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Step 1 Check the required files .................................................................................................................................................. 2 Step 2 Install the tester software............................................................................................................................................... 2 Step 3 importing SIG certificate for encrypting message later .................................................................................................. 2 Step 4 Setting up partner (in this case is SIG) end point ........................................................................................................... 6 Step 5 Setting up mendelson local station ............................................................................................................................. 9 Step 6 Sending File ..................................................................................................................................................................... 9

Step 1 Check the required files

Please make sure you have these two files (attached in email) 1. portecle-1.7.zip (or alternatively download from http://sourceforge.net/projects/portecle/) 2. install_mendelson_opensource_as2_1.1b43.exe (or you can download from http://sourceforge.net/projects/mecas2/files/latest/download?source=files)

Step 2 Install the tester software

-. Install the mendelson software. In this example, we use the default folder c:\mendelson\opensource\as2

-. Extract portecle-1.7.zip to any folder , in this example we use folder C:\Users\livan64\Desktop\kantor\forSIG\portecle-1.7

Step 3 importing SIG certificate for encrypting message later

Open folder where you extract portecle, double click the file portecle.jar

And a GUI form will be shown like below

Next, go to File > Open keystore file.. And choose file certificates.p12 of mendelson as2 software. This file is located in your as2 mendelson opensource application folder, in this example it is located on C:\mendelson\opensource\as2

This keystore is protected by a password, the password is test without quotes. Put in test and click OK

This keystore is default contains two keys, we are not going to use them, we can ignore them

Next, go to menu Tools > Import Trusted Certificate

Then, choose SIG certificate and press Import

Next, choose Ok and Yes to several dialog box until you find an alias input box like below, next type an alias and click OK

The successful process of importing trusted certificate will resulting screenshot like below:

Next, save the changes by choosing menu File > Save Keystore

This step is done, we can now close this portecle application

Step 4 Setting up partner (in this case is SIG) end point

Open Mendelson AS2 Application, in this example the file is located in C:\mendelson\opensource\as2\. The main form looked like this

First, open menu File > Partner

Then there will be Partner Configuration Dialog Box,. Next Press New Button

Next, fill the first four tabs form (Misc, Security, Send, MDN) like illustration below and leave the rest tabs unchanged.

Step 5 Setting up mendelson local station

In the same Partner Configuration Dialog Box go to mycompany tab

Next, fill out the security tab using this configuration, and leave the rest tabs unchanged.

Step 6 Sending File

First, go to menu

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