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What is Woman?
Bible question #3, Part two

Richard Eric Gunby

What is Woman? A question that has intrigued Man since –

well, since the beginning, is it not? God created man, male and
female; in His image and likeness he created them. Therefore,
woman (the female of the “species” mankind or humankind) is
just as much an image bearer as is man (the male of the
species). Man and Woman, male and female, equally share in
and reflect the image of their Creator.

Let’s talk a little more about image. In the first three

posted Bible questions, we presented and developed the nature
of human life, of what it actually means to be a human being. I

set forth that image could best be summed up as personhood.

This is because the idea and concept of personhood involves
connectedness and individuality, value and worth, freedom and
choice. Theologians generally sum this up under the term
dignity. Man is said to have dignity even as does God. But with
dignity comes a most necessary attachment. Therefore man has
accountability, too. Thus we have seen that God has shared a
high form or level of life with us, even life that in its quality and
nature is, at least in some ways, quite similar to his own.
Consequently, in analogous fashion as God has accountability
unto himself, humankind has accountability also, and also –unto

God is sovereign and has dominion over all of creation; of

this the Bible is emphatic. Creation can be said to be reflective
of God’s nature, order, and wisdom. Hence we are taught that
even the heavens display his glory, and that humankind reflects
his personhood. A study of the Biblical concept of dominion in
this regard, can be very illuminating. We learn, for instance,
that God is before all, the creator of all that is seen and unseen,


and is above all of it. This means nothing shares his absolute
eternal sovereign being and rule. And nothing governs God,
save God alone. God was before time, space, and matter, and is
above all such things now and forever (Genesis 1:1a; John 1:1-3,
14a, 18).

The Scripture very much portrays God as a God of order in

his nature, wisdom, and actions. God has set forth a creation
full of order, revealed as such in many and varied ways. We
have learned that God has dominion over creation. We also can
see another example of dominion (to govern or rule) from
Genesis one, being that the Sun is charged with “dominion” over
the day, and the Moon over the night (1:16-18). Finally, God
declares that mankind (male and female) is given dominion over
the earth (1:26-30). Humankind enjoys a limited dominion over
his and her environment and over the animals therein –a
stewardship, as it were, under God. Humankind is charged with
the wise and godly use of this stewardship, knowing that we are
answerable to God in the execution of this gift and office of


There are yet other reflections and authority structures (for

that is what dominion is all about) in the created order and
God’s plan which are most pertinent to our discussion. In the
previous Bible Questions we learned that within the Trinity
God has revealed that there is an authority structure between the
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. However this does not mean that
they are unequal. It does mean that there is order, harmony,
and unity in the midsts of diversity (unity in diversity). That is
what an authority structure is all about. The Bible further tells
us that there is an authority structure between man and woman –
in the church, specifically (not in “all of life” as is sometimes
supposed!) The scripture is unquestionably precise that woman
is not to have teaching authority over men (ESV 1 Timothy
2:11-14; 3:1-5; Titus 1:5-11).

Finally, there is an authority structure revealed within

marriage put into place to act regarding the relating of husband
and wife. The Bible says that the wife is to submit to her own
husband (Eph. 5:22, 24; Col. 3:18; 1Peter 3:5). This submission

is even likened as the church’s submission unto Christ. And

here again, this does not mean husband and wife are
unequal! Rather, it means there is to be a kind of political
order, harmony, and unity within the diversity called marriage.
That doesn’t mean the wife has no voice, say, or interest. It does
mean that the husband is charged with (and accountable for)
exercising wise and godly leadership. It does mean that
decisions affecting both husband and wife together (and the
extended family too) ultimately accrue to the husband. All
throughout the Scripture are examples and exhortations that the
wise husband is advised to and will indeed listen to his wife and
carefully weigh her input in their decision making process. But,
the buck (as in the final say) stops at the husband’s door.
Marriage is a partnership, yes, but a partnership with an
authority structure in place. And please don’t forget that
husbands, for their part in the marriages, are charged to “love
your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for
her” (Eph 5:25a). And hey, this Scriptural authority structure is
even more emphatic than you’ve seen so far! Read it for


Ephesians 5:24-28 (English Standard Version)

Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives


should submit in everything to their husbands.

Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the

church and gave himself up for her, 26that he might

sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water

with the word, 27so that he might present the church to

himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such

thing, that she might be holy and without blemish. 28In the

same way husbands should love their wives as their

own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself.


It seems to me that that balances things out pretty well; doesn’t

it? In essence, the Bible is setting forth marriage priorities, and


the actual ways that the practical living out of the marriage
arrangement is to occur.

We have attempted to faithfully relate some of the Biblical

teachings concerning the fairer sex. Obviously this is only a
tiny fraction of what could be said regarding Woman. Read
your Bible, you’ll learn a lot more!

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