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ANSWERING PROBLEMATIC QUESTION Issue: Is there a trespass to persons issue invo ve!

" Ru e: Trespass to persons o o o o Assau t# $atter%# &a se i'prison'ent A(tiona$ e per se Without the nee! &or proo& o& a(tua ph%si(a har' This (ase (o'prises o& ) e e'ents* Batter% an! &a se i'prison'ent

o o

Batter%: Intentiona an! !ire(t (onta(t &or(e to another person +Win&ie !, -e(i!e! (ases Co ins v Wi (o(. /01234 5a6an v Metropo itan Po i(e Co''issioner /01714 an! Livin6stone v Ministr% o& -e&en(e /01234* intention

Batteries (har6e on Sa' The e e'ents o& intention an! ph%si(a (onta(t are satis&ie!8 Intentiona %# Sa' 6ra$$e! Bi 9s $a6 :ithout his (onsent# :antin6 to (he(. his $a6 as he :as a(tin6 suspi(ious %# (onse;uent % Bi ost his $a an(e an! .no(.e! his hea! on the (orner o& the she & an! this :as :here !ire(t (onta(t &or(e resu te!# (ausin6 in<ur% to the ( ai'ant8

Batteries (har6e on -r Nathan -r Nathan intentiona % in<e(te! a tetanus va((ine into Bi not:ithstan!in6 Bi 9s vehe'ent re<e(tion* a !ire(t (onta(t &or(e onto Bi :as app ie! here8 On top o& that# Bi see'e! to $e reasona$ % u(i! on the :ar!# :here he :as (apa$ e o& e=er(isin6 his o:n <u!6'ent8 >et# (onsent :as re&use!8 -r Nathan !i! not a$i!e :ith patient9s :i an! !e(ision8

The sa'e prin(ip e (ou ! $e app ie! to Ma a%sian (ases A$! Ma e. Bin ?ussin /)@@24* intention Sha ini Shan'u6a' /)@@A4 Tion6 Pi. ?on6 v Won6 Sie: Gieu /01734

5a se i'prison'ent: The intention o& un a:&u an! tota ph%si(a restraint o& the i$ert% o& the C ai'ant +Stee e, -e(i!e! (ases: R v Governor o& Bro(.hi Prison /)@@@4* -etention &or e=tra !a%s :ere un a:&u an! 'a i(e or hosti it% nee! not to $e sho:n8 Bir! v Bones /023C4* Restraint 'ust $e tota an! entire % i'pe!e their &ree!o' o& 'ove'ent8

5a se i'prison'ent (har6es on Eri( an! Ernie -espite Bi 9s re&usa # the% insiste! $rin6in6 hi' in to the a'$u an(e an! sent to hospita 8 The perio! o& Bi $ein6 &or(e&u % an! tota % !etaine! in an a'$u an(e :as thou6ht to $e &a se i'prison'ent8

5a se i'prison'ent (har6es on -r Nathan -r Nathan &or(e&u % restraine! Bi :ho :as thou6ht to $e !e irious &ro' eavin6 his :ar! there&ore resu tin6 in &a se i'prison'ent8

In Ma a%sian (ases# Un!er Arti( e C+0, o& the 5e!era Constitution# ever%one has their persona i$ert% save! pursuant to the a:8 Un!er Contravention o& Art C+D,# $atter% o((urs !urin6 un a:&u !etention# a'ounts to &a se i'prison'ent8 There&ore# -r Nathan# Eri( an! Ernie :i a $e he ! ia$ e &or in&rin6in6 Bi 9s i$ert% A$! Ma e. $in ?usin v Borhan $in ?< -au! /)@@24

Con( usion:

Possi$ e !e&en(es: o Sa' (an !e&en! hi'se & un!er s8 )3A+0, an! s8)3+A,)# Po i(e an! Cri'ina Evi!en(e A(t 0123# :here$% an%one 'a% arrest an% person :ithout a :arrant i& he or she has a reasona$ e 6roun! to suspe(t a person (o''ittin6 an in!i(ta$ e o&&en(eE the se(on! is an%one (an arrest :ithout a :arrant a person :here an in!i(ta$ e o&&en(e has $een (o''itte! an! that person has reason to $e ieve the person arreste! has (o''itte! that o&&en(e8 Sa' ha! his sensi$ e reasons to arrest Bi :ho' he suspe(te! to $e a thie&8 -r Nathan# Eri( an! Ernie (ou ! ar6ue that Bi :as in(apa$ e o& (onsentin6 to treat'ent as he :as thou6ht to $e !e irious8 A((or!in6 to Aire!a e N?S Trust v B an!# it :as ne(essar% &or a !o(tor to a(t in the $est interest o& the patient8

The ia$i ities that are a!!resse! here are $atter% an! &a se i'prison'ent a $eit there are other issues invo ve!8 The possi$ e !a'a6e is 'onetar% (o'pensation8 There&ore# Bi has potentia ( ai's a6ainst the parties a&ore'entione!8

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