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ENG 3CI - Of Mice and Men FORMAL Paragraph Name:___________________________ IN CLASS brainstorming and Rough Copy :

April 17 22

LAB typing (paragraph is due at the end of the period): April

After reading Chapters 1-3 we have seen the unique relationship that exists between George and Lennie and now we are able to explore the friendship in depth. While the two men are ver different! there are spe"ifi" reasons wh their friendship wor#s at a time and in a pla"e where few men had friendships. $our tas# is to write a paragraph that des"ribes %W& aspe"ts of their friendship 'ie. what the get out of it(. Write a formal paragraph that proves the following thesis)

Even though they are very different people, George and Lennie manage to maintain a unique friendship that works for them.
*ollowing the outline below! ou must des"ribe two '+( reasons or ,points- that allow their friendship to wor#. Loo# at the friendship from both George and Lennie-s point of view. $ou must use specific quotations to support our reasons. .e sure to ,integrate- our quotations smoothl ! using lead / in phrases that explain the "ontext of the quotation 'what is going on when the quotation o""urs(. .e"ause this is a formal paragraph! there are a few #e st le issues ou need to remember) 0o 123! no 1 ou3 0o slang 0o "ontra"tions / don-t 4 do not! doesn-t 4 does not! it-s 4 it is Brains orming: easons the friendship works from George!s "erspe#tive (you need a quotation from the novel that supports each reason you come up with) eason$ easons the friendship works from Lennie!s "erspe#tive (you need a quotation from the novel that supports each reason you come up with) eason$





Quotation: Quotation:





0ow! loo# at our reasons and de"ide whi"h &05 from ea"h "olumn best proves our thesis. %hese the reasons will be"ome our 6&20%7 and the quotations will be"ome our 68&&*. $ou are read to outline now. ! ep One: O" line

9sing the "he"#list atta"hed in the assignment pa"#age to guide ou! use a pie"e of fools"ap or lined paper to write our outline.

! ep #$o: Ro"gh Cop%

o o

% pe our outline into our first draft. 2n"lude transition words to "onne"t our ideas together. 6rint our draft. 8ead it over and ma&e re'isions "sing a (ifferen )olo"re( pen. Also! give it to someone else to read. %hat person will often "at"h mista#es that ou miss.

! ep #hree: Goo( Cop%

o o o

Go ba"# and ma#e "hanges on the "omputer version 2n"lude a C85A%2:5 title 'not 1;i"e and ;en 6aragraph3( and be sure ou have followed proper ;LA formatting. 6rint and hand in

Remember to hand in your outline and your edited rough copy along with the good copy.

"aragraph %utline &he#klist 1. 'opi# senten#e(s) * Introduc th topic and stat your th sis (opinion that you !i"" pro# in th paragraph) * 1+2 senten#es $. ,irst "oint* Start !ith a transition !ord or phras and th n in your own words% stat th &irst o# ra"" id a or point that supports your opinion. ' 1+2 senten#es (. ,irst "roof * Introduc proo& or an )amp" that pro# s th point you said you !ou"d argu ' length may vary *. ,irst E-planation * +a, th conn ction &or your r ad r b t! n th point and th proo&. C" ar"y )p"ain ho! th )amp" pro# s your point -opinion' 2+. senten#es .. 'ransition word or phrase to conn ct your t!o points ' 1 senten#e or phrase /. /e#ond "oint* Start !ith a transition !ord or phras and th n in your own words% stat th s cond o# ra"" id a that supports your opinion. ' 1+2 senten#es 0. /e#ond "roof * Introduc proo& or an )amp" pro# s th point you said you !ou"d argu ' length may vary 1. /e#ond E-planation * +a, th conn ction &or your r ad r b t! n th point and th proo&. C" ar"y )p"ain ho! th )amp" pro# s your point -opinion ' 2+. senten#es 2. 'ransition word or phrase that smooth"y mo# s into your conc"usion ' 1 senten#e or phrase 13. &on#lusion * Summari4 th main points o& th paragraph and )p"icit"y ma, a conn ction bac, to your th sis (5s di&& r nt !ords than you did in your origina" th sis but , p th id a th sam ) ' 1+2 senten#es

Formal Paragraph E'al"a ion

Name: _____________________________

* +,,
Criteria %opi" 7enten"e '%hesis( 1= Level < :er "lear and insightful> writer sets up argument. .od senten"es use spe"ifi" and thorough supporting points?proof from stories. 6aragraph .od 'development of thesis using point! proof! explanation( += .od senten"es effe"tivel develop the thesis through "lear and insightful explanation of points?proof. Level 3 Clear but standard> author does set up argument. .od senten"es use spe"ifi" supporting points?proof from stories. .od senten"es "ompetentl develop the thesis through "lear but standard explanation of points?proof. Level + 6resent but un"lear until reader is into paragraph> author does not "learl set up argument. .od senten"es use some supporting points?proof from the stories .od senten"es somewhat develop the thesis using some explanations of points?proof. Level 1 Attempted but are not "lear at all> author does not set up argument. .od senten"es use ver few supporting points?proof from the stories .od senten"es marginall develop the thesis using some explanations of points?proof. .elow Level 9n"lear! or not present.

.od senten"es do not use supporting points?proof from the stories or details are ineffe"tive. .od senten"es do not develop the thesis 'retell plot! unrelated to thesis(. @oes not attempt explanations. @oes not attempt to use quotations and?or examples unrelated to main argument. 2neffe"tive and?or not present.

9se of Auotations 1= Con"luding 7enten"e 1= 6resentation of final polished "op 'the 12 "ares3( B

9ses and integrates quotations ver effe"tivel . 2nsightful! thorough! and leaves signifi"ant impression> author has wrapped up argument. 5spe"iall "reative title> properl formatted ;LA assignment> font?margins?double-spa"ing are helpful for evaluation

9ses and integrates quotations effe"tivel . 5ffe"tivel restates the thesis> author reminds reader of argument. Attempted "reative title> properl formatted ;LA assignment> font?margins?doublespa"ing are adequate for evaluation Clear st le> few errors in spelling and grammar.

Attempts to use quotations but some problems with effe"tiveness. ;oderatel effe"tive> author attempted to remind reader of argument. 8easonable title> somewhat properl formatted ;LA assignment> font?margins?doublespa"ing have some problems that hinder evaluation A""eptable st le> several errors in spelling and grammar. 5ngaged in summar writing pro"ess with some su""ess> did not revise and edit to enhan"e meaning> some prompting ne"essar to ma#e student responsible for s#ills being developed in this assignment

Attempts to use quotations but ineffe"tive. 0ot effe"tive> author has not reminded reader of argument. 9n"reative title> problems with formatting of ;LA assignment> font? margins?double-spa"ing have some maCor problems that hinder evaluation 2mmature st le> man errors in spelling and grammar. @id not engage in the summar writing pro"ess be ond superfi"ial editing> needed to be prompted to sta on tas# and meet dail assignments for segments of wor#

7tudent does not appear to have proofread the polished "op for the 12 "ares3 font? margins?double-spa"ing(

7t le and ;e"hani"s +B

:er "lear! mature st le> no errors in spelling and grammar. *ollowed all steps of summar pro"ess in"luding pre-writing! writing! revising! and editing to produ"e final polished "op > no prompting needed to progress through assignment stages

:er immature st le> ver man errors in spelling and grammar. @id not follow the summar writing pro"ess as outlined> little to no differen"e between drafts and final "op > &8 pro"ess wor# not handed in> did not utiliDe "lass wor# time to pro"eed through writing pro"ess

Writing 6ro"ess 1=

*ollowed all steps of summar pro"ess in"luding > no prompting needed to progress through assignment stages

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