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BEL401 BEL402 BEL403 BEL404 BEL40$ BEL40% BEL420 BEL421 BEL422 BEL423 BEL441 BEL443 BEL444 BEL44$ BEL44% BEL44* BEL44+ Digital Circuits & Systems - I Electric Machine - I Anal g Electr nics - II Electr magnetic !iel" #he ry Discrete Mathematics C ntr l System Digital Circuits System Lab-I Electric Machine La& - I C ntr l System La& Analog !C" Lab C mmunicati n S'ills - II Beha(i ural Science - I) ! reign Language , I) !rench -erman S.anish /a.anese Chinese TOTAL 3 2 3 3 3 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 4 3 4 3 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 2




Course Co.e' Course Ob1ecti2e'
#his c urse is an intr "ucti n t the &asic .rinci.les 0 "igital electr nics1 At the c nclusi n 0 this c urse2 the stu"ent 3ill &e a&le t 4uantitati(ely i"enti0y the 0un"amentals 0 c m.uters2 inclu"ing num&er systems2 l gic gates2 l gic an" arithmetic su&systems2 an" integrate" circuits1 #hey 3ill gain the .ractical s'ills necessary t 3 r' 3ith "igital circuits thr ugh .r &lem s l(ing an" han"s n la& rat ry e5.erience 3ith l gic gates2 enc "ers2 0li.-0l .s2 c unters2 shi0t registers2 a""ers2 etc1 #he stu"ent 3ill &e a&le t analy6e an" "esign sim.le l gic circuits using t ls such as B lean Alge&ra an" 7arnaugh Ma..ing2 an" 3ill &e a&le t "ra3 l gic "iagrams1

"EL /$0

Cre.it Units' $/

Course Contents'
Mo.ule I' "oolean Functions Anal g & "igital signals2 A8D2 9:2 89#2 8A8D2 89:2 ;9: & ;89: gates2 B lean alge&ra2 DeM rgan<s the rems2 Im.lementati n 0 l gical 0uncti n using nly 8A8D=89: gates2 1>s c m.lement an" 2>s c m.lement2 BCD t -ray an" -ray t BCD c "e c n(ersi n2 Stan"ar" re.resentati n 0 l gical 0uncti ns ?S9@ an" @9S 0 rmsA2 7-ma. re.resentati n an" sim.li0icati n 0 l gical 0uncti n u. t 0i(e (aria&les2 " n<t care c n"iti ns2 ;9: & ;89: sim.li0icati ns 0 7-ma.s2 #a&ulati n meth "1 Mo.ule II' Combinational Circuits A""ers2 Su&tract rs2 Im.lementati n 0 0ull a""er using hal0 a""er2 0ull su&tract r using hal0 su&tract r2 Multi.le5er2 "e-multi.le5er2 "ec "er & enc "er2 c "e c n(erters2 1 & 2 &it c m.arat rs2 BCD t se(en segment "ec "er=enc "er2 Im.lementati n 0 l gic 0uncti ns using multi.le5er="e-multi.le5er an" "ec "er2 Im.lementati n 0 1%B1 MC; using 4B1 MC;2 4B1% "ec "er using 3B+ "ec "er etc12 l gic im.lementati ns using @:9M2 @LA & @AL1 Mo.ule III' Se3uential Circuits Di00erence &et3een c m&inati nal an" se4uential circuits2 Latch2 !li.-0l .sD S:2 /72 D & # 0li. 0l .s , #ruth ta&le2 E5citati n ta&le2 C n(ersi n 0 0li.-0l .s2 set u. an" h l" time2 race ar un" c n"iti n2 Master Sla(e 0li. 0l .2 Shi0t registersD SI@92 @IS92 @I@92 SI@92 Bi-"irecti nal2 4-&it uni(ersal shi0t registerE C untersD Asynchr n us=ri..le & synchr n us c unters , u.=" 3n2 :ing c unter2 se4uence "etect r1 Mo.ule I4' Logic 5amilies .ata con2erters L gic 0amiliesD S.ecial characteristics ?!an ut2 @ 3er "issi.ati n2 .r .agati n "elay2 n ise marginA2 3 r'ing 0 :#L2 D#L2 ##L2 ECL an" CM9S 0amiliesE Data c n(ertersD S.ecial characteristics2 ADC , successi(e a..r 5imati n2 linear ram.2 "ual sl .eE DAC , Binary Feighte"2 :-2: la""er ty.e1

E6amination Sc7eme'
Com8onents A CT S949: HA EE +eig7tage ;<= $ 10 + * *0 C#D Class #est2 GAD G me Assignment2 S=)=HD Seminar=)i(a=Hui62 EED En" Semester E5aminati nE AttD Atten"ance



M ris Man D Digital Design2 @ears n E"ucati n1 :1 @1 /ainD Digital Electr nics2 #ata Mc-ra3 Gill1 #h mas L1 !l y"D Digital !un"amentals2 @ears n E"ucati n1 Mal(in an" LeechD Digital @rinci.les & A..licati ns2 #ata Mc-ra3 Gill1

Course Co.e' Course Ob1ecti2e'
#he .ur. se 0 this c urse is t intr "uce the stu"ent t the (ari us ty.es 0 &asic machines use" in the in"ustry an" its a..licati n1

"EL /$>

Cre.it Units' $#

Course Contents'
M "ule ID @rinci.les 0 EMEC Intro.uction? Energy in Electro-Magnetic System? Flo@ o5 Energy in Electro-Mec7anical De2ices? Energy in Magnetic 5iel. an. co-energy? Dynamics o5 Electromec7anical Systems? Singly e6cite. systemsA Tor3ue an. EMF e3uationsA M "ule IID D1 C1 Machines EMF an. Tor3ue e3uations? Armature @in.ings? Armature Reaction? DemagnetiBing an. CrossmagnetiBing armature MMF? Inter 8ole an. com8ensating @in.ings? commutationA C7aracteristics o5 DACAgeneratorsA DACA motors an. t7eir c7aracteristics Starting 0 D1C1m t rs1 Starter ste. calculati n 0 r a D1C1 shunt an" series m t r1 S.ee" c ntr l 0 D1C1 m t rs1 Far" Le nar" c ntr l1 Bra'ing 0 "1c1m t rs1 E00iciency an" testing 0 "1c1 machines2 G .'ins n test1 M "ule IIID 1- I #rans0 rmers #rans0 rmer c nstructi n an" .ractical c nsi"erati ns1 E4ui(alent circuit2 E5act an" a..r 5imate2 .er unit (alues2 @has r "iagram2 #rans0 rmer testingD .en circuit test2 Sh rt Circuit test2 Sum.ner<s test2 E00iciency an" ( ltage regulati n2 All "ay e00iciency2 Aut -trans0 rmer1 M "ule I)D 3 , I #rans0 rmer #hree-.hase Ban' 0 Single-.hase #rans0 rmers2 @arallel .erati ns 0 1 an" 3 .hase trans0 rmers2 3 t 2 an" % .hase c n(ersi n1 L a" "i(isi n &et3een trans0 rmers in .arallel1 #hree 3in"ing trans0 rmers2 #ertiary 3in"ing2 #a. Changing2 #rans0 rmers 0 r s.ecial .ur. se2 Fel"ing2 #racti n2 Instruments an" .ulse #rans0 rmers1

E6amination Sc7eme'
Com8onents A CT S949: HA EE +eig7tage ;<= $ 10 + * *0 C#D Class #est2 GAD G me Assignment2 S=)=HD Seminar=)i(a=Hui62 EED En" Semester E5aminati nE AttD Atten"ance



Text: Electrical MachinesD I1 /1 8agrath an" D1 @1 7 thari ?#ata Mc-ra3 GillA Electrical MachnieryD !it6eral"2 7ingsley ?Mc-ra3 GillA Electrical MachniesD @1 C1 Sen References: Electrical Machines an" their A..licati nsD /1 Gin"marsh Electrical MachinesD @1 71 Mu'herJee & S1 Cha'ra( ti ?Dhan.at :ai @u&licati nsA Electric MachinesD Ash0a4 Gussain ?Dhan.at :ai @u&licati nsA

Course Co.e' Course Ob1ecti2e'
#he .ur. se 0 this c urse is t intr "uce the stu"ent t the a..licati n 0 semic n"uct r "e(ices in linear anal g circuits1 # insure the use0ulness 0 the c urse material t & th c m.uter engineers an" electrical engineers2 the c urse stresses circuit "esigns using the .erati nal am.li0ier1

"EL /$#

Cre.it Units' $/

Course Contents'
Mo.ule I' "uil.ing "locCs o5 Analog ICs Di00erential am.li0ier2 9.-am. M "el2 .-am. DC & AC .arameters2 (irtual gr un"2 Current mirr rs2 Acti(e l a"s2 Le(el shi0ters an" ut.ut stages1 Mo.ule II' O8erational am8li5iers Intr "ucti n2 .en l . an" cl se" l . c n0igurati n2 .-am. .arameters ?in.ut 00set current2 ut.ut 00set current2 i=. &ias current2 CM::2 @S::2 null a"Justment range2 etc2A In(erting an" n n-in(erting c n0igurati n2 ( ltage gain 0 in(erting an" n n in(erting c n0igurati ns1 Mo.ule III' Linear %on Linear +a2e s7a8ing A""ers2 ) ltage t current2 current t ( ltage C n(erter2 Integrat rs2 Di00erentiat rs ? ) ltage 0 ll 3er ?( ltage &u00erA2 summer2 su&tract r2 C m.arat rs2 l g=antil g circuits using 9.-am.s2 .recisi n recti0iers Mo.ule I4' +a2e5orm &enerations Dam.e" an" un"am.e" scillati ns2 Bar'hausen criteri n 0 r sustaine" scillati n1 #an' circuit generat r Asta&le multi )i&rat rs2 9#A-C 9scillat rs2 Crystal scillat r A #y.es 0 scillat rsD LC-Gartley an" C l.itts2 :C-:C .hase shi0t an" Fien &ri"ge scillat r2 Basics 0 tune" Am.li0iers2 ) ltage C ntr lle" 9scillat r1 Mo.ule 4' Acti2e RC Filters A88lications o5 Linear Circuits I"ealistic & :ealistic res. nse 0 0ilters ?L@2 B@2 an" G@A2 Butter 3 rth & Che&yshe( a..r 5imati n 0ilter 0uncti ns2 L@2B@2G@ an" All .ass2 8 tch !ilter2 9.erati nal transc n"uctance am.li0ier ?9#AA-C 0ilters1 Mo.ule 4I' A88lications o5 IC Analog Multi8lier Timer IC .hase l c'e" l .s2 $$$ #imer2 IC ( ltage regulat rs-?0i5e"2 (aria&leA *+552 *K55 series an" a"Justa&le1

E6amination Sc7eme'
Com8onents A CT S949: HA EE +eig7tage ;<= $ 10 + * *0 C#D Class #est2 GAD G me Assignment2 S=)=HD Seminar=)i(a=Hui62 EED En" Semester E5aminati nE AttD Atten"ance



:ichar" C1 /aegerD Micr electr nic Circuit Design A"el S1 Se"ra an" 71 C1 SmithD Micr electr nic Circuits :ama'ant -ae'3a"D 9.erati nal Am.li0iers : l0 Schaumann an" Mac E1 )an )al'en&urgD Design 0 Anal g !ilters D1 : y Ch u"hury an" Shail B1 /ainD Linear Integrate" Circuits

ELECTROMA&%ETIC FIELD THEORCourse Co.e' Course Ob1ecti2e'

#his c urse .r (i"es a general intr "ucti n t the im. rtant .hysical c nce.ts an" mathematical meth "s use" in treating all ty.es 0 3a(e .hen mena2 &ut stresses electr magnetic signal .r .agati n an" issues 0 central im. rtance in electrical engineering1 As a c re c urse in the Electrical C m.uter an" Systems Engineering .ti n 0 the Engineering Sciences c ncentrati n2 it .r (i"es essential &ac'gr un" an" &asic .re.arati n 0 r m re a"(ance" 3 r' in "e(ice .hysics2 micr 3a(e an" ultra-0ast circuitry2 antenna "esign2 .tics2 .tical c mmunicati n an" .t electr nics1

"EL /$/

Cre.it Units' $#

Course Contents'
Mo.ule I' Mat7ematical "asics an. Electrostatics C r"inate SystemsD S.herical an" Cylin"rical c r"inates2 Dirac "elta 0uncti n2 C ul m&<s la32 -auss<s la32 @ iss n<s E4uati n2 La.lace<s E4uati n2 Electr static B un"ary c n"iti ns2 F r' an" Energy in Electr statics2 C n"uct rs2 Sur0ace charge an" 0 rce n c n"uct rs Mo.ule II' Magnetostatics an. Magnetic Fiel.s in matter Magnetic in"ucti n an" !ara"ay<s la32 Magnetic !lu5 "ensity2 Magnetic !iel" Intensity2 Bi t Sa(art La32 stea"y currents2 Am.ere<s la32 Magnet static B un"ary c n"iti ns2 magnetic 0iel" insi"e matter2 magnetic susce.ti&ility an" .ermea&ility2 0err magnetism2 energy st re" in a Magnetic 0iel"2 Magnetic )ect r @ tential Mo.ule III' Electro.ynamics !ara"ay<s la3s2 Ma53ell<s e4uati ns2 Ma53ell<s m "i0icati n @ ynting the rem1 0 Am.ere<s la32 c ntinuity e4uati n an"

Mo.ule I4' Electro.ynamic +a2es Fa(e .r .agati n in un& un"e" me"ia2 B un"ary c n"iti ns2 re0lecti n an" transmissi n2 . lari6ati n2 E1M1 3a(es in (acuum2 E1 M1 3a(es in matterD re0lecti n an" transmissi n 0 .lane 3a(es1 Mo.ule 4' Intro.uction to Transmission Lines #ransmissi n Line2 Line @arameters2 Characteristic Im.e"ance2 Image Im.e"ance2 G)DC an" G)AC C mm n 0aults in transmissi n lines1 S'in E00ect2 !erranti E00ect an" C r na1

E6amination Sc7eme'
Com8onents A CT S949: HA EE +eig7tage ;<= $ 10 + * *0 C#D Class #est2 GAD G me Assignment2 S=)=HD Seminar=)i(a=Hui62 EED En" Semester E5aminati nE AttD Atten"ance



-ri00ithsD Intr "ucti n t Electr "ynamics !a33a6 #1 Cla&yD !un"amentals 0 A..lie" Electr magnetics Gayt2 Filliam G12 Buc'2 / hn A1 Gayt2 Filliam G12 Buc'2 / hn A12 Engineering Electr magnetics

Course Co.e' "EL /$D Cre.it Units' $/

C urse 9&Jecti(eD
#his su&Ject .r (i"es stu"ents 3ith an in-"e.th e"ucati n in the c nce.tual 0 un"ati ns 0 c m.uter science an" in engineering c m.le5 s 0t3are an" har"3are systems1 It all 3s them t e5.l re the c nnecti ns &et3een c m.uter science an" a (ariety 0 ther "isci.lines in engineering an" utsi"e1 C m&ine" 3ith a str ng e"ucati n in mathematics2 sciences2 an" the li&eral arts it .re.ares stu"ents t &e lea"ers in c m.uter science .ractice2 a..licati ns t ther "isci.lines2 an" research1

Course Contents'
Mo.ule I' Formal Logic Statement2 Sym& lic :e.resentati n an" #aut l gies2 Huanti0iers2 @re"icat r an" (ali"ity2 8 rmal 0 rm1 @r . siti nal L gic2 @re"icate L gic2 !irst 9r"er L gic1 Module II: Proof & Relation Techniques for theorem proving: Direct Proof, Proof by Contra position, Proof by exhausting cares and proof by contradiction, principle of mathematical induction, principle of complete induction. Recursive definitions, solution methods for linear, first order recurrence relations !ith constant coefficients. Mo.ule III' Sets an. Combinations "ets, "ubtracts, po!er sets, binary and unary operations on a set, set operations#set identities, fundamental country principles, principle of inclusion, exclusion and pigeonhole principle, permutation and combination, Pascal$s triangles, Comparing rates of gro!th: big theta, little oh, big oh and big omega. Mo.ule I4' Relation95unction an. matrices :elati n=0uncti n an" matricesD :elati n2 .r .erties 0 &inary relati n2 .erati n n &inary relati n2 cl sures2 .artial r"ering2 e4ui(alence relati n2 !uncti n2 .r .erties 0 0uncti n2 c m. siti n 0 0uncti n2 in(erse2 &inary an" n-ary .erati ns2 characteristic 0uncti n2 @ermutati n 0uncti n2 c m. siti n 0 cycles2 B lean matrices2 B lean matrices multi.licati n1 Mo.ule 4' Lattices "oolean Algebra LatticesD "e0initi n2 su& lattices2 "irect .r "uct2 h m m r.hism B lean alge&raD "e0initi n2 .r .erties2 is m r.hic structures ?in .articulars2 structures 3ith &inary .erati nsA su& alge&ra2 "irect .r "uct an" h m m r.hism2 B lean 0uncti n2 B lean e5.ressi n2 re.resentati n & minimi6ati n 0 B lean 0uncti n1

E6amination Sc7eme'
Com8onents A CT S949: HA EE +eig7tage ;<= $ 10 + * *0 C#D Class #est2 GAD G me Assignment2 S=)=HD Seminar=)i(a=Hui62 EED En" Semester E5aminati nE AttD Atten"ance

#e5t & :e0erencesD

Text: /1@1 #rem&lay & :1 Mam han2 LDiscrete Mathematical Structure 3ith A..licati n t C m.uter Science2M #MG2 8e3 Delhi ?2000A1 7 lman2 Bus&y & : ss LDiscrete Mathematical StructuresM2 @GI1 Iyengar2 Chan"rase'aran an" )en'atesh2 LDiscrete MathematicsM2 )i'as @u&licati n1 @eter Lin62 LAn Intr "ucti n t ! rmal Languages an" Aut mataM2 8ar sa @u&lishing G use1 References: /1 #russ2 LDiscrete MathematicsM2 A""is n Fesley1 C1L1 Liu2 LElements 0 Discrete MathematicsM2 Mc-ra3 Gill B ' C m.any1 M1 Li.s n & Li.shut62 LDiscrete MathematicsM2 Schaum<s 9utline series1 /1 E1 G .cr 0t & /1 D1 Cllman2 LIntr "ucti n t Aut mata #he ry2 Languages an" C m.utati nM2 A""is n Feliy1

Course Co.e' Course Ob1ecti2e'
#he &asic &Jecti(e 0 this c urse is t im.art t the stu"ents2 the &asic an" c re 'n 3le"ge 0 Linear c ntr l system engineering s that the stu"ents are a&le t analy6e the linear c ntr l systems 3ith the hel. 0 time " main an" 0re4uency " main t ls1

"EL /$(

Cre.it Units' $/

Course Contents'
Mo.ule I' Intro.uction Gist ry an" e( luti n2 "e0initi n2 c n0igurati n 0 a .r cess an" c ntr l system2 classi0icati n2 .en an" cl se" l . systems2 merits an" "emerits2 Elements 0 cl se" l . systems2 im. rtance 0 0ee"&ac'2 ther meth "s 0 classi0icati n1 Mo.ule II' Mo.eling o5 Control Systems #rans0er 0uncti n2 &l c' "iagram2 signal 0l 3 gra.h2 :e"ucti n #echni4ue2 Mas n<s -ain ! rmula1 Mathematical m "eling an" re.resentati n 0 .hysical systems ?Electrical Mechanical an" #hermalA2 "eri(ati n 0 trans0er 0uncti n 0 r "i00erent ty.es 0 systems2 Anal g us Systems2 gear train1 Mo.ule III' Time ) Domain Analysis #ime " main .er0 rmance criteria2 transient res. nse an" stea"y state res. nse 0 0irst2 sec n" & higher r"er systems2 stea"y state err rs an" static err r c nstants in unity 0ee"&ac' c ntr l systems2 err r criteria2 generali6e" err r c nstants2 Sensiti(ity2 C ntr l acti ns Mo.ule I4' Fre3uency Domain Analysis !re4uency D main Analysis 0re4uency " main s.eci0icati ns2 L garithmic .l ts ?B "e @l tsA2 gain an" .hase margins2 relati(e sta&ility2 C rrelati n 3ith time " main2 @ lar .l ts2 Mo.ule 4' Stability Sta&ility C nce.t2 Asym.t tic sta&ility an" c n"iti nal sta&ility2 : uth , Gur3it6 criteri n2 Mo.ule 4I' Met7o.s o5 Analysis "o.e !lots' Dra3ing an" analy6ing2 gain an" .hase margin2 sta&ility %y3uist CriteriaD Ma..ing 0 c nt urs in s-.lane2 8y4uist criteria2 .l ts2 sta&ility Root Locus 8lots' Intr "ucti n2 c nce.t2 .r ce"ure an" sta&ility1 Mo.ule 4II' Com8ensation C m.ensati n #echni4uesD C nce.t 0 c m.ensati n2 Lag2 Lea" an" Lag-Lea" net3 r's2 "esign 0 cl se" l systems using c m.ensati n techni4ues1 @2 @I2 @ID c ntr llers1 .

E6amination Sc7eme'
Com8onents A CT S949: HA EE +eig7tage ;<= $ 10 + * *0 C#D Class #est2 GAD G me Assignment2 S=)=HD Seminar=)i(a=Hui62 EED En" Semester E5aminati nE AttD Atten"ance



Text: : C D r02L M "ern C ntr l SystemsM2 @ears n E"ucati n /1 8agrath & M1 - .al2 20002 LC ntr l System EngineeringM2 8e3 Age Internati nal1 8 rman S 8ise2 LC ntr l system EngineeringM2 Filey .u&lishers References: M1 71 9gata2 20022 LM "ern C ntr l Engineering2 @GI1 B1 C1 7u 2 20012 LAut matic C ntr l system2 @rentice Gall 0 In"ia1


Course Co.e' "EL />$ Cre.it Units' $0

List 0 E5.erimentsD
11 21 31 41 $1 %1 *1 +1 K1 # stu"y the . am. as an in(erting 2n n in(erting am.li0ier2 a""er2 su&tract r2 integrat r an" "i00erentiat r # "esign a ram. an" a s4uare 3a(e generat r1 # stu"y the IC-$$$ timer as sta&le an" &ista&le multi(i&rat r # "esign l 3 .ass2 high .ass an" &an" .ass 0ilters using .- am.1 an" .l t their 0re4uency res. nse # "esign (ari us LC & :C scillat rs1 # "esign an" stu"y class a . 3er am.li0ier an" class B .ush .ull am.li0ier1 # (eri0y the truth ta&les 0 89#2 9:2 A8D2 89:2 8A8D2 ;9:2 ;89: gates1 # # &tain hal0 a""er2 0ull a""er using gates an" (eri0y their truth ta&les1 &tain hal0 su&tract r2 0ull su&tract r using gates an" (eri0y their truth ta&les1

101 # (eri0y the truth ta&les 0 :S2 D2 /7 an" # 0li.- 0l .s1 111 # im.lement an" (eri0y 3-&it &i-"irecti nal shi0t register1 121 # "esign an" stu"y asynchr n us=ri..le c unter1 131 # "esign an" stu"y synchr n us c unter1 141 # "esign an" stu"y a se4uence "etect r

E6amination Sc7eme'
IA EE A !R LR 4 !R 4 $ 10 10 $ 3$ 3$ 8 teD IA ,Internal Assessment2 EE- E5ternal E5am2 @:- @er0 rmance2 L: , La& :ec r"2 ) , )i(a1


Course Co.e' List o5 E68eriments'
11 21 31 41 $1 %1 *1 +1 K1 L a" test n a single .hase trans0 rmer1 # .er0 rm 9.en circuit an" sh rt circuit tests n a single .hase trans0 rmer an" hence 0in" e4ui(alent circuit2 ( ltage regulati n an" e00iciency1 # 0in" the e00iciency an" ( ltage regulati n 0 single .hase trans0 rmer un"er "i00erent l a"ing c n"iti ns1 # .er0 rm .arallel .erati n 0 t3 single .hase trans0 rmers1 # stu"y the (ari us c nnecti ns 0 three .hase trans0 rmer1 # stu"y the c nstructi nal "etails 0 D1C1 machine an" t "ra3 s'etches 0 "i00erent c m. nents1 # measure armature an" 0iel" resistance characteristics1 # 0 "1c1 shunt generat r an" t &tain its .en circuit

"EL />0

Cre.it Units' $0

&tain l a" characteristics 0 "1c1 shunt=series =c m. un" generat r1

# "ra3 s.ee"-t r4ue characteristics 0 "1c1 shunt=series =c m. un" generat r1

101 # stu"y "1c1 m t r starters1

E6amination Sc7eme'
IA EE A !R LR 4 !R 4 $ 10 10 $ 3$ 3$ %ote' IA ,Internal Assessment2 EE- E5ternal E5am2 @:- @er0 rmance2 L: , La& :ec r"2 ) , )i(a1


Course Co.e' Course Contents'
11 21 31 41 $1 %1 *1 +1 Stu"y an" "ra3 aA Ste. res. nse 0 .en L . system ?linear 1st r"er2 2n" r"er &A Ste. res. nse 0 cl se" l . systems ?1st r"erA Stu"y an" "ra3 tem.erature c ntr l system the .en l . res. nse an" cl se" l . res. nse 3ith "i00erent (alues 0 gains Stu"y 0 .erati ns an" characteristics 0 a ste..er m t r # Stu"y a D1C1 m t r s.ee" c ntr l system1 @er0 rmance e(aluati n an" "esign 0 @ID c ntr ller1 Stu"y 0 micr .r cess r c ntr l 0 a simulate" linear system1 # "esign a suita&le casca"e c m.ensat r 0 r the gi(en system an" (eri0y the resulting im.r (ement1 8 teD three e5.eriments in MA#LAB ha(e t &e .er0 rme" in the sl t 0 MA#LAB1 Csing MA#LAB2 &tain the unit-ste. res. nse an" unit im.ulse res. nse 0 the 0 ll 3ing systemD

"EL />>

Cre.it Units' $0

C ? sA 1% = 2 R ? sA s + 11% s + 1%
K1 ! r a 2n" r"er trans0er 0uncti n using MA#LAB aA B "e @l t &A : t l cus .l t cA 8y4uist .l t1

E6amination Sc7eme'
IA EE A !R LR 4 !R 4 $ 10 10 $ 3$ 3$ %ote' IA ,Internal Assessment2 EE- E5ternal E5am2 @:- @er0 rmance2 L: , La& :ec r"2 ) , )i(a1

!C" DESI&%I%& LA"

Course Co.e' List o5 E68eriments'
11 21 31 41 $1 %1 *1 # stu"ies the (ari us 'in"s 0 @rinte" Circuit B ar" ?@CBsA1 # stu"y the art3 r' & "ra0ting 0 r "esigning 0 @CB1 # stu"y the unregulate" . 3er su..ly & "esign 0 a"e4uate circuit "iagram1 # stu"y the .r cess 0 manu0acturing 0 @CB1 # stu"y the manu0acturing & testing 0 ste. " 3n trans0 rmer 0 K)=1A # stu"y s l"ering 0 c m. nents1 # stu"y the regulate" . 3er su..ly & "esign 0 a"e4uate circuit "iagram

"EL />#

Cre.it Units' $0

E6amination Sc7eme'
IA EE A !R LR 4 !R 4 $ 10 10 $ 3$ 3$ 8 teD IA ,Internal Assessment2 EE- E5ternal E5am2 @:- @er0 rmance2 L: , La& :ec r"2 ) , )i(a1

Course Co.e' Course Ob1ecti2e'
# teach the .artici.ants strategies 0 r im.r (ing aca"emic rea"ing an" 3riting1 Em.hasis is .lace" n increasing 0luency2 "ee.ening ( ca&ulary2 an" re0ining aca"emic language .r 0iciency1

"EL //0

Cre.it Units' $0

Course Contents'
Mo.ule I' Social Communication SCills Small #al' C n(ersati nal English A..r .riateness Buil"ing ra.. rt Mo.ule II' Conte6t "ase. S8eaCing In general situati ns In s.eci0ic .r 0essi nal situati ns Discussi n an" ass ciate" ( ca&ulary Simulati ns=: le @lay Mo.ule III' !ro5essional SCills @resentati ns 8eg tiati ns Meetings #ele.h ny S'ills

E6amination Sc7eme'
Com8onents +eig7tage ;<= CT0 20 CT> 20 CAF 2$ 4 10 &D 10 &! 10 A $

CA! , C mmunicati n Assessment !ile -D , -r u. Discussi n -@ , -r u. @resentati n


Essential #ele.h ning in English2 -arsi"e=-arsi"e2 Cam&ri"ge F r'ing in English2 / nes2 Cam&ri"ge Business C mmunicati n2 :aman , @ra'ash2 950 r" S.ea'ing @ers nally2 @ rter-La" usse2 Cam&ri"ge S.ea'ing E00ecti(ely2 /ermy C m0 rt2 et1al2 Cam&ri"ge Business C mmunicati n2 :aman , @ra'ash2 950 r"


Course Co.e' Course Ob1ecti2e'
# un"erstan" the &asis 0 inter.ers nal relati nshi. # un"erstan" (ari us c mmunicati n style # learn the strategies 0 r e00ecti(e inter.ers nal relati nshi.

"EL //#

Cre.it Units' $0

Course Contents'
Mo.ule I' Un.erstan.ing Relations7i8s Im. rtance 0 relati nshi.s : le an" relati nshi.s Maintaining healthy relati nshi.s Mo.ule II' "ri.ging In.i2i.ual Di55erences Cn"erstan"ing in"i(i"ual "i00erences Bri"ging "i00erences in Inter.ers nal :elati nshi. , #A C mmunicati n Styles Mo.ule III' Inter8ersonal Relations7i8 De2elo8ment Im. rtance 0 Inter.ers nal :elati nshi.s Inter.ers nal :elati nshi.s S'ills #y.es 0 Inter.ers nal :elati nshi.s Mo.ule I4' T7eories o5 Inter8ersonal Relations7i8s #he riesD S cial E5change2 Cncertainty :e"ucti n #he ry !act rs A00ecting Inter.ers nal :elati nshi.s Im.r (ing Inter.ers nal :elati nshi.s Mo.ule 4' Im8ression Management Meaning & C m. nents 0 Im.ressi n Management Im.ressi n Management #echni4ues ?In0luencing S'illsA Im.ressi n Management #raining-Sel0 hel. an" ! rmal a..r aches Mo.ule 4I' En.-o5-Semester A88raisal )i(a &ase" n .ers nal J urnal Assessment 0 Beha(i ural change as a result 0 training E5it Le(el :ating &y Sel0 an" 9&ser(er

E6amination Sc7eme'
Com8onents +eig7tage ;<= SA! 20 A 0$ Mi. Term Test ;CT= 20 4I4A 30 Eournal 5or Success ;EOS= 2$



)angelist L1 Anita2 Mar' 81 7na..2 Inter @ers nal C mmunicati n an" Guman :elati nshi.sD #hir" E"iti n2 Allyn an" Bac n /ulia #1 F "1 Inter.ers nal C mmunicati n e(ery"ay enc unter Sim ns2 Christine2 8ayl r2 Belin"aD E00ecti(e C mmunicati n 0 r Managers2 1KK* 1st E"iti n Cassell - ""ar"2 7enD In0 rmati(e Friting2 1KK$ 1st E"iti n2 Cassell Gar(ar" Business Sch l2 E00ecti(e C mmunicati nD Cnite" States 0 America ! ster / hn2 E00ecti(e Friting S'illsD ) lume-*2 !irst E"iti n 20002 Institute 0 @u&lic :elati ns ?I@:A Bee&e2 Bee&e an" :e"m n"E Inter.ers nal C mmunicati n2 1KK%E Allyn an" Bac n @u&lishers1

!:E8CG - I)
Course Co.e' Course Ob1ecti2e'
# ena&le stu"entsD # "e(el . strategies 0 c m.rehensi n 0 te5ts 0 "i00erent rigin # .resent 0acts2 .r Jects2 .lans 3ith .recisi n

"EL ///

Cre.it Units' $>

Course Contents'
Mo.ule C' 88A 0$/ ) 0#F' UnitGs *? F Contenu le6ical' UnitG *' DGcou2rir le 8assG 11 .arler "u .assN2 "es ha&itu"es et "es changements1 21 .arler "e la 0amille2 rac nter une suite "<N(Nnements=.rNciser leur "ate et leur "urNe1 31 c nnaOtre 4uel4ues m ments "e l<hist ire UnitG F' Entre8ren.re 11 0aire un .r Jet "e la rNalisati nD ?e5.rimer un &es in2 .rNciser les Nta.es "<une rNalisati nA 21 .arler "<une entre.rise 31 .arler "u 0utur Contenu grammatical' 11 Im.ar0ait 21 @r n m P en Q 31 !utur 41 Disc urs ra.. rtN au .rNsent $1 @assN rNcent %1 @rNsent .r gressi0

E6amination Sc7eme'
Com8onents +eig7tage ;<= CT0 20 CT> 20 C 20 I 20 4 1$ A $

C , @r Ject R @resentati n I , Interacti n=C n(ersati n @ractice



le li2re H sui2re ' Cam8us' Tome 0

&ERMA% - I4
Course Co.e' Course Ob1ecti2e'
# ena&le the stu"ents t c n(erse2 rea" an" 3rite in the language 3ith the hel. 0 the &asic rules 0 grammar2 3hich 3ill later hel. them t strengthen their language1 # gi(e the stu"ents an insight int the culture2 ge gra.hy2 . litical situati n an" ec n mic .. rtunities a(aila&le in -ermany1 Intr "ucti n t A"(ance" -rammar Language an" @r 0essi nal /arg n

"EL //D

Cre.it Units' $>

Course Contents'
Mo.ule I' !resent 8er5ect tense @resent .er0ect tense2 usage an" a..lica&ility Csage 0 this tense t in"icate near .ast Cni(ersal a..lica&ility 0 this tense in -erman Mo.ule II' Letter @riting # ac4uaint the stu"ents 3ith the 0 rm 0 3riting in0 rmal letters1 Mo.ule III' Interc7anging 8re8ositions Csage 0 .re. siti ns 3ith & th accusati(e an" "ati(e cases Csage 0 (er&s 0i5e" 3ith .re. siti ns Em.hasi6ing n the acti n an" . siti n 0act r Mo.ule I4' !ast tense Intr "ucti n t sim.le .ast tense Learning the (er& 0 rms in .ast tense Ma'ing a list 0 all (er&s in the .ast tense an" the .artici.le 0 rms Mo.ule 4' Rea.ing a Fairy Tale C m.rehensi n an" narrati n : t'S..chen !r sch.rin6essin Die !rem"s.rache Mo.ule 4I' &eniti2e case -eniti(e case , E5.lain the c nce.t 0 . ssessi n in geniti(e Menti ning the structure 0 3ea' n uns Mo.ule 4II' &eniti2e 8re8ositions Discuss the geniti(e .r . siti ns an" their usageD ?3Shren"2 3egen2 statt2 tr t6A Mo.ule 4III' !icture Descri8tion !irstly rec gni6e the .ers ns r things in the .icture an" i"enti0y the situati n "e.icte" in the .ictureE Sec n"ly ans3er 4uesti ns 0 general meaning in c nte5t t the .icture an" als tal' a& ut the .ers nal e5.eriences 3hich c me t y ur min" u. n seeing the .icture1

E6amination Sc7eme'
Com8onents +eig7tage ;<= CT0 20 CT> 20 C 20 I 20 4 1$ A $

C , @r Ject R @resentati n I , Interacti n=C n(ersati n @ractice



F l0gang Gie&er2 Lern6iel Deutsch Gans-Geinrich Fangler2 S.rach'urs Deutsch Schul6 -ries&ach2 Deutsche S.rachlehre 0Tr AuslSn"er @1L AneJa2 Deutsch Interessant- 12 2 & 3 : sa-Maria Dalla.ia66a et al2 #angram A'tuell A1=122 Braun2 8ie"er2 SchmUe2 Deutsch als !rem"s.rache 1A2 -run"'urs

S!A%ISH - I4
Course Co.e' Course Ob1ecti2e'
# ena&le stu"ents ac4uire 3 r'ing 'n 3le"ge 0 the languageE t gi(e them ( ca&ulary2 grammar2 ( ice m "ulati ns=int nati ns t han"le e(ery"ay S.anish situati ns 3ith ease1

"EL //(

Cre.it Units' $>

Course Contents'
Mo.ule I :e(isi n 0 earlier semester m "ules Intr "ucti n t @resent C ntinu us #ense ?-erun"sA Mo.ule II #ranslati n 3ith @resent C ntinu us #ense Intr "ucti n t -ustar2 @arecer2 A.etecer2 " ler Mo.ule III Im.erati(es ?. siti(e an" negati(e c mman"s 0 regular (er&sA Mo.ule I4 C mmercial=&usiness ( ca&ulary Mo.ule 4 Sim.le c n(ersati n 3ith hel. 0 te5ts an" ( ca&ulary En la rece.ci n "el h tel En el restaurante En la agencia "e (iaJes En la tien"a=su.ermerca"

E6amination Sc7eme'
Com8onents +eig7tage ;<= CT0 20 CT> 20 C 20 I 20 4 1$ A $

C , @r Ject R @resentati n I , Interacti n=C n(ersati n @ractice


Es.aV l Sin !r nteras ?8i(el , ElementalA

Course Co.e' Course Ob1ecti2e'
# ena&le the stu"ents t c m0 rta&ly interact using &asic /a.anese1 %ote' #eaching is " ne in r man as 3ell as /a.anese scri.t2 stu"ents 3ill &e taught 'atan'ana ?an ther 0 rm 0 scri.tA in this semester i1e1 t &e a&le t 3rite all the 0 reign 3 r"s in /a.anese1

"EL //I

Cre.it Units' $>

Course Contents'
M "ule I C m.aris n using a"Jecti(es2 ma'ing re4uests M "ule II SeeCing 8ermission M "ule III @ractice 0 c n(ersati ns nD )isiting .e .le2 @arty2 Meetings2 a0ter 3 r'2 at a tic'et (en"ing machine etc Mo.ule I4 Essays2 3riting 0 rmal letters

Learning 9utc me
Stu"ents can s.ea' the language "escri&ing a& (e-menti ne" t .ics1

Met7o.s o5 !ri2ate stu.y 9Sel5 7el8

Gan" uts2 au"i -ai"s2 an" sel0-" assignments2 r le-.lays1 Stu"ents are als enc urage" t atten" /a.anese 0ilm 0esti(al an" ther such 0airs an" 3 r'sh .s rgani6e" in the ca.ital 0r m time t time1

E6amination Sc7eme'
Com8onents +eig7tage ;<= CT0 20 CT> 20 C 20 I 20 4 1$ A $

C , @r Ject R @resentati n I , Interacti n=C n(ersati n @ractice

Text & References:

Text: #each y ursel0 /a.anese References: Shin 8ih ng n 'is 1

Course Co.e' Course Ob1ecti2e'
G 3 many characters are thereW #he early Hing "ynasty "icti nary inclu"e" nearly $02000 characters the (ast maJ rity 0 3hich 3ere rare accumulate" characters (er the centuries1 An e"ucate .ers n in China can .r &a&ly rec gni6e ar un" %000 characters1 #he c urse aims at 0amiliari6ing the stu"ent 3ith the &asic as.ects 0 s.ea'ing a&ility 0 Man"arin2 the language 0 Mainlan" China1 #he c urse aims at training stu"ents in .ractical s'ills an" nurturing them t interact 3ith a Chinese .ers n1

"EL //*

Cre.it Units' $>

Course Contents'
Mo.ule I Dial gue @ractice 9&ser(e .icture an" ans3er the 4uesti n @r nunciati n an" int nati n Character 3riting an" str 'e r"er1 Electr nic items Mo.ule II #ra(eling , #he Scenery is (ery &eauti0ul Feather an" climate -rammar 4uesti n 3ith , L&u shi X1 MaWM #he c nstructi n Lya X leM ?Cse" t in"icate that an acti n is g ing t ta'e .laceA #ime 3 r"s Lyi4ianM2 Lyi3aiM ?Be0 re an" a0terA1 #he a"(er& LgengM1 Mo.ule III - ing t a 0rien" h use 0 r a (isit meeting his 0amily an" tal'ing a& ut their cust ms1 !allen sic' an" g ing t the D ct r2 the " ct r e5amines2 ta'es tem.erature an" 3rites .rescri.ti n1 As.ect .article Lgu M sh 3s that an acti n has ha..ene" s me time in the .ast1 @r gressi(e as.ect 0 an actin L6heng6aiM Als the use i0 L6heM 3ith it1 # 3elc me s me ne an" t see 00 s me ne X1 I cant g the air. rt t see y u 00X etc1 Mo.ule I4 Shi.ment1 Is this the .lace t chec'ing luggageW Basic "ial gue n , Fhere " u 3 r'W Basic "ial gue n , #his is my a""ress Basic "ial gue n , I un"erstan" Chinese Basic "ial gue n , Fhat J & " u " W Basic "ial gue n , Fhat time is it n 3W Mo.ule 4 Basic "ial gue Basic "ial gue Basic "ial gue Basic "ial gue n , Fhat "ay ?"ateA is it t "ayW n , Fhat is the 3eather li'e here1 n , D u li'e Chinese 0 "W n , I am .lanning t g t China1

E6amination Sc7eme'
Com8onents +eig7tage ;<= CT0 20 CT> 20 C 20 I 20 4 1$ A $

C , @r Ject R @resentati n I , Interacti n=C n(ersati n @ractice



LElementary Chinese :ea"er2 @art-2M Less n 31-3+

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