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3/10/14 Group Size: 25 Students A otted Time: 40 !inutes Su#$ect or Topic: Science adaptations Date: Grade Le"e : 4th Section: %/A

STA%DA&D: '(A Common Core): S.3.B.2.1.1 identi*+ adaptations o* p ants and anima s that ha"e he ped them sur"i"e, -, (er*ormance .#$ecti"es 'Learnin/ .utcomes) As a resu t o* this esson students 0i #e a# e to 0rite their o0n de*inition o* 0hat hi#ernation is 0ith 102 accurac+, --, -nstructiona !ateria s The #ear Snores on 3+: 4arma 5i son ---, Su#$ect !atter/ Content 'prere6uisite s7i s8 7e+ "oca#u ar+8 #i/ idea) 9i#ernation:is an adaptation that he ps man+ anima s conser"e ener/+ #+ remainin/ inacti"e8 /reat + s o0in/ their meta#o ism and reducin/ their #od+ temperature *or da+s8 0ee7s or e"en months at a time, T+pica +8 anima s hi#ernate in order to sur"i"e on/ periods 0hen *ood is scarce, ;<amp es: 3ears S6uirre s 3utter* + Turt e 3i/ -dea: 5hat do anima s hi#ernate= 5hat anima s hi#ernate= 9o0 does hi#ernation 7eep them a i"e= ->, -mp ementation A, -ntroduction ? &ead the #oo7 The #ear Snores on a, Set a purpose *or readin/ the #oo7 i, - 0ant +ou to isten *or 0hat #ears do 0hen the+ hi#ernate 3, De"e opment: a, 5rite the 0ord hi#ernation on the #oard8 and as7 the c ass 0hat the+ earned *rom the #oo7, #, !a7e sure to co"er the points@ 'shou d co"er a ot o* in*o in the c ass discussion:/et them thin7in/ and as7in/ 6uestions8 and ans0erin/) i, 9i#ernation is important #ecause 0hen the 0inter comes that means there isnAt much *ood *or the anima s to eat8 so the+ must s eep

0hi e there is no *ood a 0inter on/ and then 0a7e up 0hen it is 0arm a/ain to *i there hun/r+ stomachs, ii, i* the anima s didnAt hi#ernate the+ 0ou dnAt #e a# e to i"e throu/h the 0inter, c, Turn and ta 7 to a partner a#out 0hat +ou earned a#out hi#ernationB d, 5hi e the+ are ta 7in/ set up a pros and cons ist e, 3rin/ them #ac7 to/ether as a c ass and as7 them i* the+ 0ou d i"e to hi#ernate throu/h the 0inter@0h+ or 0h+ not, 5hat are the /ood thin/s a#out it and 0hat are the #ard parts a#out it, C, C osure ? a, Go #ac7 to +our seats and /et out +our science $ourna s - 0ant +ou to 0rite do0n +our de*inition o* hi#ernation8 once +ou are done raise +our hand and - 0i come #ac7 it *or +ou, D, Accommodations / Di**erentiation ? 1, Student in c ass 0ith 0ritin/ disa#i it+ a, 9a"e them use a penci /rip ;, Assessment/;"a uation p an 1, Cormati"e a, Science note#oo7 2, Summati"e >, &e* ecti"e &esponse A, &eport o* StudentsA (er*ormance in Terms o* States .#$ecti"es 3, (ersona &e* ection= 1, 5hat 0ent 0e in this esson= 5h+= 2, 5hat pro# ems did - e<perience= 5h+= 3, 5hat cou d - ha"e done di**erent += 4, 5hat did - earn *rom this e<perience that 0i he p me in the *uture= >-, &esources "Hibernation Classroom Activities for Kids." BrainPOP Educators Hibernation Classroom Activities for Kids Comments. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Apr. 2014. < ttp!""###.brainpop.com"ed$cators"comm$nit%"lesson&plan" ibernation&classroom&activities& 'ids"(bp&)r&topic* ibernation+.

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