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Guilty Pleasures (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter #1)

by Laurell K. Hamilton
4.0 of 5 stars

Published over ten years ago by Ace, Guilty Pleasures marked the debut of a series that was destined to grow from cult favorite to a major ew !ork "imes bestseller. ow, for long# time Anita $lake junkies and newfound fans, Guilty Pleasures makes its trade %a%erback debut. &eaders will learn how Anita $lake started raising the dead#and killing the undead. And how she met 'ean (laude, the master vam%ire destined to become not only her biggest nemesis, but her greatest lover...

4.00 rating details 76,631 ratings 3,535 reviews

"he Laughing (or%se (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter #2)

by Laurell K. Hamilton
4.09 of 5 stars

Harold Gaynor offers Anita $lake a million dollars to raise a )**#year#old +ombie. Knowing it means a human sacrifice will be necessary, Anita turns him down. $ut when dead bodies start turning u%, she reali+es that someone else has raised Harold,s +ombie##and that the +ombie is a killer. Anita %its her %ower against the +ombie and the voodoo %riestess who controls it. -n The Laughing Corpse Anita will learn that there are some secrets better left buried#and some %eo%le better off dead...

4.09 rating details 47,383 ratings 1,229 reviews

(ircus of the .amned (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter #3)

by Laurell K. Hamilton
4.15 of 5 stars

/irst time in trade %a%erback0 the third novel in the 12 New York Timesbestselling series. -n Circus of the Damned#now in trade %a%erback for the first time#a rogue master vam%ire hits town, and Anita gets caught in the middle of an undead turf war. 'ean#(laude, the 3aster 4am% of the city, wants her for his own#but his enemies have other %lans. And to make matters worse, Anita takes a hit to the heart when she meets a stunningly handsome junior high science teacher named &ichard 5eeman. "hey,re two humans caught in the crossfire#or so Anita thinks.

4.15 rating details 58,932 ratings 953 reviews

"he Lunatic (afe (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter #4)

by Laurell K. Hamilton
4.1 of 5 stars

4.10 rating details 43,535 ratings 783 reviews

-n Laurell K. Hamilton,s New York Times bestselling novels, 4am%ire Hunter and +ombie animator Anita $lake is an e6%ert at sniffing out the bad from the good. $ut she,s about to learn that nothing is ever as it seems#es%ecially in matters of the not#so#human heart... .ating a werewolf with self#esteem issues is stressing Anita out. 7s%ecially when something# or someone#starts taking out the city,s sha%eshifters.

$loody $ones (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter #5)

by Laurell K. Hamilton

4.08 of 5 stars

4.08 rating details 41,925 ratings 745 reviews

-n Laurell K. Hamilton,s New York Times bestselling novels, Anita $lake, vam%ire hunter and animator, takes a bite out of crime#of the su%ernatural kind. $ut even someone who deals with death on a daily basis can be unnerved by its %ower... 8hen $ranson, 3issouri, is hit with a death wave#four unsolved murders#it doesn,t take an e6%ert to reali+e that all is not well. $ut luckily for the locals, Anita is an e6%ert#in just the kinds of %reternatural goings#on that have everyone s%ooked. And she,s got an 9in9 with just the kind of creature who can make sense of the slayings0 a se6y master vam%ire known as 'ean (laude.

"he Killing .ance (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter #6)

by Laurell K. Hamilton
4.1 of 5 stars

4.10 rating details 40,289 ratings 766 reviews

.ating both a vam%ire and a werewolf isn,t easy. $ut just to com%licate Anita,s already messy life, someone has %ut a %rice on her head. Love cannot save her this time, so she turns to 7dward, hitman e6traordinaire, for hel%. $ut finding the %erson behind the threat won,t be easy, because as both a vam%ire hunter and +ombie reanimator, Anita has made a lot of enemies#both human and otherwise.

$urnt :fferings (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter #7)

by Laurell K. Hamilton
4.04 of 5 stars

4.04 rating details 39,091 ratings 612 reviews

Anita $lake is a vam%ire hunter. $ut when someone else sets his sights on her %rey, she must save them both from the inferno.

$lue 3oon (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter # )

by Laurell K. Hamilton
4.02 of 5 stars

8hen she chose master vam%ire 'ean#(laude over her e6#fianc;, al%ha werewolf &ichard 5eeman, Anita learned that sometimes love is not enough. $ut though she and &ichard won<t be walking down any aisles, she can<t turn her back on him when he<s arrested on a ra%e charge in "ennessee. Anita knows firsthand that &ichard has the morals of a saint=or at least a boy scout. $ut his guilt or innocence is not the issue. He<s behind bars, and in five days a full moon will rise>

4.02 rating details 37,914 ratings 653 reviews

:bsidian $utterfly (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter #!)

by Laurell K. Hamilton
4.05 of 5 stars

4.05 rating details 37,879 ratings 955 reviews

"he Anita $lake, 4am%ire Hunter backlist takes flight with a whole new look. -n her ninth adventure, vam%ire hunter Anita $lake owes a favor to a friend#a man almost as dangerous as the ancient evil she,s about to face.

arcissus in (hains (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter #1")

by Laurell K. Hamilton
3.86 of 5 stars

3.86 rating details 35,195 ratings 732 reviews

Hamilton,s vam%ire#hunting Anita $lake faces a %lethora of foes in her tenth outing. 'ust returned to ?t. Louis after si6 months away, Anita is still no closer to choosing between her lovers##'ean#(laude, a vam%ire, and &ichard, a werewolf. $ut she has to rely on both for hel% after two of the wereleo%ards that she has been watching are abducted at a seedy club called arcissus in (hains. Anita and her boyfriends rescue the wereleo%ards from the sinister %eo%le holding them, but Anita is wounded in the fight and %ut at risk of becoming a wereleo%ard herself. &ichard angrily ca%tures the wereleo%ard he believes is res%onsible and threatens to e6ecute him. Anita must now rescue that wereleo%ard from &ichard and the werewolves he leads, even as she mourns the a%%arent end of her relationshi% with him. "hen she reali+es that those who kidna%%ed the first two wereleo%ards are targeting other lycanthro%es. 3aybe she will be ne6t. 8ith %lenty of steamy se6 and gra%hic violence, this is engaging reading for vam%ire cultists.

(erulean ?ins (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter #11)

by Laurell K. Hamilton
3.8 of 5 stars

(erulean ?ins, the eleventh entry in the hugely#%o%ular Anita $lake series, finds everyone<s favorite vam%ire hunter kee%ing house and kicking butt. Anita $lake is trying to get her life back to @normalA after a break#u% with her werewolf lover. ?he has settled into a %attern of domesticity, which means that the new man in her life, the leo%ard sha%eshifter 3icah, has no %roblem sharing her with 'ean#(laude, 3aster 4am%ire of the (ity. "hings are as %eaceful as they ever get for someone who raises the dead, when 'ean#(laude receives an une6%ected and unwelcome visitor0 3usette, the very beautiful, very twisted re%resentative of the 7uro%ean (ouncil of 4am%ires. Anita soon finds herself caught u% in a dangerous game of vam%ire %ower %olitics. "o add to her troubles, she is asked to consult on a series of brutal killings, which seem to be the work of something un#human. "he investigation leads her to (erulean ?ins, a vam%ire# run establishment that deals in erotic videos, videos that cater to very s%ecific tastes. Anita knows one creature of the night who has such interests = 'ean#(laude<s visitor. $ut if Anita brings 3usette down, the re%ercussions could cost her everything she holds dear. :nce a sworn enemy of all monsters, Anita is now the human consort of both 3aster 4am%ire 'ean (laude and leo%ard sha%eshifter 3icah. 8hen a centuries#old vam%ire hits ?t. Louis, Anita finds herself needing all the dark forces her %assion can muster to save the ones she loves. Anita $lake returns to find hell hath no fury like a vam%ire scorned.

3.80 rating details 30,784 ratings 542 reviews

-ncubus .reams (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter #12)

by Laurell K. Hamilton
3.74 of 5 stars

4am%ire hunter Anita $lake finds her life is more com%licated than ever, caught as she is between her obligations to the living#and the undead.

3.74 rating details 29,741 ratings 631 reviews

3icah (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter #13)

by Laurell K. Hamilton
3.56 of 5 stars

3.56 rating details 27,637 ratings 643 reviews

9&A-?- G "H7 .7A. -? 7A?!. L:47 -? HA&....9 "here are lots of reasons to raise the dead#some %rivate, some %ublic. -n this case, the feds have a witness who died before he could s%eak on the record. "hey want him raised so his testimony can be taken. ?o here - am, on a %lane to Philadel%hia, flying off to do my job.

$ut -,m not alone. 3icah is with me. 3icah, head of the ?t. Louis wereleo%ard %ard. King to my Bueen. "he only one of my lovers who can stir my blood with just a glance from his chartreuse cat,s eyes. - was ha%%y to have him at my side. Cntil he mentioned that this will be our first time alone together. o 3aster 4am%ire. Al%ha 8erewolf. 'ust me and 3icah. And all my fears and doubts...
by Laurell K. Hamilton
3.77 of 5 stars

.anse 3acabre (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter #14)

3.77 rating details 27,935 ratings 586 reviews

"hese days, Anita $lake is less interested in vam%ire %olitics than in an ancient, ordinary dread she shares with women down the ages0 she may be %regnant. And, if she is, whether the father is a vam%ire, a werewolf, or someone else entirely, he knows %erfectly well that being a /ederal 3arshal known for raising the dead and being a vam%ire e6ecutioner, is no way to bring u% a baby.

"he HarleDuin (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter #15)

by Laurell K. Hamilton
3.87 of 5 stars

3.87 rating details 26,653 ratings 637 reviews

&eaders haven,t seen anything yet#new in the 9fabulously imagined series9 E Publishers WeeklyF from the 12 New York Times bestselling author. Anita $lake is about to face the challenge of her life. -nto her world#a world already overflowing with %ower#have come creatures so feared that %owerful, centuries#old vam%ires refuse to mention their names. -t is forbidden to s%eak of "he HarleDuin unless you,ve been contacted. And to be contacted by "he HarleDuin is to be under sentence of death. Long#time rivals for Anita,s affections, 'ean#(laude, 3aster 4am%ire of the (ity, and &ichard, al%ha#werewolf, will need to become allies. ?ha%eshifters athaniel and 3icah will have to ste% u% their su%%ort. And then there,s 7dward. -n this situation, Anita knows that she needs to call the one man who has always been there for her...

3.81 of 5 stars

oir (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter #16)

by Laurell K. Hamilton

#ea$ers %an&t 'et en(u') (* t)e #1 New York Times+estsellin' aut)(r, A favor for 'ason, vam%ire hunter Anita $lake,s werewolf lover, %uts her in the center of a fullblown scandal that threatens master#vam%ire 'ean# (laude,s reign, and makes her a %awn in an ancient vam%ire Dueen,s new rise to %ower.

3.81 rating details 24,000 ratings 757 reviews

?kin "rade (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter #17)

by Laurell K. Hamilton
3.88 of 5 stars

A pr(-en series .it) a )(t ne. l((k, /)e #1 +estsellin' aut)(r returns .it) )er m(st anti%ipate$ n(-el yet, 8hen a vam%ire serial killer sends Anita $lake a grisly souvenir from Las 4egas, she has to warn ?in (ity,s local authorities what they,re dealing with. :nly it,s worse than she thought. "en officers and one e6ecutioner have been slain#%aranormal style. Anita heads to 4egas, where,s she,s joined by three other federal marshals, including the ruthless 7dward. -t,s a good thing he always has her back, because when she gets close to the bodies, Anita senses

3.88 rating details 21,443 ratings 898 reviews

9tiger9 too strongly to ignore it. "he weretigers are very %owerful in Las 4egas, which means the odds of her rubbing someone im%ortant the wrong way just got a lot higher.

/lirt (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter #1 )

by Laurell K. Hamilton
3.64 of 5 stars

0e. in t)e #1 New York Times +estsellin' series 8hen Anita $lake meets with %ros%ective client "ony $ennington, who is des%erate to have her reanimate his recently deceased wife, she is full of sym%athy for his loss. Anita knows something about love, and she knows everything there is to know about loss. $ut what she also knows, though "ony $ennington seems unwilling to be convinced, is that the thing she can do as a necromancer isn,t the miracle he thinks he needs. "he creature that Anita could coerce to ste% out of the late 3rs. $ennington,s grave would not be the lovely 3rs. $ennington. ot really. And not for long.

3.64 rating details 19,007 ratings 846 reviews

$ullet (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter #1!)

by Laurell K. Hamilton
3.78 of 5 stars

8atch a video The music came back up and the next group of little girls, slightly older, came out. There was a lot of that in the next hour and change. I liked dance, and it was no reflection on the kids, but my will to live began to seep away on about the fifth group of sequined children... Anita $lake is back in ?t. Louis and trying to live a normal life#as normal as %ossible for someone who is a legal vam%ire e6ecutioner and a C. ?. 3arshal. "here are lovers, friends and their children, school %rograms to attend. -n the midst of all the ordinary ha%%iness a vam%ire from Anita,s %ast reaches out. ?he was su%%osed to be dead, killed in an e6%losion, but the 3other of All .arkness is the first vam%ire, their dark creator. -t,s hard to kill a god. "his dark goddess has reached out to her here#in ?t. Louis, home of everyone Anita loves most. "he 3other of All .arkness has decided she has to act now or never, to control Anita, and all the vam%ires in America. "he 3other of All .arkness believes that the triumvirate created by master vam%ire 'ean# (laude with Anita and the werewolf &ichard 5eeman has enough %ower for her to regain a body and to immigrate to the ew 8orld. $ut the body she wants to %ossess is already taken. Anita is about to learn a whole new meaning to sharing her body, one that has nothing to do with the bedroom. And if the 3other of All .arkness can,t succeed in taking over Anita,s body for herself, she means to see that no one else has the use of it, ever again. 7ven $elle 3orte, not always a friend to Anita, has sent word0 9&un if you can...9

3.78 rating details 18,122 ratings 920 reviews

Hit List (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter #2")

by Laurell K. Hamilton
3.87 of 5 stars

8atch a video A serial killer is hunting the Pacific orthwest, murdering victims in a gruesome and s%ectacular way. "he local %olice sus%ect 9monsters9 are involved, and have called in Anita $lake and 7dward, C.?. 3arshals who really know their monsters, to catch the killer.

3.87 rating details 15,230 ratings 1,292 reviews

Kiss the .ead (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter #21)

by Laurell K. Hamilton
3.65 of 5 stars

3.65 rating details 11,488 ratings 1,346 reviews

8hen a fifteen#year#old girl is abducted by vam%ires, it<s u% to C.?. 3arshal Anita $lake to find her. And when she does, she<s faced with something she<s never seen before0 a terrifyingly ordinary grou% of %eo%le=kids, grand%arents, soccer moms=all recently turned and willing to die to avoid serving a master. And where there<s one martyr, there will be more> $ut even vam%ires have monsters that they<re afraid of. And Anita is one of them>

Affliction (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter #22)

by Laurell K. Hamilton
3.94 of 5 stars

3.94 rating details 5,828 ratings 1,124 reviews

?ome +ombies are raised. :thers must be %ut down. 'ust ask Anita $lake. $efore now, she would have considered them merely off#%utting, never dangerous. $efore now, she had never heard of any of them causing human beings to %erish in agony. $ut that<s all changed. 3icah<s estranged father lies dying, rotting away inside from some strange ailment that has his doctors whis%ering about @+ombie disease.A Anita makes her living off of +ombies=but these aren<t the kind she knows so well. "hese creatures hunt in daylight, and are as fast and strong as vam%ires. -f they bite you, you become just like them. And round and round it goes> 8here will it sto%G 7ven Anita $lake doesn<t know.

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