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Examination questions

1. Explain and discuss Esping-Andersens concept of de-commodification. What is it about? What is it used for? Discuss whether de-commodification is a useful concept to analyse and compare welfare states. 2. Social problems are, according to Loseke, constructed. Explain what she means by this. She also argues that claims making is important when social problems are being constructed. Choose a social problem, and discuss the relevance of claims making/claims makers. 3. Explain and discuss the role of social services in the welfare state. What are social services and what are their main functions? Why is there a rising need for social services in modern Western welfare states? Discuss whether social services really ensure gender equality. 4. In the literature on social work, it is often argued that social work has different purposes. Payne and Dominelli, for instance, distinguish between a) individualist-reformist/maintenance b) reflexive/therapeutic and c) socialist-collectivist/emancipatory approaches. Explain the differences between these three approaches. Discuss if, and how, these concepts are fruitful for understanding social work practice.
The assignment consists of four essay questions and I would like you to answer these four questions (about 2 pages per question) Literature:

Arts, Wil & Gelissen, John (2002): Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism or More?: A State-of-the-Art Report in Journal of European Social Policy, 12 (2). pp 137-158. 19 p. http://esp.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/12/2/137 Aspalter, Christian (2011):The development of ideal-typical welfare regime theory in International Social Work 54 (6). p 735-750. 15 p. http://isw.sagepub.com.ezproxy.ub.gu.se/content/54/6/735 Blank, Rebecca M.(1999): When Can Public Policy Makers Rely on Private Markets?: The Effective Provision of Social Services in The Economic Journal 110 (462). Cambridge: Mass. pp 34 49. 14 p. http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/119033844 Briggs, Asa (1961): The Welfare State in Historical Perspective in European Journal of Sociology.

pp 18 - 31. 13 p. Cousins, Mel: (2005): European Welfare States: Comparative Perspectives. London: Sage. 242 p Esping-Andersen, Gota (1990): The Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press. pp 18-34. 17 p. Fleckenstein, Timo (2011): The Politics of Ideas in Welfare State Transformation: Christian Democracy and the Reform of Family Policy in Germany in Social Politics 18 (4). p 543-571. 28 p. http://sp.oxfordjournals.org.ezproxy.ub.gu.se/content/18/4/543.full.pdf+html Freymond, Nancy & Cameron, Gary (eds.) (2006): Towards Positive Systems of Child and Family Welfare: International Comparisons of Child Protection, Family Service and Community Caring Systems. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. Ch 1-3, 7 plus chapters of choice. 100 p. Geva, Dorit (2011): Not Just Maternalism: Marriage and Fatherhood in American Welfare Policy in Social Politics 18 (1). p.24-51. 27 p. http://sp.oxfordjournals.org.ezproxy.ub.gu.se/content/18/1/24.full.pdf+html Lister, Ruth (2009): Understanding theories and concepts in social policy. Bristol: Policy press. 311 p. Loseke, Donileen (2003): Thinking about social problems: an introduction to constructionist perspectives. 2.ed. New York: Aldine de Gruyter. 224 p. Naidoo, Jennie & Wills, Jane (2005): Public Health and Health Promotion: Developing Practice. Edinburgh: Baillire Tindall. Selected pages 100 p. Ostner, Ilona (2007): Whose Children?: Families and Children in Activating Welfare States in Wintersberger, Helmut, Alanen, Leena, Olk, Thomas & Qvortrup, Jens (eds)(2007): Childhood, Generationa Order and the Welfare State: Exploring childrens Social and Economic Welfare. Odense: University Press of Southern Denmark. 14 p.

Payne, Malcolm (2008): Globalization and International Social Work: Postmodern chamge and Challenge. Aldershot: Ashgate Publication. 203 p. (electronic book). (for the Swedish students who already have read Payne: Modern Social Work Theory) Payne, Malcolm (2005): Modern Social Work Theory. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Selected pages 200 p. Pestieau, Pierre (2006): The Welfare State in the European Union: Economic and Social Perspectives. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 169 p. Trevithick, Pamela (2005): Social Work Skills: a Practice Handbook. London: Open University Press. 150 p.

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