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Rafi Rotem Israeli Tax Authority whistleblower


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2004-12-01 Appreciation letter for Rotem by Israel Police- Intelligence Unit, Tel Aviv case of m r!er of " !ge A!i A#ar $$ %&'()%*(+,%-'*.,%)*/.++%0)1*%,2*-%3*413%)516) *7'%,56%/21.3%89*%).*2
Israeli Tax Authority whistleblower Rafi Rotem exposed organized crime in government: Huge tax breaks to tycoons and crime figure related businesses sex bribes and murder of a !source!" Rotem has been sub#ected to harassment intimidation and retaliation over the past $% years" He lost his #ob his home his possessions" Recently his case has become a cause of the Israeli &rotest movement as a key case in fighting government corruption" 'n April $( %)$* letter from the Israeli +tate 'mbudsman,s office for the first time after $% years his office agreed to take Rafi Rotem,s evidence and testimony" &rior to his whistle-blowing Rotem receieved a number of appreciation letters from the Israel &olice" The attached letter pertaining to murder of a #udge is the most notable" After his whistle-blowing Rotem was detained numerous times by police on bogus charges beaten up held in handcuffs and chains like a plain criminal" &I'(): .$/ ))))-))-)) Rafi Rotem - Timeline 0full 1nglish text2 33 456789:;8<8=>?98:@9 http:33www"scribd"com3doc3%$($$*ABC3 .%/ %)$A-$%-$( Detter by ** #ournalists to +tate 'mbudsman to provide Rotem protection 0with full 1nglish translation2 33 7GH78=>?98:@9I8>>I87G:J5789KE5I87:G@E8=:LG?>:M78**8E>F5 http:33www"scribd"com3doc3%%)(A*N$B3

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;aption an! <o Appreciation letter for Rotem by Israel Police- Intelligence Unit, Tel Aviv case of murder of udge Adi A!ar "#nglis$ translation%

Page 2

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Appreciation letter for Rotem by Israel Police- Intelligence Unit, Tel Aviv case of m r!er of " !ge A!i A#ar
To Rafi Rotem O Intelligence &ro#ect +upervisor Pational Investigations Qivision O Rustoms and SAT Tel Aviv Qistrict

)pecial Appreciation and *ommendation

The +ud,e -r Adi A.ar /urder

'n Tuly $( %))* landmark event happened in Israel O Tudge Qr Adi Azar was murdered near his home in Ramat Ha-+haron" The investigation was assigned to the Rentral Unit Tel Aviv which was assisted by other law enforcement agencies in the general efforts to decipher the case" In such efforts you assisted numerous times in investigation exercises that advanced the investigation as a whole" Vour word helped in the overall efforts to decipher the murder of Tudge Azar" Wor this work you deserve our commendation and appreciation" XXXXXXXXXXXX Vossi Yenayim Head of the Investigation Team XXXXXXXXXXXXXX Avi Peuman XXXXXXXXXXXXX Qan Avi-Zeir Head Rentral Unit Tel-Aviv

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