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Perkembangan Janin

Janin usia 5 minggu

Janin usia 6 minggu

Janin usia 7 minggu

Janin usia 8 minggu

Janin usia 10 minggu

Janin usia 11 minggu

Janin usia 14 minggu

Janin usia 17 minggu

Janin Usia 18 minggu

Janin usia 19 minggu

Janin Usia 20 minggu

Janin Usia 21 minggu

Janin Usia 22 minggu

Janin Usia 23-24 minggu

Janin Usia 25-27 minggu

Janin Usia 28-29 minggu

Janin Usia 30-36 minggu

Janin Usia 37-40 minggu

Anatomi Janin
BPD (Bi Parietal Diameter)

The cerebellar diameter should approximately equal the weeks of gestation. (EG 19weeks=19mm) Normal cisterna magna is less than 10mm. A normal nuchal fold is less than 6mm (between 1720weeks).

The Lateral Ventricles should be less than 10 mm in diameter (best measured at the occipital horn). The CHOROID PLEXII should be homogenous. Small, and sometimes multiple, choroid plexus cysts are common finding on high resolution equipment. They are of doubtful significance as an isolated finding.

PROFILE - ensure the mandible is appropriate size, nasal bone is present and there is a normal face/head shape.

FACE : Ensure there is symmetry with normal inter-orbital distance

Lens Eye

NOSE & LIPS: From the 'face' image, rotate the probe to visualise the nose and lips front on. 2 distinctly seperate nodules and in intact hypoechoic upper lip should be seen. 2 distinctly septate nostrils and an intact hypoechoic top lip.

Fetal Heart

Normal Vena Cava Inferior

Fetal Abdomen The Abdominal Circumference must include the portal section from the umbilical vein, the stomach and a true cross section of the spine with 3 ossification centres. It should be circular in shape.

Normal Umbilical Cord

Jenis Kelamin

Fetal Spine

Fetal Ekstremitas

The Femur Length should only be measured when the femur is horizontal (beam is perpendicular) and shadows evenly- at least from both ends.

Lower limbs
Confirm the presence and equal size of the tibia and fibula bilaterally. The foot should not be seen. A rounded base at the base of the leg when seen front on. If you can see the tibia, fibula and foot in one plane, suspect talipes. Rotate 90degrees to see the sole of the foot and the toes.

The foot should be perpendicular to the tibia and fibula.

Upper limbs
Similar to the leg, confirm the presence and size of length of the 3 long bones in each arm.

Plasenta Normal Normal Placenta. The normal placenta (P) has a granular appearance with a smooth surface defined by its covering chorionic membrane (C, arrow). The retroplacental complex of blood vessels (black arrows) is an important sonographic landmark in the diagnosis of placental abruption.

Normal Placental Venous Lakes. Venous lakes (large arrows) appear as focal echolucent areas just beneath the chorionic membrane (C, small arrow), A, or within the substance of the placenta (P), B. Note the swirling blood flow (small arrow) in B. Venous lakes are incidental finding of no clinical significance.


Patologi Kehamilan dan Janin

Abnormalities of yolk sac


Anembryonic gestation


Bicornuate uterus

Bilobed placenta

Blight Ovum


Choroid Plexus Cyst

Choroid Plexus Papilloma in Fetus

Circumvallate Placenta


Cleft Lip Anomaly

Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia- Left (CDH)

Double Decidual Sac Sign


Ectopia Cordis

Fetal bilateral multicystic kidney disease

Fetal Cataract


Fetal Club

Fetal Gall Bladder Sludge

Fetal Hydronephrosis


Fetal Hydrops or Hydrops Fetalis

Fetal polycystic kidneys (autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease- ARPKD)

Aqueductal Stenosis Causing Obstructive Hydrocephalus


Icthyosis In Fetus

Kehamilan Ektopik


Mola Hidatidosa

Plasenta Previa


Plasenta Accreta

Placental mass (mass in placenta - Chorioangioma of placenta or Placental Chorioangioma)

Anencephaly throughout gestation



Tetralogy of Fallot

Ventricular Septal Defect


Ebstein malformation of the tricuspid valve

Tricuspid Dysplasia


Truncus Arteriosus Communis

Aortic Stenosis

Pulmonis Stenosis





Kehamilan Kembar
4-5 minggu 6 minggu

7 minggu

8 minggu

12 minggu

15 minggu


15 minggu

17 minggu

17 minggu 19 minggu


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