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Roundup Ready Crops Herbicide Resistance Carry Over

Jayshon Adams| Mr. Hendrix| RMSST

Roundup ready plants are plants specifically resistant to the herbicide known as glyphosate. Glyphosate is a herbicide made for broad-leaf weeds. It is the most commonly used herbicide on a global scale since it has the lowest level of toxicity. Due to glyphosates mode of action this herbicide only works on actively growing plants and has no effect on pre-emergent plants. Glyphosate has similar modes of actions to herbicides such Axxe. Axxe could be an alternative for glyphosate.
Materials Plant Pots Roundup Soybeans Regular Soybeans AXXE Herbicide Glyphosate



Post-emergence Appliance
14 12

36 150 12
Average height in cm

24oz 6oz

Glyphosate 8 Axxe Control

Null: If different herbicides are used, then there will be no change in growth rates or plant health. Research: If the Axxe herbicide is used, then it will have an adverse effect on the plants health and growth rates.


0 Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

Fill 75 pots w/ soil Divide into 3 groups of 25 and plant 2 soybeans per pot
9 8

Time allocated for growing in weeks

Pre-emergence Appliance

Project Overview
This project was to test how roundup ready soybeans have carry over resistance to other herbicides with similar modes of action. The goal of this project was to see if the Axxe herbicide would also work with similar effects of glyphosate on roundup ready crops. During this project, soybeans were planted into three different groups, one with Axxe appliance, Glyphosate appliance, and no appliance (the control). My research hypothesis was supported, saying that the Axxe would have adverse affects on the plants and could not be a good alternative.

Allow for 1.5 weeks of growth time before appliance Apply herbicide to respective groups Apply herbicide regularly and observed changed growth rate Record results
Average height in cm

5 Glyph. axxe 4 Control

Data / Observations
AXXE caused the plants to start dying Plants with glyphosate grew faster Pre-emergence appliance worked best with glyphosate with an almost 100% growth ratio Even though the plants with glyphosate appliance grew initially, they started to lose health They ended off with brown, weakened stems, that hunched over

0 Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4


Glyphosate 25

Axxe 25 Height of plant

No herbicide 25

Time allocated for growing in weeks


Health of plant

The point of this project was to see carry over resistance affects on the growth and health rates of roundup plants. The original hypothesis was rejected with the Axxe having more damage done to the plant then positive. The projects original goal was not accomplished, seeing as the Axxe herbicide did not have much carry over resistance with the soybeans. The Axxe ended up not having carried over resistance.

Measurements Centimeters


Constants Controls

Type of plant No herbicide

Type of plant pot

Type of water

Roundup Soybeans. Pre-emegence Glyphosate

Roundup Soybeans. Pre-emergence Axxe

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