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Students Last Name Student Name Professor Name Subject Date Language Planning in Bazakhstan

While being a young independent state, it is significantly important to Bazakhstan to distinguish the official state language. But as the country has a complex population of five different ethnic groups the Kumikh, the Gaguz, the Nogai, the Kashi, and the Bolgar the language issue becomes as a very hot topic, the importance of which is difficult to overestimate. According to the statistical research data 35% of the Bazakhstan population belongs to the Gaguz. On the first view it is natural to use their language as the official one. But if fact it is impossible as the Gaguz language (as well as Kumikh language) has no written form so that it cant be used as the official as it is impossible to conduct the documentary. As for the Kashi language, it is also not likely that it will become the state language as its writing form hasnt been standardized yet so that it also can cause many difficulties and misunderstandings. No doubt, that the most appropriate languages for official status are the Nogai (12% of the population) or the Bolgar (10% of the population). Nevertheless that the amount of native speakers is not as multitudinous, both these languages have better developed language infrastructure comparing to the others. However, the Bolgar language is supposed to be the best for the official status as the most governmental officials as well as the teachers, doctors and businessmen are representatives of the Bolgar group. This language also has the one very competitive edge i.e. although originally it has Cyrillic alphabet, which makes it easy understandable for those who know Russian, the Bolgars support the idea of using the Latin

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alphabet so that the Bolgars will have assess to the materials written in other Turkie languages much easier. The linguistic heritage of the Bolgar language as well as the infrastructure (newspapers and magazines) is also very diverse. In order to popularize the new official language the Concept of national language policy should be implied. The Concept of national language policy (hereinafter - the Concept) is a system of fundamental regulatory guidelines, which is based on a combined assessment of the language situation in Bazakhstan and which should be followed by governmental agencies and local governments in their practice in order to regulate the social relations in the linguistic field. In the system of national priorities the language policy has firmly established itself as its strategic objective and along with guaranteeing the linguistic rights, its aim is to strengthen the social harmony and political stability as well as to ensure the unity of the country. The establishment and development of the official language is the priority of language policy in Bazakhstan - a backbone of the Bazakhstan statehood. Without the proper functioning of the official language in all regions of Bazakhstan, the nation is in danger of losing the status and the gradual disappearance from ethnic and political map of the world. The threat to the official language is the threat to the national security of Bazakhstan, the threat to the its existence as an independent state. State language policy should prevent Bazakhstan's transformation from a sovereign independent state into the denationalized geographic space that will be easy prey for those countries whose languages can displace the official state language and become the dominant throughout the country or its particular parts. The official language has the legal status of the mandatory communication tool in the public places within the country and during the public and representative performance in the

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international communication and affairs. The knowledge and usage of the official language are precondition for employment to the official and local governmental positions and related posts. Those who ignore these conditions should be aware that their own choice may cause adverse effects associated with certain requirements established by law. Citizens of Bazakhstan must speak the Bolgar as the language of citizenship and use it in the field of public communication. Knowledge of official language is a prerequisite for obtaining Bazakhstan citizenship. However every citizen of Bazakhstan is free to choose the language or languages in private communication. The operation of the state language and its governmental support as the official language should be combined with the positive attitude to the languages of national minorities historically living in Bazakhstan, and the protection of their linguistic rights. The free development, usage and protection of minority languages should be guaranteed and implemented in accordance to the Bazakhstan legislation, taking into account the situation of each ethnic group and the real possibilities of the state. In turn, the implementation of the linguistic rights of people belonging to national minorities as well as the promotion, protection and development of their languages must not interfere the studying the state (official) language or become an obstacle to its implementation in all spheres of the public life throughout Bazakhstan. Bazakhstans official language is the key factor for the consolidation of the society throughout the country, the formation of the modern and united nation. The fundamental importance for the language future and Bazakhstan as a state has a language consciousness and dignity. Bazakhstan intellectual elite should play a dominant role in this formation, as high-ranking officials should establish the prestige of the language and the state by the personal example and efforts. Fluency in the national language is the legal duty of every citizen of Bazakhstan.

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High linguistic consciousness and dignity are able to resist foreign language and cultural expansion. The quality of the official language in those areas which are associated with the threat of mass replication of substandard speech samples is the question of particular importance. TV and radio broadcast companies should be a reference. The fulfillment of the language quality requirements should become a prerequisite for obtaining the permission in order to be engaged in educational, media or advertising activities. All attempts to cultivate community understanding of the official language as flawed and demeaning should be resisted as its actual cognitive, expressive and communicative potential is extremely powerful. The state should take care of scientific research and publication of ancient written records, their promotion and the use of their elements in order to enrich the resources of the modern literary language. The practical implementation of the standardized spelling should increase the authority of the official language. However, even after it, the development of the language should be the subject of science-based regulations and improvements. State language policy should be aimed at maintaining and preserving language among the community providing appropriate support for cultural and educational institutions. The language studies can promote the interest to the official language. The textbooks on the linguistic basis, prepared by the scientists, can increase the interest to learning, create the opportunities for learning the language as well as development the cultural memory. The variety of educational language development literature should take into account the interests of those who learn and it should help expand the sphere of language functioning as well as cultivate a respectful attitude, build patriotism among the citizens of Bazakhstan and stimulate the respect of foreigners who are studying Bazakhstans official language. The linguistic materials for complex language development based on the materials of

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Bazakhstan architecture, music, state and national symbols will also help to deal with that issue.

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