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Updated 05 April 2014

Photo: Camera Eye Photography

Punta Cana
Photo: Pedrito Guzman
On the easternmost province of the Dominican Republic lies jubilant Punta Cana. Its name
hearkens to the signature cane palms that pepper the region (Punta Cana literally translates to
"Tip of the White Cane Palms"), and its popularity has been celebrated since the 1970s. Best
known for its stretch of palm-laden beaches and thatch-roofed balnearios (seaside resort
towns), Punta Cana is a nonstop, Caribbean party!
Top 5
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1HL Ll1Y
|hoLo. |edr|Lo 0u.man
wheLher youre |ook|ng lor a second honeymoon, a lam||y
vacaL|on, or ,usL some lun |n Lhe sun, |unLa Cana |n Lhe
|om|n|can |epuo||c has everyLh|ng Lo make your perlecL
geLaway. Be|ng Lhe hearL ol Lour|sm |n Lhe ||, you|| never
oe lar lrom wh|Le sand oeaches and someLh|ng Lo do or
|unLa Cana |s one Lhe Car|ooeans prem|ere go|l reLreaLs,
leaLur|ng do.ens ol courses, some ol wh|ch were des|gned
oy Lhe wor|ds mosL renowned |0/ pros. /lLer I8 ho|es,
lnd reluge |n one ol |unLa Canas many cas|nos lor a
oeverage and a hand ol cards.
|am|||es w||| |ove naLura| aLLracL|ons l||ed w|Lh Lhe oeauLy
ol Lhe Car|ooean. |ead SouLh Lo |xp|ore |nd|genous |yes
|co|og|ca| |ark or Lhe naLura| spr|ng |oyo /.u|. w|Lh a|| ol
Lhe greaL s|ghLs and spoLs near your resorL, |L can oe easy
Lo m|ss ouL on a|| Lhe |om|n|can has Lo o1er. Take some
L|me Lo geL |osL |n Lhe cu|Lure and en,oy handro||ed c|gars,
lavorlu| rums, and |oca||y grown co1ee.
DesIlnaIlon: PunIa Lana
Pub|lshlng daIe: 2014-04-05
DD & 5LL
|hoLo. /na Car|na |aur|ano 1 1 1
/|Lhough Lhe ma|n aLLracL|on ol |unLa Cana |s |Ls |uxur|ous
oeaches and wor|drenowned go|l courses, Lh|s Lrop|ca|
parad|se o1ers p|enLy ol acL|v|L|es and s|ghLs on |and and
aL sea. SomeLh|ng lor a|| ages |s Lo oe had. See oe|ow'
5cape ark
|oyo /.u| aL Scape |ark |s a one ol a k|nd naLura| spr|ng
cave LhaL demonsLraLes rare naLura| oeauLy. The park a|so
prov|des a |une Boog|e /dvenLure lor Lhe o1road dr|ver |n
/ddress. Cap Cana, 23000, |om|n|can |epuo||c
|hone. I 809 469 7484
|nLerneL. www.scapepark.com
|ma||. |nlo@scapepark.com
Bvaro Beach
0ne ol Lhe mosL comp|eLe oeaches on Lhe NorLhern shore
|s Bavaro. |nLerLa|nmenL lrom cas|nos and ||ve shows, Lo
Lhe lnesL resLauranLs and pa|m umore||as oy Lurquo|se
waLer are a|| Lo oe had.
/ddress. |unLa Cana, |om|n|can |epuo||c
Macao 5urf Lamp
||L Lhe waves' New comers and exper|enced r|ders
we|come on Lhe oeach ol Nacao. |earn lorm and
Lechn|que a|ong w|Lh 0cean awareness. /nd make some
new lr|ends'
/ddress. Nacao Beach, |unLa Cana, |a /|Lagrac|a, |om|n|can |epuo||c
|hone. I 809 430 90I7
|nLerneL. www.macaosurlcamp.com
|ma||. macaosurlcamp@gma||.com
HorseIay unIa Lana
Th|s |ng||shspeak|ng, persona||.ed horse r|de |s a greaL
un|que add|L|on Lo Lhe lam||y vacaL|on. NoL ava||ao|e
Lhrough your hoLe| ouL an exper|ence noL Lo m|ss.
|hone. I 90b 834 2380
|nLerneL. www.horsep|aypunLacana.com
|ma||. |nlo@horsep|ayn|agara.com
lndigenous Lyes LcoIogicaI ark
The exp|orers dream. I,b00 acres ol reserve awa|L you |n
Lh|s Lrop|ca| wonder|and. ConLacL Lhe loundaL|on d|recL|y Lo
|nqu|re Lour|ng.
/ddress. |unLa Cana, |om|n|can |epuo||c
|hone. I 809 9b9 922I
|nLerneL. www.punLacana.org/reserve
|ma||. lepc@punLacana.com
lsIa LaIaIina
|ook|ng lor a nauL|ca| venLure7 |s|a CaLa||na |s ,usL a lerry
away, prov|d|ng a persona| |uxury geLaway or a dr|v|ng or
snorke||ng Lr|p Lo some ol Lhe oesL reel |n Lhe ||. There
are many d|1erenL ways Lo exper|ence CaLa||na, conLacL
your resorL conc|erge Lo lnd ouL more.
/ddress. CaLa||na |s|and, |om|n|can |epuo||c
LhocoMuseo unIa Lana
TasLe Lhe lnesL choco|aLes lrom Lhe CenLra| and SouLh
/mer|cas. SLock up on some supero sweeLs and grao a
cup ol arL|sana| |ce cream. ChocoNuseo o1ers lree
Lransler lrom any |oca| hoLe|.
/ddress. /ven|da Barce|o, Bavaro, |a /|Lagrac|a, |om|n|can |epuo||c
0pen|ng hours. |a||y. 9am 6pm
|hone. I 809 b42 6007
|nLerneL. www.chocomuseo.com/eng||sh/our|ocaL|ons/punLacanadr
|ma||. |unLaCana@ChocoNuseo.com
Bvaro GoIf Lourse
Barce|o Bavaro 0o|l |s an I8ho|e, par72 course
DesIlnaIlon: PunIa Lana
Pub|lshlng daIe: 2014-04-05
o1shooL|ng lrom Lhe Barce|o Bavaro Beach 0o|l & Cas|no
|esorL comp|ex. The oeauL|lu| course |s open Lo |Ls own
guesLs and Lhose ol oLher hoLe|s. There are numerous
waLer oosLac|es, as des|gned oy Juan Nanue| 0ord|||o.
/ddress. Bavaro, |om|n|can |epuo||c
|hone. I 809 686 b797
|nLerneL. www.oarce|ooavarogo|l.neL
|ma||. oavaro.go|l@oarce|o.com
Nore |nlo. Book Lee L|mes
unIa Lana GoIf LIub
The very popu|ar |unLa Cana 0o|l C|uo |s |ocaLed near Lhe
|unLa Cana |esorL & C|uo. Th|s go|l course a|so des|gned
oy |eLe |ye, and mosL ol |Ls ho|es en,oy panoram|c v|ews
ol Lhe Car|ooean Sea.
/ddress. |unLa Cana, ||guey, |unLa Cana 23000, |om|n|can |epuo||c
|hone. I 809 9b9 2262
|nLerneL. www.punLacana.com/|acanago|lc|uo.hLm|
|ma||. go|lacana@punLacana.com
unIa Lana Fishing
|unLa Cana o1ers greaL lsh|ng opporLun|L|es w|Lh over
seven monLhs ol o|||lsh season. ||sh|ng o1 Lhe |asL CoasL
|s regarded as one ol Lhe Lop lve ol Lhe wor|ds oesL o|||lsh
areas. B|ue mar||n, oarracuda, and dorado are among
some ol Lhe lsh LhaL you can expecL Lo caLch. NosL
recenL|y |unLa Cana hosLed severa| |nLernaL|ona| o|||lsh
LournamenLs, |nc|ud|ng |S|Ns 2009 B|||lsh XLreme
TournamenL' There are counL|ess compan|es LhaL w||| o1er
Lo Lake you on Lhe lsh|ng Lr|p, ouL N|kes Nar|na ||sh|ng
CharLers |s one ol Lhe oesL.
|hoLo. |enn|s Brekke
|unLa Cana |s home Lo some ol Lhe oesL Car|ooean and
|nLernaL|ona| cu|s|ne |n Lhe wor|d. Ce|eor|Ly chels and |oca|
sLap|es make eaL|ng |n Bavaro and |unLa Cana and
dreamy oree.e. See oe|ow and sLay hungry'
5imon Mansion & 5upper LIub
|rom |ock n |o|| Chel Chel |erry S|mon comes S|mon
Nans|on and Supper C|uo. The |nLer|or |s qu|Le posh, w|Lh
|avender carpeL|ng and s||ver seaL|ng. |ead on over lor
Ca||/mer|can cu|s|ne'
/ddress. Bou|evard Tur|sL|co de| |sLe, |N 28 74, I600 Nacao, |a
/|Lagrac|a, |om|n|can |epuo||c
0pen|ng hours. |a||y. 6pm I2am
|hone. I 809 73I 0094
|nLerneL. www.s|monmans|on.com
assion by MarIin BerasaIegui aI aradisus
aIma ReaI
w|nner ol 7 N|che||n sLars, |ass|on aL |arad|sus |a|ma
|ea| |s one ol Lhe mosL recogn|.ao|e resLauranLs |n |unLa
Cana. |n,oy a romanL|c aLmosphere w|Lh |ncred|o|e
Span|sh Lapas. / once |n a ||leL|me d|n|ng exper|ence.
/ddress. ||aya de Bavaro, |unLa Cana 00000, |om|n|can |epuo||c
|hone. I 809 688 b000
|nLerneL. www.me||a.com/en/hoLe|s/dom|n|canrepuo||c/punLacana/par
|ma||. parad|sus.pa|ma.rea|@me||a.com
1he JeIIyfish ResIauranI
/ sLand|ng lavor|Le |n Bavaro, Je||ylsh |s a me|d ol naLura|
|ngred|enLs a|| cu|m|naL|ng |n a comlorLao|e oeach seLL|ng.
DesIlnaIlon: PunIa Lana
Pub|lshlng daIe: 2014-04-05
Topped w|Lh a |ounge o1er|ng a sp|end|d v|ew ol Lhe
oeach, Je||ylsh |s perlecL lor lam||y ouL|ngs or daLe n|ghL.
/ddress. CarreLera Bavaro, |N, 00000 Bavaro, |a /|Lagrac|a, |om|n|can
0pen|ng hours. |a||y. IIam II.30pm
|hone. I 809 840 7684
|nLerneL. www.,e||ylshresLauranL.com
|ma||. Je||ylshresLauranL@gma||.com
BIue MarIin
||ne oeneaLh a pa|apashaded Lao|e on a p|er over|ook|ng
Lhe Car|ooeans genL|e waLers. The resLauranLs sma|| leeL
ol lsh|ng ooaLs Lraverses Lhe waLers lor lresh lsh, wh|ch
are |n Lurn served lresh Lo you'
/ddress. SancLuary Cap Cana, Cap Cana, ||aya Juan|||o
0pen|ng hours. |a||y. 6.30pm I0.30pm
|hone. I 809 b62 9I9I
|nLerneL. www.sancLuarycapcana.com/d|n|ng.hLm|
Iaya BIanca
The gorgeous|y casua| amo|ance ol ||aya B|anca |s noL Lo
oe undersLaLed, as guesLs are |nv|Led Lo d|ne on lresh
sealood wh||e en,oy|ng sweep|ng v|ews ol Lhe wh|Le sand
oeach. The menu |s everchang|ng as we||.
/ddress. ||aya B|anca, |unLa Cana, |om|n|can |epuo||c
0pen|ng hours. |a||y. I2pm 2pm, 7pm I0.30pm
|hone. I 809 9b9 2262
|nLerneL. www.punLacana.com/resLauranLs.hLm|
La YoIa
The /// Three ||amond /wardw|nn|ng |a Yo|a was
named lor Lhe yo|a, or Lhe sma||, |oca| lsh|ng ooaLs lrom
wh|ch Lhe|r experL sealood |s caughL. The menu |s a lus|on
ol Ned|Lerranean and Car|ooean |nluences.
/ddress. |unLa Cana Nar|na, |unLa Cana, |om|n|can |epuo||c
0pen|ng hours. |a||y. I2pm 3pm, 7pm I0.30pm
|hone. I 809 9b9 2262
|nLerneL. www.punLacana.com/resLauranLs.hLm|
/L Lhe |a Cana 0o|l & Beach C|uo, d|ne aL Lhe /// |our
||amond /wardw|nn|ng Bamooo |esLauranL. NesL|ed aL
Lhe exc|us|ve TorLuga Bay, Bamooo o|ends |oca||y sourced
lood w|Lh Ned|Lerranean sLy|e lor |nnovaL|ve lus|on d|shes.
/s a parL ol carelu| mar|ne conservaL|on programs, Lhey
serve a var|eLy ol ||on ||sh d|shes w|Lh Lhe purposes ol
supporL|ng Lhe ||on ||sh ConLro| |n|L|aL|ve.
/ddress. |unLa Cana, ||guey, |unLa Cana 23000, |om|n|can |epuo||c
0pen|ng hours. |a||y. 6.30am IIam, I2pm b.4bpm, 7pm IIpm
|hone. I 809 9b9 2262
|nLerneL. www.punLacana.com/resLauranLs.hLm|
LapiIn Look's
/L Cap|Lan Cooks, Lhe lresh caLch |s d|sp|ayed on |ce |n a
loerg|ass vau|L r|ghL oelore your eyes' |n,oy a se|ecL|on ol
|oosLer, k|ng crao |egs, and oLher lsh spec|a|L|es. |r|xlxe
spec|a|s |nc|ude dr|nks and Lhe s|gnaLure d|sh, parr|||ada
m|xLa w|Lh lr|es and sa|ad, lo||owed oy shoLs ol
/ddress. ||aya de| CorLec|Lo, Bavaro, |om|n|can |epuo||c
0pen|ng hours. |a||y. I2pm I2am
|hone. I 809 bb2 064b
|nLerneL. www.dom|n|canrepnorLhcoasL.com/resLauranLspunLacana.hLm
La DoIce viIa lIaIian ResIauranI
|ed carpeL, ||ghLs, and posLers ol c|ass|c l|ms decoraLe
Lhe sna..y |a |o|ce V|La |La||an |esLauranL. The upsca|e
a|acarLe venue |s |ocaLed aL Lhe Barce|o Bavaro |a|ace
|e|uxe |oLe|.
/ddress. CarreLera Bavaro, |m. I, 23000 Bavaro, ||guey, |om|n|can
0pen|ng hours. |a||y. 6pm IIpm
|hone. I 809 686 b797
|nLerneL. www.oarce|o.com/Barce|o|oLe|s/en.US/hoLe|s/|om|n|can|ep
Nore |nlo. There |s a lorma| dress code.
La arriIIiIa Mexico
|ead ouL |nLo downLown Bavaro Lo lnd Lh|s wonderlu|
Nex|can resLauranL. |onL lorgeL a Nargar|La or ||sco Sour
w|Lh your Lacos a| pasLor'
DesIlnaIlon: PunIa Lana
Pub|lshlng daIe: 2014-04-05
/ddress. CarreLera |r|usa, ||a.a 3 CenLer, Bavaro, |om|n|can |epuo||c
0pen|ng hours. Nonday SaLurday. I2pm I0pm
|hone. I 809 bb2 0I30
|hoLo. 0||Bac
Search Lhe downLown and areas surround|ng shopp|ng
havens Lo d|scover some un|que d|ners and d|ves. Nany
cales luncL|on as regu|ar resLauranLs as we||. See oe|ow.
Lafe deI Mar
Cale de| Nar |s Lhe head||ner aL Nar|na |uerLo Bah|a, ch|c
|n aqua and o|ack L|||ng and |oLs ol oamooo' The da||y
caLch |s a|ways Lhe Lheme ol Lhe menu.
/ddress. CarreLera Sanche.Samana |m. b, SanLa Baroara |e Samana,
Samana, |om|n|can |epuo||c
|hone. I 809 b03 6363
|nLerneL. www.puerLooah|asamana.com/en/amen|L|es/d|n|ngandn|ghL||l
|ma||. mar|na@puerLooah|asamana.com
Nam Nam
Nam Nam o1ers a lresh and de||c|ous opL|ons lor
oreaklasL, orunch, or |unch. They even won a 20I3
CerL|lcaLe ol |xce||ence lrom Tr|padv|sor lor Lhe|r
/ddress. |os Cora|es, ||a.a So| Car|oe, |oca| |3, |unLa Cana, |om|n|can
0pen|ng hours. Tuesday SaLurday. IIam 2.30pm, 6pm IIpm.
Sunday. I2pm 2.30pm, 7pm I0pm.
|hone. I 809 988 3I76
|nLerneL. www.namnams.com
|ma||. olc|na@namnams.com
GabrieI's lnIernaIionaI Lafe & Bar
|ocaLed |n Lhe cenLer ol Bavaro, 0aor|e|s o1ers
|nLernaL|ona| d|n|ng opL|ons and a w|de se|ecL|on ol w|ne.
The perlecL |unch or d|nner alLer a day ol shopp|ng aL
||a.a San Juan.
/ddress. ||a.a N|dLown, 00 Bavaro, |a /|Lagrac|a, |om|n|can |epuo||c
|hone. I 809 466 004b
|nLerneL. www.laceoook.com/0aor|e|s|nLernaL|ona|BarCo1eeShop
Huracn Lafe
The LhaLchedrooled pa|apa |s s|gnaLure Lo |uracan Cale.
The wooden deck |n Lhe sand a||ows d|ners Lhe wonderlu|
v|ew ol Lhe ocean wh||e garner|ng proLecL|on aga|nsL Lhe
e|emenLs. |n,oy a menu ol arL|sana| pasLas and oLher
|La||an d|shes.
/ddress. ||aya || CorLec|Lo, || CorLec|Lo, Bavaro, |om|n|can |epuo||c
0pen|ng hours. |a||y. IIam IIpm
|hone. I 809 22I 6643
|nLerneL. www.laceoook.com/|uracanCale
|ma||. g|acomo..aLL|@yahoo.|L
LangosIa deI Laribe
The lr|end|y |angosLa de| Car|oe leaLures |nexpens|ve
ma|n courses and a de||ghLlu| sLa1. The house dr|nk,
Namma,uana, cons|sLs ol rum mar|naLed |n m|xLures ol
wood oark, oerr|es, and |eaves.
/ddress. || CorLec|Lo, |unLa Cana, |om|n|can |epuo||c
|hone. I 809 bb2 I9b3
Laveranda ResIauranI
|averanda o1ers Ned|Lerranean cu|s|ne aga|nsL a Lrop|ca|
oackdrop. |n,oy a menu LhaL spans oreaklasL, |unch, and
d|nner, wheLher d|n|ng a| lresco or |ndoors.
/ddress. ||aya S|vory, |unLa Cana, |om|n|can |epuo||c
0pen|ng hours. |a||y. 7am I0am, I2pm 3pm, 7pm I0pm
|hone. I 809 333 0b00
|nLerneL. www.s|vorypunLacana.com/|averandaresLauranL,cu|s|ne.v|ew|L
sIerreicherhaus ResIauranI
/s Lhe name |mp||es, 0sLerre|cherhaus |s a 0erman eaLery
DesIlnaIlon: PunIa Lana
Pub|lshlng daIe: 2014-04-05
w|Lh a lu|| oar ol w|ne and oeers. |l youre noL sure whaL
Schn|L.e|, ||nderrou|ade, or SacherLorLe are, Lhen come
here Lo d|scover whaL youve oeen m|ss|ng'
/ddress. Bavaro, |a /|Lagrac|a, |om|n|can |epuo||c
0pen|ng hours. Nonday |r|day. I0am 9pm
|hone. I 809 9bI 000I
|nLerneL. www.laceoook.com/0esLerre|cherhaus
|ma||. oesLerre|cherhaus@gma||.com
Lafeina Loffee House
Cale|na Co1ee |ouse o1ers |unLa Cana spec|a|Ly co1ees,
oaked goods, and var|ous |unch se|ecL|ons |n a
comlorLao|e env|ronmenL. They |nv|Le you Lo meeL, Lh|nk,
work, and geL more |n Louch w|Lh your creaL|ve s|de.
/ddress. CenLro Comerc|a| |as Canas, Cap Cana, |unLa Cana
0pen|ng hours. Nonday SaLurday. 8am 6pm
|hone. I 809 469 7679
|nLerneL. www.laceoook.com/cale|naco1eehouse
|ma||. cale|naco1eehouse@hoLma||.com
BroI BageI 5hop
|or Lhose seek|ng a wonderlu| amo|ance and hea|Lhy
opL|ons, Lry BroL Bage|. They proud|y serve sugar lree
producLs |ow |n ooLh laL and ca|or|es.
/ddress. 0a|er|as de |unLa Cana, |oca| 3I, |unLa Cana
0pen|ng hours. Nonday SaLurday. 7am I0pm. Sunday . 7am bam
|hone. I 809 9b9 2007
Hard Rock Lafe unIa Lana
The |ard |ock Cale |s conven|enL|y |ocaLed |n Lhe |a|ma
|ea| Shopp|ng V|||age, a upsca|e ma|| |n Bavaro. |n,oy |Ls
s|gnaLure, auLhenL|c rock aLmosphere and greaL /mer|can
/ddress. CarreLera || CorLec|Lo b7 ||guey, |a /|Lagrac|a, |om|n|can
0pen|ng hours. |a||y. II.30am 2am
|hone. I 809 bb2 0b94
|nLerneL. www.hardrock.com/cales/punLacana
|ma||. |nlo@hardrock.com.do
|hoLo. /dr|a /r|sLe SanLacreu
You havenL parL|ed unL|| youve w|Lnessed Car|ooean
N|ghL||le' Soak up Lhe sun oy day and soak up Lhe lun oy
n|ghL. See oe|ow'
lmagine unIa Lana Disco
Nus|c, danc|ng, cave7 Th|s d|sco |s ||ke one youve never
seen oelore. Bu||L |n Lhe rema|ns ol a cave casL|e, oe
prepared Lo exper|ence a parLy you can on|y have |n |unLa
Cana, ||.
/ddress. |unLa Cana, |om|n|can |epuo||c
|hone. I 809 466 I049
|nLerneL. www.|mag|nepunLacana.com
Mangu Disco
Nangu ||sco |s |ocaLed aL Lhe 0cc|denLa| ||amenco |oLe|.
|L oooms w|Lh ||ecLron|ca, Nerengue, BachaLa, Sa|sa, |ock,
and |eggae' The oar has a o|g screen where one can
waLch soccer, looLoa||, oaseoa||, oox|ng, rac|ng, and more.
/ddress. |nLrada |oLe| ||amenco, |a /|Lagrac|a, |om|n|can |epuo||c
0pen|ng hours. |a||y. IIpm 7am
DesIlnaIlon: PunIa Lana
Pub|lshlng daIe: 2014-04-05
|hone. I 809 22I 8787
|nLerneL. www.mangud|scooar.com
DRD NighIcIub
0|0 |s |ard |ocks answer Lo Lhe |unLa Cana n|ghLc|uo.
w|Lh guesL perlormances oy some ol Lodays Lop
perlormers, 0|0 |s Lhe p|ace Lo oe |l you |ove Car|ooean
n|ghL ||le.
/ddress. Bavaro, |a /|Lagrac|a, |om|n|can |epuo||c
0pen|ng hours. Tuesday SaLurday. IIpm 4am
|hone. I 809 73I 0099
|nLerneL. www.oron|ghLc|uo.com
|ma||. reservaL|ons@oron|ghLc|uo.com
|acha |s a deln|Le lavor|Le among |oca|s, exp|od|ng on Lhe
scene w|Lh more Nerengue and BachaLa Lhan |Ls n|ghL||le
counLerparLs. |r|nks are cheap and cover charges app|y
when ||ve oands perlorm.
/ddress. ||aya /rena 0orda, |unLa Cana, |om|n|can |epuo||c
|hone. I 809 22I 7b7b
The sLream||ned Syooar |s perlecL lor sLarga.|ng or
||oaL|ons. |xoL|c cockLa||s and ||ve enLerLa|nmenL are he|d
/ddress. ||aya S|vory, |unLa Cana, |om|n|can |epuo||c
0pen|ng hours. |a||y. I0am I0pm
|hone. I 809 333 0b00
|nLerneL. www.s|vorypunLacana.com/syooar,cu|s|ne.v|ew|Lem.7en.hLm|
Bvaro NighIcIub
Bavaro N|ghLc|uo |s rumored Lo have Lhe oesL sound
sysLem ol a|| Lhe c|uos' The c|uo has a |uropean lee|, w|Lh
a lorma| dress code and V|| |ounge serv|ce.
/ddress. CarreLera Bavaro, |m. I, 23000 Bavaro, ||guey, |om|n|can
0pen|ng hours. |a||y. IIpm 3am
|hone. I 809 686 b797
|nLerneL. www.oarce|o.com/Barce|o|oLe|s/en.US/hoLe|s/|om|n|can|ep
AreiIo Disco Bavaro
|ocaLed |n Lhe |uxur|ous Car|oe C|uo |r|ncess, /re|Lo ||sco
Bavaro |s decoraLed |n |nd|genous Lhemes and /oor|g|na|
e|emenLs. ||ve shows and evenLs are organ|.ed lrequenL|y.
/ddress. Bavaro 23000, |om|n|can |epuo||c
0pen|ng hours. |a||y. IIpm bam
|hone. I 809 687 7788
AIibabar Hookah Lounge
/||oaoar opens every n|ghL Lo we|come guesLs Lo experL
hookah' ||nd |oca|s m|ng||ng w|Lh Lour|sLs lrom a|| around
Lhe wor|d |n Lh|s lr|end|y aLmosphere. / greaL sound
sysLem puLs Lhe ln|sh|ng Louches on Lhe venue.
/ddress. |unLa Cana 2200, |om|n|can |epuo||c
0pen|ng hours. |a||y. 7pm 4am
|hone. I 809 77I 6076
|nLerneL. www.a||oaoar|ounge.com
|ma||. |nlo@a||oaoar.com
S|ns4Two |s an upsca|e, ||oera| c|uo where guesLs are
|nv|Led Lo a lema|e compan|on and en,oy Lhe even|ng. The
c|uo has a sLr|cL door po||cy and on|y a||ows coup|es.
/ddress. Bavaro, |om|n|can |epuo||c
0pen|ng hours. Nonday Thursday. 9pm 2am. |r|day SaLurday. 9pm
|hone. I 809 48I 7926
|nLerneL. www.s|ns4Lwo.com
|ma||. |nlo@s|ns4Lwo.com
Nore |nlo. S|ng|e men are noL perm|LLed on Lhe prem|ses.
Don Dueco Ligar Bar
Savor Lhe h|ghesL qua||Ly |om|n|can c|gars w|Lh Lhe
perlecL o|ends ol scenLs, co|or, and oa|anced compos|L|ons
ol n|coL|ne and o||s. The |on ueco C|gar & |um Bar aL
The wesL|n |unLacana |esorL & C|uo se||s on|y Lhe oesL.
/ddress. |unLa Cana, |a /|Lagrac|a, |om|n|can |epuo||c
|hone. I 809 9b9 2222
|nLerneL. www.sLarwoodhoLe|s.com/wesL|n/properLy/d|n|ng/|ndex.hLm|7p
DesIlnaIlon: PunIa Lana
Pub|lshlng daIe: 2014-04-05
|hoLo. /na Car|na |aur|ano 1 1 1
Shopp|ng |n |unLa Cana |s as s|mp|e as head|ng Lo your
resorL Lrave| gu|de and h|LL|ng Lhe sLreeL. Youre ||ke|y
w|Lh|n wa|k|ng d|sLance ol some greaL dea|s' See oe|ow'
aIma ReaI 5hopping viIIage
Th|s |s Lhe prem|ere shopp|ng desL|naL|on |n |unLa Cana.
See a l|ck, add Lo Lhe wardrooe, or ,usL grao a o|Le.
/ddress. Bavaro, |unLa Cana, |om|n|can |epuo||c
0pen|ng hours. |a||y. I0am I0pm
|hone. I 809 bb2 872b
|nLerneL. www.pa|marea|shopp|ngv|||age.com
|ma||. |nlo@pa|marea|sv.com
Iaza unIa Lana
Sa|d Lo oe a h|dden gem l||ed w|Lh Lhe oesL qua||Ly ,ewe|ry
aL reasonao|e pr|ces, |a |eyna |s a d|1erenL shop. /sk your
Lrave| represenLaL|ve Lo conLacL Lhe sLore lor Lrans|L
/ddress. Bavaro, |om|n|can |epuo||c
|hone. I 809 4bb I839
Iaza Bvaro 5hopping LenIer
0eL ouL and m|ng|e w|Lh Lhe |oca|es aL ||a.a Bavaro'
Search lor oarga|ns or or|ng home souven|rs ol your Lr|p.
|onL lorgeL Lo oarLer'
/ddress. /ven|da |spana, |unLa Cana, |om|n|can |epuo||c
Don Lucas Ligars
See Lhe h|sLory oeh|nd |on |ucas C|gars and en,oy one
poo|s|de on a la|r Car|ooean even|ng. ConLacL Lhe lacLory
lor lree LransporLaL|on.
/ddress. /ven|da Barce|o, |N 4 I/2, |unLa Cana 23000, |om|n|can
|hone. I 809 466 I2I2
|nLerneL. www.don|ucasc|gars.com
Bi2JH2D ArIisanaI 5hopping Iaza
The co|orlu| B|2J|20 /rL|sana| Shopp|ng ||a.a
(pronounced ||ke o|o|,agua) o1ers hand|cralLs, c|gars,
mama,uana, handmade mus|ca| |nsLrumenLs, pa|nL|ngs,
scu|pLures, wood carv|ngs, and amoer, |ar|mar, and cora|
,ewe|ry. |r|ces are noL seL |n sLone, ouL donL ask aoouL
cosLs |l you arenL ser|ous aoouL ouy|ng'
/ddress. || CorLec|Lo, Bavaro, |om|n|can |epuo||c
GaIerias aI unIacana viIIage
The 0a|er|as aL |unLacana V|||age res|de w|Lh|n a
o|ossom|ng shopp|ng, d|n|ng, and res|denL|a| comp|ex. |ree
LransporLaL|on |s prov|ded Lo guesLs aL |unLacana |esorL
& C|uo and TorLuga Bay.
/ddress. Bou|evard |r|mero de Nov|emore, |unLa Cana, |om|n|can
|hone. I 809 9b9 732b
|nLerneL. www.punLacanav|||age.com/ga||ery.hLm|
Iaza Uvero AIIo
/ oank and ouLdoor /TN, a money exchange, |nLerneL
access, a pharmacy, g|lL shops, and Lwo m|n|markeLs are
whaL you|| lnd aL Uvero /|Lo. Co|orlu| k|osks lu|| ol
hand|cralLs, pa|nL|ngs, ceram|cs, and oLher g|lL |Lems are
here as we||.
/ddress. CarreLera Uvero /|Lo, Uvero /|Lo, |om|n|can |epuo||c
Harrison's Fine JeweIry
SLep |nLo |arr|sons ||ne Jewe|ry and prepare Lo oe
wowed oy a wonderlu| co||ecL|on ol ,ewe|ry, |nc|ud|ng a
|arge se|ecL|on ol |ar|mar and amoer p|eces, as we|| as
d|amonds and oLher gems.
DesIlnaIlon: PunIa Lana
Pub|lshlng daIe: 2014-04-05
/ddress. |a|ma |ea| Shopp|ng V|||age, Bavaro, |om|n|can |epuo||c
|hone. I 809 bb2 872I
|nLerneL. www.harr|sons.com
|ma||. CusLomerserv|ce@harr|sons.com
|hoLo. Ben |uc|nsk|
The |om|n|can |epuo||c |s home Lo some ol Lhe mosL
oeauL|lu| oeaches and c|earesL o|ue waLers |n Lhe wor|d,
and |Ls accommodaL|ons were ou||L Lo maLch LhaL oeauLy.
||nd yourse|l |osL |n parad|se |n a 4 or bsLar resorL or geL
Lhe who|e lam||y Lo a oreaLhLak|ng vacaL|on lor a sLea|.
Grand aIIadium unIa Lana ResorI & 5pa
|dy|||c. U|Lramodern. warm. |erlecL. ||amond |esorLs
0rand |a||ad|um Bavaro s|Ls ouco||ca||y on Lhe shores ol
Bavaro Beach a|ong one k||omeLer ol solL, wh|Le sand.
0rand pa|m Lrees k|ss Lhe Car|ooean sun as Lhe waves ol
ooLh Lhe /L|anL|c and Car|ooean coa|esce |nLo Lhe u|L|maLe
reLreaL. Spac|ous accommodaL|ons are lu||y equ|pped w|Lh
modern amen|L|es, and Lhe spa |s open Lo your |ndu|gence.
/ddress. || CorLec|Lo, ||aya Bavaro, |unLa Cana, |om|n|can |epuo||c
0pen|ng hours. |a||y. (Check|n). 3pm, (CheckouL). I2pm
|hone. I 809 22I 8I49
Nore |nlo. Th|s |s a mandaLory a|||nc|us|ve resorL.
5irenis 1ropicaI 5uiIes Lasino & Aquagames
||amond |esorLs S|ren|s Trop|ca| Su|Les Cas|no &
/quagames |s |ocaLed on Lhe |om|n|can |epuo||cs
easLern coasL |n Lhe lesL|ve |unLa Cana. wh|Le sands and
p|cLuresque surround|ngs pa|r w|Lh Lhe waLerpark Lo
engender a vacaL|on lor Lhe ages' |or adu|Ls, en,oy Lhe
ons|Le spa serv|ces, lLness lac|||L|es, n|ghL|y shows, cas|no,
and n|ghLc|uo.
/ddress. ||aya de Uvero /|Lo, |unLa Cana, |om|n|can |epuo||c
0pen|ng hours. |a||y. (Check|n). 4pm, (CheckouL). IIam
|hone. I 809 688 6490
|nLerneL. www.d|amondresorLs.com/S|ren|sTrop|ca|Su|LesCas|noand/q
Nore |nlo. Th|s |s a mandaLory a|||nc|us|ve resorL.
lberosIar Grand Bavaro HoIeI
The bsLar resorL |s a|med aL coup|es and adu|Ls, leaLur|ng
a w|de array ol amen|L|es. w|Lh mass|ve, w|nd|ng poo|s
Lhrough perlecL|y pa|med wa|kways, |oerosLar makes Lhe
Car|ooean even warmer. ConLemporary ||ghL|ng and p|ush
oedd|ng, ,u|ces and prem|um ||quor, soph|sL|caLed
oouL|ques, Lhe Span|sh ga||eon Lhemed dance c|uo, Lhe
LwosLory oceanlronL spa w|Lh a gym and oeauLy sa|on,
and more are leaLured'
/ddress. CarreLera /rena 0orda Bavaro, ||guey, |om|n|can |epuo||c
|hone. I 809 22I 6b00
|nLerneL. www.Lhegrandco||ecL|on.com/hoLe|es/punLacana/|oerosLargra
|ma||. |oerosLar.dompc@|oerosLar.com.do
1orIuga Bay HoIeI unIacana ResorI & LIub
TorLuga Bay ooasLs Lhe on|y /// ||ve ||amond /warded
properLy |n Lhe |om|n|can |epuo||c. |rom Lhe pr|vaLe car
awa|L|ng your arr|va| aL Lhe a|rporL Lo your v|||a and
persona| go|l carL, you w||| oe |n Lhe |ap ol |uxury. w|Lh a
var|eLy ol su|Les and rea| esLaLe properLy Lo |nvesL|gaLe,
you may never |eave Lhe |unLa Cana.
/ddress. ||aya |unLa Cana, |unLa Cana, |om|n|can |epuo||c
0pen|ng hours. |a||y. (Check|n). 3pm, (CheckouL). I2pm
|hone. I 809 9b9 2262
|nLerneL. www.punLacana.com/accommodaL|ons/LorLugaoay
aradisus aIma ReaI ResorI
|L musL oe seen Lo oe oe||eved. The |uxur|ous a|||nc|us|ve
resorL commands |Ls own space, w|Lh spark||ng waLers oy
day and dramaL|c ||ghL|ng oy n|ghLla||. |egu|ar su|Les are
DesIlnaIlon: PunIa Lana
Pub|lshlng daIe: 2014-04-05
lar lrom average. laLscreen TVs, C| p|ayers, oa|con|es or
Lerraces, and sem|open maro|e oaLhroom w|Lh ,eL
showers and a Jacu..| lor Lwo are sLandard amen|L|es'
/ddress. Bavaro Beach, Bavaro, |om|n|can |epuo||c
0pen|ng hours. |a||y. (Check|n). 3pm, (CheckouL). I2pm
|hone. I 809 688 b000
|nLerneL. www.parad|suspa|marea|.com
Lden Roc Lap Lana
Cap Cana saw Lhe deouL ol Lhe |ush, a||su|Les |den |oc
Cap Cana oouL|que hoLe| mere|y Lwo years ago. |ach
su|Le has |Ls own sw|mm|ng poo| and |nLer|or decor
sLra|ghL lrom Lhe |rench ||v|era'
/ddress. Cap Cana, Juan|||o, 23000
0pen|ng hours. |a||y. (Check|n). 3pm, (CheckouL). I2pm
|hone. I 809 469 7469
|nLerneL. www.edenroccapcana.com
LIub Med unIa Lana
T|ara, Lhe waLerlronL |uxury area, an an|maLed, lun, g|ooa|
sLa1, and Lhemed weeks lor mus|c, dance, and sporLs are
a|| h|gh||ghLs ol C|uo Ned |unLa Cana. The resorL s|Ls on
7b Lrop|ca| acres and wh|Le sand shores.
/ddress. ||aya |unLa Cana, |unLa Cana, |om|n|can |epuo||c
0pen|ng hours. |a||y. (Check|n). 3pm, (CheckouL). I2pm
|hone. I 809 686 bb00
|nLerneL. www.c|uomed.us/cm/resorLpunLacanadom|n|canrep.pIIb|
LaIaIonia RoyaI ResorI
The adu|Lson|y CaLa|on|a |oya| |esorL |s a haven lor
LopL|er hosp|La||Ly. /men|L|es |nc|ude a p|||ow menu,
Lurndown serv|ce, 24hour room serv|ce, and 26|nch
laLscreen TVs.
/ddress. ||aya Bavaro, Bavaro, |om|n|can |epuo||c
0pen|ng hours. |a||y. (Check|n). 3pm, (CheckouL). I2pm
|hone. I 809 4I2 00II
|nLerneL. www.hoLe|escaLa|on|a.com/es/home.,sp
HoIeI Riu aIace Macao
|oLe| ||u |a|ace Nacao |s an adu|Lson|y resorL has ooLh a
new gym and we||ness cenLer. N|ghL|y Lurndown serv|ce,
24hour room serv|ce, lree w|||, and prem|um ||quors |n
Lhe |nroom d|spensers are leaLured amen|L|es.
/ddress. ||aya /rena 0orda, Bavaro, |om|n|can |epuo||c
0pen|ng hours. |a||y. (Check|n). 3pm, (CheckouL). I2pm
|hone. I 809 22I 7I7I
|nLerneL. www.r|u.com/en/|a|ses/dom|n|canrepuo||c/punLacana/hoLe|r
Hard Rock HoIeI & Lasino unIa Lana
The |ard |ock sh|nes |n |unLa Cana w|Lh |Ls lrsL ever
a|||nc|us|ve resorL. SLarL w|Lh I8 ho|es on a Jack N|ck|aus
des|gned go|l course Lhen meeL up aL Lhe cas|no and keep
Lhe good L|mes ro|||ng as you head on over Lo Lhe n|ghL
/ddress. Bou|evard Tur|sL|co de| |sLe, |N 28 74, Nacao, |om|n|can
0pen|ng hours. |a||y. (Check|n). 3pm, (CheckouL). I2pm
|hone. I 809 73I 0000
|nLerneL. www.hardrockhoLe|punLacana.com
DesIlnaIlon: PunIa Lana
Pub|lshlng daIe: 2014-04-05
|hoLo. Ted Nurphy
|unLa Cana |nLernaL|ona| /|rporL (|UJ) |s |ocaLed |n Lhe
hearL ol |unLa Cana, on|y a shorL shuLL|e lrom your lna|
desL|naL|on. Tax|s and shuLL|es are ava||ao|e aL Lhe a|rporL
and many resorLs supp|y Lhe|r guesLs w|Lh persona| or
group shuLL|e serv|ce.
|nLerneL. www.punLacana|nLernaL|ona|a|rporL.com
1ime 2one
|unLa Cana |s |ocaLed |n Lhe /L|anL|c SLandard L|me .one,
and a|| L|mes are relecLed |n /L|anL|c L|me.
ubIic 1ransporI
The |unLa Cana puo||c ous sysLem |s |ow cosL and
e1ecL|ve, even |l you donL know Span|sh. The |mporLanL
Lh|ngs Lo rememoer when Lrave||ng v|a ous |n |unLa Cana
are Lhe Lransler po|nLs. / good gu|de Lo puo||c ouses |n
Bavaro can oe lound here.
Tax|s and shuLL|es are commonp|ace and can oe lound
mosL everywhere you wou|d wanL Lo Lrave|. |onL lorgeL
LhaL many aLLracL|ons w||| prov|de lree Lrans|L |l you ca||
ahead or geL your resorLs Lrave| desk Lo oook lor you'
Tax| serv|ces |n |unLa Cana are sale and common, ouL
make sure Lo seL a pr|ce oelore Lak|ng a r|de. You can
oook a Lax| aL huos aL Lhe a|rporL and aL mosL resorLs,
shopp|ng venues, and aLLracL|ons. They have lxed raLes,
wh|ch are d|sp|ayed on a wh|Le ooard |n Lhe ouLer arr|va|s
/ddress. I0b, ||guey, |om|n|can |epuo||c
|hone. I 809 746 I040
|nLerneL. www.|nposdom.goo.do
CenLro Ned|co |unLa Cana
/ven|da |spana No.I
Bavaro |a /|Lagrac|a, |om|n|can |epuo||c
I 809 bb2 Ib06
|harma Cana
||a.a Bo|era, |unLa Cana
I 809 9b9 002b
|armac|a e| Nang|ar
||a.a |unLa Cana, Bavaro
I 809 bb2 Ib33
|r. C|ndy |eguero, ||a.a ||v|eras, /ven|da |spana, I 809
3b4 2664
DesIlnaIlon: PunIa Lana
Pub|lshlng daIe: 2014-04-05
CounLry code. 27
/rea codes |n |unLa Cana. 809
||ecLr|c|Ly |s II0 vo|Ls /C, 60 |. w|Lh /mer|can sLy|e
Lwop|n p|ugs
DesIlnaIlon: PunIa Lana
Pub|lshlng daIe: 2014-04-05

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