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0, 10/06/2011

harness Owners Manual

Adapt ed Mode ls: Ye t i harness, wi th bag, wi th a irbag

Thank you for taking the time to read this manual.

GinGliders Inc .
285-1 Ga ldam-Ri , Mohyun-Myun, Yongin-Ci ty, Kyunggi-Do, Korea www.gingliders.com, gin@gingliders.com

Thank You
Thank you for choosing the Ye t i harness. We are conf ident tha t this harness will provide you wi th enhanc ed comfort , control , performanc e and fun in f light . This manua l cont a ins a ll the informa t ion you need to se t up, trim, f ly and ma int a in your harness. A thorough knowl edge of your equipment will keep you sa f e and enabl e you to maximize your full pot ent i a l . Pl ease pass on this manua l to the new owner i f you do rese ll your harness. Happy Flights and Sa f e Landings, The GIN Team

Safety Not ice

By the purchase of our equipment, you are responsible for being a certi f ied Yeti /Speedf lyer pilot and you accept all risks inherent wi th these activi ties including injury and death. Improper use or misuse of GIN equipment greatly increases these risks. Nei ther Gin Gliders Inc nor the seller of GIN equipment shall be held liable for personal or third party injuries or damages under any circumstances. If any aspect of the use of our equipment remains unclear, please contact your local GIN reseller or importer in your country.

1. Gin Gliders ........................................................................................................... 4

2. Introducing the Yet i harness ............................................................................... 5

Fea tures of the Ye t i .................................................................................................................................. 5 Opt iona l It ems ......................................................................................................................................... 6 Speed Syst em ........................................................................................................................................... 7 Rescue Inst a ll a t ion .................................................................................................................................. 7 Adjustments ............................................................................................................................................. 8 Pre-f light chec ks ...................................................................................................................................... 9 Rescue Deploymen t .................................................................................................................................. 9 Landing wi th the Ye t i ............................................................................................................................. 10 Towing ................................................................................................................................................... 11 F lying over wa t er ................................................................................................................................... 11 Ma int enanc e ........................................................................................................................................... 11 Inspec t ion chec k list ............................................................................................................................... 11 Repa ir .................................................................................................................................................... 12 Spec i f ic a t ion .......................................................................................................................................... 13 Cert i f ic a t ion ........................................................................................................................................... 13 DESCRIPTION .......................................................................................................................................... 14

3. Before you f ly...................................................................................................... 7

4. Flying wi th the Yet i .............................................................................................. 9

5. Miscellaneous .................................................................................................... 11


6. Maintenance and Repair .................................................................................... 11

7. Technical Data ................................................................................................... 13


1. Gin Gliders
Gin Gliders was formed in 1998 by paraglider designer and compe t i t ion pilot Gin Seok Song and his t eam of engineers and t est pilots. Gins philosophy is simpl e: to design paragliding and Speedriding/Speedf lying equipment tha t he and any other pilot loves to f ly. This philosophy appli es equa lly for a harness such as the Ye t i , as for the world-bea t ing compe t i t ion glider, the Boomerang. No produc t is re l eased to the marke t wi thout Gins compl e t e sa t isf ac t ion. Gin Gliders produc e a compl e t e range of acc essori es and c an provide you wi th many use ful i t ems for f lying which are a ll manuf ac tured in Gin Gliders own produc t ion f ac ili ty to guarant ee the highest qua li ty st andards. Gin has over 20 years experi enc e of designing and manuf ac turing paragliders and is backed up by an equa lly experi enc ed t eam, both wi thin the company in Korea and throughout a worldwide ne twork of distributors and dea l ers. The GIN Team has had count l ess other compe t i t ion succ esses in the World. This high l eve l of expert ise provided by dedic a t ed prof essiona ls ensures tha t you ge t the best possibl e produc t support and a f t er sa l es servic e.

2. Introducing the Yet i harness

The Ye t i was deve loped by Gin Gliders to mee t the highest st andards of the most demanding mount a in pilots. The Ye t i is ul tra light-we ight and is one of the sma ll est volume harnesses which is a lso convert ibl e into a rucksack. The Ye t i is sui t abl e for a wide range of pilots and riders, from beginners to the highly experi enc ed.

The Ye t i c an be used wi th a ll types of glider unl ess the manuf ac turer of your part icul ar mode l requires a spec i f ic harness to be used wi th the ir glider. Pl ease re f er to the manua l of your glider to f ind out i f this is the c ase. The Ye t i is a harness designed for ease of use and maximum comfort in a lightwe ight package. The e l egant design focuses on simplic i ty, e limina t ing the need for complic a t ed adjustments. The overa ll geome try of this mount a in glider harness has been designed to enabl e the pilot to move comfort ably and free ly. Leg and chest straps are int egra t ed into thread through buck l es. Sa f e ty has a lso been improved wi th a de t achabl e a irbag on the harness to prot ec t the pilot in the event tha t he f a lls on his back. Air inl e ts are posi t ioned on the bottom of the harness so tha t the a irbag c an inf l a t e quick ly. !

Features of the Yet i

Rescue a tt achment bridl e Carabiners Convert ibl e bag (Wi th bag) The Ye t i has been EN c ert i f i ed and is ava il abl e in one adjust abl e size. We ight : 0.7Kg (wi thout bag), (wi th bag: 1.4kg)

Reversible bag / Harness wi th Bag

The Ye t i harness wi th bag is convert ibl e to a harness.


Opt ional Items

The following i t ems are ava il abl e as opt iona l extras.

Airbag protect ion

The Ye t i has an opt iona l de t achabl e a irbag. Sinc e the a ir bag is divided into compartments, i t c an he lp prevent a ir be ing dissipa t ed too rapidly in the event of a hard impac t . The Ye t i is designed to reduc e the energy of an impac t and to he lp to prot ec t the pilot as much as possibl e in an acc ident , but i t c annot compl e t e ly e limina t e the risk of injury.

Rescue parachute
The Ye t i is designed for use wi th a front mount ed rescue parachut e, such as the Ye t i Rescue from GIN. There are rescue a tt achment loops on each shoulder strap to a tt ach the rescue Y bridl e which c an be suppli ed as an opt ion. Other manuf ac turers rescue syst ems may a lso be used. Every f irst inst a ll a t ion of a rescue syst em into the harness (tha t means every new combina t ion of harness and rescue syst em) must be checked by a qua li f i ed prof essiona l . This is c a ll ed a " compa t ibili ty check . In this compa t ibili ty check, the pilot himse l f , who will be f lying wi th this harness, must a lways si t in the harness hanging from a simul a tor and deploy the rescue from the harness cont a iner. This check must a lso be done each t ime a f t er the rescue has been repacked and re-inst a ll ed.

Y br i d l e
The Y bridl e which c an be connec t ed to the out er rescue parachut e on the Ye t i harness is ava il abl e as an opt ion.

Other Accessories
For up-to-da t e informa t ion on addi t iona l acc essori es, visi t www.gingliders.com or cont ac t your loc a l GIN dea l er or the distributor in your country.

3. Before you f ly
The Ye t i must be assembl ed by a sui t ably qua li f i ed prof essiona l , for exampl e your instruc tor. In part icul ar grea t c are and a tt ent ion must be pa id to the f i tt ing of the rescue parachut e in the harness. The pilot should then adjust the harness for comfort .

Speed System
The speed syst em is assembl ed f rom top to bottom. Pass the cord of the speed bar through the pa ir of pull eys near the l a t era l straps and rout e i t out through the ring near the front edges a t each side of the sea t .

Rescue Installat ion

The Ye t i is compa t ibl e wi th GIN Ye t i rescue para chut es. Other manuf ac turers front mount ed

rescues may be used as we ll , but as a lready ment ioned earli er in this manua l: Every f irst inst a ll a t ion of a rescue syst em into the harness (tha t means every new combina t ion of harness and rescue syst em) must be checked by a qua li f i ed paragliding prof essiona l . Prior to the inst a ll a t ion, you should a lso ensure tha t you have the nec essary ma t eri a ls to compl e t e the proc edure, for exampl e, sui t abl e ma illons and thread. Rescue parachut es should be repacked a t l east every 180 days; so inst a lling your rescue in a new harness may a lso provide a good opportuni ty for a repack. Check your rescue manua l for further de t a ils.

When you a tt ach the rescue bridl es to the harness webbing, a Ma illon Rapide square type 7mm St a inl ess St ee l is recommended. But in any c ase, the connec tor should be ra t ed a t l east 9 t imes the maximum weight , for exampl e, a 7mm, 3125kg st a inl ess connec tor tha t has an EN c ert i f ic a t e of conformi ty. The Ma illon should be he ld in pl ac e wi th rubber bands, t ape or pl ast ic hea t shrink tube. Webbing to webbing connec t ions are not recommended, due to the danger of ge tt ing the knot the wrong way round, which signi f ic ant ly weak ens the connec t ion. It is a lso di ff icul t to disconnec t the rescue parachut e i f you l and in trees.

Airbag Installat ion

The Ye t i has an opt iona l a tt achabl e a irbag.
An opt iona l de t achabl e a irbag is ava il abl e for the Ye t i . To a tt ach the a irbag: 1. Hook the upper t ape of the a irbag to the pl ast ic buck l e tha t is used for adjust ing the l ength of the shoulder straps and secure wi th Ve lcro. 2. Clip the side buck l e of the a irbag to the l a t era l buck l e of the harness.


3. Wind the strap loc a t ed near the thigh around the ma in webbing of the harness and then thread through the buck l e. 4. Att ach the lower Ve lcro t ape of the a irbag through the loops undernea th the harness in the same way as s t ep 1.

correc t ly to ensure you c an easily slide into the si tt ing posi t ion a f t er t ake off . Adjustments should idea lly be t est ed be fore your f irst f light by hanging in a simul a tor. Addi t iona l f ine-tuning c an be done during your f irst f ew f lights. Ensure tha t the rescue syst em and prot ec t ion have been inst a ll ed be fore mak ing adjustments.
The Ye t i should be adjust ed to sui t your physique and f lying styl e . It is import ant to adjust i t

Shoulder Straps
The opt imum se tt ing for the shoulder straps depends on the he ight of the pilot . St and upright wi th the chest/l eg straps c losed and symme tric a lly adjust the shoulder straps unt il they are just t ight . During f light , these straps should be a li tt l e sl ac k . You will f ind the adjust abl e buck l es e i ther side of the sea t .

Lateral Straps
The l a t era l straps adjust the angl e be tween the thighs and the back. This angl e c an be se t be tween 100 and 130. Lengthening the straps increases the angl e and vic e-versa.

Leg Straps
The correc t adjustment of the l eg straps inc ludes adjust ing the dist anc e be tween your l egs. This will prevent the pilots l egs from spl aying apart and pilot will f ee l more comfort abl e when f lying.

Chest Strap
The adjustment of the chest strap controls the dist anc e be tween the c arabiners and a ff ec ts the

handling and st abili ty of the glider. Widening the dist anc e be tween the c arabiners increases f eedback from the wing and a llows for easi er we ight shi f t ing. Closing the strap gives you a more st abl e f ee ling in turbul enc e but increases the risk of st abl e spira l and a lso the risk of twist ing! We advise pilots of GIN gliders to f ly wi th a dist anc e be tween the c arabiners of approxima t e ly 35 to 40 cm. The chest strap may a lso be adjust ed in f light according to the condi t ions; for exampl e, i t may be t ight ened in turbul ent a ir (wi thin the manuf ac turers recommended range) and f lown a t a looser se tt ing in weak condi t ions.

4. Flying wi th the Yet i

Pre- f light checks
For maximum sa f e ty, use a compl e t e and consist ent syst em of pre-f light checks and repea t the same ment a l sequenc e every f light . Check tha t : There is no visibl e damage to the harness or c arabiners tha t could a ff ec t i ts a irworthiness. The rescue parachut e cont a iner is c losed correc t ly and the pins are in the right posi t ion. The deployment handl e and the pin are correc t ly insert ed or a tt ached. All buck l es, be l ts, zips are secure ly f ast ened. Buck l es should c lic k into pl ac e as you c lose them, and a gent l e pull on the f ast ened buck l e veri f i es this. Secure any zips a f t er f ast ening the buc k l es. Take extra c are in snowy or sandy environments. The paraglider is connec t ed correc t ly to the harness and both c arabiners are secured by the ir lock ing mechanisms. All pocke ts are c losed properly and any loose i t ems are t i ed down sa f e ly. Check aga in tha t you have c losed your l eg and chest straps be fore you t ake off!

Rescue Deployment
It is vi t a l to periodic a lly f ee l the posi t ion of the rescue handl e in norma l f light , so tha t the ac t ion of reaching for the rescue handl e is inst inc t ive in an emergency. In the event of an emergency, the pilot must quick ly eva lua t e his or her he ight and the seriousness of the inc ident . Deploying the rescue when the glider is recoverabl e may increase


the danger of injury. On the other hand, a seconds hesi t a t ion in deploying the reserve could prove cost ly i f there is insuff ic i ent he ight . If the rescue is to be deployed, the proc edure is as follows: Look for the rescue handl e and grasp i t f irmly wi th one hand Pull sideward and upwards on the handl e to re l ease the deployment bag from the harness cont a iner Look for a c l ear area, and in a cont inuous mot ion, throw (and RELEASE!) the rescue away from yourse l f and the glider, pre f erably into the a ir stream and aga inst the direc t ion of spin Af t er deployment , avoid ent angl ement and pendulum mot ions by pulling in the glider as symme tric a lly as possibl e wi th the B, C, D or brak e lines On l anding t ake an upright body posi t ion and be sure to do a PLF (Parachut e Landing Fa ll) to minimize the risk of injury

Landing wi th the Yet i

Be fore l anding, slide your l egs forward in the harness so tha t you adopt the st anding posi t ion. NEVER l and in the sea t ed posi t ion; i t is very dangerous for your back even i f you have an a irbag. St anding up be fore l anding is an ac t ive sa f e ty prec aut ion, and is much more e ff ec t ive than the passive syst em of any back prot ec t ion.


5. Miscellaneous
The Ye t i is not equipped wi th any addi t iona l syst em for towing. The tow re l ease c an be connec t ed to the ma in c arabiners. The best way to a tt ach a tow re l ease is to use a towing adapt er, which slides over the lower ends of the risers of the paraglider be fore a tt aching to the ma in c arabiners. For further de t a ils re f er to the document a t ion provided wi th your tow re l ease or towing adaptor or ask a qua li f i ed towing instruc tor a t your tow si t e.

Flying over water

It is not recommended to use the Ye t i a irbag harness on any f lights over wa t er, espec i a lly extreme manoeuvres tra ining, due to the possibili ty tha t the a irbag could keep the pilot under wa t er in the event of a wa t er l anding. So, i f you do f ly over wa t er, you must t ake extreme c are, or remove the a irbag.

6. Maintenance and Repair

The ma t eri a ls used in the Ye t i have been c are fully se l ec t ed for maximum durabili ty. Neverthe l ess, keeping your harness c l ean and a irworthy will ensure a long period of cont inuous sa f e opera t ion.

Avoid dragging your harness over rough or rocky ground. Unnec essary exposure to UV rays, hea t and humidi ty should be a lways avoided. Keep the folded harness in your rucksack when not in use. Store a ll your equipment in a cool , dry pl ac e, and never put i t away whil e damp or we t . Keep your harness as c l ean as possibl e by regul arly c l eaning off dirt wi th a pl ast ic brist l ed brush and/or a damp c loth. If the harness ge ts exc ept iona lly dirty, wash i t wi th wa t er and a mild soap. Make sure you f irst remove the ent ire sub-components for exampl e, rescue parachut e e t c. When you c l ean, don t scrub the f abric inside the Airbag wi th a brush (espec i a lly the back) sinc e the f abric c an be damaged by rubbing. Allow the harness to dry na tura lly in a we ll vent il a t ed area away from direc t sunlight . If your rescue parachut e ever ge ts we t (e.g. in a wa t er l anding) you must separa t e i t from the harness, dry i t and repack i t be fore putt ing i t back in i ts separa t e out er cont a iner. The zips and buc k l es may be occ asiona lly lubric a t ed wi th silicone spray, no more than onc e a year.

Inspect ion checklist

GIN Gliders recommend tha t the Yeti is inspec t ed by an authorized Gin agent a f t er every 200 hours f lying t ime or every 2 years, whichever is sooner.


In addi t ion to regul ar pre-f light checks, the Ye t i should be inspec t ed thoroughly on every rescue repack, norma lly every 6months. Addi t iona l inspec t ions should be performed a f t er any crash, bad l anding or t ake off , or i f there are any signs of damage or undue wear. Always seek prof essiona l advic e whenever in doubt . The following checks should be c arri ed out : Check a ll webbing, straps and buck l es for wear and damage, espec i a lly the areas tha t are not easily seen, such as the inside of the c arabiner hook-in points. All sewing must be int ac t and any anoma li es a tt ended to immedi a t e ly to avoid exac erba t ion of the probl em. Spec i a l a tt ent ion should be pa id to the rescue inst a ll a t ion, part icul arly the e l ast ic and Ve lcro parts. The ma in a luminium c arabiners must be repl ac ed a t l east every 5 years or a f t er 500 hours, whichever comes f irst . Impac ts may crea t e unde t ec t abl e cracks tha t could resul t in struc tura l f a ilure under cont inuous load.

The manuf ac turer or an approved spec i a list should c arry out any repa ir tha t involves cri t ic a l parts of the harness. This will ensure tha t the correc t ma t eri a ls and repa ir t echniques are used.

Environmentally friendly disposal of the harness

When this paragliding harness c annot be used any longer a f t er an ext ended period of li f e t ime , then you must ensure tha t i t will be disposed in an environment a lly fri endly way. Pl ease observe the exist ing regul a t ions and l aws in your country.


7. Technical Data
Speci f icat ion
Descript ion EN c ert i f i ed max. load Ma int a in paraglider harness 110 Kg

He ight of ma in a tt achment points above sea t 43 cm pl a t e C ar ab i ner D i s t anc e We ight : Harness/ wi th bag / Airbag Parachut e Cont a iner Prot ec tor 27- 42 cm 0.7Kg / 1.4kg / 0.6kg Opt iona l (Out er cont a iner of parachut e must be a tt ached secure ly to shoulder strap using opt iona l Y bridl e) Opt iona l (Air bag prot ec t ion)

Cert i f icat ion

Ye t i harness has EN c ert i f ic a t ion and has been t est ed for 110 kg. EN Nr. PH007-2010


OUTSIDE: 190T Ta ff e t a 60 " PU Me t a l Silver INSIDE: 210D HD N/OXFORD PU 60

HARNESS WEBBING: Polyest er 12mm KEVLAR Webbing (BLACK)

BUCKLES/RING: 3mm Slide buckl e / 3mm loop THREAD: 100% POLYESTER P/F 210 D/9 Bonded, P/F 210 D/4 & 210 D/6 Bonded

Every effort has been made to ensure that the information in this manual is correct, but please remember that i t has been produced for guidance only. This owner's manual is subject to changes wi thout prior notice. Please check wi th www.gingliders.com for the latest information regarding the Yeti and other GIN products.


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