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Lesson Title: Integrating “Peace at Last” by Jill Murphy & “Sleepy time” Poetry

Teacher Name: Amanda Wachter

Subject: English Language Arts Grade Level: 1
Time Required (days; time/day): 1 day; ELA Session; 25-30 minutes
Topic: Bedtime Discussion and Dreams
Essential Question: Will students be able to take the bedtime situation in the story “Peace
at Last” and apply it to their life?
Pre-requisites (Prior Knowledge):

Students will need to be able to comprehend the story “Peace at Last” in the Harcourt text.
Students will need to know their five senses (hearing, seeing, touch, smell, taste).
Students will need to be able to organize their thoughts in a picture and chart format.


A. Content Area Standard(s): (include complete standard, not just standard #)
NYS ELA Standards:
Standard 1: Students will read, write, listen, and speak for information and understanding.
As listeners and readers, students will collect data, facts, and ideas; discover relationships,
concepts, and generalizations; and use knowledge generated from oral, written, and
electronically produced texts. As speakers and writers, they will use oral and written
language to acquire, interpret, apply, and transmit information.
Standard 2: Students will read, write, listen, and speak for literary response and
expression. Students will read and listen to oral, written and electronically produced texts
and performances, relate texts and performances to their own lives, and develop an
understanding of the diverse social, historical, and cultural dimensions the texts and
performances represent. As speakers and writers, students will use oral and written
language for self-expression and artistic creation.
Standard 3: Students will read, write, listen, and speak for critical analysis and evaluation.
As listeners and readers, students will analyze experiences, ideas, information, and issues
presented by others using a variety of established criteria. As speakers and writers, they
will present, in oral and written language and from a variety of perspectives, their opinions
and judgments on experiences, ideas, information and issues.
Standard 4: Students will read, write, listen, and speak for social interaction.
Students will use oral and written language for effective social communication with a wide
variety of people. As readers and listeners, they will use the social communications of
others to enrich their understanding of people and their views.
B. Intended Learning Outcome Define what students will know and be able to do and at what
level of mastery they should be able to do it. NOTE: Add/subtract rows from below each column
Student will know… Student will be able to…
-the plot and situational problem in the story -share their bedtime experience to the class and
“Peace at Last” teacher
-their past experiences at bedtime when they -listen to peer experience when they couldn’t
couldn’t fall right to sleep get to sleep at bedtime
-what a poem looks like and sounds like -figure out who had similar experiences to their
-the purpose of a poem own experience at bedtime
-the description of their perfect dream -pin point who has different experiences than
they do at bedtime
-chart similarities and differences by the end of
the lesson


Students will demonstrate their learning/understanding in the following way(s):
A. Teacher-Created Assessments:
Pre-test: Post-test:
Teacher will informally assess by creating a Teacher will give students a chart to fill in as
chart entitled ‘Awake at Bedtime’. The they converse with peers about a time when
teacher will assess students as they help fill they couldn’t fall asleep. Students will fill in
in chart with responses generated from a three different columns of information that
journal entry read prior. They will explain will ask them to discuss their experiences,
what Miss Wachter did when she couldn’t experiences that are the same as theirs, and
sleep, what she heard at night while she was experiences that contrast their own.
wide awake, and what she saw as she laid
B. Performance Assessments:
Pre-test: Students will be informally assessed on their comprehension of the journal entry
read to them at the opening of the lesson.
Post-test: The teacher will assess student ability to apply the situation in the story “Peace at
Last” to their own life. Students will be asked to think of their own strategy when they can’t
seem to fall asleep at night. After students record their experience, they will meet in small
groups to discuss all experiences together. Students will need to take what was said in the
conversation and decide who had similar experiences as them and who had different
experiences as them. They will need to fill in the last two columns of the chart with
information gathered from the small group discussion. Students will be assessed on
application of real life events to the story read prior and the ability to differentiate between
similarities and differences.
C. Other Assessments (e.g., Peer, Self): None
D. Assessment Adaptations:
-Students will be allowed to pictorially draw their information in on the chart sheet if
specified as best practice in the IEP. (Adaptation for visual learner)
-Students will also be allowed to conference with the teacher and orally tell their
information for each column in the table if specified as best practice in the IEP. (Adaptation
for audio learner)
-Students will be able to role play their experience, experiences that are the same as theirs,
and experiences that are different than their own if specified as best practice in the IEP.
(Adaptation for mobile learner)
A. Learning Activities
1. Instructional Strategies/Learning Activities:
(e.g., demonstration, discussion, small groups, role play, etc.)
-Whole group discussion
*Charting responses
*Discussing poetry examples and its meaning
*Listening to poems off of the C.D. player
-Small group discussion
*Charting responses to be turned in (adaptations include drawing, orally conferencing, and
role play)
-Wrap-up extension activity about dreams

2. Introducing the Lesson: (capturing students’ attention, activating students’ prior


The teacher will have the children gather around as she turns out the lights and grabs a
flashlight. She will explain that the following journal entry was written by her when she
was a little girl. The journal entry will describe a night when she couldn’t fall asleep. Her
entry will help children recall a time when they were in a similar situation.

3. Instructional Sequence:
(Representing the content: teaching/learning activities, connecting to students’ prior knowledge,
etc.) Complete the following two columns, showing teacher activity in correspondence with
student activity. Add/subtract rows as needed.

Teacher activity (The teacher is doing….) Student activity (The student is doing…)
1. Teacher will gather students on the 1. Students will listen to the teacher read
floor and open the lesson by reading a her journal entry about a night time
journal entry from her diary. experience she had when she was a
2. Teacher will chart responses that little girl.
students give to her during whole class 2. Students will respond with a raised
discussion. hand to chart prompts addressing
3. Teacher will discuss the significance of comprehension of the journal entry
a poem. read to them.
4. Teacher will play a few examples of 3. Students will respond to poem
what a poem sounds like off of the C.D. discussion by asking any further
player. questions they may have about poetry.
5. Teacher will assign children to small 4. Students will listen to the few poetry
groups to hold discussions about examples played on the C.D. player.
bedtime experiences. She will hand out 5. Students will move to groups assigned
the three column chart to be completed and begin by filling out the middle
by the end of the discussion. column about their own experiences.
6. Teacher will move around the room 6. Students will share each of their
and monitor student discussions; bedtime experiences by going around
redirecting if necessary. Teacher will the table and giving each person a turn
do an over the shoulder check to see to speak.
that students are filling out their charts. 7. Students will fill in the remaining two
7. Teacher will collect and check to make columns on their chart worksheet and
sure that all columns are filled in. turn in when finished.
Teacher will be available to hear oral 8. Students will begin working on their
adaptations to the chart. Teacher will “Sweet Dreams” pillow pattern
also take this time to take role players worksheets if they finish early.
aside and watch their role playing
8. Teacher will hand out pillow pattern
worksheet to early finishers.
B. Adaptations to the Instructional Sequence to Differentiate:
Instructional sequence was created while keeping the multiple intelligences in mind.
Delivery methods such as having directions read to the student or extra time given for
lesson segments will be used throughout the lesson for students in need. If the child tends
to not work well in groups then the child may discuss with an aide if present or the teacher.
C. Discussion and Assessment of Learning: (Pointing out to students how what they are
learning is related to the driving question; assessing students’ learning as a result of the lesson)
Driving Question: Will students be able to take the bedtime situation in the story “Peace at
Last” and apply it to their life?
-Teacher will make a point to mention to the students that they are applying the story’s
content to their lives and that is an important skill to be learned. They will be told that their
ability to compare their experiences to other’s experiences is another needed skill. This will
all be stated before students move to their small discussion groups.
-Students’ learning will be assessed by reviewing the post-test chart worksheet. The
information present on that handout will help the teacher see what the student got out of
the lesson and peer discussion.
D. Closure:
1. Overall Closure Plans:
The lesson will close with students finishing up their post-test worksheet and by starting
the pillow pattern handout. This pillow pattern sheet will show illustrations of what their
sweetest dream includes. This activity is a contrasting extension to the trouble sleeping
2. Extensions for Early Finishers:
Students will begin drawing images in their “Sweet Dream” pillow handout.
3. Alternate strategies for struggling students or those who learn differently:
Students may start to brainstorm their “Sweet Dream” ideas and orally tell a classroom aid
or teacher. The aid or teacher can take note of their ideas so that the student has record of
their thinking.
E. Procedures: (both already established procedures to be used, and procedures to be taught
for this lesson)
Already established:
-Whole group discussion procedures
-Group work procedures
-Completing assignments to be graded
-Early finisher procedures

Procedures to be taught:
-Poetry concepts
A. Technology Tools and Materials: (classroom set-up, preparations, resources, etc.)
C.D. player for poetry listening segment of the lesson
B. Parent/Community Resources:
Teacher’s journal from her childhood
C. Contact Information:
Teacher Contact: wach6882@fredonia.edu
D. Resources:
English Language Arts Standards. Retrieved April 1, 2008, from Web site:

Harcourt, (1995). Treasury of Literature. New York: Harcourt Brace.

Lesson Title: Integrating “Peace at Last” by Jill Murphy, Dreaming & Digital Booking
Teacher Name: Amanda Wachter
Subject: English Language Arts, Technology Grade Level: 1
Time Required (days; time/day): 1 day (or additional 2 days depending on teacher) ELA
Session 1; 25-30 minutes; ELA Session 2 Lab 30 minutes; Session 2 Digital Booking 30-45
Topic: Bedtime Discussion and Dreams
Essential Question: Will students be able to take the bedtime situation in the story “Peace
at Last” and apply it to their life? Will students successfully take their pillow pattern ideas
and insert them electronically on a digital booking Internet site?
Pre-requisites (Prior Knowledge):

Students will need to be able to comprehend the story “Peace at Last” in the Harcourt text.
Students will need to know their five senses (hearing, seeing, touch, smell, taste).
Students will need to be able to organize their thoughts in a picture and chart format.
Students will need to be familiar with navigating through the CAST UDL Book Builder site.


A. Content Area Standard(s): (include complete standard, not just standard #)
NYS ELA Standards:
Standard 1: Students will read, write, listen, and speak for information and understanding.
As listeners and readers, students will collect data, facts, and ideas; discover relationships,
concepts, and generalizations; and use knowledge generated from oral, written, and
electronically produced texts. As speakers and writers, they will use oral and written
language to acquire, interpret, apply, and transmit information.
Standard 2: Students will read, write, listen, and speak for literary response and
expression. Students will read and listen to oral, written and electronically produced texts
and performances, relate texts and performances to their own lives, and develop an
understanding of the diverse social, historical, and cultural dimensions the texts and
performances represent. As speakers and writers, students will use oral and written
language for self-expression and artistic creation.
Standard 3: Students will read, write, listen, and speak for critical analysis and evaluation.
As listeners and readers, students will analyze experiences, ideas, information, and issues
presented by others using a variety of established criteria. As speakers and writers, they
will present, in oral and written language and from a variety of perspectives, their opinions
and judgments on experiences, ideas, information and issues.
Standard 4: Students will read, write, listen, and speak for social interaction.
Students will use oral and written language for effective social communication with a wide
variety of people. As readers and listeners, they will use the social communications of
others to enrich their understanding of people and their views.

ISTE NETS*T Standards:

1. Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity

Teachers use their knowledge of subject matter, teaching and learning, and technology to
facilitate experiences that advance student learning, creativity, and innovation in both face-
to-face and virtual environments. Teachers:

promote, support, and model creative and innovative thinking

and inventiveness.
engage students in exploring real-world issues and solving
authentic problems using digital tools and resources.
promote student reflection using collaborative tools to reveal and
c. clarify students' conceptual understanding and thinking, planning,
and creative processes.
model collaborative knowledge construction by engaging in
d. learning with students, colleagues, and others in face-to-face and
virtual environments.

2. Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments

Teachers design, develop, and evaluate authentic learning experiences and assessment
incorporating contemporary tools and resources to maximize content learning in context
and to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes identified in the NETS•S. Teachers:

design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate

a. digital tools and resources to promote student learning and
develop technology-enriched learning environments that enable
all students to pursue their individual curiosities and become
active participants in setting their own educational goals,
managing their own learning, and assessing their own progress.
customize and personalize learning activities to address students'
c. diverse learning styles, working strategies, and abilities using
digital tools and resources.
provide students with multiple and varied formative and
d. summative assessments aligned with content and technology
standards and use resulting data to inform learning and teaching.
B. Intended Learning Outcome Define what students will know and be able to do and at what
level of mastery they should be able to do it. NOTE: Add/subtract rows from below each column
Student will know… Student will be able to…
-the plot and situational problem in the story -share their bedtime experience to the class and
“Peace at Last” teacher
-their past experiences at bedtime when they -listen to peer experience when they couldn’t
couldn’t fall right to sleep get to sleep at bedtime
-what a poem looks like and sounds like -figure out who had similar experiences to their
-the purpose of a poem own experience at bedtime
-the description of their perfect dream -pin point who has different experiences than
they do at bedtime
-chart similarities and differences by the end of
the lesson
-take “Sweet Dream” items in their pillow
pattern and transfer it to a digital book page on
the CAST UDL Book Builder site


Students will demonstrate their learning/understanding in the following way(s):
A. Teacher-Created Assessments:
Pre-test: Post-test:
Teacher will informally assess by creating a Teacher will give students a chart to fill in as
chart entitled ‘Awake at Bedtime’. The they converse with peers about a time when
teacher will assess students as they help fill they couldn’t fall asleep. Students will fill in
in chart with responses generated from a three different columns of information that
journal entry read prior. They will explain will ask them to discuss their experiences,
what Miss Wachter did when she couldn’t experiences that are the same as theirs, and
sleep, what she heard at night while she was experiences that contrast their own.
wide awake, and what she saw as she laid
Session 2 Session 2
Pre-test: Post-test:
An informal assessment will take place in A checklist assessment will take place after
the school computer lab as the CAST UDL the student finishes their page in a digital
site is explained to the students. Teacher book created by every member of the class.
will conclude if students understand how to The checklist will have the following
navigate around the site based on their criteria:
observations. Page reflected what was drawn on the
pillow pattern ______
Page was creative _______
Page expressed mood of dream effectively
Page was original ______
Page included a sentence or two describing
their sweetest dream _______
B. Performance Assessments:
Pre-test: Students will be informally assessed on their comprehension of the journal entry
read to them at the opening of the lesson.
Pre-test 2: Students will be assessed on their ability to pay attention during the CAST UDL
Book Builder tutorial session.
Post-test: The teacher will assess student ability to apply the situation in the story “Peace at
Last” to their own life. Students will be asked to think of their own strategy when they can’t
seem to fall asleep at night. After students record their experience, they will meet in small
groups to discuss all experiences together. Students will need to take what was said in the
conversation and decide who had similar experiences as them and who had different
experiences as them. They will need to fill in the last two columns of the chart with
information gathered from the small group discussion. Students will be assessed on
application of real life events to the story read prior and the ability to differentiate between
similarities and differences.
Post-test 2: The student created digital book page will be assessed using the following
criteria stated above.
The checklist will have the following criteria:
Page reflected what was drawn on the pillow pattern ______
Page was creative _______
Page expressed mood of dream effectively ______
Page was original ______
Page included a sentence or two describing their sweetest dream _______
C. Other Assessments (e.g., Peer, Self):
An extended activity in response to Session 2 could have students peer evaluate the class
made digital book. They could describe what they liked about the book, what their favorite
page was, etc.
D. Assessment Adaptations:
-Students will be allowed to pictorially draw their information in on the chart sheet if
specified as best practice in the IEP. (Adaptation for visual learner)
-Students will also be allowed to conference with the teacher and orally tell their
information for each column in the table if specified as best practice in the IEP. (Adaptation
for audio learner)
-Students will be able to role play their experience, experiences that are the same as theirs,
and experiences that are different than their own if specified as best practice in the IEP.
(Adaptation for mobile learner)
-Criteria set up for evaluating the digital book page can be omitted or modified depending
on the student assessed. This modification would be done on a case by case basis.
A. Learning Activities
1. Instructional Strategies/Learning Activities:
(e.g., demonstration, discussion, small groups, role play, etc.)
-Whole group discussion
*Charting responses
*Discussing poetry examples and its meaning
*Listening to poems off of the C.D. player
-Small group discussion
*Charting responses to be turned in (adaptations include drawing, orally conferencing, and
role play)
-Wrap-up extension activity about dreams
Session 2 Lab:
-Whole group CAST UDL Book Building demonstration
Session 2 Book Building:
-Independent work time on the computer
2. Introducing the Lesson: (capturing students’ attention, activating students’ prior

The teacher will have the children gather around as she turns out the lights and grabs a
flashlight. She will explain that the following journal entry was written by her when she
was a little girl. The journal entry will describe a night when she couldn’t fall asleep. Her
entry will help children recall a time when they were in a similar situation.
Session 2 Lab:
The teacher will have students watch on their computer screens as the teacher controls
where the tutorial leads. The teacher will start off by showing the students some model
digital books that other classes have done and posted on the site.

3. Instructional Sequence:
(Representing the content: teaching/learning activities, connecting to students’ prior knowledge,
etc.) Complete the following two columns, showing teacher activity in correspondence with
student activity. Add/subtract rows as needed.

Teacher activity (The teacher is doing….) Student activity (The student is doing…)
1. Teacher will gather students on the 1. Students will listen to the teacher read
floor and open the lesson by reading a her journal entry about a night time
journal entry from her diary. experience she had when she was a
2. Teacher will chart responses that little girl.
students give to her during whole class 2. Students will respond with a raised
discussion. hand to chart prompts addressing
3. Teacher will discuss the significance of comprehension of the journal entry
a poem. read to them.
4. Teacher will play a few examples of 3. Students will respond to poem
what a poem sounds like off of the C.D. discussion by asking any further
player. questions they may have about poetry.
5. Teacher will assign children to small 4. Students will listen to the few poetry
groups to hold discussions about examples played on the C.D. player.
bedtime experiences. She will hand out 5. Students will move to groups assigned
the three column chart to be completed and begin by filling out the middle
by the end of the discussion. column about their own experiences.
6. Teacher will move around the room 6. Students will share each of their
and monitor student discussions; bedtime experiences by going around
redirecting if necessary. Teacher will the table and giving each person a turn
do an over the shoulder check to see to speak.
that students are filling out their charts. 7. Students will fill in the remaining two
7. Teacher will collect and check to make columns on their chart worksheet and
sure that all columns are filled in. turn in when finished.
Teacher will be available to hear oral 8. Students will begin working on their
adaptations to the chart. Teacher will “Sweet Dreams” pillow pattern
also take this time to take role players worksheets if they finish early.
aside and watch their role playing 9. Students will follow along with the
response. teacher’s digital book tutorial on their
8. Teacher will hand out pillow pattern computer screen.
worksheet to early finishers. 10. Students will begin working on their
9. Teacher will show the students a few digital book page and will wait until the
examples of what digital books look teacher saves their work before closing
like. out of the CAST UDL Book Building site.
10. Teacher will show students how to get 11. Students will have free time on a
to a blank digital book page template. teacher-approved gaming site until all
11. Teacher will show students where they students are done with their digital
can find tools to jazz up their digital book page.
book page.
12. Teacher will give students 30-45
minutes to create their digital book
13. Teacher will save each student’s page
as they finish so that she can upload
and combine all student work to create
one class-written “Sweet Dreams”
digital book.
B. Adaptations to the Instructional Sequence to Differentiate:
Instructional sequence was created while keeping the multiple intelligences in mind.
Delivery methods such as having directions read to the student or extra time given for
lesson segments will be used throughout the lesson for students in need. If the child tends
to not work well in groups then the child may discuss with an aide if present or the teacher.
Session 2 Lab & Book Building:
Close monitoring by teacher or class aid will be done for students needing extra assistance
during the lab tutorial and book building segment. Re-explanation will be made available to
students that need extra scaffolding and academic support.
C. Discussion and Assessment of Learning: (Pointing out to students how what they are
learning is related to the driving question; assessing students’ learning as a result of the lesson)
Driving Question: Will students be able to take the bedtime situation in the story “Peace at
Last” and apply it to their life?
-Teacher will make a point to mention to the students that they are applying the story’s
content to their lives and that is an important skill to be learned. They will be told that their
ability to compare their experiences to other’s experiences is another needed skill. This will
all be stated before students move to their small discussion groups.
-Students’ learning will be assessed by reviewing the post-test chart worksheet. The
information present on that handout will help the teacher see what the student got out of
the lesson and peer discussion.
Session 2 Lab & Book Building:
Driving Question: Will students successfully take their pillow pattern ideas and insert them
electronically on a digital booking Internet site?
The teacher will explain to students that they will take their ideas from a previous activity
and transfer them onto a new platform.
D. Closure:
4. Overall Closure Plans:
The lesson will close with students finishing up their post-test worksheet and by starting
the pillow pattern handout. This pillow pattern sheet will show illustrations of what their
sweetest dream includes. This activity is a contrasting extension to the trouble sleeping
Session 2 Book Building:
The teacher will end the computer lab activity by saving all student work manually. She will
upload every student’s page and put the class-made book together during prep periods. She
will have students play quietly on approved gaming sites until all students are done with
the digital book task.

5. Extensions for Early Finishers:

Students will begin drawing images in their “Sweet Dream” pillow handout.
Session 2 Book Building:
Students will be allowed to have free time on teacher-approved gaming sites until the
whole class has finished their task.
6. Alternate strategies for struggling students or those who learn differently:
Students may start to brainstorm their “Sweet Dream” ideas and orally tell a classroom aid
or teacher. The aid or teacher can take note of their ideas so that the student has record of
their thinking. *If students are not hands on or visual learners, they may opt to showcase
their book page in another way. A conference with the teacher is needed to gain approval of
alternate route.*
E. Procedures: (both already established procedures to be used, and procedures to be taught
for this lesson)
Already established:
-Whole group discussion procedures
-Group work procedures
-Completing assignments to be graded
-Early finisher procedures

Procedures to be taught:
-Poetry concepts
-Navigation throughout CAST UDL Book Builder site
-Building a digital book page (Session 2 Lab & Book Building)
A. Technology Tools and Materials: (classroom set-up, preparations, resources, etc.)
C.D. player for poetry listening segment of the lesson
Prep: Scheduling computer lab sessions
Planning tutorial demonstration before involving students

B. Parent/Community Resources:
Teacher’s journal from her childhood
Session 2 Lab & Book Building:
Parent permission to have their child access the Internet and work on the computer
C. Contact Information:
Teacher Contact: wach6882@fredonia.edu
Digital Booking Website: http://bookbuilder.cast.org/
D. Resources:
CAST UDL Book Builder Web site: http://bookbuilder.cast.org/

English Language Arts Standards. Retrieved April 1, 2008, from Web site:

Harcourt, (1995). Treasury of Literature. New York: Harcourt Brace.

ISTE NETS*T Standards. Retrieved October 20, 2009, from Web site:

Student Handout:
“Sweet Dreams” Pillow Pattern for end of Lesson 1/Beginning of Lesson 2
(Will be enlarged for student use.)

Name: ________________
Student Handout:
Group Comparison Chart for Lesson 1
Name: __________________________________________

Same as Different
Me than Me

Who? Why couldn’t I sleep? Who?

What did I see?

How is your classmate the How is your classmate different

same as you during times when What did I hear? from you during times when
you can’t sleep? you can’t get to sleep?

Other interesting information:

*****Snips taken from CAST UDL Book Building site for Session 2****

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