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Lesson Plan Outline (Duration: ~70 minutes) Name: Cheryl Lee Date: October 23, 2013 Curriculum Area:

Grade 5 Social Studies Title of Lesson: PART 2: Human rights and responsibilities in Canadian and global society to address social issues Unit of Study: People and Environments: The Role of Government and Responsible Citizenship Learning Expectations Academic: (Big Idea) Students will understand that they are ultimately responsible as an individual and a part of the Canadian/global community to ensure that basic human rights are met for every citizen Students will know (content/facts) Human rights and freedoms Societal Responsibilities Definition of residential schools Social: Students will build confidence, risk-taking skills, and community with their classmates. Students will listen and respect each others ideas through group work

Students will be able to (skills) Collaborate and share ideas about the topic through tableau and a variety of strategies and resources (written/oral literacy) Assessment Strategies: How will you know that each student: Understands the Big Idea? And/or Each student will be able to apply their responsibilities as Canadian citizens to a societal problem The class will be able to define residential schools and differentiate between rights and responsibilities.

Knows the content? And/or

Is able to do the skill?

Students will be given a variety of ways to express themselves (drama/oral/written) Materials/Resources

Teacher Resources - Picture of Thomas Moore - Handout (C) - Video - Key-shaped paper

Human Resources

Student Materials - Paper and pencil

Equipment - Projector - Computer

Personal Notes/Reminders/Homework/Other Considerations: Video: Lasting Impacts of Residential Schools until ~1:56 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxGtnKUT0ms *Groupings: W = Whole class, S= Small Group I = Independent Delivering the Lesson Timing Grouping W 15 min X S I Hook/Mental Set: Begin the tableau activity : Split the class into two (Groups A and B) and explain what a tableau is (a frozen image) Group A will have their backs facing Group B. When given a signal by the teacher, they will then turn to face Group B and create a frozen image depicting their emotion or an actual scenario which relates to the violation of the first right Students will hold for 10 seconds while the other group examines and interprets Group As actions - Order of the rights: Mobility Rights Equality Rights Freedom of Expression Freedom of Religion Section Materials

Group A will then depict an affirmation of the right and repeat the process Group A and Group B switches roles for each new right (Group A: Mobility Rights, Freedom of Expression; Group B: Equality Rights, Freedom of Religion)

1 min

Sharing 5 the Purpose/Objectives: Review activity from last lesson (Malala) and ask if this occurs in Canada - Picture of Thomas Moore - Handout C - Video (It Matters: The Legacy of Residential Schools)

10 min

Body: Assess knowledge of terms such as Aboriginal or First Nations Show picture of Thomas Moore As a group, compare the two photos and complete a T-chart entitled before and after and discuss why those changes might have occurred Discuss the concept of residential schools and why they were established (as outlined in Residential Schools doc) Play the video. Discuss the long term and short term impact of residential schools. How does this relate to our rights? Read the responsibilities section of Handout A. Discuss the meaning of each. With a partner or in small groups, have students complete Handout C.

15 min

10 min X

15 min

X 5 min

Closure: Have the class decorate a Key to learning and write one thing you can do to help heal the wounds of the Aboriginal people

Key-shaped paper

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