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Marek Mark J.


Mirror Photography Vs Big Bang vs Phisical Existence

by Pink Republic

All Rights Reserved 2014

E-mai: q7q7mark@gmail.com

Tel: 5 ! 50" #4



Mirror Photography by Pink Republic is e*$a+di+g a&are+ess, as &ell as a+ artistic e*$erie+ce, a+d creative e*$loratio+.

New Quality

New Perception

New Experience

-hile (le+di+g t&o, or more images, there is a +e& dime+sio+ emergi+g, +e& $atter+. . have +oticed this q/alit0 0ears (e1ore. 2i+ce the+, . &as e*$erime+ti+g &ith $hotogra$h0, images, &hich &ere i+ m0 collectio+. 3reative e*$loratio+ o1 4irror 5hotogra$h0 ca+ e*te+d vis/ali'atio+ ca$a(ilit0, (e1ore ca$t/ri+g the image. 5hotogra$her ca+ +ot o+l0 vis/ali'e the image, 0et he%she ca+ desig+ a $atter+. 5atter+ is the $rogressio+ o1 (asics, a/tomatio+ o1 realit0. 6ogical $atter+ is a+ e*$ressio+ o1 higher i+tellige+ce, a+d ca+ +ot (e o(tai+ed (0 cha+ce. .+ this i+sta+ce, . &ish to make a+other $oi+t, this e*$erime+t co+tradict the +otio+ o1 so called 7ig 7a+g, as o+ce occ/rred eve+t, as &ell as +otio+ o1 strict $h0sical e*iste+ce. 8et, this e*$erime+t $roves, that $atter+ ca+ (e o(tai+ed thro/gh i+tellige+t $rocess, i+tellige+t desig+, desig+ (e0o+d (asics, 0et, com$le* $atter+s, logical, $ractical a+d e*$ressivel0 a$$eali+g. 5rogressio+ o1 (asics, a/tomatio+, molec/lar $rogressive a/tomatio+ is +othi+g else, tha+ a (iological e*iste+ce o1 +at/re, ma+i1estatio+ o1 li1e, as &e +o& it, a+d o1 co/rse, the most com$le*, ma+ i+ its glor0. 5atter+s, com$le*, the so/rce o1 $atter+, molec/lar $rogressive a/tomatio+ ca+ +ot (e achieved (0 cha+ce, (/t logical, adva+ced i+tellige+t $rocess. 5rogressive a/tomatio+ (ecame m0 o(sessio+ i+ the 9+ited 2tates, si+ce tha+ this s/()ect occ/$0 m0 a&are+ess, 1rom time to time. This e*$erime+t is certai+l0 aestheticall0 $leasi+g, 0et it ca+ serve as a $lat1orm 1or more com$le* a+al0sis. :rom sim$le eleme+t emerges $atter+, logicall0 selected, com(i+ed a+d merged. ;o cha+ce, a cha+ce ca+ +ot achieve s/ch com$le*it0, as &ell as (ea/t0. <esig+i+g $rocess starts (e1ore eleme+t (ecome a realit0. Tha+, via $rogressio+ a+d a/tomatio+, &e have a sim$le $atter+, a+d the+, more, a+d more com$le*. All o1 that $roves earlier disc/ssed The 5aramo/t o1 Tra+s1ormatio+. !N "#$%!N 7ig 7a+g co/ld +ot have (ee+ a o+e time s$o+ta+eo/s eve+t 6i1e, (0 a$$l0i+g $rogressive a/tomatio+ o1 (asic eleme+ts, molec/les ca+ +ot (e classi1ied as strictl0 $h0sical htt$s:%%&&&.1ace(ook.com%mirror$ict/res

4arek =4ark> ?. -ag+er 2014

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