energy has shown that measure can be defined with
enough measure taken by the energy itself in other dimensions, thus
showing reflective or equal derived energetic effect that is equally
proportionate?? i'm tired now]

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