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Lesson Plan 1 Visual Arts Unit,To!ic: Photo ra!

h# 6e# Learnin Area: Visual Arts

T(A Art %roduction and Art %roduction Foundation

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Student will have an understanding of exposure 7highlights and shadows8 Students will become familiar with the manual settings on their cameras Students will be encouraged to enter the snap photography competition Students will become more familiar with Aperture3 Shutter speed and 4S5 and how they relate to exposure.

Time "min Introduction Introduce !hoto ra!h# Focus on creativity and personal expression rather than what camera you have. Through photography you get to show others how you see the world. Explain that understanding the foundations of photography will open up a whole new world of creativity and expression Ask everyone what they like about photography? $h# I lo%e it& Show some of my photos and share my passion for photography. Teachin A!!roach Settin class norms and rou! sa'et#

"min "min

Student centred learnin (emonstrate learnin throu h !ursuin !assions and interests)

Time "min

Main Content: Introduce Photo Com! htt!:,,sna!)lc s)tas)edu)au,a-out Introduction on e.!osure /0ou tu-e cli! https !!www.youtube.com!watch? v"#m$s%ve&T'()list"%*++,,+-.&+&/0A1-+

Teachin A!!roach Real 1orld learnin


Visual learnin


Practical demonstration 2Show a camera and explain the different components of Aperture3 shutter speed and 4S5. 26se the analogy of the room being a camera and talk about light coming in through big and small windows.

Visual Learnin Pro-lem sol%in Usin meta!hors As2in 3uestions Ma2in h#!othesis

20emonstrate how aperture and shutter speed work together to get the right exposure. 4+min Practical E.ercise Each student to take photos outside using only the manual setting and practice getting the right exposure. Teacher goes around to each student to have a look at the photos they have been taking to check if they understand exposure.

(irect 'eed-ac2 6inaesthetic learnin (irect 'eed-ac2 throu h di ital !hoto ra!h#) 8ormati%e Assessment

Time 1+min

Conclusion: $hat did #ou learn toda#& $hat did #ou 'ind di''icult to understand&

Teachin A!!roach 9ainin student 'eed-ac2 8ormati%e Assessment)


Ne.t lessons 0epth of field 9otion and still ,omposition %hoto comp

Lin2in learnin to ne.t lessons)

74nclude e:uipment re:uired for class and!or for teacher preparation8 ,ameras ;ouTube clip *aptop $oom booked with monitor. <et images together to show students

2Ensure a safe and supportive environment when sharing and discussions through establishing group norms. 2$emind students around respecting each other=s cameras and e:uipment. 2<eneral 5> ) S guidelines within a classroom

8ormati%e Assessment ,heck students understanding by looking at student=s photos to see if they are correctly exposed. Ask :uestions at the end $hat did #ou learn toda#& $hat did #ou 'ind di''icult to understand&

RE8LECTION The start of the lesson did not start well as a number of students came in late and 4 decided to re2hash what we had done due to the importance of laying the foundation of this unit of work. 4t also became clear that many students didn=t bring their cameras so we couldn=t do the practical exercise outside. 4 then decided to take a lot longer with the practical demonstration which worked really well. The students were engaged and answering lots of :uestions. #ext time 4 will make sure 4 remind all students the day before to bring their cameras.

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