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(xample Risk Assessment for (xcavations

Title: Risk assessment for excavations to construct a strip foundation and sewer for a small site (2 houses) Company name: Sure Foundations Ltd Date of next review: 10/01/12
!hat are the ha"ards# %uried &ervices !ho mi$ht e harmed and how# Plant operators and any other workers in the vicinity. !hat are you already doin$# Use !" to locate services and #ark $and%di&&in& #easures to be used to e'pose e'istin& services.

Date assessment was carried out: 10/01/11 Assessment carried out y: J. Surebrick
!hat further action do you need to take# (anks#an to observe area bein& e'cavated )or any undiscovered services. +) lines re#ain live select plant or #odi)y so that it can not reach the lines. -rect &oalposts on all tra))ic routes under overhead power lines. Supervisor to #onitor !ho needs to carry out the action# JS !hen is the action needed y# 1*/02/11 Done %%%%

'verhead lines

Plant operators and any other workers in the vicinity.

Liaise with line operator to see i) line can be #ade dead or diverted.


Fro#, 1*/02/11



Fro#, 1*/02/12


!orker fallin$ into excavation

Serious in.ury or )atal in.ury could occur i) a worker )alls into an e'cavation.

Physical barriers to be erected at e'cavation ed&e.


Fro#, 1*/02/11


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!hat are the ha"ards# )lant fallin$ into excavation e*$* concrete lorry overrunnin$ ed$e of excavation

!ho mi$ht e harmed and how# Serious in.ury or )atal in.ury could occur to those workin& within e'cavation and to the plant operator i) plant topples into it.

!hat are you already doin$# /ehicle routes are planned.

!hat further action do you need to take# 0outes #arked with baulks o) ti#ber and / or )encin&. (anks#an to assist in sa)e use o) plant. Fore#an to check plant reports. 1.2# deep e'cavation to be carried out and )oundations poured in on the sa#e day. Supervisor to #onitor.

!ho needs to carry out the action# JS

!hen is the action needed y# Fro#, 1*/02/11 Fro#, 1*/02/11 Fro#, 1*/02/11 1*/02/11

Done %%%%

Provide secured stop blocks.


%%%% %%%%

Risks of sides of +*,m deep strip foundation of excavation collapsin$

Serious in.ury or )atal in.ury could occur i) the e'cavation collapses in on worker.

1round conditions suitable )or sides o) 1.2# deep e'cavation not to be supported.



3o operatives to enter 1.2# deep e'cavation. Use a dra& bo' to provide support to the sides o) the e'cavations )or the sewers.




Risks of sides of +2m lon$+*2m.2*/m deep excavation for sewers collapsin$

Serious in.ury or )atal in.ury could occur i) the e'cavation collapses in on worker. Serious in.ury or )atal in.ury could occur i) the e'cavation collapses in on worker.

4perators #ust work within the con)ines o) the dra& bo'.




1roundworks )ore#an to check sa)ety o) oth e'cavations in accordance with 56 0e&ulations 7 record weekly inspections.

-'cavated #aterial to be stockpiled re#otely )ro# the e'cavation 8at least 2# away9.


Fro#, 1*/02/11


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!hat are the ha"ards# Risk of sides of excavation collapsin$ due to $round 0 surface water

!ho mi$ht e harmed and how# Serious in.ury or )atal in.ury could occur i) the e'cavation collapses in on worker.

!hat are you already doin$#

!hat further action do you need to take# -nsure water pu#p is available on site. +n period o) heavy rain pu#p to be li)ted in and out without enterin& e'cavation. +noculation to reduce risk o) contractin& hepatitis !. :orkers to be advised o)) sy#pto#s. Supervisor to #onitor.

!ho needs to carry out the action# JS

!hen is the action needed y# 1*/02/11


Site investi&ation identi)ied there should be no si&ni)icant &round water.


1round contaminated connectin$ to existin$ foul manhole

:orkers contract &astro% enteritis or hepatitis ! or Leptopirosis 8:ell;s disease9.

Provision o) PP-< waterproo) / abrasion% resistant &loves< )ootwear< eye 7 respiratory protection.




Provision o) &ood site wel)are )acilities.




2nhalation of toxic $as and oxy$en deficiency

:orkers could be asphy'iated and / or poisoned.

Use &as tester to check at#osphere in )oul #anhole be)ore enterin&.

+) )la##able / to'ic &ases are present< pur&e #anhole 7 repeat at#osphere check.


Fro#, 1*/02/11


Assessment Review Date: 10/01/2012

(xample Risk Assessment for (xcavations )u lished y 3&!42- +/0++*

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