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1 The electron sea theory was put forward by (a) L.

Pauling (b) OiHispe (C) Deinocritus (d) Diude and loren 2 Which one crystals is poor conductor of electricity? (a) Iodine crystal (b) sodium crystal (c) Graphite crystal (d) Metallic crystal 3 Which one hydride has border line hydrogen bonding? (a) HI (b) HBr (c) HCI (d) HF 4 The value of ni the Bohrs l orbits radius is () 0.529 A (b) 2.11 A (c) 4.75 A (d) none of all 5 The ionization of gases in the gas discharge tube is done by (a) Anode rays (b) Cathode rays (C) high voltage present in the tube (d) Gamma rays 6 What type of information about the atoms are obtained by X rays? (a) Electron number (b) neutron number (c) Proton number (d) Mass number 7 Which one isIways endothermic process? (a) Electro negativity (b) Electron affinity (c) Atomic number (d) Ionization energy 8 Which one of the followings does not obey the octet rule? (a) SF6 (b) SO2 (C) PCI3 (d) NH3 9 The Geometry of AB4 type molecules, according to VSEPR theory will be (a) Octahedral (b) Tetrahedral (C) Trigonal (d) Rhombic 10 Upon which fator the ionic character depends? (a) Atomic number (b) Electron affinity (c) Electro negativity (d) Ionization energy 11 How many electrons are present in anti bonding molecular orbitals of +2 (a)4(b)3(c)2(d)C 12 Combustion analysis determines % age of compound (b) identify the elements present in the chemical compound (C) Empirical formula (d) Molecular formula 13 A gas one atmospheric pressure has the volume of 4dm3. What will be the pressure of the gas When volume becomes 4 times? (a) 1/2 times (b) 4 times (c) 1/4 times (d) 2 times 14 One of the following hquids has the lowest V.P at 25C. The liquid is (a) Water (b) Chloroform (C) Ether (d) Ethanol 15 Which one of the following has lone pair of electron on central atom? (a) PCI5 (b) NH4 (C) CCI4 (d) PCI5 16 Helium gas has 4time rate of diffusion as compared to (a) 02 (b) H2 (C) Cl2 (d) NH3 17 Which one is not ionc solid? (a) Calcium carbide (b) Graphite (d) Diamond (d) All above 18 The species having different geometry is (a) NH4 (b) NH3 (c) SiH4 (d) CH4 19 Separation of solids from its hot saturated solution is called (a) Filtration (b) Vaporization (C) Crystallization (d) Saponification 20 The temperature at which the water has maximum density is (a) 0 C (b) 2 C (C) 4 C (d) 6 C 2.1 The enthalpy of an element in standard state is (a)1 KJmo[1 (b) zero (C) 298KJmoF (d) Always +ive 22 The ionization constant Ka for acetic acid at 25Cc is (a) 1.3 X104 (b) 6.7 X105 (c)4.4 x .107(d) 1.85 x iO

23 The buffer is made by mixing CH3COONa & NaOH, the buffer solution will be (a) Acidic (b) Basic (C) Neutral (d) None of all 24 In which of the compound the nitrogern carries 5 oxidation state? (a) NO (b) N20 (c) N204 (d) N205 25 The slope of Arrhenius equation can be represented as (a) -Ea/RT (b) -Ea/2.303RT (c) -Ea/2.303R (d) Ea/RT 26 The oxidation state of phosphorus in P043 is (a) 5 (b) 4 (c) 3 (d) -3 27 Which property of th iquid is measured by polarimeter? (a) Conductance (b) Refractive index (C) Optical activity (d) Change n volume 28 Hydrate are those molecules that have (a) Sulphuric acid (b) Ammonia (c) hydroxide ions (dVater 29 Which technique is used to determine the absorption of radiation? (a) Dilatometer method (b) Spectrometric acid (C) Refrectrometric method

30 Which of the folowing salt will not be hydrolysed? (a) NaCI (b) BaSO. (c) NaCO3 (d) CuSO.: 31 :[he process vhich is vicd out ith outside assistance (with fe esceptions) is always (a) Spontaneous (0) Exothermic (c) Non spontaneous (d) all above 32 The heat change at constant pressure is always called as (a) Constant change (b) Heat change (C) Heat of reaction (d) Enthalpy change 33 Enthalpy of reaction may be (a) Endothermic (b) Exothermic (c) Both a & b (d) None of all 34 When Ka 10-3, the acid will be (a) Strong (b) mockateIy strong (C) Very weak (d) Weak 35 The purification is NaCI is done by (a) Common ion effect (b) ionization constant (C) solubility product (ci) All above 36 Buffer is just the application of (a) Ionization constant (b) Common ion effect (c) solubility product (d) All above 37 Common ion effect is the best application of (a) Law of mass action (b) Law of conservation of mass (C) Le Chatelier rrncipIe (d) None of all 38 Th process of dissolution energetically may be (a) Exothermic (b) Endothermic (C) Both a & b (d) None of all 39 The solutions that do not obey the Raoults law and Vant hoff equatiion are called as (a) Ideal solutions (b) Non ideal solutions (C) neutral solutions (d) All above In the 40 In the Q4alvanic cell which is between Cu and Zn, the Zn acts as (a) Anode (b) Cathode (c) Neutral (d) All above 41 The m/e ratio of electon is (a) 9.01 x i Kg/C (b) 1.67 x 1019Kg/C (C) 1.76 x 1011C/Kg (d) none of all 42 The value of b the constant used in Van der Waals equation has the units (a) dm3 mor1 (b) Nrn4mo[2 (c) dmb mor2 (d) None of all 43 The factors upon whih the evaporations depends (a) Nature of liquid b) surface area (c) temperature (d) All above

44 If the unit cell dimeniuns are a = b = c and alpha = Beta = 90 and gamma = 120, the geometry will be (a) Orthorhombic (b) Tetragonal (C) Triclinic (d) Hexagonal 45 Which of the following concentration units is temperature independent (a) Molality (b) normality (C) Molarity (d) All above

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