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Test Questionnaire

It helps to understand your own learning and thinking styles if you know the balance of your own brain organisation. Simple though they are, the following questions show large sex differences. Answer them yes or no depending on how near the answer is to your own beha!iour. Ine!itably these questions are generalisations, so please tick the one that most applies to you. "he answers will gi!e you a guide as to how male or female your brain is on the male#female. Are you $ale or %emale&'''''''.. Are you mostly (eft)handed or *ight)handed&'''''''.. +hat is#was your occupation&'''''''..

,uestions -.lace / as appropriate0

3 5 6 7 9 : ; < = 3 > 3 3 3 5 3 6 3 7 3 9 3 : 3 ; 3 < 3 = 5 > It4s easy for me to sing in tune, singing alone +hen I was younger, winning was really important to me It4s easy for me to hear what people are saying in a crowded room As a child I en8oyed going as high as possible when climbing trees If someone interrupts what I am doing it4s difficult to go back to it I find it easy to do more than one thing at once I find it easy to know what someone is feeling 8ust by looking at their face I like to collect things and sort them into categories I sol!e problems more often with intuition than logic As a child, I lo!ed playing games where I pretended to be someone I knew or a character I had created At school it was easy for me to write neatly As a child, I en8oyed taking things apart to see how they work I get bored easily so I need to keep doing new things I don4t like fast speeds, they make me ner!ous I en8oy reading no!els more then non)fiction. I can find my way more easily using a map rather than landmark directions I keep in regular contact with my friends and family As a child, I en8oyed physical sports Imagining things in three dimensions is easy for me. %or example& I can see in my mind4s eye 8ust how an architects4 drawings or plans will look once built As a child, I lo!ed doing things like 4wheelies4 on my bike

1e s


Which hand pattern most fits yours? Look at your hand and tick box for each. The key digits, counting from your thumb, are the 2nd and 4th digits (your index and ring fingers respective y!. When ooking at your o"n hands, you shou d vie" them "ith the pa ms to"ards you and measure from the crease at the base of your finger# Index finger longer than ring finger *ing finger longer than index finger Index and ring fingers the same length


A large number of studies show that comparati!e finger length matches brain organisation. ? A typical male brain correlates with: "he index finger -5nd digit0 is shorter than the ring finger -7th digit0. A typical !emale brain correlates with: "he index and ring fingers are the same length@ occasionally the index finger is longer than the ring finger. Sometimes, howe!er, one hand is the male pattern and the other the female pattern requires further research as to the significance for brain organisation. Now wor" out your score an# see how $male% or $!emale% your brain is: If you answered 1es to questions& &' (' )' *' +' &,' &&' &-' &.' &* score 3 point each. -2o answers to these questions recei!e > points.0 this

If you answered 2o to questions& /' -' .' 0' &/' &(' &)' &0' &+' /, score 3 point each. -1es answers to these questions recei!e > points.0

2ow total up your scores. %ill in your score out of 5> here&

How to wor" out how $male% or $!emale% your brain is

? "he higher your score out of twenty, the more female your brain. ? $iddle scores show a more mixed brain. ? "he lower the score out of twenty, the more male your brain.

Aery $ale

Aery %emale


&, && &/ &( &- &. &) &* &0 &+ /,

Bands are a further marker for brain organisation. Combining the questionnaire results together with the following finger pattern result may gi!e you a clearer picture of your brain organisation.

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