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Heres one I made earlier

Heres one I made earlier...

Snakes and Ladders

Alison Roberts with two more low cost, flexible and fun therapy suggestions for groups, this time with a dating theme.

My old Victorian version of Snakes and Ladders was a sort of morality judgement. The person who won was deemed to be the most virtuous, while the loser was a low sinner! The numbers attached to the 7 snakes and 7 ladders related to a list of vices and virtues in the lid of the box. Modern versions have more snakes and ladders, but I thought it would be useful to use a modification of the old system as a light-hearted model for a dating game that promotes discussion. As long as the board you buy has 13 vices and 13 virtues this should work (and all the new versions Ive seen fit the bill). IN PRACTICE - Snakes 24 Vanity You spend far too long staring at yourself in the mirror and choosing clothes. 27 Envy While out on a date you keep talking about how another girl or boy has all the things you want; you put yourself in a bad mood and spoil the evening. 36 Anger You cant agree on things and keep arguing. 50 Laziness You never make an effort to look nice or try hard to make the date go well. 54 Avarice - You cant let him / her out of your sight. You dont like it if he / she talks to anyone else. 60 Gluttony You eat too quickly on your date to a restaurant, and then spoil the date by being sick. 69 Lust You go too far too fast, and it puts your partner off. 83 Drunkenness - You drink too much on a date, and that leads to you behaving badly. 88 Meanness You never offer to pay your way on a date, so your partner cant afford to take you out so often. 90 Dishonesty You told them it doesnt matter if you are late back. This gets you both into trouble. 92 Rudeness You forget to say thank you for a good evening. You forget to compliment your partner. 95 Vulgarity You keep burping, or worse, on the date. 99 Lateness You keep being late for dates and meetings. IN PRACTICE - Ladders 3 Modesty You are not out to impress just by the way you look. On a date that involves a country walk you wear the right clothes. 12 Humour You laugh at your partners jokes, and make some good ones of your own. 15 Chilled-ness You dont get flustered if your partner has a different opinion. You can agree to differ. 18 Organisation You try to make sure the day will go well; youve arranged to visit some nice places. 21 Liberality Your partners needs are more important to you than your own. You are happy to see the film your partner wants to see, even though its not your choice. 47 Moderation You eat just the right amount, feeling healthy for a pleasant walk after lunch. 49 Reserve You prefer to wait until the third date before attempting a proper kiss. 53 Temperance You remember not to mix grape and grain, and are happy to have soft drinks too. You are in control this way. 57 Generosity You offer to pay for your partner sometimes. You remember his/her birthday. 59 Honesty You would never two-time your partner. 64 Politeness You paid your partner a compliment. You said how much you enjoyed the film / outing. 72 Selfcontrol You needed to burp, but managed not to. You were the perfect lady / gentleman. 82 Reliability You are always there when you say you will be.

Plenty more fish in the sea

This is a humorous game about relationships, for teens and upwards. It is also a good way to introduce the concept of Plenty more fish in the sea for those who keep being disappointed by their dates. MATERIALS Large piece of firm cardboard for the base of your game, painted blue, and perhaps with some fish, seaweed, and rocks drawn or painted on to it, to add to the seaside effect. Small magnets with holes (obtainable from craft shops), 30 cm lengths of string tied through the magnet holes Paper clips, which you clip onto cards (business card blanks are ideal). On each of these stick a magazine picture of one person. You need males and females of types such as the following:1. Goths 2. Boffins 3. Arty types 4. Business people 5. Farmers 6. Nautical folk 7. Medics 8. Students 9. Models 10. Sportspeople You can add as many more types as you can think of / get pictures to represent. You need a selection of about 20-30 people. You could also use the Speechmark Colorcards Occupations set, but make sure that the magnets are capable of supporting these comparatively heavy cards, and put in an equal number of pictures of males and females. IN PRACTICE Place all the cards upside down on the sea. Ask your clients to describe their ideal partner for a date. They hold a fishing line and catch a person. The chances are that the person they catch will not match their ideal; however, they have to map out a conversation with that person before thinking of a way to move on to someone else. They need to give an idea of how they would greet that person, which topics they might talk about, questions they might ask, comments/compliments they might give.

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