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ASTRAL PROJECTION The human body is made up of seven sheaths or layers They are!

The physi"al body# emotional body# mental body# intelle"tual body# volitional body $de"ision ma%in&' sub"ons"ious body and the soul Ea"h sheath o""upies the same spa"e# but vibrates at different levels Astral pro(e"tion is )ithin the spiritual or soul and is part of one of the seven sheaths and it is the a"t of "ons"iously separatin& your spiritual self from your physi"al self

Astral pro(e"tion is different from an out of body e*perien"e# althou&h it is a type of out of body e*perien"e It is also similar )ith lu"id dreamin&# be"ause you are "ons"ious and in "ontrol +ith astral pro(e"tion you are prote"ted by )hat many people des"ribe as a silver "ord It is a prote"tion me"hanism in "ase there is any doubt of bein& able to "ome ba"% In most other out of body e*perien"es# there is no su"h prote"tion Some are able to see this %ind of tether )hile it is invisible to others and yet you are able to move about any)here you )ant to by )hat is referred to as astral travel Some believe that if you had flyin& dreams as a "hild# )hi"h is a "ommon dream amon& "hildren# it )as a"tually astral travel The ability to have those dreams in adult hood tends to disappear

+hile on an astral travel e*"ursion# you probably )on,t see mu"h of a differen"e bet)een there and earth# yet you )ill be able to fly above the trees and see thin&s in a very different perspe"tive than on earth People e*perien"e the astral plain in various )ays# there is no )ron& )ay# (ust e*"ept )hat it is you see and feel Remember# the mind is po)erful# more po)erful than )e &ive it "redit for It is possible to e*pand your mind and rea"h the hi&her self that all of us possess )ith a little time# effort and a bit of faith

Astral pro(e"tion is primarily thou&ht -ou )ill dis"over there )ill be no need to spea%# unless you )ish to -ou )ill re"eive information from thou&ht or telepathi"ally -ou may meet stran&e people )ho )ill &ive you insi&ht This sometimes happens in life Perhaps )hen )e hear somethin& in our minds that )e thin% is (ust a thou&ht. it "ould be a "ommuni"ations from the astral plain

+ith a little pra"ti"e# you )ill be able to astral pro(e"t Some have tried it and on"e they feel they are no lon&er on this earth# they be"ome fearful#

)hi"h )ill land them ba"% into their bodies as doubts our limitin& thou&hts -our hi&her self )ill not allo) you to astral pro(e"t until you are "omfortable )ith it +ith meditation te"hni/ues# learn to rela* your body and mind and pra"ti"e it fre/uently +hen "omfortable )ith the ability to rela*# attempt to astral pro(e"t by havin& an idea as to )here you )ant to &o# have a destination in mind 0ost tea"hers of astral pro(e"tion )ill start you out in little steps by havin& you )al% around $in astral terms' to vie) your ba"%side )hile your physi"al body is sittin& or lyin& do)n On"e you &et the han& of it# you may )ant to fly to a parti"ular state or ta%e a trip around Jupiter# it is up to you

Conrad Ra) is an e*pert in pra"ti"al te"hni/ues for personal and spiritual development 1e is the author of 23orbidden Se"rets of Personal and Ener&eti" 4evelopment 2 1e travels the )orld to learn and tea"h and is the founder of http!55))) Po)erfulLife6alan"e "om # a )ebsite devoted to brin&in& you easy to learn te"hni/ues to in"rease your human evolution 7isit his )ebsite for a free ne)sletter filled )ith tons of &reat tips and advi"e http!55))) Po)erfulLife6alan"e "om

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